Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 833 Restructuring

Under Feng Junhou's surprise, Zhang Xingyi's body immediately went limp, but when she saw her bit her lip, her face was like a smile, but not a smile:

"After all, the person who became the governor has grown a lot more courageous, and even dared to bully the queen's own sister..."

"What are you afraid of?" Feng Junhou didn't stop doing anything, and used a trick of monkeys to steal peaches, "She is the queen's own sister, and even my love sister..."

"Don't make trouble! It's really starting a fire, the one in this car..."

Zhang Xingyi desperately grabbed his hand, not to let him make trouble, and said angrily, "Besides, there are so many of your students outside!"

"The car is shaking so hard, what can they hear?"

The coachman and guards are all female guards around the car, and the students brought out from Nanxiang are still far behind.

Zhang Xingyi huddled in his arms, giggling: "You really are so brave! Why haven't I seen you so bold before?"

Feng Yong chuckled: "Didn't you meet the old lady when you returned to Hanzhong?"

In fact, in Feng Yong's eyes, the biggest obstacle in his relationship with Zhang Xingyi has never been the rules and etiquette.

Because rules have never been used to restrain power.

The most convenient way is for Zhang Xingyi to change his name and appear as another identity.

As for where the original little lady of the Zhang family are the only one who talks too much nonsense!

The Zhang family is a noble family, where is the little lady in the deep boudoir... Do you have the qualifications to ask?

In the younger generation of big men, Feng Guiwang can't be said to cover the sky with one hand, but the leading brother is worthy of the name.

Is it because the brown sugar is not sweet enough for the guy who still dares to miss the little lady of the Zhang family?

Or is the wine bad?

Or is the wool not warm enough?

Isn't Jinduan good-looking?

Don't like it?

Do you want to drink Mengpo soup?

Come, take a sip, just one sip!

The only ones who have any capital to criticize Feng Guiwang are those aristocratic families.

But it's not that Feng Guiwang boasted, there isn't a single family in Shu who can fight!

Besides, what kind of mess can he be sprayed with this little thing about men and women?

What else can I do besides saying that Ghost King Feng is immoral and not abiding by etiquette?

Has Guiwang Feng broken few rules in recent years?

Nanxiang women headed the house and came out to work in groups. What was the initial spray?

A group of demons danced wildly, evil spirits were born, isn't it still delicious now?

What's more, among the big families, which one doesn't have dirty things?

The times are different, the right to speak of the big man is no longer only in the hands of the aristocratic family.

Who is afraid of whom?

So Feng Yong knew his own family affairs, and the key to Zhang Xiaosi's affairs was Guan Ji and Zhang Xiahou's.

However, through Zhang Xingyi's hard work in the past few years, she has subtly integrated into Feng's residence.

Especially when Guan Ji gave birth to a child, she is much more magnanimous than before.

Mrs. Feng's family never saw Zhang Xingyi outside in the backyard, she often yelled at him, and would reach out to teach him a lesson when she was in a hurry.

The strange thing is that Guan Ji gave Zhang Xingyi a regular amount of money according to the rules of the Feng family.

Although Zhang Xingyi doesn't have much money for a rich woman like Zhang Xingyi, every time she collects it happily.

This is an implicit admission.

So the last hurdle in this matter is Zhang Xiahou's family, and it is also the hurdle that Feng Junhou fears the most, and it is also the hurdle that he is most uncertain about.

Fortunately, a tool man Xiahou descended from heaven...cough, Uncle Xiahou.

"I can't complain that it's the ghost king, ghost spirit ghost spirit! It really is the right name!"

Zhang Xingyi took a bite of him, and said bitterly, "I used to not eat it when I brought it to my mouth, but now I'm in a hurry? It's a good idea! Take your hands away, I want to talk about business!"

"What's the matter?"

Feng Junhou, who was exposed by Zhang Xingyi, asked embarrassingly, but he refused to take his hand back.

