Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 844: Good People Have a Safe Life

Although Qin Lun is not yet fully familiar with Chinese and Chinese characters, but in order to understand Feng Langjun's new works thoroughly, he not only asked Zhang Bai to teach him word for word.

At the same time, I read it every day, just to memorize it verbatim.

I even used this article to practice calligraphy, in order to be able to write it silently.

As a businessman, Qin Lun's ability to travel by sea from Daqin to the Kingdom of Seris could not simply be attributed to his good luck.

Of course, good luck is also an important aspect.

And his boldness and courage.

And that big speculative psychology.

Feng Langjun's new work made Qin Lun see the speculative value.

What he lacks now is an opportunity to speculate.

And he knew that this opportunity would not let him wait too long.

Jianye has started to get hot in May.

Sun Quan's mood became anxious because of the heat.

I don't know whether Wang Ling is too stupid, or the rumors about the bad relationship between the two are not true.

Anyway, they were sent to the north to spread rumors and sow up the relationship between Wang Ling and Man Chong, but no news came back.

Coupled with the incident of Yinbo, Zhuge Zhiweiwen and others did not find what they wanted.

Outside, there is the state of Shu holding the momentum of a great victory, and the momentum is like a rainbow.

These things added to Sun Quan's impatience of being trapped in a cage.

If you get angry, you will lose the fire, and if you are impatient, you must resolve it.

One of Sun Quan's ways to relieve his impatience is to talk to others about the gods and strange men.

After all, gods have no worries.

Even Zhang Zhao, the oldest person in the Wu Kingdom, often talked with Emperor Sun about the gods.

Then once, it was sprayed by the captain Yu Yu:

But they are all dead people, where are the gods? Are you still talking so loudly? Everyone will die in the future...

The two big figures at the top of Wu's ranking are quite embarrassing.

Of course, it's cool to spray people for a while, and the crematorium afterwards.

So in the year when Emperor Sun ascended the throne and amnesty the world, even Zhang Bai was included in the amnesty, and he was finally able to return to his hometown in Wujun.

It happened that Yu Fan went against the current and was exiled to Jiaozhou.

Talking about the world, talking about things like gods and strangers, it is natural to find someone with a lot of knowledge.

Coincidentally, Qin Lun has been to many places, has seen more than many people, and knows how to behave.

So Sun Quan often chatted with Qin Lun.

Facing the courtiers of Wu, Sun Quan may still have some restraint, but he will not talk too much about the gods.

But Qin Lun is different, he is from overseas, and he is not an official in Wu.

In front of him, Sun Quan could talk about overseas affairs without any scruples.

What happened to the emperor's interest in overseas affairs?

Who isn't curious yet?

Isn't it normal to talk about overseas affairs with people from overseas?

As a qualified businessman, Qin Lun must try to sell whatever the customer wants to buy.

What's more, the power of this customer is extraordinary.

It's just that the number of talks about overseas fairy mountains made Qin Lun faintly understand: the emperor of the Wu Kingdom, I'm afraid he has the heart to look for overseas fairy mountains!

Then this year, when Zhuge Zhiwei Wen was punished, many people in Wu felt that the emperor had killed too much.

But as an outsider, Qin Lun was even more sure of what he thought.

He even boldly guessed that the two of them also brought Sun Quan's secret order with them in all likelihood.

The so-called punishment for violating the edict is actually Sun Quan's secret order.

But even if Qin Lun could guess what Sun Quan was thinking, he could only bury it deeply in his heart and dare not tell anyone.

Regarding the matter of Emperor Wu's pursuit of longevity, Wu's ministers can openly oppose it.

But if he, an overseas businessman, said that he thought he didn't die fast enough.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be said.

But it is still possible to use the matter of overseas fairy mountains to make Emperor Wu happy, and take the opportunity to gain more benefits.

Feng Langjun's new work is a good source of conversation.

What's even better is that only a few people know about this article, not to mention the Wu land, even the Shu land has not spread.

So what Qin Lun waited for was a chance to enter the palace to chat with Emperor Sun.

This opportunity is coming soon.

On May 5th, the Chongwu Festival, the land of Wuyue has always had the custom of rowing dragon boats.

Furthermore, in today's state of Wu, boat masters are the most important, so it is natural to value this custom.

Sun Quan, the great emperor of the state of Wu, came to the river in person to have fun with the people. After watching the dragon boat race, his heart felt moved.

When I was having a feast with the officials, I made everyone compose poems and Fu, so I was very unhappy.

Halfway through the banquet, the monarch and his subjects were half-drunk. When Sun Quan was happy, he relapsed, and even stepped down from his seat to urge everyone to drink in person.

Taking advantage of his status, Qin Lun was able to sit in a corner and drink with Wu's monarch and ministers.

