Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 843 Fascinated

Zhang was held hostage by the rebels back then, and his face remained unchanged, and he even asked for death. It must be impossible to say that there is no arrogance in his bones.

So in the Battle of Jincheng, Feng Wenhe gave him a mess, and he was extremely aggrieved. If he lost, he lost, but he was not necessarily convinced.

At that time, he didn't want to go to Longyou, but was scolded by Zhang Gong.

At this time, when Feng Wenhe heard that he had defeated one hundred thousand Wei troops with 20,000 troops, his mind was shaken, his face changed color, and he even doubted himself, which shows the impact of this incident on him.

When Liu Liang saw Zhang, his expression changed. He knew that he had lost his mind, and for some reason, he felt a burst of relief.

Even though he knew it was because of Feng Wenhe who had made him unhappy, he could sit here with confidence and watch the other party choke.

But Liu Liang couldn't help being happy in his heart!

He picked up the teacup again, took a sip elegantly, then looked at Zhang Jiu, and asked leisurely:

"The 100,000 army of Wei's thieves is not enough to reach Feng Junhou's 20,000 people. Mr. Zhang thinks, does Liangzhou still need me to be a lobbyist?"

When Zhang heard Liu Liang's words, his face was a little hot at first, but the next moment, the emotion that rose in his heart was not embarrassment, but an inexplicable sigh of relief.

Liangzhou didn't have a hundred thousand troops, and even if they did, they were patched together, and there was no way to compare with the elite soldiers of the Wei army in Guanzhong.

It wouldn't be surprising if even Da Sima lost, and his own troops were defeated by Feng Wenhe.

Thinking about it this way, I felt much more comfortable.

It's just that losing is not losing, Zhang thought several thoughts in his mind, but the expression on his face remained unchanged:

"Since Liu Langjun is not a lobbyist, and has repeatedly said that he came to Liangzhou to visit people and customs, why did you come to my Zhang family?"

When Liu Liang heard this, an unpredictable smile appeared on his face:

"I have heard for a long time that the Zhang family in Dunhuang is trusted by the Hu people in Liangzhou. This time I came here and brought a lot of goods. I want to exchange some wool with the Hu people in Liangzhou. If your family can help me to make a connection, I am really grateful. "

After listening to Liu Liang's words, Zhang almost couldn't help breathing out the fragrance, and wanted to greet this new friend: Is your mother still there? Your father is still safe?

How long has it been snowing?

What the hell do you want to buy wool?

An excuse that comes as soon as you open your mouth, do you dare to think too hard?

Why don't you tell me you're going to sleep with Hu Nu!

Zhang Jiu, who was almost unable to control his emotions, finally endured it.

Can't bear it.

Even if he knew that the other party was not a son of man, he had to endure it.

Situation is stronger than people!

Not only have to endure, but even give the other party a smiling face:

"I see. This time, Liu Langjun really found the right person. If it's about other things, I don't dare to promise anything, but this nonsense, our Zhang family still knows some big tribes."

"Oh, seriously? That's pretty darn good!"

Liu Liang said happily, "If you get something this time, someone will definitely repay you!"

"It's easy to say!"

Zhang Jiu was also unambiguous. Not only did he tell Liu Liang about the situation of the Hu people in Liangzhou in detail, he even sent an old man from the mansion as a guide to take Liu Liang and his party to the Hu people's tribe.

After arranging all this, he hurried to find Zhang Gong.

"The Kingdom of Han is preparing to take over Liangzhou officially!"

At this time, Zhang Gong was wrapped in a thin blanket, and after hearing what Zhang Jiu said, he said something leisurely.

Zhang Gong was already old, even if the weather started to warm up, as long as it was a little cold outside, his body would easily feel chilly.

"Why did your lord make such a statement?" Zhang was taken aback. "Didn't your lord say that Han would have to wait at least two or three years?"

"That was before." Zhang Gong sighed, "After the first battle at Xiao Guan, Feng Yong's name was resounded all over the world. Who else would not accept it?"

"Your Excellency, do you think the Battle of Xiaoguan is real?"

Zhang asked with a glimmer of last hope.

"Not that I think it, but it's simply true."

Zhang Gong said with great confidence.

Now all the Hus in Liangzhou may not know who the governor of Liangzhou is, or even who the head of the Zhang family in Dunhuang is, but they all know who the captain of the Qiang guard in Longyou is.

It took twenty years for the Zhang family in Dunhuang to be respected by the Qianghu in Liangzhou.

And what about Feng Yong?

Counting from the time when wool began to flow into Longyou, it was only five or six years at most!