"Let me ask you, what are you planning to do with so many students this time?"

Zhang Xingyi had no choice but to let him go, but the other party still had to talk about the business.

Feng Yongzheng paused slightly with his refreshed hands: "Is there a lot?"

"Not many? You have taken away all the students that Nanxiang Academy is planning to graduate this year, and none of them have been reserved for others. Not many?"

Zhang Xingyi snorted, "Everyone knows what you're planning, but I just can't figure out what you're planning to do."

After the battle of Xiaoguan, Feng Guiwang's prestige has reached the peak of his current life, and everyone pays attention to his every move.

This time, he took away all the students who were about to graduate from Nanxiang Academy. For those who are interested, it is a small but noteworthy event.

"Oh, that's it. When Xiaowei Mansion was first established, didn't I make an appointment with the prime minister for a period of five years. As long as the Hu people who have settled down for five years, they will officially register as households at that time."

"Once the account is officially registered, the head of the pavilion and the head of the township are not allowed to use their own people? I can't hand it over to those old people like before..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Xingyi kicked him away and said angrily:

"He has no conscience! You are still taking advantage of the money, and you start to fool me with your mouth. Do you know what's going on in the captain's mansion? Don't even care about fooling people, bah!"

In the early years, Feng Yong vigorously promoted the literacy campaign in the army, and now he has finally received rich returns.

Now not to mention Nanxiang, even Yuejuan County and Xiaowei's Mansion, all the pavilion chiefs are soldiers who have retired from the army.

Although most of them are disabled, they are not brain-dead.

Just being able to read the vernacular documents issued by the government and explain to everyone what they mean is enough to calm down most of the heads of state.

These pavilion chiefs are vested interests under the Xinghanhui system. Without the support of Xinghanhui, they will fall back into the ranks of untouchables.

So they are all loyal supporters of the Xinghanhui system.

When Feng Junhou was in Longyou, he sometimes went down to patrol, and when he met a disabled pavilion chief in the countryside, the pavilion chief would let his wife, concubine and children come out to salute Feng Junhou.

When the schedule is free, Feng Junhou may have a few drinks with the other party.

Because these pavilion chiefs were either former Nanxiang soldiers, or retired from the Xiaowei's army, they all listened to Feng Junhou's call and played their residual heat in the local area.

Letting take root in the frontier will take root in the frontier. This is indeed the most loyal fan of this era.

Besides, it may not be easy for disabled soldiers who have retired from the army to marry a Han girl as a concubine, but in Longyou, it is the easiest thing to marry a few Hu girls as concubines.

Feng Junhou took a good lead himself, and raised his body to a barbarian girl, cough, married Amei as his concubine, and the rough guys under him naturally followed suit.

Lao Tzu was originally from the head of Guizhou, and he is not as noble as the son of a family, so how low can his blood be?

In the past, it might have been a luxury to marry a woman who was a little bit more acceptable.

Now that I finally have a chance to have a good time, it is natural to have a good time first.

Although I dare not expect to meet a unique Mei lady like Feng Junhou.

But ten households one mile, ten miles one kiosk, hundreds of households!

There are so many Hu girls and Yi girls, after washing and grooming, you can always pick out two or three that suit your taste out of two or three hundred, right?

And they also have this need in order to get rid of their original identity.

Then the two hit it off, they hit it off, it was reasonable...

Communication and integration, anyway, Feng Junhou is very happy to see it in this regard, and even secretly contributes to the flames.

The prime minister has said that Han and barbarians are the same, what's the matter with marrying a barbarian girl? Aren't all the people born are descendants of the Han family?

When the big soldiers at the bottom heard Feng Junhou's great truth, he quickly responded: "Yes, yes, Junhou is right!"

So not to mention that retiring from the army to serve as the pavilion chief represents the improvement of social status, and it is worth working hard just for the welfare that you can enjoy.

