Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 825 The world has changed

Not only did Feng Yong not care about Xia Houba's lack of good looks for himself, he said instead:

"Uncle Xiahou, in this world, if there is gain, there will be loss. On the contrary, if there is loss, there will be gain."

"If it weren't for you and I meeting in Yueshi City, I'm afraid you will never have the chance to visit the tomb of your father and younger brother again in this life, don't you think so?"

When Xia Houba heard this, he immediately snorted.

This Feng Wenhe is really eloquent!

This remark is neither yin nor yang, and it is not true if people refute it, and it is not true if they do not refute it.

Rebutting is not filial or fraternal, but not refuting makes people feel like eating a fly and can't swallow it.

But Zhang Xiahou, when he heard Feng Yong mentioning this matter, couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"I haven't been to the place where my uncle and Wulang (that is, Xia Hourong, who died in battle with Xia Houyuan in Junding Mountain) were buried for many years. I don't know what has become of it over the years."

Hearing this, Feng Yong hurriedly said:

"Old lady, but please don't worry. Since I arrived in Hanzhong, I have asked someone to clean it every year. Within half a mile there, no one is allowed to cut grass and collect firewood."

As soon as these words came out, not only the Zhang Xiahou family, but even Xiahouba looked over in amazement.

"Feng Hou, this, I didn't know about this. If I knew about this earlier, I should thank Feng Hou in person."

Zhang Xiahou stood up and said excitedly.

How could Feng Yong dare to accept Zhang Xiahou's gift, and quickly stood up:

"Maybe the old lady forgot that when I came to Nanxiang in the early years, I often exchanged letters with Si, cough, Siniang, and the old lady once borrowed Siniang's letter to ask the younger generation to go to Dingjun Mountain to see the tomb of the old general Xiahou. "

Since ancient times, it has been emphasized that the dead are the greatest.

Besides, Xia Houyuan is also a famous general, and it is not considered rude to call out General Xiahou in front of Zhang Xiahou and Xiahouba at this time.

There is also a reason why Feng Yong asked people to look after Xia Houyuan's cemetery.

Nanxiang is the food town granted to Zhang Fei by Liu Bei.

Back then, Feng Junhou's status was far inferior to today's. In order to successfully develop his career in Nanxiang, he went up to Zhang Xiahou's family, middle class to the empress, and down to Zhang Xingyi, and he took care of everything.

At that time, Zhang Xingyi was still young, and Feng Yong had correspondence with Zhang Xingyi. Zhang Xiahou was afraid that some rules would be violated between them, so he was very strict about the correspondence.

She borrowed Zhang Xingyi's letter to Feng Yong and asked Feng Yong to visit Xiahouyuan's tomb, which may not have reminded Feng Yong to pay attention to the meaning of the words in the letter.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would guard against everything. She could guard against her daughter when she was a child, but she couldn't guard against her daughter when she grew up.

What she didn't even expect was that Feng Yong would silently accomplish this step due to her unintentional entrustment.

When she heard this incident suddenly, she couldn't express her gratitude in words, and at the same time, she couldn't add more regret for not letting Siniang marry Feng Yong.

Under these mixed feelings, she almost shed tears again.

She choked up and said:

"Old man... thank you Feng Hou!"

Xia Houba also had a complex expression, and finally bowed his hands to Feng Yong to express his gratitude.

Feng Yonglian said he didn't dare.

In fact, he did this with little effort.

Although the big man still has the rule that women can also inherit the title, Huang Wudie did not inherit Huang Zhong's title.

However, in order to commemorate Huang Zhong's achievements, Liu Bei assigned the arable land of Dingjun Mountain to Huang's family, so that Huang Wudie would have a place to settle down for the rest of his life.

Therefore, before Feng Yong came to Hanzhong, Huang Wudie was the veritable richest man in Hanzhong, and she was also the richest woman.

After Feng Yong arrived in Hanzhong, Huang Wudie was one of the few original shareholders who bought shares with money and food in the early stage.

Later, if the elder brother wants to use a little place in her house to come out, is that a problem?

Asking the tenants in the house to clear the grass around the cemetery every year is a matter of one word.

Where did Zhang Xiahou know about the joints?

She only thought of Feng Junhou as being affectionate and committed, and she didn't know where to lose the little unhappiness towards Feng Junhou in her heart.

I even feel a little guilty in my heart: the misunderstanding between Feng Hou and Si Niang is actually caused by me, no wonder he, alas...

Seeing the appearance of Zhang Xiahou and Xiahouba, Feng Junhou hurriedly said enthusiastically:

"It's rare for the old lady and General Xiahou to come to Hanzhong. Why don't we choose a good day and go to Dingjun Mountain?"

Zhang Xiahou wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, nodded and said: "That's exactly what I mean."

"Since that's the case, I'll let you know there. After all...cough, that's where the Huang family belongs..."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Xiahou didn't react at all. When Xiahouba heard the word "yellow", he gritted his teeth secretly.

When A Dou heard this from the side, the more strange he felt: Why is this Feng Mingwen so concerned about this matter?