As a native of Liangzhou, how can Zhang Gong not know what kind of piss the Hu people in Yongliang are?

In the Battle of Longyou, if the Hu people hadn't rebelled against Wei and returned to Shu, and stabbed the Wei army, the Shu people might not have taken Longyou into their hands so easily.

Even if it can be included in the hands, if there is no Feng Yong to govern Zhuhu, it will take at least five or six years for the people of Shu to govern Longyou alone.

And it will certainly not be like now, so that the local wealthy and Qiang Hu will be obedient and obedient.

The title of "Feng Langjun, the descendant of the mountain god" is indeed much more useful to the Hu people than the title he has accumulated over more than 20 years of hard work.

Zhang returned from Longyou, and after telling Zhang Gong everything he saw and heard, he knew one thing:

Under the governance of Hu Qiang Xiaowei's Mansion, the Longyou Hu people not only behaved like dogs, but even tried their best to be dogs on their own initiative!

During the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty and the later Han Dynasty, this kind of situation will only happen when it is the most powerful.

But Feng Yong did it now.

In the past two years, along with the inflow of goods such as wool and brown sugar, rumors about the various treatment of the Hu people in Longyou under the management of the Huqiang Xiaowei Mansion of the Shu people have also continuously spread to Liangzhou.

It also made the Hu people have a lot of yearning for "Feng Langjun, the descendant of the mountain god".

Longing for a better life, that’s a survival instinct, isn’t it?

Of course, rumors are rumors after all, and it is impossible for the barbarians of Liangzhou to go to Longyou to seek refuge with Feng Langjun just because of a rumor.

Firstly, it is inconvenient.

Now that the Han and Wei dynasties were facing each other in Liangzhou, it was already the limit to allow caravans to communicate with each other. If any tribe suddenly wanted to cross the border, it would be courting death.

Can't beat Shu people, can't you beat Hu Yi?

The second thing is, since Longyou came to Longyou to protect the captain, the Hu people in Liangzhou suddenly discovered that their lives have actually improved!

The wool sold to the local wealthy families alone is a considerable amount of extra income.

However, under the constant threat of the soldiers of the Shu people, the officials of the Wei state would appease them as much as they could, so how dare they yell at the Hu people like before?

Even the local wealthy families had to temporarily change their attitude towards the Hu people in order to better get the wool from the Hu people.

What's more, when Liangzhou is very likely to fall into the hands of the Shu people, looking at Longyou, the slogan of the Shu people that Han and Yi are the same does not seem to be just talking.

It should be done well in advance for political speculation.

The barbarians in Liangzhou naturally don't understand why their lives have suddenly become easier in the past two years.

But as long as life goes on, it is naturally impossible to take the risk of courting death to test the bottom line of the Han and Wei countries.

Hu people can live in a muddleheaded way, but Zhang Gong is not.

He could fully imagine that if Liangzhou really fell into the hands of Han, then the Hu people's rebellion in Liangzhou, which had lasted for more than a hundred years in the later Han Dynasty, might end in Feng Yong's hands.

And the Liangzhou wealthy family who used to like to "raise Hu's self-respect", if they don't want to go against Han, then they have to change the game.

If you are not reconciled and want to do something, you can refer to the family of Shu.

At this time, Liangzhou looked calm on the surface, but it was restless underneath.

This restlessness comes from the pressure from the Han Dynasty and also from the internal changes in Liangzhou.

When the superficial calm will be broken depends on when the Shu and Wei countries will decide the outcome in the east.

"The battle of Xiaoguan must have been real. Feng Wenhe sent this person here at this time, naturally he didn't want to find a few bearded girls to go back to bed."

Zhang Gong stared at his son, and repeated emphatically, "It's only been a few years since the Battle of Longyou? Did you forget the method used by the Han Dynasty so quickly?"

Zhang is not a stupid person after all, his adults have reminded him of this, he thought for a while, and immediately understood:

"Instigating rebellion against the barbarians of Liangzhou?!"

Zhang Gong nodded, "If I'm right, I'll come to think of it."

This method is almost exactly the same as that used in the Battle of Longyou: first instigate rebellion against the barbarians in Liangzhou, and then only wait for the Shu army to enter Liangzhou, and then the barbarians will stab them in the back!

"My lord, should we remind the governor's mansion?"

Although he knew that this day would come sooner or later, but at the moment when he really faced it, Zhang still couldn't control himself, and asked with a slightly trembling voice.

"Remind them what to do?"

Zhang Gong closed his eyes and leaned on the couch:

"The rumor that the Han Kingdom is going to enter Liangzhou has been circulating for three years. Now you remind me, how many people believe it? Even if they believe you, what can they do?"

