Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 845 Motorized Vision

Mules, a large animal, are not much worse than horses in size, eat less than horses, are resistant to rough feeding, and are not as picky as horses, so they are easy to feed.

However, its strength is much greater than that of a horse, and it is full of endurance and disease resistance.

At the same time it runs faster than a donkey.

It is a hybrid that combines the advantages of both horses and donkeys.

If you choose a male donkey and a female horse with good physique as the parent line, then you can give birth to a large mule. If you are lucky, there are not no ones that are bigger than a horse, and they are extremely high-quality draft animals.

With the big men from Longyou and Huangshui River Valley, and the buff blessing of Feng Guiwang, the mare basically doesn't have to worry about it.

It is not difficult to find a high-quality big jackass with two or three heads, but it is relatively rare to find dozens or even hundreds of high-quality big jackass.

Even if it is the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, if he wants to collect a sufficient number of high-quality big jackass, it will take a lot of effort.

But Ghost King Feng is different.

As long as he expresses one meaning: I want a big jackass.

Not to mention the territory of Dahan, even in Guanzhong and Wu, people tried their best to collect big jackass and send them to him.

As long as there is enough brown sugar and honey wine, there will be no problem!

And for Guiwang Feng, as long as money can solve the problem, is that also a problem?

With the big jackass and the horse resources owned by Huqiang Xiaowei's mansion, as long as there is enough time, mass production of mules is not a problem at all.

With a large number of mules, it is a matter of minutes to form a motorized army of this era.

Mule-backed infantry, in terms of logistical cost alone, is worth promoting than horse-backed infantry.

Still the same sentence: Eat less, have more strength, have enough endurance, and have strong adaptability.

Isn't this much better than mounted infantry?

Although it is slower than a horse, it is not important.

Because whether it is infantry on horseback or mule-backed infantry, they are still infantry after all.

It is impossible for them to have the luxury to let them ride together and run for a long time.

After all, most of the time the infantry was going to attack the city and pull out the stronghold, and the rear equipment couldn't keep up. No matter how fast you ran, it lost most of its meaning.

This is a question of trade-offs and balance.

Guiwang Feng wanted to form a motorized army in the Three Kingdoms era, and it was not a whim, he had thought about it.

It's not that he brags, no matter who it is now, as long as they hear the word Feng Yong, no one dares to take it seriously.

As long as the enemy's military literacy is above the average line, he will pay attention to the attack of the infantry of the school captain's mansion.

If the enemy is on guard, the raid will lose its meaning in many cases.

What Feng Yong has to do now is to prepare an ancient motorized infantry unit and use this ability to run to a level beyond their imagination.

After launching an attack on a long-range target beyond the enemy's imagination, it can also enter the battle immediately after reaching the destination.

At that time, they might be able to scare each other to death.

Didn't Sima Yi just travel 1,200 miles in eight days a few years ago, and just frightened Meng Da into a daze?

Motorization asks you if you are afraid!

Plus a large number of light and heavy cavalry equivalent to the torrent of steel in later generations.

Thinking of this, Feng Junhou almost laughed from ear to ear.

The way to always maintain an advantage over the enemy is not to hide the technology and not show it to others, because the technology that is not used is equivalent to no technology.

It is necessary to continuously develop new technologies, or take advantage of the advantages of productivity, so that the enemy will always follow you and eat ashes.

The path that the apprentice walks behind is the one that the master walked in front of, so are you afraid that he will jump back into the sky?

The idea of ​​hiding technology for fear that the enemy will know it, and not even using it yourself, is called cowardice, inferiority, and ignorance.

King Feng despises this!

Now let alone the Wei thief, everyone inside the Han, except for the insiders of Xiaowei's mansion, thought that Xiaoguan's mansion would not be able to recover from the battle in three years.

Feng Guiwang made a trip to Hanzhong before, basically crying for poverty, and had no intention of showing off his wealth at all.

Xiao Guan was a great victory, but it was also a bitter battle, not to mention the casualties of the soldiers, those horses that were killed or injured after the battle, everyone ate them while crying...

That is, Prime Minister Dahan and Zhang Xingcai, knowing that Feng Junhou has been working hard to increase the production of large livestock, there must be some stocks in hand.

But they also don't know how many cards Feng Junhou has in his hand.

After all, no matter how smart and capable Zhang Xiaosi is, he will always be limited by his knowledge before he has studied biology.

A mule is not a rare animal, nor does it mean that no one knows its advantages.

The key point is: with the current technology, there is no way to reproduce in large quantities.

Horses are difficult enough, with males missing their mares' estrus a lot of the time.

The jackass and mare... let it be!

As one of the representatives of productivity, the knowledge of raising livestock has subverted this phenomenon.

