Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 824 Please

After the two of them talked about the matter, they saw that the lamps and candles had been extinguished, and there was a faint light coming in through the doors and windows, and they knew that the sky was bright.

So Feng Yong was served by Li Mu to get up and get dressed.

There were already maids waiting outside the door, and upon receiving Li Mu's order, they filed in one by one carrying toiletries.

After tidying up, Feng Yong invited the emperor again, and was about to bid farewell and leave the palace.

A Dou quickly summoned Feng Yong in a small warm pavilion.

"Marquis Feng is awake? Come, have some breakfast with me."

A Dou personally met Feng Yong at the door, and led him inside, and greeted him warmly.

Feng Yong swept his eyes and found that the Queen and Zhang Xingyi were not in the warm pavilion, and there was no one else.

Before he could speak, A Dou gave another order:

"Come here, serve Feng Hou some breakfast."

Then he smiled and said to Feng Yong, "Like Feng Hou, I also drank too much last night, and I just woke up not long ago."

He pointed to himself, and then pointed to Feng Yong, "Here, there are only you and me, Marquis Feng, don't be restrained, come, eat quickly."

"This breakfast is delicious. Oh, by the way, I forgot, this is a handicraft passed down from the Feng residence."

As A Dou spoke, he laughed first.

The host was too enthusiastic, so Feng Yong naturally couldn't refuse.

Besides, this hangover is uncomfortable, just drink some hot soup to warm my stomach.

Over the years, Feng Yong has been paying attention to physical exercise, and he is tall.

Although the martial arts learned is just a style, but he can be regarded as half a martial arts practitioner, and his appetite is large enough compared to ordinary people.

Seeing Feng Yong eating happily, A Dou was also in a good mood, and ate a lot more than before.

After the two finished eating, Feng Yong bid farewell to Adou and prepared to leave the palace.

Unexpectedly, A Dou shook his head when he heard this: "Marquis Feng, you don't need to be so anxious. The Queen asked your Mrs. Ru to come here because she actually wanted to see her."

"Therefore, please Marquis Feng stay in this palace for a while, and wait for the queen to meet your Mrs. Ru."

Feng Yong was a little surprised to see Adou eating breakfast alone.

The royal family of the Han Dynasty is not like the later Ming and Qing Dynasties, when the emperor had detailed and rigid rules on what to eat and what to do.

At this time, the emperor can even drive out of the palace frequently.

In addition, Liu Bei built a grass-roots team, and the loyalty of the Jianghu is very strong.

It also reduces the shackles of red tape.

According to Zhang Xingyi, Zhang Xingcai usually eats breakfast with A Dou.

At this time, neither Zhang Xingcai nor Zhang Xingyi was seen, Feng Yong felt a little strange in his heart.

Hearing that A Dou took the initiative to mention the queen, he tentatively said:

"Speaking of which, I thought about thanking His Majesty and the Empress for hosting a banquet yesterday, but I never thought that the Empress was not here."

"Queen," A Dou smiled, and pointed in one direction, "Now Si Niang and I are next door to accompany the old madam."

"Old lady?"

Feng Yong was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that it should be Zhang Xiahou's family.

"That's right, didn't Marquis Feng bring that Xia Houba back? It's the old lady's elder brother."

"The old lady hasn't seen her relatives for decades, but seeing her suddenly now, she was crying and laughing, sad and happy, and it's not easy for me to participate in the current situation."

"Didn't the old lady meet yesterday?"

Feng Yong thought that this old man had a lot of feelings. He was picked up by people in the palace just after he brought Xia Houba back yesterday. He must have gone to see the old lady.

Why are you still crying today?

"Yesterday, the old lady met alone. Both the queen and the fourth lady were hosting a banquet to accompany the heroes of the big man."

A Dou took it for granted, "Today the Queen and Siniang accompanied the old lady to see Xia Houba, so I cried again."

Both Zhang Xingcai and Zhang Xingyi were born in Dahan and grew up in Dahan, and their adults were die-hard followers of the late emperor.

So if you really want to believe that they have any feelings for the uncle's family who have never met before and who is a deadly enemy, then you are talking nonsense with your eyes open.

So how can it be important for a general to be a hero, isn't it? Naturally, I will reward the heroes of the Han Dynasty first.

Having said that, Adou leaned over and lowered his voice, "The old lady heard that Marquis Feng would take Xiahouba back to Hanzhong a few days ago, and rushed to Hanzhong regardless of fatigue, looking forward to it."

"Feng Hou, I have to say, your move is wonderful!"

As he spoke, A Dou raised his thumbs up, with a certain understanding on his face.

Feng Junhou was startled.

Fatty, can you speak more clearly?

Although I can understand everything you said, but with your smile on the last sentence, I can't tell the truth.

"Si Niang has already reached the age when she should get married. The old lady has some complaints about Feng Houna because of this matter."