"Without the pressure from Guanzhong, Liangzhou is in Han's pocket. What's more, it seems that Han has not entered Liangzhou in the past few years, but in fact... hey!"

In the end, Zhang Gong couldn't continue.

"My lord, what shall we do then?"

Zhang understood what his lord didn't say later.

What the Han Dynasty has done to Liangzhou in recent years is basically to cook minced meat. The longer it is cooked and the more rotten it is, the easier it is to eat.

Leaving aside the semi-paralyzed Governor's Mansion of Liangzhou, which is a local aristocratic family, it was the simplest thing to raise Hu Zizhong before.

And they do it all the time.

But now?

Just the various rumors in Longyou, not to mention Hu people are tempted, even the wealthy people in Liangzhou also have many people yearning for it.

The Han Dynasty has not yet entered Liangzhou, and the cost of raising Hu people has increased by an unknown amount.

If you really want to wait for the Han Dynasty to take over Liangzhou, and the Hao family still wants to do what they did before, it's basically a dream.

As long as Feng Yong can manage the Hu people in Liangzhou the same way he governed the Hu people in Longyou, within three years, Han will be able to recruit at least 50,000 to 60,000 Huqi, and they will be very proactive in serving the Han.

Unless Han sent someone to take charge of Liangzhou affairs.

But thinking about the name of Zhuge Kongming, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, who ruled Shu, he doesn't look like a blind person.

"What should we do? If the sky doesn't fall, we will have to live as usual. Our Zhang family, didn't we withdraw from Liangzhou governor's mansion a long time ago?"

Zhang Gong didn't open his eyes, and said calmly:

"I am the captain of Wuji in the Western Regions. Of course, I want to take care of the affairs of the barbarians in the Western Regions. In the past two years, Liangzhou has been cut off from the Guan, and it is difficult for envoys from the Western Regions to go to the Central Plains. Some people will inevitably have doubts."

"What we have to do is to appease those people and not let the countries of the Western Regions be alienated from China."

Zhang quickly responded, "No."

The cold air in Liangzhou has not disappeared, but the heat in the south of the Yangtze River has risen.

Since Jianye became the capital of Wu State, due to Sun Quan's planning on the basis of the original, and the relocation of the Wu State court from Wuchang to Jianye, Jianye has become much more lively than before.

In an alley not far from the Wu Palace, most of the dignitaries live here.

There is a small courtyard among them, which is different from those tall courtyards, but it lives independently.

This small courtyard was specially designated by Sun Quan for the people of the Great Qin (that is, the Roman Empire) Qin Lun to live in.

It has been five years since Qin Lun came to Wu, and when he first came, he was called by Sun Quan to talk about what he saw along the way, and the folk customs of foreign countries.

Although it is rare to meet Sun Quan in the palace now, Sun Quan's special approval of this small courtyard for him to live in is enough to show that Sun Quan has not forgotten him.

Qin Lun's status is quite special, coupled with his relatively free time, he has traveled to many places in the Wu region over the years, and has made many friends.

As a businessman, Qin Lun was overjoyed when he knew that there was such a peerless delicacy as brown sugar in this world.

Soochow and Xishu have official brown sugar channels, and they import a certain amount of brown sugar from Xishu every year.

But most of those brown sugars flowed into the palace and were used by Sun Quan for his own enjoyment and rewards for his courtiers.

If private individuals and folks want to get brown sugar from Shu, they cannot avoid a family, that is Zhang's family in Wu County.

A few years ago, the Zhang family was purged by Sun Quan through the Jiyan incident, and their vitality was severely damaged, and they temporarily disappeared in Wu's official circles.

Fortunately, the family advocated that when Wen went to Shu as an envoy, he suddenly heard the article circulated in Shu, and immediately expressed his fascination for a certain Feng surnamed turtle.

Given Zhang Wen's reputation at that time and the importance Shu State attached to him, Zhang Wen's move really helped Feng Tubie's reputation a lot.

After learning about this, Feng Tubie tried to establish a correspondence with Zhang Wen based on the mentality of hitting two strokes with no date, and later became a legendary pen pal.

After Zhang Wen was deposed by Sun Quan, his younger brother Zhang Bai was also exiled in Jiaozhou, where he almost died because of the climate.

At that time, Shi Hui, the son of Shi Xie, wanted to rebel against Wu and sent people to Shu for help. Feng Tubie happened to have a brown sugar project and needed sugar cane that was only produced in Jiaozhou at that time.

So the two sides got in touch, and Zhang Bai was taken care of by Shi Hui because of this, and he narrowly escaped death.

