Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 818 Useful treasure

"Hey, Si Niang, it's a big crowd, isn't it good?"

Feng Wenhe refused, but his hands wrapped around Zhang Xingyi's waist honestly.

There is no way, on the battlefield, the anger is too great, although Guan Ji is with you all the way, but most of the time you have to pay attention to the influence.

Plus it's cold, um, the two of us huddled together to keep warm...

"Tch!" Zhang Xingyi pinched Feng Yong's soft waist fiercely. She just couldn't understand this man, she was so timid and heartless.

Also like duplicity.

"My sister wrote a letter from Hanzhong, saying that after you come back, I will make some preparations, and I think I will go back to Hanzhong immediately."

"After this big victory, the bandits Cao in Guanzhong may not be able to breathe for three to five years. Uncle Zhao can deal with the rebellion in Liangzhou."

"Last time, you walked halfway and turned back. This time, no one will stop you from going back to see the prime minister and His Majesty."

Hearing this, Feng Yong asked in surprise, "So urgent? It's a cold day, and there will definitely be snow on the road. Ah Chong and Shuangshuang are young, so it's inconvenient to travel."

"What are you thinking? Just you, the child will stay in Longyou first, and when the weather gets warmer, I will go back to see His Majesty and the Empress when I have a chance."

Zhang Xingyi pushed him and said angrily.

"Oh, that's it." Feng Yong nodded, "The last time I said that His Majesty and the Empress wanted to see the child, I thought..."

"The Feng family has only two children now, and they are precious! I can't bear to part with them."

Zhang Xingyi said.

Feng Yong was even more surprised when he heard this, and gave Zhang Xingyi a weird look.

If he didn't know that he and Guan Ji gave birth to these two babies, he would have thought they were born by her just by hearing this tone.

Zhang Xingyi didn't notice the weird look on Feng Yong's face, but she was full of joy:

"A Lang is full of knowledge. He can govern the people, lead the army, and comfort the barbarians. It covers everything from family and country affairs to food and clothing."

"I don't know how A Lang thought about it. I remember that when A Lang came out of the mountain, he was only sixteen or seventeen? How can he learn so much at such an age?"

"Now there is only Ah Chong as a child, and I don't know if I can pass on Ah Lang's knowledge..."

"Oh, that's definitely not possible." Feng Yong shook his head, "If he can learn 20%, he will be considered very good."

"Even Amei's thoughts can be learned by 30% or 40%. How can he compare with Amei?"

Amei started from scratch, and it took only a few years to learn calculus.

Of course, in terms of physics and chemistry, there are many things she definitely doesn't understand.

After all, there is no electricity and no chemical industry in this era.

Wireless is not available for the time being. If it is wired, you can try it if you have time.

Isn't the current generated by cutting the magnetic induction line?

Even if there are no magnets now, there are magnets.

It's almost time to get a copper coil at that time.

Feng Junhou is rich and powerful now, so what's the point of spending some copper?

When Ah Mui sees the real thing, she probably will learn it soon.

As for chemical engineering, it is left to the students who graduated from the school to do it.

That thing is more dangerous.

Later generations of the West can figure it out in the dark. It doesn't make sense that I, a leader who knows the right direction, can't develop something decent.

"Then give birth to a few more, so that the inheritance will not be broken."

Zhang Xingyi reminded very thoughtfully.

Feng Yong looked at Zhang Xingyi's appearance of being very concerned about the inheritance of the Feng family, and suddenly couldn't help smiling.

Then he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"What laughing!"

Zhang Xingyi kicked him dissatisfied.

"Don't worry about this, the knowledge that the Feng family wants to pass on has long been hidden by your sister."

Feng Yong laughed so hard that he thumped the railing in front of him.

As we all know, Feng Junhou put a box in Nanxiang Academy in his early years, which contained all the knowledge he wrote silently.

Only the best students are eligible for contact.

And the more comprehensive knowledge is a box that he carries with him.

It is said that even if it is allowed to be seen by others, without his guidance, others will not be able to understand it, but it is the real secret knowledge of the teacher.

After Guan Ji had a child, she put her mind on this box.

In her opinion, releasing the knowledge from that box in Nanxiang Academy is already a great merit to the world.

Otherwise, the royal family would not have drawn people from the palace and put them in the school.

Xiang Lang, who had just retired and was most respected by scholars, could write an inscription for the school. Although Feng Junhou took the grace of saving Ma Di, the royal family also had a role in persuading him.

Of course, after finishing his inscription, he was left there to eat a few meals, visited the school, and then read a lot of books in Xinhua Bookstore.

In the end, he didn't leave and stayed in the school as an honorary teacher, that's another story. Anyway, it has nothing to do with Feng Wenhe, it's all because Nanxiang's strong style of study attracts the elder Xiang.

