Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 819 A Basin of Cold Water

"It's just that the palace is in a hurry to get rid of the armored cavalry's method of forming an army. It's not very useful, is it?"

After Feng Yong agreed to Zhang Xingyi, he asked another question.

Although forming the heavy cavalry was burning money, Feng Yong naturally did not suspect that the palace was short of money.

After all, over the years, the husband and wife team of Adou and Zhang Xingcai first opened Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation and then Nanzhong Metallurgical Corporation.

Relying on the Dongfeng of developing Hanzhong and Nanzhong, these two institutions alone have earned them a lot of money.

Not to mention that the palace was originally closely related to the Xinghan Society.

At the earliest time, a part of Xinghanhui's property was built by borrowing skins from the palace.

Now the Xinghan Society is extremely inflated, and there is already a faint trend of the No. 1 chaebol association of the Han Dynasty.

The earliest investment in the palace is estimated to be the most successful business investment in the world.

Although the emperor and empress are the most honorable couple in the world in name, their life in the early years was actually not so good.

After being poor for so long, suffering for so long, and suddenly having money in my hands, I want to feel embarrassed, which is understandable.

But just like Xinghan Club had to borrow qualifications from the palace at the beginning.

If Adou wants to form a heavy cavalry by himself, he must first obtain the qualifications for formation.

Now the military power of the big man is in the hands of Zhuge Old Demon.

It's hard to say whether the Zhuge old demon will agree, even if he agrees, what about the generals who command the cavalry?

Cavalry and infantry are not the same thing.

Armored riding equipment is not the same thing as the current mainstream cavalry ranger.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingyi smiled:

"How can it be useless? It will be more useful."


Seeing her like this, Feng Yong thought to himself, is there a story?

"Tell me? During the days when I was not in Longyou, did something happen in Hanzhong?"

But seeing Zhang Xingyi shaking his head: "Of course there is something to do, and it's a big deal. His Majesty visited Hanzhong a few days ago to show his ambition to resist the bandits..."

Feng Yong snorted, "I know this! But what does it have to do with this matter now?"

Speaking of which, in this matter, Feng Yong really looked at Adou differently.

At that time, everyone thought that Cao Zhen's 100,000 troops marched to Hanzhong.

Adou actually dared to go to the front line in person under such circumstances, and it was not much different from Yu Jia's personal expedition.

Of course, Feng Yong admired Zhang Xingcai even more. If she hadn't worked hard behind her back, it would be hard to say whether she would return to Jincheng halfway with the little fat man's temperament.

But the benefits of listening to my wife soon became apparent.

This time, A Dou's reputation was soaring.

Although, Cao Zhen did not go to Ziwu Valley, but Sima Yi did go to Hanshui, and even captured Xinfeng County on the border.

This wave in Hanzhong can barely be regarded as a large army.

Only this time, Cao Zhen was defeated by Xiao Guan, and Ziwu Valley was just a suspect. Sima Yi's army ran to Hanzhong alone, how much could he do?

It must be to give A Dou a wave of prestige in vain.

It's just that you can't just want to challenge the authority of the prime minister just because you're good at fame, right?

"Emperors and empresses stand before the army together to boost the morale of the army and the people. Throughout history, how many people can there be?"

Zhang Xingyi continued to shake his head, "The empress is not afraid of danger, so how can the subjects put the empress in danger? Therefore, we should rebuild the strong army in the north and south to protect the safety of the royal family..."

Feng Yong listened, "Oh".

This makes sense too... Shit!

The so-called northern and southern armies are actually the military system of the former Han Dynasty, with two main soldiers guarding the capital and the royal family.

One is the Southern Army, guarding Miyagi; the other is the Northern Army, defending the capital.

However, because the main soldiers of the two armies are selected from the local area and rotated every year, there are too many loopholes.

So in the period of Emperor Xiaowu, the entourage army and the imperial guard army were formed. The source of their troops was no longer recruited from all over the country, but fixed professional soldiers.

So far, the emperor has fully grasped the guarding military power of the capital.