The Zhang family acquired Feng Tubie's rough sugar extraction technology and became the general agent of the brown sugar project in Soochow District.

In Wu State, no matter who it is, if they want to get brown sugar privately, they can't get around the Zhang family.

In the past few years, apart from being unable to enter the power center of Soochow, the Zhang family has finally recovered in other respects.

If Qin Lun wants to get enough brown sugar, he also has to deal with the Zhang family - as long as he gets enough brown sugar to return to China, then he can get whatever he wants in Daqin, which is predictable.

Under Qin Lun's connotation, he and Zhang Bai quickly became friends.

"Zhongjiang, I have a happy event recently, and I want to tell you about it."

Zhang Bai excitedly walked into Qin Lun's small courtyard and shouted loudly.

Qin Lun had no characters, but Zhongjiang was the character he chose for himself after following the habits of the Han people.

Hearing Zhang Bai's voice, he hurried out to greet him: "What's the happy event for Shuhe?"

I saw Zhang Baiyang raised the paper in his hand, and said excitedly: "Go, let's go in and talk about it."

After the two sat down in the front hall, Zhang Bai handed the letter to Qin Lun: "Feng Langjun has a letter."

"Feng Langjun?"

Qin Lun quickly picked it up and took a look, and then remembered that he hadn't fully learned Chinese characters, so he raised his head again, with envy on his face:

"I wonder what Feng Langjun said in the letter?"

He squeezed the white paper in his hand, if this kind of paper was put in Daqin, it would be worth a lot of money, it is said that it was also given by Feng Langjun to the Zhang family.

Thinking of this, Qin Lun couldn't help sighing secretly, if he could also know the legendary Feng Langjun, how great would it be?

"This is not Feng Langjun's letter, I copied Feng Langjun's article to my brother."

Zhang Bai explained that because of his excitement, his face was slightly flushed, "Zhongjiang, Feng Langjun has produced another masterpiece!"

"excellent work?"

"Yes, Feng Langjun has written another peerless article, reading it makes one go out of the world, escape the world and travel to the fairy mountains..."

Zhang Bai shook his head and said.

Qin Lun has been studying Chinese for the past few years, and everyone in the world says that Feng Langjun's writing is the work of an exiled immortal, so naturally he will not miss it.

What's more, he still wanted to get acquainted with Feng Langjun, and he had put a lot of thought into things related to him.

Immediately, he hurriedly said: "Shuhe, hurry up and listen to me!"

"Okay, listen carefully."

Zhang Bai held up the paper, took a deep breath, calmed down, tried to make himself dignified, and then said:

"A sea guest talks about Yingzhou, and the misty waves are so vast that it's hard to find a letter... Tianmu stretches to the sky, and the five mountains cover the Chicheng.

Although he couldn't fully understand the meaning, some of the sentences in it were enough to make Qin Lun almost uncontrollably jump up, wanting to snatch the paper from Zhang Bai's hand.

The businessman's instinct made him feel that this article seemed to be of great value.

As soon as Zhang Bai's voice of reading the text fell, he couldn't wait to ask:

"Shuhe, there are many things I don't understand about this article, please answer it for me."

"Zhongjiang, please tell me."

"Where is Tianmu Mountain?"

"I don't know either."

Zhang Bai shook his head, with a look of doubt on his face, "However, in my opinion, Feng Langjun is a disciple of a high-ranking man, and he must have been seen by someone in his teacher's school."

(Note: Tianmu Mountain did not become famous until Xie Lingyun in the Southern and Northern Dynasties.)

"Then Feng Langjun has also seen overseas fairy mountains?"

Zhang Bai smiled wryly, "Zhong Jiang, you are embarrassing me. Although I have been favored by Feng Langjun, but I have never had a word with him, how do I know?"

"However, as far as I think, even if Feng Langjun has never met him, someone from his sect should have. Xie Gong in this article seems to be a member of Feng Langjun's sect."

Qin Lun nodded, "I see."

Then there was another long sigh, "If I have met Feng Langjun, I will have no regrets in this life!"

His knowledge is unfathomable, his writing is stunning and peerless, and his people are both civil and military. He is indeed the top figure in Seris.


No money for the following:

Became a close contact of the new coronavirus, with a dazed look on his face. In the past few months, who has been yelling to lock me up in a small dark room, stand up! Brothers and sisters, I know I was wrong, please do me a favor, let me undo your curse!

Became a close contact of the new coronavirus, with a dazed look on his face. In the past few months, who has been yelling to lock me up in a small dark room, stand up! Big brother and big sister, I know I was wrong, please do me a favor, let me undo the curse you cast!

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