Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 820: Boss Feng's Ambition

Although Zhang Xingyi promised to leave and return to Hanzhong as soon as possible, after Feng Yong returned to the mansion, he still had to complain in front of Guan Ji:

"I just came back from Anding, and I have to run back to Hanzhong non-stop, without taking a breath. I am a prince, and it's not as easy as sleeping under the willow tree back then."

Guan Ji, on the other hand, was more open than Feng Junhou.

She was helping Feng Yong take off his armor, when she heard this, she patted him and said coquettishly:

"You're talking nonsense again! Only by destroying the Cao thieves and restoring the Han Dynasty can we enjoy peace. This is what you, Alang, told everyone."

"Besides, your name is the first one mentioned in the Prime Minister's "List of Teachers". The so-called guards are relentless inside, and loyal people forget about themselves."

"A Lang is the leader of the great Han Lord, and with this great victory, this loyal man cannot be without A Lang."

As Guan Ji spoke, joy appeared on her face.

"From a young age, you should do what you are doing. Now that Alang is guarding one side for a big man, and he is a prince, he should work harder."

Xiaowenhe, a loyal man, has no such awareness as his own gentleman.

"I've been away for a few months, and my children don't recognize me anymore. Now I'm finally coming back, and I have to leave again before I can talk to my children."

"I'm afraid they will still recognize me as an adult..."

"What are you talking about!" Guan Ji said dissatisfiedly, "The sons and daughters of the general family enjoy the dignity that others can't, and they should have the responsibility to share the worries of the emperor. How can they be so delicate?"

"When my concubine was young, my lord was away fighting all the year round, and I didn't see a single person all year round. Isn't it the same? How can there be children who don't recognize their parents?"

Guan Ji said, put Feng Yong's armor away, then turned around and waved to a pair of children who were playing not far away:

"Achong, Shuangshuang, come here and call your lord."

Children are new to each other, but they are familiar with each other quickly.

Not to mention his own parents.

After a long time, the two have recognized their mother again.

Hearing Grandma's greeting, Ah Chong hurried over.

"Come, call your lord."

Guan Ji knelt down and pointed at Feng Yong.

"grown ups."

Ah Chong looked at this strange man, although his eyes were confused, but because of his mother, he was well-behaved and articulate.

This milky cry immediately turned Feng Junhouxi's heart.

He hugged Ah Chong, "Good son!"

Shuang Shuang's reaction was a bit slow, and just halfway there, she saw her younger brother being picked up, so she turned around again and wanted to play with her again.

Although Feng Yong hugged Ah Chong, he still paid attention to Shuang Shuang.

Seeing that the girl was about to show her personality again, he hurried forward, freed up a hand, and hugged her up.

"Shuangshuang, call your lord."


Shuangshuang didn't seem to learn as fast as Ah Chong, and still couldn't call the adults clearly.

But to Feng Junhou's ears, this voice was like hearing the sounds of nature.

"Okay, good girl."

Holding a son and a daughter in his arms, Feng Yong only felt that his heart was full and full.

Looking at his daughter and son, Feng Yong only wanted to let them grow up safely and happily, and not let them suffer from the war.

"Xijun, you are right, destroying the Cao bandits, rejuvenating the great man, and letting our descendants enjoy peace are the goals of our generation!"

Feng Junhou suddenly understood why those soldiers were willing to listen to this slogan, and he kissed his daughter's little cheek hard.

Shuang Shuang turned her face away in disgust, stretched out her hand and pushed her lord away.

It was getting dark quickly in winter, Feng Yong felt that after playing with his children for a while, the sky had already started to darken, so he went to take a bath and prepare for dinner under Guan Ji's urging.

It's just that today is destined to be busy.

He had just finished taking a bath under Amei's service, when Guan Ji came over with a strange expression:

"Ah Lang, that Master Han came to you and said there was something wrong."

"Master Han?"

Feng Yong was stunned for a moment before realizing, "Han Long?"


Feng Yong muttered: "What can he do?"

Guan Ji's eyes flickered:

"How did the concubine know? Alang should go and meet him. After all, he has devoted himself to protecting Alang's safety in the past two years."

"All right, then I'll go see him first."

Feng Yong still has a good impression of this hero Han who is highly skilled in martial arts, often instructs his own bodyguards, and behaves in a low-key manner.

With him by his side, safety can be guaranteed a little bit more.

What's more, he and Liu Hun, master and apprentice, are now in Nanxiang, but they are used as positive models to promote You Xiaer.

With such thoughts in mind, Feng Junhou received Han Long.

Unexpectedly, Han Long's first sentence was to him:

"Your Majesty, I will return to Youzhou from the north in a few days, so I am here to say goodbye."

Feng Yongda was surprised:

"Why is your husband leaving so suddenly? Could it be that there is something wrong with the reception?"

Han Long quickly waved his hand: "Of course not. By following Junhou's side, I have gained a lot of knowledge. In addition to eating well and living well, Junhou treats a certain person with courtesy."

