Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 832: Yangmou

The so-called King Dong'a is Cao Zhi.

In terms of speaking, he is still Cao Rui's uncle.

It's just that this uncle was the loser in the previous competition for the throne, so his status is very embarrassing.

However, Cao Wei's policies towards the Cao family's near and distant clans are two extremes.

Like Cao Zhen and Cao Xiu, who are not a threat to the throne or adopted sons, Cao Pi, Cao Rui and his son entrusted them with all their trust.

Not only can lead the army, but also let it guard the territory, adding weight to the body.

As for the emperor's uncles and brothers, strict precautions were taken.

Although each has a fief in name, in fact the fief is a huge cage.

Not only can't leave without authorization, but you must be careful in your own mansion.

Because there are officials sent by the emperor to supervise the house, as long as they say something wrong or do something wrong, they will be reprimanded by the emperor's decree, or they will be demoted and seized.

But no matter what, as long as you can live in peace, you can still have a good life and live a good life.

The only exception is Cao Zhi.

Not just because he was the loser of the previous competition for the throne.

Also because his reputation is too great.

Of course, the main reason is that he was the loser in the previous competition for the throne.

However, it is precisely because Cao Zhi's talent is recognized by the world and his reputation is too great. If he died suddenly for no reason, it will inevitably make people in the world suspect that the emperor of Wei State is too narrow-minded.

You can't even tolerate your own brother, who would dare to believe that you can tolerate outsiders?

The Emperor Han who abdicated...maybe he will die suddenly one day, right?

Coupled with the blessing of the Empress Dowager Bian, Cao Pi failed to kill his younger brother in the end.

But if you can't kill it, you can't kill it, but it's okay to hit it from time to time.

So these years, Cao Zhi's fiefdom has been changing. As a member of the royal family, he is like an exiled prisoner, either preparing to migrate or on the way to migrate.

After finally surviving Cao Pi's death, Cao Zhi felt that he was finally relieved, so he wrote to Cao Rui many times, hoping to be appointed.

How about Cao Cao finally chose Cao Pi?

Cao Zhi is talented, but a person who is suitable for being a scholar may not be suitable for mixing politics.

If he calmed down like this, he might be able to live a stable life for a few days like other princes.

Cao Zhi wrote in the memorial that the old uncle, I can still use my spare energy for the country, and Cao Rui immediately felt that this old guy was a wicked person.

Regarding the memorial sent by Cao Zhi, Cao Rui apparently answered with his own hands: Uncle Huang's literary talent is very good...

Then he ordered to the left and right: You go and move my uncle, let him move more, so as not to think about it all day long.

So Cao Zhi moved several times, and finally realized that the father and son Cao Pi and Cao Rui never thought of leaving hope for themselves in this life.

People who have no hope are crazy.

In addition to Cao Pi's departure, Cao Zhi is the representative figure of Wei Guowen Movement.

When Feng thief spread his fame to the world with a few articles, and when Wei Guo was retreating successively, this undoubtedly gave Cao Zhi another amulet.

With no hope in sight, Cao Zhi simply sprayed:

"Yao's teaching is to be close first and then distant, from near to far. King Wen of Zhou punished his widowed wife, and as for his brothers, he used it to control his family... As for the ministers, their humanity is ruined. When they are imprisoned in the Ming Dynasty, the ministers steal and hurt themselves. .”

"Being close and unable to get married, brothers are obedient, questions about good and bad luck are blocked, and rituals for celebrating mourning are abolished. The violation of Enji is more than that of passers-by; the difference of estrangement is different than that of Hu Yue."

"Today, with everything under control, I will never have the hope of making a pilgrimage. As for focusing on the emperor's extreme and falling in love with the purple door, the gods know it well."


First, spray the emperor's attitude towards the clan:

If you look at the sages in ancient times, which one didn't get close to their relatives first, set an example for them in person, and then dare to say that the people of the world should behave according to the rules.

Look at how our Great Wei treats our clan members now. The brothers cut off communication, and they are not allowed to greet each other.

Your Majesty, how can you educate the people of the world in this way?

I don't expect to be able to return to Luoyang now, but I want to say a word of justice for the tribe, this is wrong!

Then, the importance of clan is discussed by the deeds of Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty and Zhu Xuhou and Dong Mouhou, King Wen of Zhou and his brother Guozhong and Uncle Guo, King Cheng of Zhou and Duke Zhao and Duke Bi.

The so-called Marquis Zhu Xu and Marquis Dong Mou are both the grandsons of Liu Bang, who contributed to the rebellion of the Lu clan;

As the younger brothers of King Wen of Zhou, Guo Zhong and Uncle Guo made great efforts in the process of King Wen of Zhou establishing the Zhou Dynasty;

Duke Zhao and Duke Bi were the uncles of King Cheng of Zhou, and they assisted King Cheng of Zhou to create the rule of Chengkang.

They are all examples of the clan supporting the ruler.