When A Dou talked about this matter, he really felt a little embarrassed.

After hearing this, Feng Junhou suddenly felt a little guilty.

After all, things like delaying someone else's daughter's life... Although, let's say, it's not my own responsibility, but I always have to bear a considerable responsibility.

When facing the mother-in-law, she is born at a disadvantage.

He laughed dryly, not knowing how to answer.

As the emperor, A Dou always had to pay attention to his identity, and besides sitting next to him were important ministers who had just made great achievements, so it was naturally not easy to talk about such things.

I saw him change the subject: "Feng Hou has made great achievements this time, how to reward him will have to wait until the prime minister has retired the Cao thief in the east."

"But I can still take the lead in favor of the eldest son of Marquis Feng, and give up for the prince. How does Marquis Feng feel?"

People like Feng Yong will definitely be of great use later on.

How to use it is beyond the current A Dou's ability to intervene.

However, starting with Feng Yong's children is also a good way.

When Feng Yong heard this, he thought to himself that that stinky brat was already a prince's servant when he was still young, and his starting point was even higher than when I first joined the job.

I thought so, but for some reason in my heart, I felt a burst of joy.

People in this world work so hard, most of them have the intention of leaving a legacy for their children and grandchildren, and it seems that it is so.

But no matter how happy he is, Feng Junhou still needs to be humble:

"Your Majesty, my boy is only two or three years old, and he has just learned to speak. I'm afraid it's not good to confer such an official on him?"

A Dou laughed: "What are you afraid of when you are young? My prince has not yet appeared. Wouldn't it be good to let the two of them accompany you since childhood?"

Well, it seems that Ah Dou firmly believes that the child in Zhang Xingcai's belly must be a boy.

But it's no wonder.

After all, it was Emperor Gaozu who appeared, and conceived in response to the omen of the revival of the Han Dynasty. In the eyes of the ancients, apart from the crown prince who symbolized Guozuo, who else could have such a fulfillment?

When it comes to this matter, how can Feng Yong have room to refuse?

Immediately bowed and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

According to Si Niang, Feng Yongji is the eldest daughter of the Feng family who dotes on her, and she will choose another family for her after she is sensible.

Anyway, his own child was not born yet, so A Dou was not in a hurry.

But the son of the Feng family can make a fuss first.

Hearing that Feng Yong agreed, Ah Dou was very happy:

"That's a good deal. Marquis Feng is full of knowledge, so he has to teach his son well. I met you when I was sixteen years old. Think about our children, they will be playmates from birth, and father and son will be good stories by then, haha ..."

This little fat man thinks very beautifully!

Feng Yong also followed suit with a hey smile.

This is what the monarch and his ministers have said for a long time in the warm pavilion.

One is intentional to get closer, and the other is eloquent words, which can be followed by anything, and the more they talk, the more speculative they become.

I don't know how long it took before someone from the palace came to pass the news that the empress and the old lady came from the next door and wanted to see the emperor.

Adou quickly agreed.

But Feng Junhou, when he heard that the old lady had also come, he immediately felt a guilty conscience of wanting to escape.

It's just that there is no back door in the Nuan Pavilion, so how can he escape? Besides, it's too late in time.

After a while, two sisters, Zhang Xingcai and Zhang Xingyi, walked in supporting Zhang Xiahou.

After they greeted Adou, Feng Junhou also bit the bullet and stepped forward to salute the queen and Zhang Xiahou.

"I have seen the queen, may the queen live forever and have a long life."

Zhang Xingcai nodded with a smile: "Feng Hou, please."

"I've seen Mrs."

Zhang Xiahou's family is eager to love their daughters. No matter what the reason is that no one dares to marry Zhang Xingyi, as a mother, she must have criticisms of Feng Junhou.

However, she had just met Xiahouba, and she still hadn't calmed down. Her wish had been fulfilled for many years, and in addition to the current situation, she was also partly responsible.

So at this time, Feng Junhou was very pleasant.

"The prince is so polite, but I dare not be an old man."

Seeing Zhang Xiahou's attitude, Feng Junhou couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, secretly glanced at A Dou, and secretly thought that the little fat man was right.

After thinking about this, he still secretly glanced at Zhang Xingyi again.

Zhang Xingyi seemed to have expected him to do this long ago, but she kept staring at him with a half-smile, which made Feng Junhou's hair stand on end.

"No one is an outsider, sit, all sit."

A Dou very wisely came out to smooth things over for his brother-in-law.

"Your Majesty, you know that the old man has seldom left the mansion these years, and has never participated in the affairs of the court."

"It's just that my elder brother is not a real brother, but he is better than a blood relative. This time, I made an exception and just wanted to come here to beg for mercy."

"I dare not ask His Majesty too much, I just ask for a way to survive..."