This child is honest, and when he thinks about it in his heart, his face shows it.

The queen who was sitting next to her noticed, she quietly reached out and scratched the back of his hand lightly.

Sure enough, Ah Dou turned to look at Zhang Xingcai.

Zhang Xingcai glanced at Feng Yong, then nodded slightly at Adou.

The meaning is very clear: Feng Yong seems to have his own opinion, and His Majesty can watch it with peace of mind.

A Dou knew that his queen was very resourceful, so he gave a clear look and then remained still.

Zhang Xingyi, on the other hand, sat there silently, but his eyes flicked back and forth between Feng Yong and Xia Houba, and his eyeballs kept rolling.

How could Xia Houba expect that although Feng Yong, the queen and Zhang Xingyi are juniors to him, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps, they are all thoughtful people.

The only honest man, A Dou, was not showing his flaws because he was surrounded by the queen.

Coupled with Zhang Xiahou's true feelings revealed, how could he think of other things in his heart?

Besides, he was willing to come to Hanzhong, partly because of his younger sister, and partly because he wanted to worship at the tombs of his father and fifth younger brother.

Hearing that Feng Junhou was so caring at this time, he should come down immediately and go to Dingjun Mountain together.

When Feng Junhou saw that Xia Houba had agreed, he just opened his mouth, and then immediately put away his expression and pretended to be serious.

Damn it, when I was attacked back and forth, you clearly promised me to go to Hanzhong, but you didn't expect that behind your back you would want to snatch my title of "smart words and seductiveness" and encourage Hu Zun to turn against the water.

If I don't let you see the tricks of this old man, how do you know what it means to be cruel and ruthless Xiaowenhe?

Zhang Xiahou's mood fluctuated too much in the past two days. She came here to intercede with Xiahouba, but now that she got what she wanted, she finally felt a little tired.

Seeing this, the queen and Zhang Xingyi helped her to rest.

With Zhang Xiahou's absence, Xiahouba naturally had no reason to stay here.

After a while, after the queen arranged for Zhang Xiahou, she finally formally summoned Li Mu.

After all this tossing, Feng Yong was able to bid farewell to Adou before the sun set, and was ready to leave the palace.

Unexpectedly, he had just been sent out of the palace gate by the small yellow gate in the palace, and as soon as he turned around the palace wall where there was no one, someone rushed out and grabbed his sleeve:

"How dare you, Feng Wenhe, use the dead Xia Houyuan to plot against Xia Houba!"

When Feng Junhou heard this, he was immediately frightened out of his wits!

Today, it was hard to get the mother-in-law to change her opinion a little bit. If she listened to this, I'm afraid that her image will collapse even more than before.

He turned his neck "quack" and found that the person who said this was a strange woman with a sly smile, so he was relieved:

"Si Niang, don't mess around, am I that kind of person?"

Zhang Xingyi let out a "bah": "What kind of person are you? How can you hide it from me? Ordinary people only know Xiao Wenhe who is cruel and merciless, but I have never heard of Feng Langjun who is ancient and warm-hearted."

Gudaoxin is a common expression in Nanxiang's popular chivalrous novels, so it can be seen that she has read those chivalrous novels a lot.

"I'm still gutted!"

Feng Junhou saw Si Niang's slightly angry look, and immediately smiled playfully:

"Outsiders talk about me, so I have no choice. Si Niang, you are not an outsider, so why do you follow those people's words!"

When Zhang Xingyi heard him say that he was not an outsider, she felt sweet in her heart, and kicked him lightly:

"I came out secretly just to tell you that no matter what thoughts you have about that Xia Houba, you must always think of your mother."

"My mother has only seen Xiahou's family again today after decades, and she regards Xiahouba as her elder brother. Don't let Xiahouba misunderstand her then."

Feng Yong said with a smile: "Don't worry, Si Niang, I managed to make the old lady change her opinion of me today, how can I be that person who doesn't know the importance?"

"That's good." Zhang Xingyi was relieved when he heard this, and turned to look at Li Mu next to him, "This time, your wife, Mrs. Ru, will be in the limelight."

"First the prime minister summoned her, and then the queen summoned her again. Who would dare to bully her in the future?"

"Did someone dare to bully her before?" Feng Yong knew that she was suffering daily, so he replied indifferently.

Unexpectedly, when Zhang Xingyi heard the words, hehehe on the spot:

"In the past, she was supported by you, Feng Junhou. No one dared to say it in the open, but secretly, how many people believed that she could go on like this?"

When she said these words in front of Li Mu, she was not afraid of offending Li Mu.

Feng Yong glanced at Li Mu subconsciously. After she was summoned by the queen, the joy on her face never disappeared.

At this time, Zhang Xingyi didn't seem to care much about what Zhang Xingyi said, and his joy did not change.

"But after this incident, it is equivalent to the court's recognition of her status. In this life, she can be regarded as a firm foothold."

Only then did Feng Yong understand why Zhang Xingcai had to formally summon Li Mu.

It turns out that there is such a meaning.

"That's all under the light of the male gentleman."

