Chapter 815: False-Spoken Words

Anding County Prison.

The door of Xia Houba's cell opened with a "squeak", and Hu Shoujiang came in with a food box.

"General Xiahou, it's time to eat."

As he spoke, he carefully arranged the food.

Xia Houba, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground couch with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and nodded slightly to General Hu Shou to express his gratitude.

Then he picked up the chopsticks, took a bite of food, and suddenly asked:

"What's the current situation in the city?"

General Hu quickly laughed and said, "General Xiahou, don't embarrass the villain. The villain is not serving in the army now, how can he know the battle situation outside?"

After he lost Jingyang City, he also lost his official position.

Now, he just came to take care of Xia Houba as a member of the Hu Zun clan.

Of course, it can also be said to be guarded.

It's just that he can't lead the army to fight, but he has a way of reading people's faces and thinking about them.

At the moment, he comforted Xiahou Badao: "General Xiahou, no matter what happens outside, whoever wins and who loses, the general will not be in danger of life, the general can just wait with peace of mind."

When he said this, he also sighed in his heart: Although the Hu family is a stable family, compared with the Xiahou family, it is not enough.

This General Xiahou was obviously captured by life, but Feng Junhou still had to call him uncle, this relationship is really strong enough.

Xia Houba heard what Hu Shoujiang said, and knew that he was given a password ban to prevent himself from knowing what was going on outside.

At the moment, I don't force it, continue to pick up the food, and eat silently.

Right here, only the sound of hurried footsteps outside the cell was heard. The two looked up and saw Hu Zunzheng in armor striding in.

"It seems that a certain person came at the right time, just in time for General Xiahou's eating time."

Although the armor on Hu Zun's body seemed to have been wiped off, blood stains could still be seen. He walked up to Xia Houba and sat down, looked at the food on the desk, and smiled again:

"This food looks really good."

Xia Houba shook his head when he heard the words: "Here you are the host, and I am the guest. How can a host envy a guest's good food?"

After hearing this, Hu Zun smiled wryly: "These days, I can't eat and sleep well. My master, I really don't eat as well as your guest."

Xia Houba looked at him carefully, then shook his head: "I really can't see it. Judging from Jun's expression, although he looks tired, he is relaxed."

Speaking of this, Xia Houba suddenly felt moved: "Could it be that Feng Yong has already had a result?"

Hu Zunben still forcibly suppressed his inner emotions, and when he heard Xiahouba mention this matter, he finally couldn't help laughing, and raised his thumb to Xiahouba:

"General Xiahou's words are right on point!"

Xia Houba was surprised: "If General Hu just feels relaxed, then a certain person still understands."

After all, it was a death-defying game, but he was waiting to die in the middle of the game. This was not a kind of torture.

After the situation was broken, I felt that I could be relieved, but my heart was relieved, which is understandable.

"But the appearance of a certain general looks like Feng Yong has won the battle..."

Before Xia Houba finished speaking, Hu Zun laughed even harder, and once again stretched out his thumb:

"General Xiahou's words are right again!"

Xia Houba only said that Hu Zun has been too nervous these days, his mind has been lost, and he has hysteria. He sighed:

"General Hu, you and I have finally met. I still say that, as long as you are willing to throw down the city, I am still willing to be in Da Sima..."

Hu Zun laughed so hard that he was almost out of breath. He waved his hand, interrupted Xia Houba's words, and after a long pause, he said:

"General Xiahou, I didn't lie to you. In this battle, Feng Junhou won more with less and defeated Da Sima's 100,000 troops."

As he spoke, he took out an urgent letter and handed it to Xia Houba.

Xia Houba took it over, and lost his voice after reading it: "Impossible! How can Feng Yong be good at fighting so far?!"

Having said that, he looked at the overjoyed Hu Zun again, his expression was changing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, he looked at Hu Zun with a serious expression, and suddenly asked:

"General Hu, have you ever confirmed this?"

After Hu Zun received Feng Yong's letter, he was grinning from ear to ear. At this time, when he heard Xia Houba's question, he was startled on the spot:

"Confirmation? What more confirmation is needed?"