Finally, Cao Zhi pointed out:

Those who can make the world pay attention to it are those who are in power. Conspiracy can move the master, and prestige can deter the next. The power of the right is not in the hands of relatives. Where the power lies, it must be heavy even if it is sparse.

The Tian family who took Qi was not Lu Zong; the Zhao and Wei who divided Jin were not Ji. Only His Majesty can observe it.


It means that the one who can make the world obedient is the one who holds power.

The current state of Wei is ruled by aristocratic families, not our Cao family clan.

If things continue as they are now, sooner or later the power of our Cao family will be controlled by the great family.

If you don’t believe me, look at the people who carve up Qi, it is the Tian family, not the clan Lu family; the three families are divided into Jin, and the Zhao family and the Wei family are not Ji.

Your Majesty, think about it carefully!

After Cao Rui read it, he threw the memorial on the ground on the spot, saying that I miss your mother!

Zhu Xuhou originally wanted to make his brother the emperor, but Dong Mouhou later rebelled. Are you deceiving me for my ignorance?

Even Feng Zei's articles can't be suppressed, so what's the use of asking you, a representative of the literary movement?

If Cao Zhi hadn't been involved in this battle between Wei and Shu, Cao Rui would have thought of throwing Xiahouba's blame on Cao Zhi.

But after Cao Rui lost his temper, his face turned cloudy and clear, looking extremely ugly.

The timing of Cao Zhi's memorial to say these words is very timely.

No matter how hard Cao Rui gritted his teeth, he also knew that after Xiaoguan's defeat, Cao Zhen couldn't afford to be ill. Looking at the Great Wei, it was indeed as Cao Zhi said, that the power of aristocratic families had become inevitable.

Unless I can have 5678 years to clean up the domestic situation in peace and stability.

For now, this is almost an idea that is almost extravagant.

Sun Quan's title of king of Wu was bestowed by the first emperor. Now he abandons the king and proclaims himself emperor, which not only slaps the Shu people in the face, but also the Wei state.

If you don't express anything, what prestige is there?

I thought that the people of Shu would break off relations with the people of Wu because of this, and then I would have my own calculations.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Pilgrim was able to suppress the objections of the Shu people abruptly, and even sent someone to congratulate Sun Quan.

Thinking of this, Cao Rui cursed again: "That bastard Liu Chan! How is that different from usurping the throne like Zhuge Pifu? You are still willing to be him as a fake!"

In addition, Longyou fell into the hands of the Shu people, Liangzhou was cut off, and Guanzhong was threatened.

If Great Wei ignored this and only cared about running the Central Plains, I am afraid that in a few years later, the people of Shu would have reached Wanluo!

As the emperor, how could Cao Rui not see this?

This time, he planned meticulously for two years to regain Longyou, in order to regain a strategic advantage over the Shu people.

As long as Guanzhong and Longyou are used as a barrier to block the Shu people in Hanzhong, Wanluo will have no worries and the Central Plains will be stable.

At that time, no matter whether it is external or internal, I can slowly map it.

Unlike now, there are Wu Kou in the south and Shu captives in the west, and there is no peace for a day.

Apart from compromising step by step with the aristocratic family in exchange for their support, what else can I do?

Rely on your clansmen?

Do you rely on you to surrender the enemy?

At this thought, Cao Rui's eyes flashed, and he shouted: "Lian Zhao!"

"Your Majesty, the minister is here."

Cao Rui gestured to the memorial thrown on the ground, and said with a gloomy expression:

"Passing down the emperor's uncle's memorial, and just saying the emperor's uncle's words, I am deeply touched. The reason why the first emperor did not allow the kings to enter the capital is because the young master is in power and the mother is regent, so as to guard against the slightest."

"Now I haven't seen the princes for twelve years. I miss you so much. I specially order the princes from all over the world to send their eldest sons to Beijing to comfort me."

Speaking of this, Cao Rui emphasized his tone:

"Also, clan relatives and foreign relatives from all over the country who are in charge of the military and government are also recalled to Beijing to show the joy of the royal family."

He looked at Lian Zhao, "Especially the Xiahou clan, they are the most important in-laws of my royal family. Anyone who guards a county or more must be invited back."

Lian Zhao quickly responded, "No!"

"Cao Rui is really going to be fooled?"

Feng Yong was half lying in the carriage, holding the news that had just come from Wei Guo in his hand, with a look of surprise on his face.

After staying in Hanzhong for two or three months, he finally started back to Longyou again.

Qishan Road is the best way to go out of Hanzhong, and in the past few years, Dahan has not stopped repairing Qishan Road.

Now, a lot of post posts have been built on the entire Qishan Road, making the communication between Longyou and Hanzhong faster.

There are even many road sections where two vehicles can merge.

"He doesn't want to be fooled, but even if he knows that this is a rumor spread by a big man, he will hold his nose and admit it, calling Xia Houba a collaborator."

Zhang Xingyi, who was sitting next to him, had a sly look on his face, and his big eyes sparkled.

"Tell me."

