Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 826 And return together, and return together

Having said these words with Zhang Xingyi, Feng Yong felt a little moved in his heart.

He knew that the little lady of the Zhang family was worried that he would not be able to think of these things for a while, so she sneaked out to remind him.

I was narcissistically thinking about the deep love of a beautiful woman, but before leaving, Zhang Xingyi stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear:

"Don't forget what you promised me last night in front of His Majesty and Queen."

Feng Yong was taken aback for a moment, and thought to himself what did I promise you yesterday?

He turned his head and was about to ask a question.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingyi smiled slyly, and walked away without giving him a chance to ask for clarification.

Feng Yong knows that he has a little habit of being a bit silly after drinking, but at most it's just bragging.

Just thinking of Zhang Xingyi's smile when he left yesterday, Feng Junhou felt a little nervous.

I thought it was to make me lose my morals after drinking, but I didn't expect it to make me lose my words after drinking.

I don't know if I think too much, or if my opponent thinks too little.

Feng Yong thought about it, and even though he was thinking about it, he couldn't remember what he said after drinking yesterday.

Thinking of Zhang Xingyi's sly smile, she must have designed it on purpose, if she didn't say anything on purpose, I'm afraid there's nothing she can do about it.

There were two other people who were there yesterday, one was Adou and the other was the Queen.

Finding a queen is definitely impossible.

But thinking of that simple and honest little fat man, Feng Junhou couldn't help thinking secretly: this matter must be explained out of A Dou's mouth...

The big deal is to plug in some benefits at that time?

Although the bandits Cao on the east side of Hanzhong have not retreated, the big figures in the upper echelon of Hanzhong are still in the mood to intrigue here, which already shows that the overall situation in Hanzhong has been settled.

In fact, this time when Cao Wei invaded Hanzhong, in the secret plan of Cao Rui and Cao Zhen, Sima Yi's partial division was to attract the main force of the Han army.

After the suspected soldiers in Ziwu Valley were discovered, Sima Yi had to hold back the Han army in Hanzhong and prevent them from reinforcing Longyou, which was the most dangerous route.

Unexpectedly, Cao Zhen's main force, which was intended to be in Longyou, was defeated by Feng Yongda under Xiaoguan.

Only Sima Yi went up the river from the west city, cleared the road all the way, advanced by water and land, and arrived in Hanzhong smoothly, and even captured Xinfeng County and other places, winning a small victory.

Although there was no contact with Ziwu Valley, Sima Yi only thought that it was raining continuously in Hanzhong, so Cao Zhen missed his deadline.

Unexpectedly, this is the overall situation that Cao Rui and Cao Zhen set up together.

And he himself is just a more important pawn in this game.

Knowing that Zhuge Liang personally led the army, Sima Yi couldn't help being in a dilemma.

He was not afraid of Zhuge Liang.

After all, Sima Yi has led the army much longer than Zhuge Liang, and before leading the army alone, he has been making suggestions in the army.

And the only record Zhuge Liang could get was the battle of Longyou.

Therefore, even if Sima Yi did not underestimate Zhuge Liang, he would not be too afraid.

What worries him is that the emperor asked him to lead an army to attack Shu from the east, and join Da Sima in Hanzhong.

Now Da Sima has not heard the news for a long time, and the main force of the Han army is coming to him again.

Then should I continue to stay here and wait for news from Da Sima, or return to Jingzhou?

If you continue to stay, seeing that Zhuge Liang personally leads the army, I am afraid that Da Sima has already lost.

But if there is no order from His Majesty, if you retreat in the face of the enemy, then you will be told that you are fleeing in fear of the wind, fearing Shu like a tiger...

While hesitating, a general entered the commander's camp suddenly, eager to fight:

"General, when the army of Shu captives is coming, why don't you let the last general go to dampen his spirit first."

When Sima Yi heard the words, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "General Niu is here, but it relieves my worries."

He thought in his heart, if he could send out a vanguard and break Zhuge Liang's spirit first, there would be more room for me to advance and retreat.

So a team was sent to Niu Jin to test the truth.

At the same time, Sima Yi seized the time and sent a lot of people to Ziwu Valley to inquire about the news.

The beginning of Ziwu Valley intersects with the Han River.

And Sima Yi went west along the Han River.

But after such a long time, there was no news from Ziwu Valley, which made Sima Yi feel a little uneasy.

Niu Jin thought to himself that he was brave, leading the army forward, and met the vanguard of the Han army on the way.

When the two armies fought, they were defeated by the opponent.

Seeing Niu Jin leading the remnant soldiers and retreating in embarrassment, Sima Yi was shocked: "Who is the vanguard of the Shu captives, so powerful?"

"I heard that the Shu general registered his own name, saying it was Wei Yan."

Niu Jin replied with shame on his face.

"Wei Yan? It turned out to be this person, so no wonder."

Sima Yi sighed, "This man is highly valued by Liu Bei, and he has guarded Hanzhong for nearly ten years, so he has something extraordinary."

