After bidding farewell to General Zhao, Feng Junhou finally ended his days of having fun, and left Jicheng for Pingxiang.

Along the Tongwei River, the journey is easy.

After all, Pingxiang and Jicheng have been closely connected in recent years.

There are countless business caravans coming and going every month.

Most of the wool materials produced in Pingxiang have to go through Jicheng, and then sent to three directions in Jicheng, Hanzhong, Guanzhong, and Liangzhou.

At the same time, all kinds of materials transported from Shu also have to pass through Jicheng, and then sent to Pingxiang.

Therefore, this road along the two sides of the Tongwei River is extremely important.

In the past few years, Xiaowei's Mansion has also specially transferred the engineering battalion, and at the same time recruited a large number of Hu Yi manpower to expand and repair this road.

At the same time, a large number of Hu Yi laborers who rebelled against the big man and were captured at the beginning were also thrown in.

For Feng Guiwang, in terms of infrastructure, what he lacks now is not basic planning and grassroots foremen, but a lot of labor.

Feng Guiwang's desire for labor is endless.

Other families only wanted those laborers who could farm, and later developed into a bearded woman who could weave at most, but Feng Guiwang was different.

He wants everything.

If you don't know how to farm, go to the construction site or the mine. As long as you have hands and feet, there is always a place for you.

Even children are possible backup naturalized barbarians.

Read a few more a's, o's, e's, and read a few more lines, "I don't want to seek the Xia, and the barbarians don't mess with China", and then I will say a specious lower Luoyin: "I am from Yongliang..."

Wouldn't that make him a man of the people?

And to support this expansion, it is still based on sufficient food supply.

That's why Feng Yong still asked the second lady of the Xu family to try her best to open up wasteland and prepare for the work of grain storage even though he clearly had enough staple food.

Walking on this avenue, there are so many people in Feng Yong's group, it is difficult even if they want to keep a low profile.

Even if they didn't show the banner, as long as the merchants on the road had a little discernment, they would know that it must be the driver of some important figure in the school captain's mansion, and they all took the initiative to avoid it.

Zhang Xingyi raised a corner of the car curtain and looked out.

I saw people coming and going on the road, all walking in groups, and rarely walking alone.

Don't look at other things, just look at the ox carts, horse carts, donkey carts, and you can know that most of these caravans traveling in groups have heels.

Because ordinary people simply cannot save so many cattle, horses and donkeys.

Even with Longyou now, at the same time, Yuexuan began to sell large animals.

But cattle, a large animal used for farming, except that the government specially leases it to farmers, the rest are basically still in the hands of big families.

For people who mainly farm land, cattle are more precious than horses.

A considerable part of the arable land in Shu is paddy fields, and horses cannot go down to pull plows.

More importantly, although the eight ox plows were introduced to those aristocratic families, a part of the hidden population was liberated.

But the cattle they need... are much more than before.

That is to say, Cangtou Guishou used to have the habit of farming with plows pulled by people without oxen.

Coupled with the pasture that Feng Yong opened in Hanzhong from the very beginning, and the large-scale development of Yueyi later, it can provide a relatively stable channel for large-scale livestock trading and leasing.

That's why it didn't exacerbate the contradiction between supply and demand between cattle and cultivated land.

As for now, the three places of Hanzhong, Yuejuan and Longyou can supply cattle.

However, even if a family with a cow is no longer a village tyrant, it is at least the top family in the village.

As for those who can use oxen to pull carts and transport goods, they have no other considerations except aristocratic families and dignitaries.

Even if a local rich man with thousands of acres of fertile land really wanted to take out a few cows, pull so much goods, and walk such a long distance, he would feel so distressed that he coughed up blood.

Among these people coming and going, what is more special is that there are some barbarians mixed in those caravans.

Zhang Xingyi knew that these Hu people were basically transformed from the Hu people tribe who went to Qishan to help transport food to Xiaowei's mansion.

At first, it was because the Dian horses in the hands of the Xinghan Society could not go out of Qishan in winter, so the Xiaowei Mansion asked the Hu people to go to Qishan to transport their rations.

Later, Xiaowei's Mansion selected some tribes that passed the inspection and issued qualifications to them to help deliver supplies.

Afterwards, of course, is paid.

This can be regarded as the welfare that the school captain's mansion gave to the tribe that was the first to belong to the Han Dynasty.

In the later stage, the foundation of Xiaowei's Mansion became stronger and stronger, and many Huren Qushuai began to look down on this little profit.

They either open up grasslands to exploit the labor force to earn the difference to earn surplus value, or they let the tribesmen participate in Yi Cong and work hard for them to earn a future.