"In this world, I'm afraid there is no such good place to live."

Feng Junhou was very dissatisfied: "It's so good, why don't you go?"

As soon as you leave, I lose a super bodyguard by my side. I feel very insecure, do you know that?

Han Long didn't expect Feng Junhou to be so reluctant to part with himself, and he was a little panicked at the moment.

After all, no matter how great he is, he is still just a ranger.

This Feng Junhou has a noble status and high intelligence.

More importantly, in the eyes of Han Daxia, who knew the secrets of hundreds of years ago, Feng Junhou came from a first-class ancient teacher.

According to the rules of the Jianghu, how many people in the Jianghu can compare with such an identity?

The most important thing is that Feng Junhou is willing to justify You Xiaer's name.

He pointed out to You Xia what it means to be a chivalrous man and what to do.

He even wrote "Xia Ke Xing" specifically for You Xiaer.

It is a blessing to be by his side.

"Your Majesty, when I came out this time, I was entrusted by the Inspector Wang to send a letter to An Ding's old friend. I didn't know that this delivery took several years."

"No matter how long it takes to send this letter, I still have to go back and tell the governor Wang whether it has been delivered."

Han Long explained with a wry smile.

"Ah, I forgot about that!"

Only then did Feng Yong remember that when he was in peace and stability, Han Long once begged himself for mercy, saying that there was an old man in stability, and that he should not let a family surnamed Meng suffer from the chaos.

Because he was entrusted by Wang Xiong, the governor of Youzhou in Wei State, to deliver a letter to his old friend in Guanzhong.

Wang Xiong was recommended by the former prefect of Anding, so he was appreciated by Cao Pi and became the governor of Youzhou.

Now the former prefect of Anding is no longer alive, and his descendants stay in Anding.

"Youzhou, Youzhou is a good place...but the barbarians there often make troubles in the Great Wall, and the people are not at peace."

When Feng Junhou heard Han Long mentioning Youzhou, he couldn't help smacking his lips.

There is no way, now whether it is Liangzhou or Guanzhong, the name of Feng Junhou has been widely spread.

Wherever Feng Junhou led the army, the Hu people there would all welcome him.

Like the rain from a long drought, the sweet spring from a long thirst.

It is said that Feng Junhou was taught by the mountain god and learned the art of weaving wool, so as to bring them a happy life.

As long as you are willing to follow Feng Langjun, your life will be quite nourishing.

For these Hu tribes who wanted to belong to the big man, what else could Feng Junhou do except try his best to settle them down?

You can't let them work as laborers, can you?

Especially after the battle of Xiaoguan, Feng Junhou has become famous all over the world.

The Hu people who supported the state of Wei have basically been wiped out in the Xiping rebellion.

From then on, it was inevitable that the Hu tribe in the land of Yongliang would surrender when they heard of Feng Junhou's name.

As the head of the labor company, Feng Junhou expressed deep concern about the situation of no source of labor.

"How fortunate are the people of Yongliang, with Feng Junhou in charge, all Hu people are tame."

Han Long also said that Feng Junhou was lamenting the misfortune of the people in Youzhou.

Thinking of Tian Yu's many killings against Hu people by Huwuhuan Captain, and Wang Xiong, governor of Youzhou, who blindly appeases them, the two are at odds.

However, the Hu people were rebels against the current ministers, and the only ones who suffered were the people of Youzhou.

Han Long couldn't help sighing.

But he didn't know that Feng Junhou in front of him just wanted to bring the labor business to Youzhou.

After all, as far as he knows, the most rebellious barbarian is the Xianbei barbarian on the border of Youzhou.

"Sir, this is too much. Most of the land in Yongliang and Liangzhou is still in the hands of Wei people."

Feng Yong laughed.

"Same, same." Han Long waved his hand, "Although this is a rough man, he has heard a lot from that soldier on weekdays, and knows that Liangzhou will return to the big man's hands sooner or later."

"As for Guanzhong, think about Cao Zhen, who deliberately planned to intercept more than 20,000 princes and princes with a 100,000 siege, but in the end they were defeated by the princes and princes. So in the eyes of a certain person, what is there to worry about in Guanzhong?"

"Same as that Liangzhou, sooner or later it will be in the pocket of the big man."

"Then let me borrow a good word from Mr."

Feng Yong knew that Han Long couldn't be kept, so he asked, "Mr., do you still intend to come back?"

"If there is nothing wrong with Youzhou, someone will come back. It's just..."

Speaking of this, Han Long paused for a moment, then glanced at Feng Yong again, and then said, "The Han family in the north has suffered heavy losses in Longyou."

"Thinking about Han Qiu, he can be regarded as an extremely important figure in the Han family in the north, and I don't know how they will react to this."

"So when I go back this time, I want to go outside the Great Wall to inquire first, to see the situation before I talk about it. I don't know when I will be able to return."

Feng Yong has been with Han Long for a long time, and he knows that because of the incident between the two Han Xins, the current situation where the two Han families are deeply entangled with the barbarians of the Northland.