Earlier he had already guessed that Cao Zhen was defeated, but now that he had been struggling for a while, Sima Yi finally began to feel like quitting.

After all, I was going against the current, and the transportation of food and grass was not smooth. If there was no other army to support me, it would be considered a lone army, and it was still a lone army entering the enemy's territory.

At this moment, the scout sent to Meridian Valley to inquire about the news finally sent back the news:

Meridian Valley army has retreated.

Some people also say that Ziwu Valley is just a suspicious soldier, and now it has been seen through by the people of Shu.

In fact, Da Sima led an army to attack Xiaoguan, but Feng Yong broke it.

In particular, the latter news is now spreading in Hanzhong, and even the woodcutter who collects firewood already knows about it, so the sentry can learn about it.

When Sima Yi heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat: "I'm almost dead!"

Immediately, people packed up their luggage and boarded the boat overnight, and the whole army returned to Jingzhou along the Han River.

It is difficult for him to go upstream, but it is very easy to go downstream.

It was really like an old turtle that entered the water and disappeared in a flash.

When Zhuge Liang's army arrived in Xinfeng County, all they saw was the messy camp.

"Prime Minister, looking at the appearance of this camp, Sima Yi must have heard the news and fled, so he must have no intention of fighting. Why don't you take advantage of the victory and pursue it?"

Wei Yan defeated Niu Jin, it was the time when the fighting spirit was high, and he thought to himself that such a good situation, is there any reason not to pursue it?

Zhuge Liang shook his head:

"Sima Yi is a man who is good at leading the army. The chaos in the camp may not have been intentional."

"Besides, if we wait to chase him easily, not to mention that there are not enough boats, and the Han River is easy to flow down the river, but difficult to go up the river. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the army to return when the time comes."

After hearing this, Wei Yan said again:

"There is no need for the whole army to chase after him. The Prime Minister only asked me to lead an elite army to go. Even if Sima Yi is prepared and the Prime Minister is behind him, he will not be afraid."

Zhuge Liang once again forbade:

"Now the big man has won a complete victory. This Sima Yi is going down the river. It is not easy to catch up. Even if he can catch up, he is probably only the tail."

"Victory is not enough to affect the overall situation. If, by any chance, Sima Yi has some arrangements to make General Wei lose his spirit, it is not beautiful."

Wei Yan was repeatedly rejected by Zhuge Liang, feeling disappointed.

After getting out of the camp, he couldn't help but looked up to the sky and sighed: "The prime minister is timid! I only hate that I can't make full use of my talents."

Shi Yangyi, the commander of the army, has always been in conflict with Wei Yan, and just now when he saw Wei Yan's face in the camp, he knew that he was dissatisfied.

He had known that Wei Yan had the problem of being outspoken, so he took the opportunity to follow out quietly, hiding in a remote place and eavesdropping.

Sure enough, when he heard Wei Yan say such words, he was overjoyed, and hurried back to talk to the prime minister.

Zhuge Liang had heard Yang Yi say that Wei Yan had disrespectful words more than once, and now he heard his old things brought up again, and he couldn't help but feel a little displeased.

Be it Wei Yan or Yang Yi, of these two people, one is more than brave but rebellious, and the other is talented but not tolerant, which is really troublesome.

"I have long been concerned about the matter of Wei Yan, so I don't need Duke Wei to say too much. Can Duke Wei finish the investigation of the matter of food and grass in the army?"

Zhuge Liang didn't express his opinion too much after hearing what Yang Yijin said to Wei Yan, but just asked a question.

In the original history, the talents of Ji Han were withered. Although Zhuge Liang knew that the two men had deficiencies in character, he valued their talents after all. Some things had to be turned a blind eye.

It's not like now, a certain soil turtle was born out of nowhere, mounted on a horse to rule the army, dismounted to caress the people, with both civil and military skills, it was the crown of a great man.

Acting unconstrained by common customs, marrying a tiger girl can also train her to be a general.

Not to mention bringing most of Ji Han's late talents to appear in advance.

In the front Liu Yinli resisted Zhang Yun, and in the future Zhao Guang defeated the enemy three thousand times. Zhang Ni and Ju Fu also made great achievements in battle.

There are also Wang Ping, Jiang Wei and others, plus some veteran generals of the Han Dynasty, it can be said that there are talents coming out in large numbers, and they are not afraid of having no successors.

Therefore, the tolerance of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty to Wei Yan and Yang Yi was lower than that of the original history.

I have Feng Mingwen and Jiang Boyue enough! If you can keep your own place, let it go, if you can't, is it possible that I can't let it go?

After hearing this, Yang Yi knew that she was reminding herself that her main duty was to assist the prime minister in dealing with military affairs, and she should not stretch her hands too far.

At the moment, I had to make a few promises and dare not say more.

In the last few days of the eighth year of Jianxing, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty drove Sima Yi out of Hanzhong. So far, the battle between Shu and Wei finally came to an end.