More children, more blessings, more branches and leaves, isn't that what a person wants in his life?

This also means that on the territory of Xinghanhui, the government's decrees can basically reach every household directly.

It directly cut off the foundation of the local wealthy families to stir up trouble.

"It's not like there are literate soldiers. In the past few years, how many people have been invested in the Xiaowei Mansion to register those Hu people? It's not like you don't know."

"Seeing that Liangzhou is about to be recovered, how can there be such literate soldiers who have retired from the army? So I have prepared in advance..."

Feng Junhou speaks plausibly.

"Still cheating! Still cheating!" Zhang Xingyi immediately punched and kicked again, "Students who have spent so much effort to cultivate, are you willing to let them be the head of the pavilion?"

The current Nanxiang Academy is not as good as it used to be.

In addition to Nanxiang having become the most famous teaching place for the great Han, more importantly, there is an additional gentleman in the school, this person's surname is Xiang Minglang.

Xiang Langben is a well-known scholar. During the few years he stayed in Nanxiang Academy, he taught students from all walks of life who came to Nanxiang Xinhua Bookstore to copy books for free.

Now he is almost the most respected wife of the big man.

With him sitting in Nanxiang Academy, who would dare to underestimate him?

Coupled with the leadership of the royal family, as well as the name of Feng Junhou Gaoren's children, the arithmetic is unique.

So even the students who are coming out of the school now are regarded more highly than their former seniors.

"I didn't say that they must be the pavilion chiefs..."

Feng Junhou hurriedly complained.

"It's not that it's hard to be the pavilion chief..."

Zhang Xingyi replied half a sentence subconsciously, and suddenly stopped, as if thinking of something, a look of horror appeared on his face:

" won't really let them become county magistrates, will you?"

"Why not?"

"You are using power for personal gain!"

Feng Yong looked dissatisfied at the woman who was elbowing out, "Nonsense, where did I use power for personal gain?"

"Big men have their own referral system. If you are like this... even if you are the governor of Liangzhou, you can't recommend so many people."

"Even if you recommend so many people, you can't appoint them without the approval of the court. Are you crazy?"

Zhang Xingyi's face was full of anxiety.

My husband must be crazy, or he is inflated to the limit, and I am afraid that he will be hoisted on the flagpole by the prime minister to show the public.

Of course, someone else might want to rebel...

But all the secrets of the Captain's Mansion will pass through his own hands. If this man suddenly wants to rebel, then he can only be said to be crazy...

Well, after all, it really is crazy.

"You're crazy! Did I say it was a private appointment?"

Feng Yong glared angrily at this woman who didn't trust him.

"Isn't it a private appointment? That means the prime minister agreed?"

Zhang Xingyi bit her finger, showing embarrassment, "It shouldn't be! In this way, I'm afraid I will lose the hope of scholars in the world."

No matter how chaotic the world is, the prosecution system is still the most important way to select officials.

The nine-rank Zhongzheng system in the Wei State, to put it bluntly, was born out of the inspection system, but the power of recommendation was taken away by the aristocratic family, rather than in the hands of the court.

The impressions of later generations on the Han Dynasty’s system of appellate elections and selection of officials are probably limited to Ju Xiaolian, but in fact, the subject of the system of inspection elections and selection of officials of the Han Dynasty has been very complete.

The most influential example is filial piety and honesty. Filial piety refers to honoring parents; honesty refers to honesty and diligence.

There is also Jumaocai, which refers to people with special talents among the people;

Chalian, that is, the promotion of low-level officials, is different from the "integrity" in Xiaolian, which refers to honest officials;

The four lines of Guanglu are those who are simple, honest, humble, and capable;

Virtuous and upright, that is, those who can speak out and speak out;

Virtuous literature, with both moral character and literary talent, and a good background in Confucian classics;

Not to mention subjects such as filial piety, strength of field, Ming Jing, Ming law, Ming Yin and Yang disasters, bravery and art of war.