Preventing the Han family in the north from colluding with the barbarians and going south to disrupt the people is almost a family mission for Han Long.

"If that's the case, sir, this trip may be quite dangerous, so please be careful and wait for your return at any time."

Feng Yong cupped his hands, feeling some respect in his heart.

Although Han Long is not as famous as the old demon Zhuge, both of them work hard for the same belief throughout their lives.

In Feng Yong's view, they are all pure people.

Regardless of the size of the belief, regardless of the level of status, they are all worthy of their admiration.

When Han Long saw that Feng Yongfei didn't try to force himself to stay, but understood what he had done, he couldn't help feeling a little moved:

"Someone has stayed here for a long time and knows a lot of things about Junhou's army. If you let me go like this, aren't you afraid that I will tell Wei Guo?"

Feng Yong smiled and shook his head:

"When you were in Nanxiang, Mr. first initiated the Loyalty Shrine, then recommended Liu Hun, and then did many things for me. If Mr. didn't believe in me, how could you treat me so favorably?"

"Sir, trust me, and I trust Mr.

You rangers, what you recognize most is a word of righteousness.

For this righteousness, you are even willing to sacrifice your life.

Otherwise, why would the Loyalty Temple become a place of worship recognized by You Xiaer?

Feng Junhou thought to himself, even if you take ten thousand steps back, if you tell others with a big mouth, can others follow suit?

Without the guidance of the unique dragon slaying technique, if others want to copy it, they will only get the shape but not the spirit.

Do you think that all the things I did in the past few years were done for nothing?

Improve production tools in a systematic and organized manner, increase production efficiency, change the cognition and knowledge structure of workers, etc., you ancients know a lot!

But how could Han Long know what Feng Wenhe was thinking?

When he heard those words, his face was extremely moved.

"Those things that a certain person did for the lord are all asking for the lord, and he can't deserve the praise of the lord."

When Han Long heard Feng Junhou's previous words, he was a little ashamed at first, and then he was very moved when he heard the last sentence:

"If you have the words of the prince, go here, if there is half a sentence that reveals the affairs of the army, you are willing to suffer a thousand swords!"

As he spoke, Han Long took out his dagger and slashed his face to show his determination.

Feng Yong quickly snatched his knife and threw it on the ground, "I said before, I believe in sir, why should you swear such a bloody oath? Come on, hurry up and call Fan Qi over to bandage the wound."

Han Long stopped Feng Yong from getting someone to bandage him.

I saw him sternly saying: "No, I can't show my aspirations. After all, before I left this time, I still wanted to ask the prince about someone."

"If I don't show my determination first, how dare I ask you about it?"

Feng Yong felt strange and asked:

"Who do you want to ask me for, sir, to make such a serious matter?"

"This person is the reason why someone went to Nanxiang. I want to ask Junhou about it. Do you know the whereabouts of Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng?"

When Han Long said this, his face seemed a little embarrassed. After all, in his opinion, Feng Junhou believed in him so much, but he had some schemes.

Feng Yong was taken aback when he heard this, and asked blurted out:

"If you ask him what he does, maybe he also wants the treasured book in the world, eh, Mei?"

At the end, Feng Junhou finally came to his senses and bit his tongue.

When Han Long heard that Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng still had a precious book in hand, he thought to himself that I was really too reckless.

He quickly waved his hands, "How can someone have such greed? It's just that I admire this person after seeing his chivalrous writing, and I long to see him."

"After all, at that time, Madam and Secretary Zhang told someone that as long as someone protects the prince for a period of time, he will inform Lanling of Xiaoxiaosheng's whereabouts..."

Only then did Feng Junhou remember that when Han Long talked about the old things in Longxi, he also mentioned it.

Guan Ji was pregnant at that time, so she and Zhang Xingyi asked Han Long to protect themselves.

Thinking of his mother-in-law's strange look and twinkling eyes just now, how could Feng Junhou not know that he was sold?

Feng Yong pondered for a long time, and then said with a little hesitation:

"Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng, I naturally know his whereabouts, but he doesn't like others to know his identity, besides, Mr. has to go back in a hurry..."

When Han Long heard this, he was overjoyed and said:

"I understand, I understand! As long as Junhou is willing to help me tell Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng, whether he wants to see me or not, then I will be grateful."

Feng Junhou rolled his eyes, and suddenly smiled again:

"There are ten schools of thought in the world, such as Taoism, Confucianism, Yin and Yang, Fa, Nong, Ming, Mo, Zongheng, Za, and novels. Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng came from a novelist."

"He likes talking about customs from all over the world the most. Mr. Going to the Northern Territory outside the Great Wall, he can inspect the land of the Hu people in detail."

"Whether it's geography or humanities, you can write it down carefully. When you see him, you can tell him these things. He will definitely be happy."

Han Long was even more happy when he heard about his idol's hobbies, and quickly remembered it in his heart.

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