After the royal family had a foot in the school, the emerging dignitaries and transitional families of the big man followed. In order to quickly accumulate background, they also wanted to gain the glory of Nanxiang School.

Not to mention those Xinhua bookstores, papermaking, printing, etc., which are of great benefit to scholars.

Of course, those aristocratic families who wanted to monopolize knowledge cursed the head of the Feng family every day to die.

But it is undeniable that the head of the Feng family is in the territory of the Han Dynasty, so he has made great achievements in enlightenment.

There is no doubt about this-whether it is in educating the common people or Hu Yi, he can be regarded as the number one man in the Han Dynasty.

So Madam Feng thought... This other box of secret learning from the master's sect should be left to her own children to be the family's wealth, right?

Fortunately, Feng Junhou did not forget his original intention, and quickly dug out a "Secrets of Dragon Slaying", coupled with some ideological guidelines for army building in later generations, told her that this is something that cannot be shown to others.

As long as future generations can understand it thoroughly, the so-called secret learning from the master's school outside, let alone whether they can learn it, even if they learn it, they will only get the form but not the spirit.

After hearing what Feng Junhou said, Madam Feng's mother carefully looked at what he gave, and found that it was indeed very profound.

She turned over and over again, but in the end she was just ignorant, half-understanding.

Feng Yong told her that this kind of knowledge can only be learned by someone who leads it into the door.

On the spot, Madam Feng's heart was filled with joy, so she carefully treasured and hid it.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yongcai coaxed Mrs. Feng's family over, and this little four started to make up his mind again.

Although it is understood that this is the limitation of the ancients, it does not prevent Feng Yong from laughing.

Because he remembered that the ideological and political courses that the teachers pursued were compulsory in the later generations, but the students regarded them as boring and even a waste of time.

When it got here, it became a dragon-slaying technique that could only be kept secret.

Zhang Xingyi saw him laughing harder, and felt a little embarrassed at the moment:

"Sister, it's also for the good of the Feng family..."

Feng Yong managed to stop his smile: "San Niang took a copy from me as an heirloom, and I can't lose Si Niang. Tell me, what does Si Niang want?"

Guan Ji is for the inheritance of the Feng family, and Si Niang is for the royal family in all likelihood.

Zhang Xingyi blinked and blinked: "Is Alang willing to give anything?"

"Except for the knowledge that Sanniang took away, I'll let you pick the rest of the knowledge from the box secretly when you have time. As for what you pick, it depends on your vision."

Zhang Xingyi's eyes lit up at first, but then he was a little twitchy, as if he couldn't speak.

Seeing her like this, Feng Yong became curious.

Over the past few years, Zhang Xingyi has helped herself and Guan Ji a lot inside and out.

Although Guan Ji always wanted to stab Feng Yong and Zhang Xingyi from time to time, it was just to remind them who was the mistress of the Feng family.

But in fact, both Feng Yong and Guan Ji basically regard her as the Feng family.

Usually, if she really wants to see something in the house, she just takes it.

At most, it is an after-the-fact notification.

At this time, she actually showed an expression of embarrassment to say it, which can only show that this thing is very important, or it is a bit too much.

Zhang Xingyi hesitated for a while before looking at Feng Yong:

"If the concubine speaks out, no matter whether Alang agrees or not, she is not allowed to be angry with me, okay?"

Feng Yong nodded: "Success! You just say it."

Zhang Xingyi has always been very measured.

It's not a big deal to pamper her once.

"Concubine... I just want that, the way to form an army of the cavalry in the captain's mansion."

Zhang Xingyi finally said hesitantly.

"That's it?"

Feng Yong was stunned.

Zhang Xingyi originally thought that after she finished speaking, Feng Yong's face would become unhappy, but he never thought that he was just surprised.

I saw Feng Yong said puzzledly: "Most of the iron armor used by the armored cavalry is made by Hanzhong Metallurgy. You can know how to build it just by looking it up."

At present, the Hanyang County Manufacturing Plant has not found suitable iron ore or coal mines, so it can only be regarded as a technical laboratory.

There is nothing to say about the technology of small iron objects or refined small-batch objects.

However, Hanzhong Metallurgy is the best for the large quantities of human armor and horse armor needed in the army.

After all, it is an institution supported by Feng Yong himself.

"As for how to train this class of cavalry... are you taking it for the palace?"

Zhang Xingyi rarely nodded obediently.

"Oh, then it's fine. You are the chief secretary of the Captain's Mansion. When the time comes, I will tell Sanniang, and she will give it to you."

Xiaowei's Mansion is now divided into three powers.

