Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 814 Chapter 0824

There is a saying in Ji Hanshu:

At that time, Cao Zhenyin had the ambition to swallow Longyou, win Xiaoguan's heart, and destroy forever in stability.

Always follow the small path of the Huo Yi case to return to the middle road and harass the true food road; and personally lead more than ten thousand people to form eight formations to fight against the true sharpness.

The road of real grain is not smooth, and it has been dragged on for a long time. It is more difficult to develop its plan, so it is urgent to fight.

Always show your weakness and slow heart, and then use armored cavalry to attack and break it.

"Five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulation" multiple-choice questions:

During the alternate period between the Later Han Dynasty and the Ji Han Dynasty, the three famous battles in which the less won the more were: A: the Battle of Guandu, B: the Battle of Chibi, C: the Battle of Hanzhong, and D: the Battle of Xiaoguan.


Ever since he discovered that Cao Zhen's army was coming towards Xiaoguan, Ma Dai only did three things every day.

The first is to inspect the various camps and forts in Xiaoguan, the second is to look westward eagerly, hoping for reinforcements, and the third is to look to the east and pray that Feng Yong is okay.

I can't swallow food every day, and I can't sleep peacefully every night.

Cao Zhen's first goal is not Xiaoguan, so he is not worried about camping in Wubao everywhere for the time being.

The rescue letter sent to Longyou received a quick response.

But it was only a response, and the Dudu Mansion only sent 3,000 people over in the end.

At the same time, in the reply letter, he explained the current situation in Longyou to Ma Dai: someone from the aristocratic family in Liangzhou wanted to make trouble, and the Dudu Mansion could not send too many people to Xiaoguan for the time being.

Ma Dai was only allowed to guard the pass tightly and not leave the pass.

There was no mention of Feng Yong's fall into stability.

Ma Dai knew that the Governor's Mansion might have decided to let Feng Yong resign himself to fate.

Although this decision is very cold and ruthless, it is the best way at present.

In exchange for the protection of Longyou, all the officers and men in the Huqiang Xiaowei's mansion who had fallen to death were exchanged.

If Ma Dai himself were to replace the person who was stuck in stability, Ma Dai also felt that he could only accept his fate.

On the battlefield, sometimes fate is involuntary.

A few days after Cao Zhenbing arrived at Xiaoguan, the sound of military drums began to sound from the east.

Ma Dai knew that this should be the return of Feng Yong's army and was trying to break through Cao Zhen's camp.

Ma Dai stood at the highest point of Xiaoguan, looking far to the east, listening to the sound of war drums there every day.

It was as if Feng Yong led the elite soldiers of the Qiang Commander's Mansion to attack Cao Zhen's army again and again, but was forced to retreat again and again.

In front of the formation of the two armies, the corpses of the elite soldiers of the Han Dynasty were covered...

He could even feel Feng Yong angrily questioning Xiao Guan more than once: Why didn't he respond with troops?

Thinking of this, even Ma Dai, who has fought all his life, couldn't help but burst into tears, like a wounded wild animal howling in pain to the sky:

"After this battle, what face do I have to face the Feng family's orphan? What face do I have to see my sister (that is, Zhao Mashi)?"

He originally thought that Thief Cao would only last three to five days at most, and he would either escort Feng Yong himself, or take Feng Yong's head and go to Xiaoguan to persuade him to surrender.

Unexpectedly, the sound of war drums in the east was continuous every day. I didn't expect Feng Yong to be able to block Cao Zhen for so long with his inferior soldiers.

Ma Dai, standing at the head of Xiaoguan City, waited left and right, but couldn't wait for the news that Feng Yong was defeated, captured or killed in battle.

On the contrary, listening to the sound of war drums in the east every day, my heart hangs in my throat every day.

Only when the sun goes down can he put his heart back in place.

At the same time, I was afraid that there would be no sound of war drums tomorrow, and I was lucky enough to think that Feng Yong would be able to hold back one more day...

another day...

another day...

The sound of the drums of battle every day finally became his comfort.

The taste is indeed more uncomfortable than tormenting in a frying pan.