Time entered the ninth year of Jianxing, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty returned to Nanzheng, the emperor of the Han Dynasty led all the officials in Hanzhong to welcome him, Feng Yong was at the forefront of the officials, and welcomed the prime minister with the emperor.

Zhuge Liang saw the emperor greeted him personally, but he didn't dare to trust him, so he got out of the car quickly: "The old minister's insignificant achievements, why dare the emperor go out of the city?"

"Father Xiang is fighting for the country in the front, and I have just sat in the back. Now that Father Xiang has returned from victory, why not welcome me?"

After entering January, because Hanzhong is a basin, the weather turns warm relatively quickly.

A Dou didn't wear a down jacket, but a thick fine fleece sweater inside, so he didn't feel cold at all.

However, he knew that Xiangfu was old and afraid of the cold, so he prepared a long and thick down jacket and put it on Xiangfu himself.

It's the same as what Xiangfu did when he returned from fighting in Nanzhong.

Zhuge Liang couldn't refuse, so he had to let A Dou put it on, but he said:

"When it comes to fighting for the country, with Feng Junhou's astounding achievements in front of the world, how dare the old minister take the words of His Majesty?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on Feng Yong.

Although Feng Junhou was put in the forefront of the hundred officials by the emperor, he was already prepared in his heart, but it was a bit embarrassing to be lifted out by the prime minister of the Han Dynasty like this.

"Prime... Uh, the prime minister is serious. I don't have any amazing achievements. It's just a soldier's life."

Feng Junhou was a little nervous, and almost followed A Dou and called Xiangfu, but fortunately he changed his words in time.

"Soldiers use their lives, and the generals must be able to command them well. Feng Hou doesn't have to be so self-effacing."

Zhuge Liang stroked his beard, looked at Feng Junhou kindly, and said in a warm voice.

"Right, right! Marquis Feng has a good command, and the officers and men work hard with one heart, and Xiao Guan's astonishing achievements can only be achieved."

A Dou quickly echoed what the prime minister said.

Fatty, you are here again.

Can you have your own opinion other than "yes yes yes yes yes yes"?

"Your Majesty and the Prime Minister are overwhelmed!"

Feng Junhou clearly had a smile on his face, but his mouth was still humble.

"Hu Qiang School Wei's elite soldiers are the best in the world. After the battle of Xiaoguan, Feng Houwei's reputation spread in Guanzhong, and there is hope for the great Han to rejuvenate!"

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty was very happy to see that after these years of tempering and becoming a father, the son finally became stable.

He stepped forward and patted Feng Yong on the shoulder, and said with relief.

Seeing the prime minister making such intimacy with Feng Yong in front of everyone, many people were secretly startled:

It has long been heard that the prime minister regards Feng Wenhe as a disciple, and seeing him now, it is indeed so.

Feng Yong said hastily: "The Prime Minister's words are serious, and he will never be worthy of such praise."

At this time, the prime minister was close at hand, and one could see that although the prime minister was in good spirits, his appearance was much older than when they parted in Longyou.

Although Zhuge Liang cheated him many, many times, and he kept calling Zhuge the old monster in his heart, he actually knew that the other party valued him very much.

Coupled with the relationship between Huang Yueying and Guan Ji, he also regards Zhuge Liang as an elder.

Seeing Zhuge Liang's old face at this time, my heart also felt a little sour.

"Prime Minister, it's too cold outside, why don't we go back to the city first?"

"Yes, yes, Feng Hou and I are young, and our father is no match for us. We should go back to the city first."

A Dou, the respondent, was very qualified, and even came up to hold Xiangfu with his own hands.

Zhuge Liang obeyed the etiquette of the emperor and ministers, how dare the emperor do this?

It's just that for some reason, Adou is determined to help Xiangfu into the car with his own hands and drive him out.

Feng Junhou stood the closest, seeing the two of them giving in to each other like this, he thought to himself that if this continues, he doesn't know how long it will take to drink the northwest wind.

Immediately said quickly: "In ancient times, King Wen of Zhou respected the prince as the grand master, and he returned with him. Now, your majesty respects the prime minister as the father of the prime minister, and he is supported by the chariot."

"This is the so-called king, wise minister, virtuous minister, Your Majesty and the Prime Minister don't have to give in, and they will return together, and return together!"

When A Dou heard that Feng Junhou compared him to King Wen of Zhou, his face blushed immediately, and he said again and again:

"Yes, yes, yes, please come back with me, Father Xiang, come back together!"

The prime minister of the great Han once boasted of Guan Zhong and Le Yi, and the great Han Zhongxing is expected, although he did not dare to compare his reputation with the Grand Duke, but he couldn't help but feel slightly agitated after receiving such a good word from Feng Junhou.

So he stopped being hypocritical and drove back to the city with the emperor.

But the ministers, after hearing Feng Junhou's words, and seeing the emperor and Cheng in the same car, some people secretly complained:

This witty talk is flattering Feng Langjun, I'm afraid it will be changed to clever talker Feng Junhou in the future.

Not to mention the Son of Heaven, even the Prime Minister can be persuaded. Who in the world can compare with such clever words?

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