Feng Yong got up and asked with great interest.

Although spreading rumors was what he wanted to do first, but the main thing was to disgust Cao Rui and Xia Houba, and to stir up public opinion by the way.

The position of public opinion, if you don’t occupy it, the enemy will occupy it.

It is always right to engage in more public opinion.

As a half-disciple of the prime minister, it is only natural to learn the prime minister's operation of "hitting two shots with or without dates".

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingyi guessed that he wanted to get Xia Houba, and actually planned this rumor plan himself.

Feng Junhou has always had a different attitude towards the women who followed him.

For example, to Guan Ji, it is similar to A Dou: "Xi Jun is right, Xi Jun is right!"

For Amei, I tried my best to give her a quiet environment so that she could study and do scientific research with peace of mind.

For Li Mu, as wild as your heart is, I have as much platform as I have.

As for Zhang Xiaosi, basically he was pulling her to do bad things together.

After all, Zhang Xiaosi is better at conspiracies.

This time, Zhang Xiaosi once again proved his talent: from Cao Rui's series of actions, it seems that he was really fooled.

Although Zhang Xingyi has learned to ride a horse in Longyou for the past few years, it is easy to cause bowed legs when riding a horse often.

Last time, she had to go on a journey, so she had to ride with Feng Yong all the way, but this time the trip was easy, so she naturally wanted to take a car.

Sometimes Feng Yong was tired from riding a horse, so he got into the car to rest for a while, which was also very happy.

It's just that the car's shock absorption is poor, and the road conditions are far inferior to the roads of later generations. Sitting in the car, it shakes a bit.

But seeing Zhang Xingyi shaking his head with the shaking of the car, he said triumphantly:

"Since Cao Rui became the false emperor, the two battles at Longyou and Shiting have exhausted the prestige accumulated before him."

"In addition to Xiao Guan's battle, if he doesn't handle it well, I'm afraid he will lose face."

Ordinary people, if they don't have prestige and face, they don't have much say at home, and they will be bullied by others outside.

But if it were the emperor, the courtiers could easily be bullied.

If the people in the country can live on, it's fine, but if they can't, then some people will smirk and say something like an "incompetent king" or "faint lord", that's going to kill them.

I don't care how wise and decisive you are, you have spent so much money and food, emptied the treasury, and made the people in the country miserable, but you have suffered major defeats for several years in a row. This is incompetence.

You are so incompetent, for the sake of the country, is it too much to ask the Queen Mother to appoint a new monarch?

Not at all too much!

"So this time, Cao Rui must urgently need someone to take the responsibility for his defeat..."

"Back the blame?"

"What's the blame?"

"Oh, it's okay. I mean, the commander of this battle is Cao Zhen. He led an army of 100,000 and was defeated. What can Xiahouba do?"

Feng Junhou still didn't quite understand.

"Stupid! After the Battle of Shiting, was Cao Xiu held accountable?"

Zhang Xingyi curled his lips, "Not only did Cao Rui regard Cao Xiu as a clan member and not pursue the responsibility for his defeat, but he sent people to comfort him. Cao Zhen is also a clan member, so why should he be held accountable?"

"If you didn't ask Cao Xiu's responsibility before, the soldiers under him may not have no complaints; if you ask Cao Zhen to be blamed now, you will lose the hope of your clan. Cao Rui did such inconsistent things because he was insane."

"Just don't ask Cao Zhen's responsibility, how can I explain to the 100,000 Cao thieves in Guanzhong? Either Cao Rui will take it on himself..."

When Zhang Xingyi said this, Feng Yong had already fully understood, and blurted out: "Either find someone to do it!"

"That's right!" Zhang Xingyi said with a smile, "Ah Lang also said before that Cao Rui is the most impatient person, and he is suspected of being overjoyed."

Thinking about what A Lang said, "It's a great success", it's really a wonderful word.

"Therefore, according to my concubine's wishes, he will definitely not take on this responsibility unless he has no other choice. Moreover, my concubine also said before that if Cao Rui doesn't handle it well, I'm afraid I won't save my face."

"So even if he has the heart, he doesn't dare to take the responsibility of defeat easily at this time."

Feng Yong slapped his thigh and laughed:

"It just so happens that Xiahouba belongs to the Cao family's in-laws. This status is suitable for him. Coupled with the rumors we released, Cao Rui just pushed the boat along and blamed him."

Even if Cao Rui knew that there was a problem with the upright conspiracy, he had to endure his nausea and step into it.

"In that case, I'm afraid he still has to thank us! Si Niang, I have you, I really feel like a fish in water..."

Looking at Zhang Xiaosi's beautiful appearance, Feng Junhou couldn't help but leaned over, feeling that he really loved this woman very much.

"Thank you, thank you," Zhang Xingyi used to take the initiative, but Feng Qinshou rarely took the initiative now, but she became a little shy, "I'm afraid that Cao Rui would like to eat you!"

"I want to eat you now too..."

Feng Junhou hugged her tightly.

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