"Men, it's time to get up and wash up."

Amei tried the water, and the water temperature was just right, so she spoke softly.

Feng Junhou, who had no soul, sat motionless, dumbfounded, and turned a deaf ear.

So Ah Mui called again.

Only then did Feng Junhou's eyeballs move slightly, as if he had begun to return to his soul.

When his eyes began to focus again, and after seeing Amei, his eyes began to look blank again, as if he didn't know what happened.

"Master, it's time to wake up..."

Feng Yong yawned, lowered his head, and murmured:

"I don't want to wake up, I want to sleep."

He had just finished saying this when he heard a chuckle suddenly behind him.

Then a jade arm wrapped around her, and at the same time, Guan Ji's delicate voice sounded:


When Feng Junhou heard this voice, his body trembled involuntarily, and a look of fear appeared on his face, and he shouted:

"Sir, please forgive me! I really can't do it..."

Guan Ji appeared behind Feng Junhou, leaned her chin on his shoulder, and said softly:

"Ah Lang may be too tired from the journey. Anyway, I have nothing to do today, so I might as well rest for two more days."

Even though her hair was disheveled, Guan Ji's face was still radiant.

She, who was already extremely glamorous, was like a stamen after rain and dew, with a radiance flowing on her face.

"Huh? Rest? Can I rest?"

Feng Junhou, who was a little shy at first, suddenly felt like hearing the music of heaven.

"The Captain's Mansion has been resting for the past few days. There is nothing wrong with it. Besides, Si Niang is back now. Alang is tired all the way, so he should rest more."

Guan Ji said while staying on the bed to wash.

When Feng Junhou heard the word "Si Niang", his body trembled again.

He didn't try to lie down until he heard that General Guan allowed him to rest. Unexpectedly, he felt as if a needle had been pricked in his waist. He took a breath involuntarily, and quickly asked Amei for help:

"Amei, come here and help me, I can't lie down..."

Ah Mei responded, walked to the couch, and carefully supported Feng Junhou to lie back on the couch.

"Remember to make some ginseng soup and tonic for me later..."

Taking advantage of Amei's chance to help him, Feng Junhou whispered in Amei's ear.

Amei nodded knowingly.

Guan Ji, who was dressing up, suddenly giggled.

Feng Junhou knew that this woman's ears were sharp, and she listened to the embarrassing words.

But at this time, the enemy is strong and we are weak, and my old life is almost gone, so how can I care about my face?

At the moment, I can only lie flat and let him laugh, pretending to be dead and ignoring him.

General Guan wiped out his opponents, but he was not so vicious as to flog corpses. After tidying up, he went out.

She has to deal with a lot of military affairs in a day!

Of course, there are still people who care about Feng Junhou.

For example, the closest brother Zhao Jiaerlang.

As the only man who can freely enter and exit the gate of the third courtyard of the Captain's Mansion, Zhao Guang was not in the city at all, but when he heard that his brother had returned, he rushed back on purpose.

Zhao Guangda came to visit his brother early in the morning and had breakfast by the way.

Unexpectedly, he only saw the elder sister of the Guan family and the younger sister of the Zhang family, so Zhao Erlang asked very strangely:

"Sister, where is brother? Why don't you see me?"

Guan Ji sat at the main seat, drinking sweet soy milk slowly, while Ah Chong and Shuang Shuang sat on both sides of her.

Ah Chong scooped up the egg porridge in the bowl with a small wooden spoon, and then tremblingly put it into his mouth. When it was brought to his mouth, there were only a few grains of rice left in the small wooden spoon, and the rest was almost scattered .

It's just these few grains of rice, and one grain is left on the face...

Shuang Shuang was much more, holding the peeled egg in his hand, he gnawed it directly, and within a few mouthfuls he got to the yolk, and then suddenly yelled twice.

Knowing what she meant, Guan Ji scooped up the warm soup and brought it to her mouth.

