Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 834: As Cunning as a Fox

"You want to make this an example, don't you?"

Then she lowered her voice again, but her tone became a lot more serious, "You... Alang, you and the prime minister, don't you want to... reform?"

Speaking of restructuring, she even began to tremble.

Without him, all those who reformed the system since ancient times are all famous figures in history-the successful ones will be famous, and the unsuccessful ones will leave a bad reputation.

And his family, Alang, has either attacked the powerful or divided the family over the years, just to change the trend of the family.

These years, he almost slept on the same couch with Feng Guiwang every night, so Zhang Xingyi naturally understood why Feng Yong wanted to beat these aristocratic families to death better than ordinary people.

To put it simply and crudely, as long as there are these aristocratic families, there will be no hope for the big man in the future.

Unless they are like those enlightened families who are now opening workshops in Pingxiang, whether they are active or passive, they will undergo a complete transformation.

What is thorough?

At least let go of intellectual monopoly.

Moreover, the improvement of papermaking and the emergence of printing have also determined that the speed of knowledge transmission is many, many times faster than before.

In the past, a house full of bamboo slips and wooden tablets had to be pulled by bullock carts.

Now only two paper books are enough!

It can be carried with one hand.

This meant that Nanxiang was born to be in opposition to those aristocratic families who monopolized knowledge and refused to let go of it.

When Zhang Xingyi first arrived in Nanxiang, the scene where the students who borrowed books from Xinhua Bookstore saluted her in unison, she will never forget in this life.

She originally thought that Nanxiang's things about books were all to win the hearts of scholars in the world.

Now it seems that she still thinks too simply.

"Feng Guiwang, others count three times in one step, but you count ten years in one step..."

There was an inexplicable light in Zhang Xingyi's eyes, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and he took the initiative to hug Feng Guiwang:

"I finally understand the words written on both sides of the gate of Nanxiang Academy, 'It takes ten years to grow a tree, and a hundred years to grow a man'!"

Ghost King Feng was a little flustered, he didn't know why the woman was so excited all of a sudden.

She didn't know that Zhang Xingyi's thoughts were all about "leaving a name in history" at this time, but she saw a flush on her face, and her speech speed also accelerated:

"Alang, you said just now that the words about the classics on this paper are all excerpts from the books compiled by the imperial court over the years? Is that right?"

"So if this becomes a common practice, as long as the meaning of the classics is interpreted by scholars who served in the Han Dynasty, shouldn't the ones compiled by the imperial court prevail?"

"If it is based on the imperial court's compilation, then Taixue will have to be reopened..."

Compared with the Han Taixue, which has a large amount of high-quality paper and can print books at will, what is the Wei State's Taixue?

"The Great Han Dynasty has experienced two battles at Longyou and Xiaoguan. It can be said that its military power is strong. If it is supplemented with ether learning, it can not only help the military strategy, but also weaken the aristocratic family."

"If the imperial court changes the official system at that time, no matter whether those aristocratic families are willing or not, as long as they still want to be officials in the Han Dynasty, they must follow the imperial court's steps."

"Otherwise, the big man has his own method of selecting talents. There are Taixue, Xinghanhui, and those aristocratic families who follow us. They are not afraid of being controlled by others..."

Seeing Zhang Xingyi getting more and more excited as he talked, Feng Junhou's heart skipped a beat and he interrupted:

"Passed! These questions about classics were all raised by the Prime Minister and Master Xiang, so I just put them in the exam. Not to mention the so-called Taixue, the Prime Minister didn't tell me."


Zhang Xingyi didn't know whether he believed it or not, so he kissed Feng Yong:

"That's what my concubine said. Anyway, the barbarians under the jurisdiction of the school captain's mansion are only in their fourth year including this year. This year has just started, and there are still two years left."

"In the past two years, we can try it out in the Captain's Mansion first. If it is feasible, we can push it to the whole Liangzhou. By then, the students in the school can also practice it, oh hehe..."

As Zhang Xingyi spoke, she suddenly laughed. She felt her whole body suddenly hot, and couldn't help twisting in Feng Yong's arms.

Not to mention others, even she herself could not have imagined that the Nanxiang School, which was like a thatched cottage, was originally a place for the children of the weavers in the workshop to learn to read.

To this day, there is a faint tendency to become the center of a big storm in Dahan.

I remembered how many people laughed at me that Alang was doing something stupid, and actually opened a school for Cangtou Qianshou, but I didn't know that he had already laid out the pattern of the big man for the next ten years.

Heroes in the world, how many people can compare with him?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xingyi's heart became even hotter, and he couldn't help but squeezed desperately into his own Alang's arms.

Feng Junhou never refuses anyone who comes, and while having a great time with his hand, he sighs with emotion: This chick is absolutely perfect!