Especially after the battle of Xiaoguan, in the eyes of others, it was Feng Junhou who commanded well.

But in the eyes of the generals in Xiaowei's Mansion, Feng Junhou is responsible for strategizing and controlling the overall situation, and General Guan is the one who directs.

Guan Ji held the power in the army so firmly that even Feng Junhou basically asked her for her opinion on specific matters in the army.

The daily government affairs in the mansion are naturally handled by the big secretary.

As for Feng Junhou, he sat in the middle to reconcile yin and yang.

When Zhang Xingyi heard Feng Yong speak so easily, he couldn't believe it, and felt relieved at the same time:

"Ah Lang... This kind of art of war is the first time it has appeared in the world. It must be a top secret. Are you really willing to hand it over?"

"What is top secret or not top secret?"

Feng Junhou knows his own family affairs.

Armored riding equipment is about burning money and food.

The most indispensable thing in Feng Junhou's hands is money and food.

"The main thing is that Erlang led the cavalry well..."

"Don't say that!"

Zhang Xingyi was not happy about it, "The whole big man now, who doesn't know that Alang is good at using soldiers?"

"A few years ago, whether it was the prime minister or Uncle Zhao, they were all worried that although the big man had the land to produce horses in Longyou, there was no one in the army to lead the cavalry."

"Uncle Zhao," Feng Yongshun followed Zhang Xingyi and called Uncle Zhao, "Uh, isn't the old general the leader of the cavalry?"

"How old is Uncle Zhao? At that time, if a big man had a decent cavalry general, he wouldn't have to be as old as Uncle Zhao, and he would be tired to guard Longyou and train the cavalry himself."

Zhang Xingyi said this with a serious face, but suddenly a smile bloomed on his face, and at the same time he slapped Feng Yong, and said happily and reproachfully:

"You're the only one who can hide it! It's okay to train infantry to be the best soldiers in the world, but even the general who leads the cavalry can be taught by you. Everyone has been deceived by you!"

"The Prime Minister and Uncle Zhao have been worrying for nothing for so many years."

Feng Yong quickly waved his hand: "Erlang learned the skills from General Zhao, and it has nothing to do with me."

At that time, I was thinking of a way to force Zhao Guang to follow Zhao Yun to learn how to lead the cavalry, but I couldn't take the credit for this.

"Still pretending! The truth is revealed to the world, so pretend!"

Zhang Xingyi's face was full of displeasure, "The second brother of the Zhao family just broke through the camp of one hundred thousand rebels with three thousand armored cavalry under Xiaoguan. Two days ago, there was also good news from Longxi and Xiping."

"What good news?"

"A few days ago, Uncle Zhao asked Liu Hun to lead the elite cavalry from the governor's mansion to Xiping County to quell the rebellion. Then Liu Hun stayed around day and night, leading the elite cavalry to raid the rebel army's camp."

"I picked up the leader of the bandit on the spot, and when the rebel army saw it, they scattered. Now he is leading the fine cavalry to wipe out the remnants of the rebellion. The rebels in Longxi and Xiping will not be able to make a big difference this time."

When Zhang Xingyi said this, he could no longer pretend to be unhappy.

I saw that her face was full of red tides, and her breathing became slightly hurried, and she didn't know if it was because she was too excited or what.

"The Erlang of the Zhao family and Liu Hun are now regarded as the top generals of the leading cavalry army in the Han army. Aren't these two people brought out by Alang?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Xingyi got closer:

"I heard that Uncle Zhao said publicly in front of everyone in the Governor's Mansion that there are two of them in the Han Cavalry Army, so he will have nothing to worry about!"

As he was talking, Zhang Xingyi raised his head: "Then Liu Hun was originally a barbarian. Isn't it thanks to the blessing of Alang that he can have today's status?"

"He led the cavalry in the Captain's Mansion in the beginning! Without what Alang taught him, what would he be like?"

"Speaking of which, isn't Alang considered his half teacher? No matter how good he is in the future, when he sees Alang, he will bow his head and salute."

"Not to mention the second brother of the Zhao family, if he hadn't learned from A Lang from the very beginning, would he be famous today?"

Feng Junhou opened his mouth, wanting to defend himself.

Then he remembered the matter of reforming the cavalry, didn't he teach them with his own hands?

At the moment, there was nothing to say, and in the end, I could only pretend to say:

"I only want to revive the big man's ears!"

"The great man of Xingfu is the great man of Xingfu, but the art of war is Alang's secret learning. As long as Alang is not willing, even the palace has no reason to insist."

"So it's already too much for the palace to say this this time!"

As Zhang Xingyi said, he stuck it tightly, and murmured: "Take it as my concubine's debt to Ah Lang..."

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