Then he turned around and wiped the rice grains off Ah Chong's face.

While wiping, he said, "Your brother is really tired all the way, so he is still resting now."

Zhao Guang sat down at his own seat, and someone from his servants brought breakfast to him.

He grabbed a steamed pancake and stuffed it into his mouth. Hearing what Guan Ji said, he quickly swallowed the thing in his mouth and asked a little strangely:

"How come? Isn't brother in good health?"

Having said that, he glanced at Zhang Xingyi again, "By the way, didn't elder brother come back with Si Niang? I think Si Niang is in good spirits..."

When the little lady of the Zhang family heard Zhao Guang's words, her face blushed for some reason, and she lowered her head, only focusing on putting food into her mouth.

It seems that she didn't hear anything and didn't answer his words. In this regard, the little lady of the Zhang family is still a bit embarrassing after all.


Guan Ji, on the other hand, slapped her chopsticks on the desk suddenly, her phoenix eyes flashed, and she glanced coldly at Zhao Guang.

A man with a big heart like Zhao Guang suddenly felt a chill covering his body. Before he could figure out where he said something wrong, Guan Ji asked coldly:

"I remember you went to Xiaoguan to look for war horses? What are you going to do when you have nothing to do?"

In the battle of Xiaoguan, the armored cavalry lost almost 90% of their horses.

Qualified war horses are not easy to train. If it was changed before, the school captain's mansion would not have three years, and the cavalry would definitely be overwhelmed.

Fortunately, "Wu Yidao" got a talented apprentice Zhou Lu, a medical student who became a veterinarian.

In addition, Feng Junhou was well aware of the bad consequences of horse degeneration in later generations, so he set the rules from the beginning: in the racecourse, only the best male horses have the right to mate.

The scientific and systematic training of war horses made the Captain's Mansion not short of reserve war horses.

As long as we wait another year, the first batch of optimally bred war horses will be formed, which can barely make up for the loss of war horses in the Battle of Xiaoguan.

The only thing to worry about now is the horses of the armored cavalry.

There is no way, the armored cavalry has too high requirements for war horses.

In order to collect three thousand riders, Feng Yong has tried his best in the past three years.

Not only did they conduct a comprehensive search in Longyou, but they also imported at high prices from Liangzhou, Guanzhong, and even the desert in the north.

Now that the security is down, Xiao Guan can finally come in and out at will.

From Xiaoguan to the north, after leaving the Great Wall, there is the desert land, and to the east of it is the northern hometown of Beidi County, where the Qiang and Hu live together.

It is also the only place where the Captain's Mansion still has a chance to find a batch of cavalry horses.

Now Xiao Guan is trying to attract the barbarians from the northern desert to trade, so Zhao Guang, as the commander of the Armored Cavalry Army, naturally wants to go and see for himself.

"Ah... sister, I have something to do, little brother, and I want to ask... elder brother's opinion."

After being beaten up by Guan Ji since he was a child, Zhao Guang saw the appearance of the sister of the Guan family, and his natural blood pressure made him tense immediately, and his speech became a little stuttering.

"If you have something to say, why don't you tell me what to do?"

Guan Ji snorted coldly.

"Yes, yes, I know I was wrong!"

Zhao Guang didn't dare to say any more, he quickly stuffed the steamed cake in his mouth, then picked up the bowl again, and drank it down.

"Your brother shouldn't be asleep yet, so let someone take you there if you need anything."

"Little brother understands."

Zhao Guangben wanted to drink another bowl, but when he heard what Guan Ji said, he didn't dare to stay longer, so he quickly reached out and grabbed a deep-fried dough stick, got up and slipped out.

Feng Yong was lying on the couch at this time, squinting his eyes and moaning in comfort. Amei felt sorry for her master and was working hard to help massage Feng Junhou's lower back.

Hearing that Zhao Guang was coming, Feng Yong cursed angrily: "You can't wink!"