When Sun Quan toasted to him, his eyes were already drunk. He looked at Qin Lun and asked jokingly:

"Today everyone writes poems and prose. Mr. Wu has been in Wu for several years. I wonder if it is possible to chant prose?"

Qin Lun raised his glass early and stood up, and when he heard Sun Quan's question, he quickly replied:

"As far as people from overseas, how can An Neng compare with the sages under His Majesty the Emperor?"

Sun Quan laughed.

"However, although I can't write an article, I happened to hear an article a few days ago. I personally think it is a peerless article..."

Before Qin Lun finished speaking, Sun Quan laughed again:

"Since Mr. said it is a peerless excellent article, it must be so, so why not read it and listen to it!"

The people around also laughed loudly.

Everyone knows that this foreigner has not even read all the words, how can he know what is meant by a peerless essay?

Qin Lun's expression didn't change. In fact, in the past few years, he had already understood the psychology of the people of Seris.

Their vision is extremely high, and they don't look down on the small countries and clans around them at all. In their eyes, the status of themselves as an overseas person is not too high.

But people are indeed qualified to do so.

So Qin Lun can face the current situation calmly.

"Haike talks about Yingzhou, Yantao is so weak, it's hard to find a letter..."

Just the opening sentence made Sun Quan sober up on the spot, his eyes widened, and with a shake of the hand holding the wine glass, most of the wine spilled out!

Yingzhou? !

Is it Yingzhou?

Am I right?

"The more people speak Tianmao, the clouds can be seen or faded."

The first two sentences can be regarded as top-notch sentences, and some people at the banquet are already nodding secretly.

Just waiting to hear the words "Tianmu stretches toward the sky, pulls out the five mountains to cover Chicheng. The rooftop is 48,000 feet long, and it is about to fall to the southeast", many people have already taken a breath, and at the same time became quiet, Qi Qi pricked up his ears to listen.

At the same time, I thought in unison in my heart:

Where is Tianmu Mountain?

I thought these two sentences were shocking enough, but I didn’t know that there was more behind it:

The Qingming mighty bottomless, the sun and the moon shine on Jinyintai.

Ni is the clothes, the wind is the horse, and the king of clouds is coming and going.

The tiger drums and the luan return to the carriage, and the immortals are lined up like hemp.


Terrible, terrible!

Everyone involuntarily stood up and leaned towards Qin Lun, just to hear clearly, for fear that they might miss a word.

As for Sun Quan standing in front of Qin Lun, the earcup in his hand had fallen to the ground without knowing it.

The gold and silver platform, the neon is the clothes, the wind is the horse, the tiger drums the harp, the luan returns to the carriage, the king of clouds, the man of immortals!

"Who is this Mr. Xie?"

Just when everyone thought Sun Quan wanted to ask who wrote the article, he actually asked about the person in the article.

No way, too excited.

Immortal mountain, I secretly begged for it but couldn't find it. At this moment, I suddenly heard that someone had seen the immortal mountain, Sun Quan was already so excited that his body began to tremble.

"Returning to Your Majesty, I don't even know about the villain. I heard that he is a member of Feng Langjun's teacher."

Qin Lun honestly stated the news he got from Zhang Bai's mouth.


"Feng Langjun."

"Which Feng Langjun?"

"It's Feng Langjun from the Shu Kingdom. This article was also written by Feng Langjun."

The ministers of the Wu Kingdom, who were shocked by the article, suddenly became extremely excited when they heard this.

Is the article I read just now not exciting enough?

You have to read an article written by someone from Shu!

Zhang Zhao, on the other hand, squinted his eyes and stroked his beard, praising repeatedly:

"Peerless good writing, it really is a peerless good writing! People say that Feng Langjun is the person who created a generation of writing style, and this is really true!"

After hearing Zhang Zhao's words, many people came to their senses.

That's right, that's Feng Langjun!

Anyway, he is also a person who created a generation of writing style, and it is normal that we can't compare.

The style of writing at this time was a period of transformation that broke through the constraints of post-Han Confucianism.

There was no strict metrical law in the later Tang Dynasty, and at the same time, many literati wanted to break through the shackles of Confucian classics.

The rise of Jian'an literature and the later Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest are representatives of it.

Feng Yong's colorful and varied articles really opened the horizons of literati, giving people the feeling that they have opened the door to a new world.

At this kind of banquet, reading articles from Shu people and overwhelming everyone will definitely attract people's hatred.

But Feng Langjun...

"From my point of view, Feng Langjun's writing is like a precious jade glowing with splendor. It is magnificent and moving, bold and unrestrained, and elegant like a fairy. It is really breathtaking!"

"Otherwise, where did the name of Banished Immortal come from?"

"Hahaha, reasonable, reasonable!"