Of course, Feng Junhou felt that there was a reason for it, so it was not because of this.

Because it doesn't matter whether the military force guarding the royal family is called the Northern and Southern Army or the Imperial Guard.

Feng Junhou thinks there is a fart reason that the thieves are all approaching the city, so you want to form a guarding military force?

Thinking of building a hut when the shit is almost in your pants?

So Feng Junhou squinted at the young lady of the Zhang family with malicious intent: "Who said that?"

"Prime Minister."

Oh, then it's all right.

What the prime minister said, of course, makes sense.

The eloquent Feng Langjun thought for a while, and couldn't help but say:

"Well, didn't the Prime Minister just implement the policy of elite soldiers? He also cut down a lot of old and weak in the army. Why is it expanding the army at this time?"

I can't figure this out!

Zhang Xingyi groaned, and said a little impatiently:

"Didn't I tell you? This is the Second Army of the North and the South, and it is used to protect the safety of the Empress."


Only then did Feng Yong suddenly understand: "You mean, the prime minister really agreed to let the palace pay for the formation of the North and South Army?"

Whoever eats food has to listen to whose words, and the palace provides money and food to form the Northern and Southern Army, which means that these two armies must be in the hands of the emperor.

"That's natural. Otherwise, what would the palace be anxious to do with the armored cavalry's way of forming an army?"

In the beginning, the size of the North and South Army will certainly not be too large.

In the eyes of Ah Dou, or Zhang Xingcai, the small but powerful army is naturally no more than the armored cavalry army with three thousand cavalry who rushed through the camp of one hundred thousand thieves.

So from the looks of it, the palace has great ambitions.

But why did Old Demon Zhuge do this?

Although the Emperor of the Han Dynasty and the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty are currently regarded as the match of the monarch and his ministers, A Dou still calls the old demon Zhuge a father, and the old demon Zhuge also strictly disciplines A Dou.

But there are many times when it is not a good thing to suddenly let go of power.

Just like your own child, you used to strictly control him.

Now he is suddenly allowed to let himself go, he can decide whether he wants to go to class or not, and he is even given a large sum of money to spend as he pleases, and there will be more after spending.

A child who is more alert may suspect: am I suffering from some kind of terminal illness, time is running out?

Those who are shallow-minded will be happy and lawless.

Even if he is not terminally ill, doing so is definitely not loving him, but harming him.

History books have long recorded: Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan.

To put it more clearly, if you want to kill it, you must first make it crazy.

Of course, Feng Yongxin is worthy of Zhuge's character, so he would never harm Adou like this.

Besides, Zhang Xingcai next to Adou is not a decoration.

But the imperial power and the power of the prime minister are originally opposites.

If the imperial power is increased by one point, the prime minister's power will be reduced by one point.

Coupled with the unpredictability of people's hearts, who knows what will happen in the future if this opening is made?

There are many things that cannot be controlled if you want to.

So, why?

Back then, Feng Junhou was tricked by the prime minister of the Han Dynasty countless times. Don't think about it now, just by smelling it with your nose, you can smell the familiar smell.

What exactly is Zhuge Old Demon trying to figure out?

Feng Yong let go of Zhang Xingyi's arm and touched his chin.

"This new army is definitely called the North and South Army, not the Qimen Army or the Habayashi Army?"

After all, the Qimen Army and the Habayashi Army are completely in the hands of the emperor.

"It's called the North and South Army."

"North and South Army, do you need to go out to fight?".

"Naturally it is necessary." Zhang Xingyi said naturally, "With the name of the Northern and Southern Army, why not go out to fight?"

Although there was no Southern Army in the Later Han Dynasty, the Northern Army still remained.

The Northern Army of the Later Han Dynasty was a field force.

Usually stationed in the capital to manage the monarch's guard and assistant to the capital's public security, when a war occurs, it becomes the core of forming an expeditionary force.

Therefore, the North and South armies are still following the old practice.

I'll just say it!

Feng Yong clasped his hands together, the old demon Zhuge must have taken a fancy to A Dou's money this time.