Li Mu looked at Feng Yongshi, the smile on his face finally overflowed uncontrollably, and his eyes were burning hot.

"It's still self-aware."

Zhang Xingyi nodded, "It's not in vain that I specially gave you this kind of grace."

The weather was so cold, Feng Yong suddenly felt itchy on his forehead, he couldn't help wiping it with his hands, it seemed like he was sweating?

He still thinks too simply.

He thought that he had made a great contribution, so he favored his wife and concubine.

I didn't expect that there would be Xiaosi, who hadn't started yet, showing power in front of the concubine's room, in case the concubine's room suddenly received grace and developed thoughts that shouldn't be born.

"This time, many women of the big man will probably also thank A Lang."

Zhang Xingyi nodded to Li Mu, then turned around and said softly to Feng Yong, "Even if you are a concubine, you don't have to be afraid of others saying that the concubine who is in charge of the school's Wei's office is the rooster Sichen."

"What's the meaning?"

Feng Yongcai figured out one level, but Zhang Xingyi told him another level.

Thinking of the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty mentioned earlier, Feng Yong suddenly came to his senses: How could it be that simple that Zhuge Old Monster can personally participate in it?

Sure enough, Zhang Xingyi's face was as happy as Li Mu's.

It's just that she saw that Feng Yong was like an idiot and hadn't reacted yet, so she couldn't help kicking Feng Yong again:

"You, who are usually far-sighted, how come you suddenly look like a fool?"

"Didn't Ah Lang always say that women can hold up half the sky? Now the Prime Minister and Empress personally summoned Nanxiang's Mu Niangzi, not only recognizing her, but also recognizing Nanxiang's female leadership."

"Back then, Alang was criticized by many people because of the fact that the Nanxiang woman was in charge of the family. Now that the court has approved it, who would put this on the table and say that Alang is not right?"

"After this incident, there will be more and more women from Nanxiang, Yuejuan, and Xiaowei's Mansion, as long as they have the ability to come out to work or take charge of the family."

"Isn't this exactly what Ah Lang has planned all these years? Now that he has got what he wants, why is he confused instead?"


It's just to summon my concubine's room, you guys who play politics can still play so many tricks, your heart is really dirty!

Feng Junhou was shocked when he heard Zhang Xingyi's words: Am I still too young?

I just remembered that this wool spinning workshop is really hugely profitable, but most of the weavers can only use female workers.

Nowadays, no matter whether it is the imperial court, or those dignitaries, and transitional families, there is an urgent need to give women a status and title so that they can enter the workshop to work in a legitimate way.

Besides, since ancient times, men farm and women weave.

Now you can't let men enter the workshop to weave, can you?

So who goes to serve in the military?

Who will plow and cultivate the land?

Thinking of this, Feng Yong suddenly felt that it was only natural for things to develop into what they are now.

"For this matter, you should thank your elder sister even more."

Feng Junhou sighed with emotion, "In this battle of Xiaoguan, she should be the first to contribute."

"This battle has proved that whoever said that women are inferior to men, she is the role model for women in the world."

Zhang Xingyi didn't understand the trap in Feng Junhou's words, but she nodded in agreement and said:

"There is only one Sister Guan in the world, and there is only one Feng Langjun."

"Sister also said that if sister Guan hadn't made great contributions in the battle of Xiaoguan, the imperial court might not be able to make up her mind to carry out this matter."

"So the world is fortunate to have such a sister Guan and such a Feng Langjun..."

Outsiders don't know the details of the Xiaoguan battle, but they all believe that it was Feng Junhou's work.

But how can all the bigwigs in the imperial court not know who Guan Jiashiro is?

But Feng Junhou suddenly remembered something, first he shook Li Mu's hand quietly, and then asked:

"This Mu Niang is a concubine after all, and the concubine is in charge of the family business. From the outsiders' eyes, it is suspected of being a concubine who raped his wife. Is there no one to make irresponsible remarks?"

Zhang Xingyi sneered upon hearing this:

"How could it not be? It's just that if it's the same as before, I'm afraid the world will be raging, and I don't know what to arrange for the court."

"But now, someone is either pretending not to see it, or someone is defending the court."

"This kind of thing, as long as there are people arguing, let them talk quickly, and we will do our own..."

"And," Zhang Xingyi said pointedly, "Which concubine in Feng's residence dares to rape his wife?"

When Feng Yong heard it, he said yes!

No matter how powerful the concubine is, how powerful is the general?

Si Niang is based on power and political strategy, but Guan Ji is wise and stupid, and she is upright and secure in the position of eldest sister.

Of course, the point is not this.

The point is that the world has changed.

Thinking of the capital hype of later generations, Feng Yongxin said that the essence of capital will never change.

As long as there are profits and benefits, even black can be called white.

But the position of public opinion, if you don't occupy it yourself, the enemy will occupy it.

Now that I am on the side of capital, I am naturally happy to see someone rushing forward for me.

"The world has begun to change..."

"Bah! Ever since you went to Nanxiang, the world has changed!"

The young lady of the Zhang family exposed Feng Junhou's hypocrisy, "No, it should have started when you became an official!"

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