Xia Houba had a strange smile on his face when he heard the words, threw the letter on the table, and smiled at Hu Zun without saying a word.

When Hu Zun saw Xia Houba smiling like this without saying a word, he felt a sudden shock in his heart:

"General Xiahou, what did you mean by what you just said? Can you teach me?"

Xia Houba didn't answer directly, but just asked leisurely:

"General Hu, let me ask you, since the Yellow Turbans brought chaos to the world, there have been countless wars in the world in the past few decades. Among them, how many people are there who can win the many with the few, and defeat the strong with the weak?"

When Hu Zun heard this, his heart was slightly moved, but he didn't fully understand what Xia Houba meant, so he thought for a while before answering:

"Emperor Wu defeated Yuan Shao at Guandu, does that count?"

Xia Houba nodded: "That's natural."

Hu Zun looked at Xia Houba again, hesitant to speak.

Xiahouba understood what it meant: "There are only the three of us waiting here. If we have something to say, let's talk about it freely. There is no need to worry."

Hu Zun nodded, and then said again: "When Zhou Yu defeated the Emperor Wu at Chibi, it was considered a case, right?"

"That's right," Xia Houba smiled lightly, "Is there any more?"

Hu Zun hesitated and said, "Lu Xun..."

Xiahouba shook his head lightly: "In the battle of Yiling, the difference in military strength between Shu and Wu was not too great, so Lu Xun can only be regarded as a well-informed soldier, not as a weaker one."

"Then there will be no more."

"That's right!" Xia Houba said decisively, "The world has been in chaos for decades, there are only two people who have this ability!"

"Emperor Wu had Xu You as an internal response, and he personally led elite soldiers into dangerous places and burned Yuan Shao's food and grass. Only then did he win the victory at Guandu."

"In the Battle of Red Cliff, Emperor Wu won the right time and place, and he did not take advantage of it. Zhou Yu also resorted to many tricks and tricks, so that Emperor Wu had to return to the north with regret."

"Why does Feng Yong compare with Emperor Wu and Zhou Yu? Just this letter?" Xia Houba sneered and pointed to the letter on the table, "I don't believe it!"

Hu Zun finally understood what Xia Houba wanted to say.

"General Xiahou... this..."

From the heart, Hu Zun is of course more willing to believe that what Feng Junhou said in this letter is true.

After all, although the Hu family has reserved a retreat, a family is a family, and individuals are individuals.

But in terms of stabilizing the current situation, if one party gains power, it will inevitably come at the cost of one party's misfortune.

Hu Zun chose the side of the big man, so he naturally didn't want to be an unlucky individual.

But intellectually, he knew that what Xia Houba said was more reasonable.

It's really that easy to win more with less, isn't the world full of famous generals?

Where does the so-called saying that a general is hard to find come from?

"General Hu, don't forget that Feng Yong is known as 'Xiao Wenhe', and he is extremely deceitful."

"I also heard that he has another name, known as 'Smart Talk'."

Having said that, Xia Houba emphasized his tone:

"According to what I saw, Feng Yong was probably defeated by Da Sima, so I sent you this urgent letter. In the heart of An Linjing, this is a plan to delay the army... "

"A plan to slow down the troops?"

"That's right. He wants to enter Xiaoguan but he can't get it. He has to go east to Linjing and find another way. Therefore, he is not leading the army to reinforce the general on this trip, but he wants to escape from here. "

Xia Houba stared at Hu Zun closely, leaned over and whispered in a bewitching voice, "General Hu, if you don't make up for your mistakes at this time, when will you wait?"

Hu Zun suddenly raised his head.

Seeing Hu Zun's expression moved, Xia Houba was overjoyed.

Anyway, regardless of whether Feng Yong wins or loses, as long as Hu Zun can play anyway again, it is equivalent to cutting off Feng Yong's retreat.

He didn't believe it, then Feng Yong was intercepted on his way back, his back was cut off, and under the attack of the two sides, where else could he go?

Big deal, for the sake of calling him uncle, after capturing this man, just spare his life!

Thinking of this, Xiahou was about to continue persuading, when suddenly he heard applause and a sigh from outside.

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