He wants to borrow money from the palace to form a new army.

No, that's not called borrowing, that's called using!

You have formed the Northern and Southern Armies. When there is a war, isn't the prime minister justified in letting the Northern and Southern armies go to war?

"Who will lead the two armies in the north and south? Has it been decided?"

Feng Yong asked.

"My elder brother, and the Guan family's elder brother."

Zhang Xingyi knows everything.

Oh, it turned out to be my two brothers-in-law.

Feng Yong nodded.

now it's right.

One of Guan Xing and Zhang Bao is now the leader of the Central Army, and the other is the Central Guard Army. In name, they are both leading the Chinese Army to protect the safety of the royal family, so it goes without saying that they are loyal.

At the same time, the two have combat experience, so they are indeed the best candidates.

Needless to say, the relationship between Zhang Bao and the royal family.

As for Guan Xing, he and Sanniang are brothers and sisters, and the emperor gave him a heavy responsibility to train the new army. Couldn't Guan Ji try her best to help?

Thinking of this, Feng Yong couldn't help but say:

"The queen's method is really good!"

"Go, you weirdos!"

Zhang Xingyi pushed Feng Yong dissatisfied.

Anyway, in private with Zhang Xingyi, Feng Yong is not afraid to talk about it:

"Aren't you afraid that once the Northern and Southern Second Armies form an army, they will be conscripted and dispatched by the prime minister?"

Zhang Xingyi said nonchalantly:

"This is a natural thing, what are you afraid of? What your Majesty wants is this name."

As she spoke, she glanced at Feng Yong:

"Prime Minister, this is also to prepare for His Majesty's future, and it is the success of the monarch and his ministers. Do you think everyone is as cunning and ruthless as you?"

"I'm also reminding you well! How can it be a tricky talk?"

Feng Junhou couldn't hold back his face, and hurriedly argued, "I really don't know good people!"

Zhang Xingyi let out a "bah", "Sow up the relationship between His Majesty and the Prime Minister, pretend I can't hear it?"

"That is to say, I know you well. If I really want to change someone else, I just need to tell His Majesty this. Don't look at His Majesty's good temper. Believe it or not, he will not forgive you?"

It's really hard work to find a woman with high intelligence!

From Zhang Xingyi's words, Feng Yong understood.

This is basically a PY transaction between Zhuge Old Demon and A Dou couple.

The palace paid money to build a new army, to get a name, and at the same time prepare for the future mastery of the North and South Army.

The prime minister can get a new army without spending money, and it is the most expensive new army.

He can even take the new army to the battlefield for actual combat, and hone a truly capable northern and southern army.

When Ah Dou really takes power, he will immediately have an elite army completely under his command.

Those who play politics are so dirty!

"What about Mo Dao? Why don't you mention it?"

Feng Junhou felt that his IQ had been crushed, so he simply broke the jar.

With the heavy cavalry, and with the heavy infantry, why don't you go to heaven?

Zhang Xingyi's words quickly made Feng Junhou understand that the Adou couple really wanted to turn the world upside down.

"What's the rush? The money you get in the palace comes from the strong wind? I don't know how much money this armored cavalry will spend on food. If you add a Modao army, the palace won't be able to take advantage of it."

Oh, it turned out that there was not enough money, not that I didn't want to do it.

"Besides, the tiger infantry trained by the prime minister is also an elite soldier, and the tiger infantry is enough for the time being, so first train a cavalry army with iron armor..."

Remembering that Huang Yueying helped to improve the eight formation diagram used by his mother-in-law, which was different from the eight formation diagram mainly composed of tiger infantry, the corners of Feng Yong's mouth twitched.

The tiger infantry has enough combat power, but not enough mobility.

However, the eight formations dominated by the tiger infantry have matured, and it is not easy to change them.

So the old demon Zhuge simply took this opportunity to train a new army mainly composed of cavalry.

Heavy cavalry cannot form an army alone. It needs light cavalry and rangers to support, assist, and guard.

Therefore, the North and South New Army will definitely not have heavy cavalry alone, but will also be equipped with light cavalry and rangers.