The majestic Xiliang man lost weight in a short period of time.

Until one day, he got up early as usual, set off from the main city of Xiaoguan, followed the canyon to inspect the various Wubao camps, and went all the way to the outermost part of the canyon.

Standing on the top of the Wubao built on the top of the hill, looking at the Wei army camp below.

At this time, the sun had risen, dispelling the mist below the mountain, and Cao thief's camp showed its original appearance.

What makes Ma Dai feel strange is that today's Cao thief seems to be much quieter than in the past.

According to Cao thief's practice in the past, someone has already come out at this time to shout and provoke under Guancheng.

Today's Cao thief, let alone come out to scold and provoke, even the camp seems to be very quiet.

When Ma Dai saw the situation at the foot of the mountain, he instinctively felt something was wrong.

"Could it be possible, what kind of tricks is that thief Cao going to play?"

Ma Dai was puzzled.

When the sun was over, Ma Dai finally couldn't hold back when he saw that there was no movement in Cao Ying. He sent scouts to go down the mountain to investigate.

Unexpectedly, the scouts soon sent back a shocking news: Cao's camp was empty, and everything in the camp was in chaos. It seemed that they retreated in a hurry last night.

"Retreat? Or retreat in a hurry? How could Cao Zhen retreat in a hurry at such a time?"

Naturally, Ma Dai didn't dare to believe it, and sent several groups of people down the mountain to enter Cao's empty camp, and checked in detail before confirming the news.

It was only then that he suddenly noticed that there didn't seem to be the sound of fierce war drums in the east today.

The unreasonable quietness made Ma Dai feel agitated immediately, and at the same time, a little hope was ignited in his heart: Could it be that Governor Zhao sent troops from Longguan?

Thinking of this, he hastily dispatched troops to continue to investigate eastward.

If it wasn't for the military order of the Dudu Mansion that prevented him from leading his troops out of Xiaoguan, I'm afraid he would have left the pass in person to investigate.

Just when he was looking forward to it, he saw a small group of people suddenly coming from the east, galloping towards Xiao Guan desperately.

Ma Dai's heart tightened immediately: Looking at this, it must be an emergency.

"Great victory! Great victory! Feng Junhou defeated Cao thief!"

Before the small team reached the gate, they had already started shouting at the top of their voices.

"Feng Junhou defeated 100,000 Cao thieves, a big victory!"

The voice of the messenger had become extremely hoarse, but he still couldn't stop shouting: "Great victory! Thief Cao is defeated!"

In this small team, there are several scouts sent by Xiao Guan to the east to check for news.

The soldiers guarding the front of Xiaoguan suddenly became agitated, they couldn't help stretching their necks to look down, and listened hard to those who couldn't see.

The news that Feng Junhou broke 100,000 Cao thieves made everyone blindfolded, and no one dared to immediately believe that the news was true.

The extremely exhausted messengers were quickly brought into Xiaoguan, Ma Dai had already rushed over, personally supported the messengers, and asked in a trembling voice:

"What are you talking about? Great victory?! Feng Junhou...Feng Junhou..."

Not only his voice was trembling, but even his whole body was trembling.

He didn't even dare to ask the next words.

"Great victory!" The messengers ran all the way over, their bodies could no longer hold up, all of their faces were covered with blood, sweat, mud, etc. mixed together.

People can't see what their faces look like, but the look of pride and pride is as real as it is, and the look that radiates makes people dare not look closely at them.

The messenger who was supported by Ma Dai had already exhausted his physical strength. He still took out an official document that was soaked in sweat from his bosom, and stuffed it into Ma Dai's hands, with great joy in his eyes:

"We won...we defeated Cao thief..."

As he spoke, he was so excited that he shed tears.

Ma Dai eagerly opened the official document, some of the words on it had been soaked with sweat, but the big seal of Captain Hu Qiang was still very clear.

"On October 23rd of the eighth year of Jianxing in the Great Han Dynasty, the officers and soldiers of the Yongling Captain's Mansion defeated Cao Zhen, the head of the bandit..."