More importantly, in combination with the prosecution system, the system of supporting scholars has also been standardized, that is, the opening of Taixue.

It is this relatively complete system of selecting officials and supporting scholars that has created a large number of high-quality Han officials and laid a solid foundation for the creation of the Han Dynasty.

However, the prosecution system has a fundamental drawback, that is, the selection criteria are not clear enough, and the personal preference of the person who selects the talent has a decisive impact on the result.

With the rise of the aristocratic family, they gradually monopolized intellectual resources while gaining power. This system became a tool for the aristocratic family to consolidate its position.

The Jiupin Zhongzheng System is the clarification of this historical trend.

"Then find a way not to disappoint them!"

Feng Yong said lightly.

"To put it bluntly, if you do this, everyone in the world will know that you are not going to give other scholars a living. What do you make others think?"

Zhang Xingyi gave him a blank look.

"Isn't it enough to let them participate? Those who can go up, those who can't go down, fair competition!"

Feng Junhou had been prepared for a long time, took out a few pieces of paper from his arms, and shook, "As long as they can pass the exam, they can also become officials!"

"take an exam?"

"It's the exam."

In fact, being an official in a big man sometimes requires an exam.

For example, Emperor Xiaowen said "hundreds of countermeasures, but (Chao) Cuo is Gaodi."

When it came to Emperor Guangwu, it was even more clear, and the formal implementation of the examination for the job, that is, the test of writing.

But in general, the examination is still an auxiliary form, and it does not occupy a major position, and it mainly depends on recommendation.

Zhang Xingyi snatched it with his hands, took a quick look, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Isn't this what you asked me to get some time ago?"

Some time ago, Feng Yong asked Zhang Xingyi to contact the secretariat to sort out some information about Xiaowei's Mansion and Liangzhou.

Zhang Xingyi didn't think too much about it, he just thought he was preparing to march into Liangzhou, but he didn't expect it to be used here.

"It's just part of it. Some topics are selected from the classics compiled by the court over the years. Of course, Nanxiang's arithmetic is also indispensable..."

Zhang Xingyi took a deep breath and looked up at Feng Yong: "It's just Nanxiang mathematics, and there are few scholars who have never been to Nanxiang, I am afraid that few people can pass."

Nanxiang Mathematical Sciences is the best in the world, this is really not bragging!

As long as they can stay in the school for three years, all of them can basically compare with the previous mathematics masters.

Because those who can't stay for three years have already been eliminated, and they went out early to contribute to the big man.

So in Nanxiang, it can be said that the masters of mathematics walk all over the street.

"If you don't know how to do arithmetic, what face do they have to become officials under my command?"

Feng Junhou raised his chin with disdain on his face, "It's just that people from the village send people to pave the road, they can't even count the money and food, why are you here?"

Even the head of the pavilion can casually talk about the era of thirty-eight twenty-four. As a chief official, you don't even know the formula of multiplication. What face do you have to stay in this position?

Even the prime minister of the Han Dynasty personally proofread the money and food!

Zhang Xingyi's heart suddenly beat violently, and her innate political talent made her instinctively feel that there was something wrong with this matter!

"This it going to be a regular practice, or is it only implemented in the captain's mansion?"

Many things promoted in the school captain's mansion were never done before.

Of course, according to my own Alang's words, what happened to Xiaowei's mansion and what it was doing was very different from the past, so the new policy was tried.

It would be easy to say if it was only implemented in the Xiaowei's mansion.

But what is Alang's identity now?

Governor of Liangzhou!

And he is the governor of Liangzhou who is about to be appointed!

To put it bluntly, Liangzhou accounts for half of the land of the two states of the Han Dynasty!

Really want to make an example...

Zhang Xingyi finally understood what was wrong, she grabbed Feng Yong's hand suddenly, and asked in a slightly trembling voice: ...

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