It's just that when I heard that this is my Xijun sent someone to bring him over, how could Feng Junhou dare to neglect?

"Let him in quickly."

After Zhao Guang came in, what he saw was that Amei was cleaning up the tableware on the table beside the couch, and Feng Yong was half lying on the couch, looking weak.

This took him by surprise.

"Brother? What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Guang walked quickly to the bed and asked with concern.

"Nothing, just a little tired from the journey..."

"But your face?"

"Oh, I practiced martial arts with your sister last night, and my waist is a bit weak."

After Zhao Guang heard this, he couldn't help admiring:

"Older brother is older brother. Younger brother will hide as far as he can when encountering such things. He never dares to show martial arts with sister."


"What are your orders, brother?"

"Do you know why you are always beaten?"


"Because what you say is annoying!"

Feng Yong gritted his teeth, if it wasn't for the pain in his back, he would have jumped up and hit Zhao Erha on the head.

He glared at Zhao Guang: "I have something to say, so come here early in the morning to greet me?"

Zhao Guang only felt that something was not quite right in the Colonel's Mansion today, as if he kept bumping into the fire.

He didn't dare to say anything else, so he laughed dryly, pulled a chair over and sat down on the side of the couch, "Brother, I do have something, and I want to ask my brother's opinion."

"What's up?"

"My little brother wants to take someone out of the fortress to visit the old place in Beidi County."

"The hometown of Beidi County?"

Feng Yong was taken aback when he heard this, and after thinking for a while, he finally understood what Zhao Guang was talking about, "Exit from Xiaoguan?"

Zhao Guang nodded: "Yes."

"What do you think? Tell me."

Although Zhao Guang has always given the impression that he is unreliable, when it comes to military issues, there is always something to be considered. After all, Zhao Sanqian is also well-known now.

"It's nothing, just thinking that there is nothing wrong with the captain's mansion recently, and the armored cavalry is in urgent need of war horses, and the barbarians alone will send them here. When will it be picked?"

"So I thought, I will lead some people out of the fortress, look for war horses, and visit the old place of Beidi County at the same time, so as to plan for the future."

In the future, Chang'an will definitely be attacked. Anding County and Beidi County are one east and one west, and they are the barriers to the north of Guanzhong.

Now that I have peace of mind, I don't need to worry too much.

But the situation in Beidi County is much more complicated.

To be precise, the original Beidi County was divided into two parts, the north and the south.

Wei Guo only had a small part of the south in his hands, while most of the north became a place where Qiang and Hu lived together.

And the north side is precisely the Hetao area of ​​later generations, where the Yellow River drew a "several".

There are all kinds of harm in the Yellow River, but the only thing that is rich is the one that is talking about.

If Hetao is in the hands of Han people, Guanzhong will be peaceful; if Hetao is in the hands of Hu people, Guanzhong will be turbulent.

Because from there you can drive straight down to threaten Chang'an.

Even to the east of the Hetao area, across the Yellow River, is Xihe County, where Bingzhou is located.

It is precisely because the old place of Beidi County is too important, so Feng Yong looked at Zhao Guang in amazement:

"Why do you want to go out to see?"

"Little brother just wants to see..."

"The world is that big?"


Zhao Guang didn't know why.

"I want you to tell me the truth!"

Feng Yong sneered.

How about Zhao Guang's progress over the years?

There must be.

But it is far from reaching the overall view that can prepare for a rainy day.

Even Feng Yong himself can deeply understand the importance of this place only by knowing the history of later dynasties and the "Hetao area" mentioned by various historical comments in the era of information explosion.

Therefore, before the Battle of Anding, General Guan of his own family had a quiet discussion with Zhang Xiaosi on how to use the Qianghu in the old place of Beidi County, which is really a long-term strategic vision.

As for Zhao Guang...

"The battle in Liangzhou is imminent. According to your temperament, you would rather be beaten by old General Zhao than to visit Liangzhou. How could you go to the hometown of Beidi County without incident?"