Although he can't compare to Zhuge Old Demon, who can create nuclear fusion with a little sunshine, he can be regarded as a character who can bloom a hundred flowers with a little sunshine.

Just from the fact that I mentioned that some of the test questions were excerpted from the newly compiled classics by the imperial court in recent years, so many things can be analyzed in a nutshell.

Even his own arrangements for these students in the next two years can be guessed clearly.

"Si Niang, tell me, if I want those scholars to work for the court, and also want them to accept the system of examination and examination, how should I do it?"

Although there are some things, Feng Yong doesn't want to announce them before returning to Longyou and formally taking the post of governor.

But at this time, after hearing Zhang Xingyi's analysis, Feng Yong still couldn't help asking one more question.

There is no way, Zhang Xiaosi's talent is too high, it really makes people happy.

Well, of course, the feel is also quite gratifying.

"Be careful with this matter."

Zhang Xingyi sat up from Feng Yong's arms, his eyes sparkled, "Anyone who wants to change the system, there must be people who follow the old way to obstruct it. For example, those old-fashioned families definitely don't want to see it."

"But fortunately, the aristocratic families in central Shu have either been weakened or split up, so the conservative aristocratic families don't have to worry about it for the time being."

"On the contrary, for those aristocratic families that have been separated, it may not be beneficial to become an official through examinations, so be careful of their dissatisfaction."

"That's exactly what I worry about."

Feng Yong nodded approvingly.

The future is bright, but the road is tortuous.

How to make the road smoother is to unite as much as possible all forces that can be united, to make as many friends as possible and to make as few enemies as possible.

The enlightened family is now considered an ally, and if it pushes the ally to the opposite side, it is what a fool does, and what a wise man does not do.

And if you want to restore the prosperity of the former Han Dynasty, you cannot do without these enlightened families.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult for the big man to eliminate the conservative aristocratic family internally, and prevent the barbarians from becoming powerful externally. It would be too difficult to fight on two fronts.

"Thus, if Alang wants to use Nanxiang's mathematics as a threshold and plan for the future of Nanxiang's students, he also does not want others to criticize him."

"Why don't you go back to Longyou and formally assume the post of governor of Liangzhou, and spread the word as governor, recruiting scholars from all over the world to work in Xiaowei's mansion."

"At that time, I will take the opportunity to let them learn more about Nanxiang arithmetic, and at the same time, they will be familiar with the affairs of the school captain's mansion as a backup."

Feng Yong asked again: "It's just how to let them take the initiative to learn Nanxiang mathematics?"

Zhang Xingyi laughed on the spot: "Why did Ah Lang suddenly become confused? The affairs in the Colonel's Mansion involved a lot of math. Didn't Ah Lang just ask my concubine to learn more math?"

"If you don't know Nanxiang's mathematics, you will have a feeling that you don't know how to deal with the affairs in the Xiaowei's mansion."

"As long as the scholars who entered the captain's mansion are put down to do things in the name of tempering, someone will force them to learn what they want to learn."

"As A Lang said, if they don't learn, what face would they have to stay in that position?"

Damn, are you going to let them go to coolie?

Although I mentioned this matter to the old monster Zhuge, but the prime minister of the Han Dynasty has a lot of things to do every day, how can he be as dedicated as Xiao Si and plan every little detail for himself?

Feng Junhou suddenly looked excited: "The practice below is too cumbersome. Only the students in the school can have that patience. Those scholars, how willing are they?"

After the students of Nanxiang Academy come out, they have to start from the bottom, and become a foreman first, which is the most common thing.

Firstly, this is a school tradition.

Second, their identities are doomed not to start too high.

In fact, being a small official is enough to satisfy the wishes of most students in this life.

Even if they reincarnate three times before entering the school, they still cannot reach this threshold.

But Shijiazi is different.

Let them work as foremen on the construction site... Then they might draw their swords and kill people.

Because they feel that this is an insult to them!

Zhang Xingyi smiled slyly: "If you can't even do everything in the captain's mansion, why pass the exam two years later and get an official in Liangzhou?"

"Alang think about it, if he wants to pass the exam, he must master the classics compiled by the imperial court, he must master the affairs of Liangzhou, and he must also master the mathematics of Nanxiang."

"They don't need to worry about these classics, but how can they know everything about Liangzhou and Nanxiang mathematics in just two years?"

"If the Captain's Mansion provides such an opportunity, do you think they are willing to come?"

When Feng Yong heard this, the ghost body trembled!

Of course I would!

If it was a later life, some people said to themselves that as long as they go to the construction site to move bricks for two years, they will have a great chance to pass the exam and become the mayor of the county after two years.

Even if you can't make it, you can definitely be a town mayor or something...

Whoever dares to stop me will be at stake with me!