Those with a darker heart just used the clansmen as labor, packaged part of it and sold it to King Feng Gui, earning the first pot of gold as quickly as possible, and at the same time earning the favor of King Feng Gui.

Then find a way to cleanse yourself.

Delivering supplies to the Colonel's Mansion is one of the ways Feng Guiwang left for this small group of heart-wrenching Qushuai.

Although at first glance, the profits obtained are not as much as those of the previous smart people.

But it is a steady stream of livelihood, as long as the captain's mansion still needs to transport supplies for a day, then they can always rely on this to survive.

As long as they are mature, even if King Feng Gui doesn't care about Longyou in the future, can the government really change someone else?

Regarding the supply of materials, the rules in the military have always been familiar and not raw, and no one dares to change them unless it is absolutely necessary.

After all, this is about the lives of the top and bottom of the army.

It really happened that something went wrong, and it was going to lose his head.

Of course, if the big man can control Liangzhou in the future, then this channel will only last longer and make more money.

But if the big man loses Longyou...

Feng Guiwang said: I don't care if it's not my territory?

Even if I want to take care of it, then thief Wei must agree, right?

So everyone must work hard, and don't let the Wei thief make a comeback again, otherwise the good days will be gone, and then you can't blame me!

Zhang Xingyi saw the barbarians outside leaning on his chest and bending over, knowing that this was their salute to the ceremonial guard of the Captain's Mansion, so he turned his head and said with a smile:

"Now the Captain's Mansion is in the eyes of the barbarians in Yongliang, it is really prestigious."

Hold the festival to lead the guard, manage their grievances, follow the line at the age of the year, ask about the suffering, send envoys to communicate with the movement, make the Qiang barbarians outside the Great Wall serve as the eyes and ears of the officials, and send Wanqi out of the Great Wall to chase the captives.

The hundred years of Qiang chaos in Liangzhou has gradually made people forget the prestige of the former Han Qiang guard.

After the battle of Xiaoguan, the land of Yongliang finally ushered in an extremely powerful captain protecting the Qiang.

The thieves are terrified, and the barbarians are subdued.

Feng Yong, who was lying in the car without showing his face, looked at the beautiful woman smiling, and couldn't help feeling a little impulsive:

"Do you want to see what kind of prestige it is?"

Zhang Xingyi blinked: "What do you mean?"

Feng Yong didn't answer, and ordered directly to the outside:

"Come on."

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

"Send the order to raise my flag."


"Your Majesty has orders, raise the banner!"

"Your Majesty has orders, raise the banner!"


The orders were passed down wave after wave, and amidst the whining of bull horns, the banner with the word Feng was raised at the front of the team soon.

The business travelers on the official road seemed to be fried, and people immediately neighed.

The caravans that had already taken the initiative to avoid the distance stopped at the side of the road one after another, letting the team holding the Feng character flag pass them, and then dared to move forward again.

Many of the barbarians who had raised their chests to salute fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Xingyi kicked him in dissatisfaction, "You are the one who said not to disturb the people with banners, now look outside..."

Feng Yong laughed: "It's almost time to reach Pingxiang, if you keep your banner hidden, I'm afraid the sergeants from the Colonel's Mansion will be dispatched to surround you."

"I don't want to be the captain who protects Qiang and is surrounded by my own soldiers as unknown enemies."

Although Pingxiang had been notified long ago, the village pavilion system rebuilt by Feng Yong himself also played a warning role in many cases.

In particular, Pingxiang, as the administrative seat of the Huqiang School Weifu, has deliberately set up many villages and forts on its periphery, which are used for early warning.

As long as more than a certain number of teams enter a certain range around Pingxiang, they will be targeted by these villages and Wubao.

If the team cannot prove their identity in time, the combat readiness system will start to activate.

This can also be regarded as a way to hide soldiers from the people.

Sure enough, after a while, the front of the team slowed down, and then Feng Yong saw a group of about ten cavalry beside the official road turning around and running towards Pingxiang again.

They should be preparing to come to interrogate, just in time to see the team raised the flag, after contacting the team's leading officer, they are now going back to Pingxiang to report.

Feng Yong looked at their backs as they went away, and nodded slightly, quite satisfied.

Because this is exactly where the formal alert has entered, it should be that the alert has already been activated.

Zhang Xingyi stuck to Feng Yong's side, followed his gaze, and naturally saw that scene.

She couldn't help saying with some surprise:

"Why have I walked so many times before, but I haven't seen such a thing?"

What's even weirder is why you don't even know about this when you are in charge of the secretariat?

She looked at Feng Yong with inquiring eyes.

"Hey, this, it's related to the city defense military, and Sanniang is in charge of it..."