There are not many words, but every word makes Ma Dai feel dazzled.

Afraid that his vision might make a mistake, he read it again carefully, and finally raised his head and laughed loudly, startling the birds on the mountain to fly and circle in a "stunned" manner.

After laughing for a long time, Ma Dai carefully folded the official document and praised repeatedly:

"Good! Good! Good! Good words!"

Isn't it?

The words on the official document are painted with silver hooks. I don't know if it is Ma Dai's illusion. He just feels that a murderous and domineering look is about to overflow.

"Quick, quickly help these strong men in the army go down to rest!"

Ma Dai helped one person up with his own hands, and couldn't help sighing again: "So strong! So strong!"

The messenger had a smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with tears, and in the end he was crying and laughing at the same time.

His cries infected several people in his company.

With swords and axes on their bodies, the few men who would not back down at the line of life and death, as soon as their bodies relaxed at this moment, they had to let others support them.

They keep repeating one sentence:

"Win, we really won!"

None of the Xiao Guan soldiers who came to watch dared to laugh at their current appearance.

In his eyes, his face was full of incomparable admiration.

With 20,000 breaking through 100,000, Ma Dai can imagine how brutal the fight was.

He took a deep breath and saluted several people.

Everyone followed Ma Dai and saluted them.

"After this battle, Feng Junhou will surely become a famous general in the world, and the officers and men of the Captain's Mansion can be described as the most elite in the world."

Ma Dai did not hesitate to praise his words.

After hearing this, several messengers wiped their eyes, looked at each other again, and suddenly laughed again.

Smiling and laughing, he leaned directly on the other person and fell asleep.

The news of Feng Junhou's defeat of Cao Zhen had just spread throughout Xiaoguan, and several riders rushed out of the gate quickly, preparing to cross Longshan, and pass the news to Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion and Longyou Dudu's Mansion respectively.

This is news destined to shake the world.

It's just that for Feng Junhou who is in the epicenter, this is something to consider in the future.

Now he still has a lot of things to arrange.

Reconnecting with Xiao Guan is just one of them.

More importantly, the news must be transmitted to Linjing as quickly as possible.

To prevent those scumbags from running to follow Captain Kaishen in 1949.

Before Feng Yong even had time to meet Ma Dai, he and Guan Ji led the lieutenants who were still able to walk, and immediately turned back to support Linjing.

"If the Dark Night Battalion and the Personal Guard Battalion hadn't been sent out, there should be more troops to assist Linjing at this time. If they win another game against Xian Yufu, maybe they can go to Chang'an to have a look..."

On the edge of Jingshui, a force of about 3,000 people was marching rapidly.

Although this battle was a big victory, the Captain's Mansion also suffered heavy casualties.

Before the armored cavalry was dispatched, facing Cao Zhen's frenzied attack, the officers and men of the captain's mansion at the front had reached the point where even the wounded who hadn't fallen to the ground had to raise their swords to go into battle.

It can be said that Guan Ji's plan to lure Cao Zhen to attack with all his strength is 99% true, and the only little bit of falsehood is to hide the three thousand Jiaqi at the end.

Now in the army, they are either injured or out of strength, and need to continue to rest.

After resting for two days, only about 3,000 troops were able to return to Linjing immediately.

Among the 3,000 soldiers, most of them were from Nanxiang or Yuejue, and they were basically Feng Yong's most trusted soldiers.

Soldiers from Longyou are currently unable to compare with these younger soldiers.

In addition to will and belief, many of these soldiers from Nanxiang and Yuexuan had followed Feng Yong since the beginning of the Northern Expedition.

They have experienced all the wars in Longyou and Liangzhou, big and small, and they are rare elite soldiers on the battlefield.

Better soldiers means they have a better chance of surviving a major battle and recover faster.

More importantly, they are still the kind of elite soldiers with an initial sense of ownership:

The great Han and the Cao bandits are eternal mortal enemies. Only by destroying the Cao bandits and reviving the great Han can future generations enjoy the peaceful and comfortable days of Nanxiang and Yuexuan.