Now all fools know that the big man is definitely going to take back Liangzhou. If Liangzhou governor Feng Guiwang hints, there are so many county magistrates in Liangzhou who have not yet been elected, I am worried...

Also, there are Hu people who have newly registered households every year, who should take care of it, I am still worried...

With the golden signboard that Feng Guiwang has built over the years, let alone an enlightened family, I am afraid that the old-fashioned wealthy family will throw a few talents out to test the water.

If it comes true, it will be a huge profit.

It's really profitable, because being an official in Liangzhou is not just a matter of being an official, the wool, the wool... cough cough!

And even if this matter fails, at worst, it will be regarded as a face for Feng Guiwang.

Zhang Xingyi wrapped her arms around him, and exhaled like blue, "Ah Lang, tell me, when we start to fully implement the examination and selection of talents, if someone jumps out to object, who will be the most anxious?"

At that time, I'm afraid that the enlightened family and the conservative family will beat out the dog's brains!

I have been a coolie for two years, seeing the bright future ahead, how dare you cut off my career and money? !

Feng Junhou couldn't help shouting: "Wonderful!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaosi smiling like a cunning fox, his index finger twitched, and he couldn't help but use a fairy trick to pick apples...

The school students who were following from a distance saw the car that the head of the mountain was sitting in. When passing a section of the road that was not considered bumpy, the car suddenly shook violently.

After a while, I saw the mountain chief jumping out of the car refreshed, turned on his mount, and then gave some instructions to the guards around him.

Then a personal guard came to Zhang Yuan who was temporarily leading the students:

"Your Majesty has ordered you to rest for a moment and speed up! Staff Officer Zhang, ask the students to check their belongings and tie the leggings firmly."

Zhang Yuan, an outstanding graduate of the first phase of the Nanxiang Lecture Hall, the former staff officer of the school's Wei's Mansion, hurriedly saluted and said, "No!"

After the guards turned and left, Zhang Yuan quickly conveyed the order of the head of the mountain.

The paramilitary management and discipline that have been implemented in Nanxiang schools and workshops for a long time have been integrated into the bones of Nanxiang people.

Just like Feng Yong organized the Women's Army, not to say that he wanted them to go to the battlefield one day, but his ultimate goal was to implant discipline and organization into their subconscious.

Even for workshops with production as the main task, the work efficiency and management effect of Nanxiang Workshop have been much higher than those of Nanzheng's government-run workshops over the years. The main reason is this.

Not to mention the students who have to line up for exercises every day, none of them complained, and they all started to lower their heads to check their things.

It's just that they don't have the experience of long-distance marching, so they seem to be in a hurry.

There are more than a dozen of them, but they are quite different from the others.

Not only did he behave calmly, but it also seemed that all the objects on his body were fixed on his body in an orderly manner without any confusion.

Even after they checked their own things, they offered to help others.

"Senior, tell me, if we go to Longyou with the head of the mountain this time, can we also serve in the army like you?"

Someone quietly asked Zhang Yuan with a longing face.

Before Zhang Yuan could answer, another senior beside him, who was helping the junior put on his leggings again, said half-jokingly:

"You are thinking of good things! Those of us first went to the army as trainees, and then went to the lecture hall to learn military affairs from Li Junhou (Li Hui, named Han Xingtinghou after the Southern Expedition). This is the real success. Military job."

"You guys, even if you have the opportunity to go to the army, it's still an internship. If you don't pass the test, I'm afraid you won't even have to be a commander. It's almost like being a corps leader."

The junior scratched his head, "As long as you can go to the army, what's the point of being a senior?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan smiled gently, and patted him on the shoulder, "Even if you want to be a mountain chief, I'm afraid the mountain chief won't, and will just transfer you to another place."

"That's it..."

There was a little disappointment on the student's face.

Although it is comfortable and comfortable in the local area, what is the point of being a stingy man, a wanderer, etc. in the countryside?

Just like senior Zhang Yuan, but he is two or three years older than himself. I heard that when he returns to the army this time, he is at least a military lord.

If you make military achievements again, become a school lieutenant or something, wouldn't that be an easy matter?

"Senior Zhang, why don't you tell us something about when you were with the head of the mountain?"

The juniors who put on their leggings again came over.

"That's right, I heard that the female guards around the head of the mountain are more powerful than men in killing people, isn't it?"


"What's the trouble? If you don't take a good rest, you will run away to death later!"

Seeing that these apprentices started to stir up a commotion, someone hurriedly shouted.

"Have you checked everything? Drink water when you're thirsty, and eat dry food when you're hungry. Don't drink too much, and don't eat too much, or you'll suffer when you run."

Zhang Yuan spread out the map and measured it: "There are still 20 miles to reach the destination. The head of the mountain probably wants to test our physical strength, everyone, don't be ashamed!"

When the students heard this, they hurriedly responded in unison.

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