Feng Junhou's eyes flickered.

Zhang Xingyi sneered, and then kicked him bitterly: "Civil!"

Feng Junhou said "Ouch", and was kicked out of the car by this kick.

Then he got on his horse in a very numb manner: "Speed ​​forward!"

"Your Majesty ordered, speed up!"

"Accelerate forward!"

The whole team began to trot up.

It's just that the students who follow at the end are not as experienced as these guards, and they are not from the professional army.

This one was unprepared, without even a preparation, and the team scattered all of a sudden.

"Hurry up! Accelerate urgently."

Zhang Yuan hastened to form a team, and at the same time secretly complained:

"The head of the mountain also said that he performed well and has passed the assessment. I didn't expect to have this trick..."

He wasn't afraid, but the students who came out of the school were a little bit overwhelmed.

The eccentric Feng Guan got the exact location of Feng Junhou, calculated the time, held a child in one hand, and stood at the gate of the school captain's mansion, waiting for his family Alang to return.

The majestic Feng Junhou who was riding on the horse, when he saw the two pink and jade-carved little people at the gate of the mansion, he rolled off the horse and ran towards him:

"My little baby, you miss me!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands to pick up his children.

A Chong watched the tall man rushing towards him, and felt that it was not safe to stand at the feet of his mother, so he subconsciously wanted to hide behind.

Shuang Shuang looked at Feng Junhou vigilantly, then suddenly yelled "Hey, hey", stretched out her short legs, and kicked a few times to prevent Feng Yong from approaching her.

"It's over!"

Feng Junhou patted his thigh, and said to his own Xijun, "I'll just say it, this time, the child won't recognize me again."

Guan Ji pursed her lips and smiled, pulled Ah Chong out, and lifted both of them up, so that her short legs stood on tiptoe, and she couldn't kick her out again.

"Achong, Shuangshuang, call your lord."

Ah Chong looked up at his grandmother, then at Feng Yong, and then at the door of his own house behind him, without saying a word.

Shuang Shuang was straightforward, pointing to the captain's mansion behind her, and said in a childish voice:

"My lord is inside..."

I rely on!

Feng Junhou's eyes widened all of a sudden, and he stared at Guan Ji tremblingly.

You mother-in-law, how long have I been away, how dare you... how dare you? !

love is a light...

When Guan Ji heard Shuangshuang's words, she subconsciously wanted to laugh, and then forced herself to hold back. Looking at Feng Junhou's wonderful expression, she couldn't help it anymore, and let out a "puchi".

Are you so funny?

Still have a smile?

If it wasn't that I couldn't beat you, believe it or not, I would draw my sword on the spot and splatter five steps of blood?

"Let's talk at home."

Feng Junhou gritted his teeth, snorted, and stepped across the gate, but heard someone behind him say:

"Achong, Shuangshuang, do you still remember me? Call little aunt..."

Hearing Zhang Xiaosi's voice, Feng Junhou's anger suddenly faded by half.

Guan Ji, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes slightly when she saw Zhang Xingyi getting off the car.

The former young lady of the Zhang family was already known as a beautiful woman.

Now it's only been more than three months, and it's even more amazing than before.

The face is radiant, and there is no trace of travel fatigue at all.

"First, go back to the mansion first, what are you doing standing at the door?"

Feng Junhou swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said dryly.

"Okay, okay, let's go, come on, sister, let me hug Ah Chong, I almost want to kill them."

Zhang Xingyi didn't seem to notice the faint murderous look in Guan Ji's eyes, and walked inside with A Chong in his arms.

At this time, Feng Junhou was even more sensitive than the woman who solved the case. He only felt that his back was drenched in cold sweat.

Careless, careless!

A group of people stepped into the backyard, Shuangshuang suddenly pointed to a big stone at the door and shouted: "My lord."

Feng Yong looked at Guan Ji in astonishment.

Guan Ji smiled lightly: "I am afraid that the children will forget how the adults call, so I let them call at the stone every day, but I have never thought about it, but I am used to it."


When Zhang Xingyi heard this, he staggered with laughter on the spot, and almost threw Ah Chong in his arms to the ground.

"Be careful!"

Feng Yong hurried up and took Ah Chong.

Then he said to Guan Ji with a dry smile: "It's good, it's good, at least I haven't forgotten what your name is..."

"Alang is making fun of my concubine."

Guan Ji smiled softly.

It was night, and Feng Junhou could not have a moment of peace.

In the early morning of the next day, Ah Mei came in with the washing utensils to serve her, but she saw Feng Junhou sitting on the edge of the couch, his eyes were dull, his complexion was blue, and his eye circles were black, like a living dead whose soul had been pumped out.

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