The soldiers from Longyou, because of the function of the school captain's mansion, most of the soldiers selected were from Hu people.

The cultivation of such awareness is far from enough.

Compared with the children from Nanxiang and Yuexuan, their survival rate on the battlefield is also lower.

So this time when returning to aid Linjing, Feng Yong temporarily organized these 3,000 people into Jufu's Wudang camp, and he and Guan Ji personally led them to Linjing.

The rest of the people were led by Zhao Guang and Zhang Yi to meet the people from Xiao Guan's side.

Probably because he defeated Cao Zhen, Feng Junhou was a little flustered, and his words were a little thoughtless.

Guan Ji, who was following Feng Yong on a horse, heard Feng Yong mentioning the Dark Night Camp and the Personal Guard Camp at this time, and reminded with a smile:

"Isn't it possible that Ah Lang has been so happy and silly these past two days? Huo Yi has put a lot of effort into Cao Zhen's rush to attack the camp these days."

After all, the Dark Night Camp can be regarded as a half-mountain camp, and the selected Wudang Camp is good at walking on mountain roads.

So he sent someone to go back to Wushi City by small path, and Wushi City sent news with a fast horse. Although it was not the latest news, it was enough for Feng Yong to know the general situation of Huo Yi's side.

With Shi Bao, a smuggler who knows the way, Huo Yi's actions went smoother than expected.

Judging from the news sent over, he burned two batches of grain and grass in the first three days.

Although I don't know how much he did in the last few days, these two batches of grain and grass alone are enough to put Cao Zhen under the pressure of poor food supply.

Combined with Cao Zhen's previous goals and the situation faced by the Han and Wei armies, Guan Ji formulated this strategy of "nine truths and one falsehood", half luring and half forcing Cao Zhen to attack the camp.

Finally defeated the enemy in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong scratched his head and smiled: "I took it for granted."

Then he sighed and said: "It's really only a person with a high IQ who can play against the enemy in front of the battle."

Seeing Feng Junhou's relaxed expression, Guan Ji asked a little strangely:

"My concubine, Guan Alang, was very worried about Linjing when he was fighting with Cao Zhenzhen. When the battle stopped, he was anxious to lead the army back to the defense. How come you are not in a hurry when you are halfway there?"

Feng Junhou laughed:

"When we got here, the news of the great victory should have spread all over Linjing. If there is something wrong with Linjing, then Wei Ran should also send the news."

"There is no news at this time, which means that Linjing is still safe. Don't say that Xian Yufu didn't take Linjing, even if he took it, I saw me leading the army at this time."

After speaking, he pointed to himself again, and said vigorously, "I don't believe he really dares to stay in Linjing!"

Seeing her A Lang's complacent appearance, Guan Ji followed his tone and said:

"Isn't that right? Attacking Longguan, fighting Zhang Yun, flattening Longxi, Dingjin City, defeating Cao Zhen, this battle, there is a ghost cavalry that the world has never seen before."

The more she said, the more the smile on her face grew, "Combined with the name of the ghost king in the past, and the name of Feng Junhou in the future, I am afraid that Cao's army will be as fearful as a tiger."

"Cao Zhen's 100,000 people have been defeated. If Xian Yufu really dares to stay in Linjing, isn't he afraid that he won't be able to return to Chang'an?"

The first half of the sentence was okay, but when the bandit name Ghost King was mentioned later, Feng Guiwang snorted: Why is this woman talking more and more like an onmyoji?

"What ghost king? People say that the ghost king still eats human flesh, Ye Yuqiannv..."

Speaking of this, Feng Junhou took a meaningful look at Guan Ji.

Guan Ji couldn't tolerate such a provocative person, but she saw a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and looked at this man with a half-smile: "How many girls does A Lang want?"

Feng Junhou's face straightened immediately, and he said sincerely: "Xijun, I am lucky enough to meet you in Sansheng..."

"Is there a childhood sweetheart? I remember that Si Niang's skill in making willow whistles is something few people can match..."

what plum?

What willow whistle?

Feng Junhou looked around blankly, "Where is this? How long will it take to arrive in Linjing?"

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