To Wu Guojun and ministers, Feng Yong was unfamiliar, because none of the people present had seen what he looked like.

But at the same time, he is familiar, because his reputation is really not small.

More importantly, in the past few years, many people have received a lot of real benefits from Shu.

Wool and brown sugar are typical representatives.

And the source of these benefits can be traced back to Feng Yong.

Being talented and famous not only does no harm to Wu, but also benefits everyone.

Thanks to Feng Langjun for sharing the wealth, good people have a safe life!

Therefore, many people actually have good intentions towards Feng Junhou.

At this time, it is also very natural to give Feng Langjun a handful.

Good articles know no borders!

Not to mention the Wu-Shu alliance at this time.

On the other hand, Sun Quan asked Qin Lun to recite it again, and then took the paper that the palace man wrote down the article, and tasted it carefully for a while, then looked up at the ministers:

"My dear friends, why do I always feel that I haven't finished writing this article?"

"Why don't you finish writing?"

General Guan, who was far away in Longyou, asked the same question.

As the actual controller of the military affairs of the Colonel's Mansion, General Guan naturally wanted to pass on Wu's intelligence.

But at this time Wu Guo is not considered the enemy of the big man, so the importance of this is not so high.

She doesn't need to know how Zhang Xiaosi operates.

But as long as there is progress or results in this matter, it must be reported to her.

The attitude must be correct, and the principle must be kept.

"Sun Quan's curiosity cannot be aroused until the writing is finished!"

Zhang Xingyi covered her mouth lightly with a small fan, approached Guan Ji's ear, and explained with a light smile:

"The last few sentences: Suddenly the soul is palpitating, suddenly startled and long sigh. I feel the pillow of time, and the haze of the past. Isn't it obvious that I am dreaming?"

"What if Sun Quan only said that he was really dreaming?"

The weather in June has started to heat up.

Guan Ji's waist and narrow sleeves made her feel warmer than Zhang Xingyi's loose girl's attire.

In such weather, she didn't bother to think about it, she just glanced at Zhang Xingyi, "Then what are you going to do next?"

Zhang Xingyi got the wink, stretched out his round fan, and fanned towards Guan Ji:

"Sister, it's not about my younger sister's future plans, but to see how Sun Quan reacts first, and then discuss it with brother."

General Guan was very satisfied with Zhang Xiaosi's low profile appearance, she handed over the paper in her hand, nodded and said:

"That's right, things like this can only be said to be done slowly. Even if it doesn't work at this time, as long as he can bury an idea in his heart, it may be useful in the future."

Just like at the beginning, although Zhang Xiaosi and his family A Lang were not engaged, but a thread was buried after all, otherwise, why would I have all the troubles later?

Thinking of this, General Guan hummed in his heart!

Zhang Xingyi put away the paper with one hand, and kept fanning with the other:

"That's the reason! But when my little sister thinks about it, whether Sun Quan is curious, or whether he is tempted, we will know in a short time."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

Guan Ji was a little curious.

"Didn't Sun Quan threaten to capture Hefei? If our guess about him is correct, then he will definitely send a letter to my brother, using the excuse of asking about the battle formation, to take the opportunity to ask about this article."

Zhang Xingyi's eyes shone slyly, like a little fox who had just eaten.

After hearing this, Guan Ji frowned slightly:

"Sun Quan threatened to attack Hefei. In my opinion, I'm afraid it's deceitful. There is a saying in the art of war: a good attacker moves above the nine heavens. It also says: soldiers are expensive and quick."

"This is all because we don't want the enemy to know our intentions. Like Sun Quan's announcement in advance, either the enemy is weak and we are strong, and he wants to intimidate and distract the enemy, or he has no intention of advancing."

Even the Wei army in Guanzhong, which has been hit hard, is still comparable to the number of people deployed by the big Han in Hanzhong and Longyou, let alone Hefei.

At least one who is evenly matched cannot escape, and may even be stronger than Wu Guo.

After all, Wu Guo doesn't have such a character as A Lang.

A Lang's evaluation of Wu Guo as "more conservative than progressive" is quite appropriate.

It is not a question of whether you are willing to make progress, but a question of whether you have the ability to make progress.

"My little sister doesn't understand military matters. No matter whether he really intends to capture Hefei, he already has an excuse to write to brother to ask about it."

Zhang Xingyi covered her mouth and smiled softly, "Who is it that brother is so famous now?"

Guan Ji also smiled slightly, and her eyes fell on a figure not far in front of her.

"This mule is good!"

Feng Junhou patted the mule in front of him, stretched out his palm, measured the height, head and tail of the mule, and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he turned his head and asked Zhou Lu, the "Ranch King" who was acting as the narrator:

"How many mules are there that can be used now?"

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