Posture is power!

King Feng Gui, he is proud!

"Hui Shanchang, there are 2,632 mules that can be used today."

"A little less."

Seeing that the head of the mountain seemed dissatisfied, Zhou Lu became a little nervous:

"For such a mountain leader, the mule needs to grow for two years before it can be used, but it cannot be used to pull heavy objects. Only when it has grown for two and a half years can it be considered fully usable."

When Zhou Lu said this, Feng Yong reacted:

"You mean, this is the first batch?"

"Yes, Master Shan."

Zhou Lu nodded quickly, "Half a year, as long as half a year, students can produce five thousand heads for the head of the mountain, all of which can be used."

I guess he was really in a hurry, he was a little out of words, and I don't know how he produced it...

"Don't be nervous."

Feng Yong waved his hand, "You've done a good job. There shouldn't be any big battles in the Captain's Mansion this year, so there's no need to rush this matter, and it's useless to rush."

From the beginning of trying to accumulate experience to the full promotion, this is a process that needs to be perfected. It is already very remarkable that Zhou Lu can do this step.

Zhou Lu was praised by the head of the mountain, and smiled a little embarrassedly:

"Since the head of the mountain said so, the students will not be afraid. By this time next year, we can use at least 16,000 mules, and at least 20,000 mules are possible."

More than 2,000 heads are only the first batch. When the rolling method is mature, all the stalls can be spread out.

So the second batch and the third batch will be doubled and counted up, which is similar to rolling interest.

"Okay, that's good."

Feng Yong nodded approvingly.

The high-quality mares in Longyou should give priority to producing foals that can be bred into war horses.

And if you want to produce good pulling mules, the mare is the kind that is good at pulling loads, not the horses used for charging.

Fortunately, the Huangshui horse produced in the Huangshui River Valley, that is, the Hequ horse of later generations, has a great advantage in this regard.

"The students found that although the war horses used by the cavalry were taller than Huangshui horses, the mules they produced were not as durable as those produced by Huangshui horses."

Zhou Lu held a booklet, flipped through it, and introduced the current mule breeding situation to Feng Yong.

"So the mares used by the students are all Huangshui horses. First, they don't have to fight horses with the cavalry. Second, the mules produced are also the best."

Look, this is the benefit of intellectuals sinking to the grassroots.

Feng Yong nodded repeatedly.

Why did I give Liu Hanzi so much face and publicly praised him a few days ago?

Not all because he married five bearded women.

Of course, marrying five bearded women is also an important reason.

Another important reason is that in the past few years, he has been able to continuously deliver high-quality Huangshui horses to the Captain's Mansion.

No matter whether it is for exchange or purchase, even if it is to sell lust, it is also a sacrifice for the country.

As long as he can remove a large number of horses from the Hu tribe in the Huangshui River Valley, and let those tribes indirectly become the horse breeders of the Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion, he will be considered a good job.

When those Hu people get used to this method, it will be a matter of course for Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion to implement Qimin household registration.

Feng Yong stood up straight and looked into the distance. There were horses, cows, sheep, and mules, all separated by fences.

The herdsmen on the ranch hold the fodder and keep feeding it into the trough.

Some fences were still open, and someone drove the horses to a further distance. The horses began to run, the ground was shaking slightly, and the hooves of the horses sounded like thunder.

"Is that picking a war horse?"

Feng Yong pointed to the running horses, and asked as he walked forward.


Zhou Lu hurriedly followed and explained, "The best horses here, or top horses, will be picked out and sent to a special horse farm to be used as stallions."

"Then tell me about the horse."

In the battle of Xiaoguan, the Colonel's Mansion was bleeding heavily.

As the lieutenant of Hu Qiang, Guiwang Feng inspected various pastures in order to show his attitude.

"Yes, Chief Shan."

"Each of the selected stallions has a pedigree record, right?"

"Hui Shanchang, the pedigree files of these stallions will only be filed after each student personally inspects them."

Recording the pedigree of stallions was not proposed by Zhou Lu.

It was Feng Yong who proposed it.

The reason put forward comes from the lessons of the early Hanzhong pastures and Yuejuan pastures.

Although Feng Yong knew about prenatal and postnatal care in his previous life, because the ranch did not establish a pedigree file in time, there were still some degenerate and even congenitally deficient foals.

This reminded Feng Guiwang of some practices of later generations.

Although the pedigree files of later generations have changed in many cases, they are used by some people to pretend to be bragging.

But Ghost King Feng is also a person who has studied biology in high school, so he quickly figured out the benefits of establishing a bloodline file.

One is to avoid inbreeding and prevent the degeneration of the horse herd in the third and fourth generations.