Feng Junhou knew his little brother best, "If you came here and begged me to let you go to Liangzhou, I wouldn't be so surprised."

Zhao Guang smiled awkwardly, "I really can't hide anything from my brother."

He scratched his head, "My younger brother also asked my mother to ask my lord if he could let me go to Liangzhou for me. Then the lord sent someone to tell me that he would break my leg."

"That's why the little brother gave up on this idea. Just a few days ago, the little brother got the news that there is a tribe of Hu people in the hometown of Beidi County, and the handsome guy is called... what is his name Hu Baozi?"

"Anyway, I can't remember his full name. He is considered a big tribe in Beidi County. Now he wants to rebel against Wei and return to Han, so I want to go and have a look."

Unexpectedly, when Feng Yong heard this name, he immediately sat up straight: "But it's called Hu Boju Zizhi?"

Zhao Guang didn't expect his elder brother to know this Hu man, Qu Shuai: "Yes, yes, that's the name, how does elder brother know it's him?"

"This person is Lord Baosai Xiongnu who was sealed by the Wei thief. How do you think I know?"

Feng Yong replied angrily.

As a captain protecting the Qiang, coupled with the seriousness of the Hu Yi problem in Yongliang, Feng Yong naturally had to pay attention to the distribution of the Hu Yi in Yongliang.

Hu Boju was originally a Xiongnu who surrendered to the Wei State, and was named Anding Baosai Huns Lord.

Being able to receive a special title from Wei State is enough to show that this is not a small tribe.

Although nominally enshrined in Anding, in fact, this tribe is nomadic between the old places of Anding County and Beidi County all year round, and only enters Anding for winter in winter.

When Feng Yong captured Anding, it was autumn, and the Hu people were hurrying to fatten their cattle and sheep outside the Great Wall.

Later, Xian Yufu went north from Chang'an, and he ordered Hu Bo Juzi to support him from his hometown of Beidi County, which was the east of Anding County.

After all, Wei Guo is not a fool. Although the Hetao is not in his hands, it is still possible to manage it and prevent the barbarians from going south for the time being.

Not to mention Guo Huai, the governor of Yongzhou, who was good at caressing the Hu people, he was regarded as a god-like figure by the Hu people in Guanzhong.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Wei Guo to raise a few dogs to guard the gate in the old place in the north of Beidi County.

And Feng Yongneng knew this clearly, naturally because of Hu Zun.

After all, the Hu family has been dealing with the Hu people in the north all year round.

Now Hanzhong and Longyou are in a pincer situation, ready to attack Guanzhong at any time.

If you can subdue the Qiang Hu in Beidi County, you will be encircled on three sides. If you really have an opportunity, you may not be able to force Cao Rui to withdraw from Guanzhong voluntarily.

But if you want to break through the northern gate of Chang'an and get rid of the watchdog raised by the Wei people, that is a necessary process.

The means are not limited to buying, subduing, or directly dismembering, selling labor, etc.

Otherwise, even if Chang'an has been conquered in the future, the Hu people in the north will be instigated by the Wei thief, and they will go south to harass them from time to time. I'm afraid the little fat man will regret returning to the old capital.

However, the time to regain Anding is still short, and now is the period to sort out various relationships in Anding, and there is no energy for the time being to manage the barbarians outside the Great Wall.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Guang could get in touch with Hu Boju in advance.

"Hu Bo Juzi wanted to betray Wei Guihan, how did you know?"

This matter needs to be clarified.

"Shi Bao told me."

"Stone bud?"

Feng Yong immediately thought of that unlucky ghost.

"How did he know?"

"He stayed overnight in Hu Boju's camp of the Yan clan." Zhao Guang expressed admiration, "Then the Yan clan told him that Hu Boju's job was meant to be a traitor."

The so-called Yan family is the first wife of the head of the Huns.

I'm so...

Feng Junhou's heart was filled with mixed feelings.

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