In this way, the shortcoming of the tiger infantry's lack of mobility was perfectly made up for.

What is counting at one stroke?

What is counting birds with one stone?

What is making the best use of everything?

What does it mean to give full play to one's abilities?

On his side, he still thought happily that Huang Yueying, a half-mother-in-law, still cared for him after all, and never thought that she would love her husband-in-law more.

Feng Yong can completely imagine that Huang Yueying will definitely give all the information here to Old Demon Zhuge as soon as she returns to Hanzhong.

Then the old demon Zhuge watched himself practice the improved eight formations, and even killed Cao Zhen.

Is there any reason for him not to be moved?

"Okay! Now everyone is waiting for you to go back in Hanzhong. Looking at you, it looks like someone is going to kill you. What are you afraid of!"

Rao is Zhang Xingyi's intelligence, but how can he figure out the twists and turns in Feng Tubie's heart?

In the past few years, he has been happy and happy in Longyou, and he has gained a great reputation, and he has the prestige of a great victory, so he feels a little smug in his heart.

Thinking of the early years when the prime minister of the Han Dynasty made himself a little psychologically shadowed, Feng Junhou, who was a little swollen, couldn't help thinking:

If I had the status and strength I have today, I might not have been afraid of this Zhuge old demon.

Then this pot of cold water was poured down, and Feng Junhou's little dream was immediately shattered.

This Zhuge old demon is indeed still a demon, but luckily he still loves me!

"Who dares to harm me?"

Feng Junhou has a stalk in his neck, what am I afraid of if he can't beat the prime minister?

When he passed on "Six Secret Teachings" to me, I could be regarded as his disciple, and with Huang Yueying's relationship, I could be regarded as his half-son-in-law.

Can't beat me and can't get in touch?

"What am I afraid of?!"

Feng Junhou waved his hand, "Go back, go back to Hanzhong immediately."

Having said that, he looked at Zhang Xingyi again, "By the way, have I ever been rewarded for such a great achievement?"

Zhang Xingyi heard the words, his eyes moved, showing a little charm:

"How does His Majesty and the Prime Minister reward Ah Lang, and how does this concubine know?"

"Love to talk or not to talk."

Feng Yong didn't care, anyway, he would know everything when he returned to Hanzhong.

"Although I don't know how Hanzhong plans to reward A Lang, I do know how to reward A Lang's sons and daughters."

"Achong must want to shade the official, and the queen also intends to reward Shuangshuang. I wonder what kind of reward Alang wants to give Shuangshuang?"

"That's it..."

Feng Yong thought for a long time, but couldn't think of what his daughter lacked.

Zhang Xingyi looked at his embarrassed look, and suddenly said: "How about marrying the royal family?"


Feng Junhou immediately jumped up and said, "How old are those princes? How old is my daughter?"

"Even if it's a prince, it's only a few years older," Zhang Xingyi said angrily, "what's more, it's not a prince, but a prince."

"That doesn't work either." Feng Yong curled his lips, "My daughter, I have to choose a good family when I grow up. I'm still young, so it's too early to say that."

Ah Dou now has several princes born to concubines in the harem, all of whom were born in the past few years.

"What about sister's son, can't you?"

"Sister?" Feng Yong was taken aback, and it took him a while to realize, "Empress?"

Zhang Xingyi nodded, with joy on his face: "After the empress arrived in Hanzhong, she and her majesty toured the former site where the emperor Gaozu paid homage to the general. It didn't take long for me to be happy."

"Ah, Emperor Gaozu has appeared?"

Feng Yong made a big mouthful.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingyi nodded repeatedly, with excitement shining on his face:

"That's what they say! Otherwise, if you haven't conceived in Jincheng for so long, you will be happy as soon as you come to the place where the Han family prospers. Isn't it the ancestor Gao who shows the spirit, which means that the Han family is about to rejuvenate?"

"In addition to Alang's big victory this time, Hanzhong is spreading the word. This is a sign of the revival of the great Han!"

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