Thinking of the Battle of Hanzhong that year, my uncle (Xiahouyuan) and my younger brother both died in the battle at Dingjun Mountain, Zhang Xiahou's heart felt like a knife was twisted.

Although the Han and Wei dynasties are mortal enemies, but my uncle abandoned his own sons in order to save himself during the famine, and he is so kind to himself, how can he just forget it?

This time, even if he puts aside his old face, he still has to save Brother Cong's life.

Unexpectedly, Adou coughed and said:

"Old madam, General Xiahou was captured by Fenghou himself, how he will be punished, I still have to ask Fenghou what he wants."


And this statement?

Feng Junhou didn't react for a while, but seeing Zhang Xiahou looking towards him, he said quickly:

"When this junior was in Yuezhi City, he once told General Xiahou that the old lady is half of the teacher of this junior, and that's how he persuaded him to come meet the old lady."

"Besides, how to fight on the battlefield outside is the general's business; how to deal with state affairs inside is the business of your majesty."

"Now that General Xiahou has been taken over by the people in the palace, His Majesty will naturally decide how to deal with it."

A few words, not only praised Zhang Xiahou, but also praised Adou, and at the same time made people have a sense of knowing how to advance and retreat.

Not only did A Dou feel happy when he heard that "How to deal with state affairs is a matter for His Majesty" and "How to deal with it is naturally up to His Majesty".

Even Zhang Xingcai was very satisfied.

On the other hand, Zhang Xiahou's family didn't quite understand Feng Yong's words:

"Junhou is under the tutelage of an expert, how can an old man dare to become half of Junhou's teacher?"

Feng Yong explained with a shy face:

"Over there at Nanxiang Academy, there is a book called "Luoyin Dictionary", which is a book for teaching students how to learn Luoyin. In order to compile this book, the juniors asked the old lady a lot."

"Everyone in the world says that Nanxiang has made great achievements in enlightenment, but they don't know that the old lady actually contributed too..."

Now who doesn't know that Nanxiang's books, paper, seals and other things are the best in the world?

Just the Xinhua Bookstore, which allows people to borrow books for free, is enough to make all the humble scholars who want to learn but have no way to borrow books feel grateful for a lifetime.

This kind of great merit, Feng Junhou can also be attributed to Zhang Xiahou, and the reason is beyond doubt.

Zhang Xingyi, who knew Alang well, had a slightly distorted face, as if trying to hold back a smile:

This eloquent guy can even fool his mother...

Even a person like Zhang Xiahou who doesn't compete with the world can feel a sense of joy in his heart.

She looked at Feng Junhou who was sitting there, and bursts of regret suddenly appeared in her heart:

If the prime minister's wife hadn't hesitated when she talked about marriage back then, this young gentleman who is famous all over the world has already become Si Niang's perfect husband-in-law!

Alas, I regret that I didn't listen to Sanniang's persuasion...

But after all, she is a person who has gone through a big storm, and quickly suppressed the thoughts in her heart, and turned to A Dou again: "Your Majesty..."

A Dou has already got the pillow wind of his own queen, how can there be no reason for it?

Then someone spread the word that Xia Houba came in.

Unexpectedly, although Xiahouba recognized Zhang Xiahou's family, he had Wei Guo in his heart, and when he saw Adou, he would stand upright without bowing to him.

Although A Dou is young, under the strong pressure of his father all the year round, his psychological endurance is not small.

In addition to his benevolent nature, he didn't pay much attention to Xia Houba's disrespect.

On the contrary, he said with relief: "Qing's father died in the battle between the two armies, not by my ancestors."

Then he pointed to Zhang Xingcai, "The empress is also the niece of the Xiahou family, so I can also be regarded as the Xiahou family's in-law."

"None of you here today are outsiders. Regardless of state affairs, you only talk about personal relationships. General Xiahou doesn't have to do that."

After hearing this, Xiahouba's face softened a little.

Only then did he look around and found that Feng Junhou was also present, he was slightly surprised:

"Liu Chanyan is not an outsider here. Could it be that Feng Yongyi has something to do with the Liu family?"

Feng Junhou took the initiative to bow his hands to him, with a smile on his face: "Uncle Xiahou, I didn't expect that we would meet here."

Only then did Xia Houba remember: Yes, he said that Yu Congmei was his half teacher, so he was not considered an outsider.

He thought he had figured it out. Although he didn't deny Feng Yong's title, he didn't want to give this person a good look:

"The old man doesn't want to see you."

After all, the general of the defeated army is still a junior, so ashamed, ashamed!

But he didn't expect that Feng Yong's address to him shocked everyone else present.

Especially Zhang Xiahou's family looked at Feng Yong with some horror: When did Feng Mingwen have such a relationship with his brother Cong?

Feng Yong didn't care about Xia Houba's attitude, but just smiled.

Winners always have style.

Besides, the days behind this are still long...

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