The second is to facilitate inbreeding, that is, backcrossing.

Because backcrossing can sometimes stabilize a certain advantage that humans want, of course, backcrossing is more often to produce congenitally deficient offspring.

To put it bluntly, it is convenient for management and reproduction.

Of course, if there is an opportunity in the future to use the bloodline file to deceive the wrongdoer, King Feng Gui will naturally not refuse.

Looking up, in the extreme, there is a long dragon winding northward, that is the Yellow River.

On the other side of the Yellow River is Yuyin County (that is, near Jingyuan County in later generations).

After the Battle of Longyou, it has been the stronghold of Liangzhou Wei Army.

Later, before the whole army of Xiaowei's Mansion left Xiaoguan in the east, General Guan Zhao Guang led the attack and brought this Liangzhou Wei army stronghold under the rule of Xiaowei's Mansion.

General Guan's move was not as simple as crossing the river to regain Yuyin County.

Instead, it directly influenced the soldiers of the Han Dynasty and pushed it hundreds of miles westward to the core of Liangzhou, Wuwei Guzang.

Because crossing the Yellow River from the Yinyin Ferry, and then heading west along the Great Wall, you can reach Wuwei Guzang unimpeded all the way.

This road is the earliest Silk Road, but because of the hundreds of miles of wasteland, it is inconvenient for caravans to replenish.

In addition, from the south to Longxi to Xiping, through the Dadouba Valley, you can go directly to Zhangye, Liangzhou, and it is convenient to supply along the way, so caravans gradually stopped taking this north road.

However, from Tanyin County to Guzang, hundreds of miles of wasteland happened to be the battlefield for cavalry galloping.

Therefore, General Guan pulled out the stronghold of the Wei army in Suyin County, which meant a lot to deter the Wei army in Liangzhou.

The development of things later proved the wisdom of General Guan.

Without the bridgehead of Tanyin County, coupled with the fact that the Xiping rebellion could not succeed, Wuwei Guzang did not dare to send troops to try to support the Wei army in Guanzhong in the end.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong turned his head and looked behind him.

I saw the wife of the main room and Xiao Si standing in the shade, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

Not far from them, his two children are playing in the grass.

Feng Yong beckoned, Guan Ji smiled and waved happily to this side, it seemed that she was responding to her own A Lang.

Ghost King Feng's face froze, and then he sighed:

Husband is depressed! I obviously asked you to come here, so what do you mean by making two moves like this?

It's fine with the court lady, but this little four didn't even give him the slightest bit of a wink, and he just glanced at himself.

Feng Junhou took a deep breath, then put a smile on his face, walked over and asked:

"I want to go to the other side of the big river to have a look, Xijun, do you want to follow?"

"I remember, the second wife of the Xu family has been opening up wasteland over the past few months?"

Guan Ji didn't answer immediately, but asked a question.

Feng Yong nodded, "That's right. In the past, they were all planting yutou, but now the situation is different."

"I heard that the land is very fertile, and the water from the big river can be transferred directly for irrigation."

"The second mother of the Xu family had long wanted to turn it into a fertile field, but the fourth mother refused to let it go, so the matter was delayed."

"Now Si Niang feels that the time is ripe, so she made arrangements."

I didn't open it before because of that area. I can go straight to Wuwei Guzang, and the enemy can go straight to Dahe Ferry.

In the event of a stalemate in the Guanzhong War, the Liangzhou Wei Army will definitely take action, and the fighters will change rapidly. Who knows what the fertile land that has just been opened will be ruined?

Isn't this a waste of effort?

The food supply in Huqiang Xiaowei's mansion is very sufficient, so there is no need to rush forward.

But after the Battle of Xiaoguan, Liangzhou has become cooked meat in the pot, so naturally there is no need to worry about it.

After listening to Feng Yong's explanation, Guan Ji nodded:

"Since that's the case, let Si Niang go with A Lang. It's too hot today, so don't worry too much about the child. I'll just watch over the child here."

Zhang Xingyi looked at the scorching sun in the sky, and felt that if he really wanted to go out, he would be roasted, so he pouted: "Sister, I don't want to go either..."


Guan Ji slapped her across the face, and said angrily:

"Who would you go to if you didn't do your job? A Lang, as a lord and a lieutenant protecting the Qiang, would go down to inspect the petitioners. Are you more delicate than a lord?"

General Guan's plausible words caused Feng Junhou to squint at him:

Are you willing to say this? Don't you work in the captain's mansion? Why can you stay here to enjoy the cool?

It's just that General Guan was too powerful, neither of the two dared to refute, one of them got into the carriage obediently, and the other rode his horse resentfully, and headed north.

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