Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 850 Guanzhong and Liangzhou

"Of course I've heard of this. The Prime Minister once said that under the rule of Liu Zhang and his son, the land of Shu was governed by virtue and punishment, so the prestige should be ruled by law and limited by nobility."

"You can't just imitate the three chapters of the agreement between Emperor Gaozu and the Guanzhong fathers."

Hearing what Lu Kai said, Ma Di clapped his hands and smiled: "Since Ji Ping knew about it, why can't he figure out Zhang Bogong's resignation as the prefect?"

Lu Kai frowned, he still didn't understand.

Seeing Lu Kai's appearance, Ma Di knew that he still hadn't figured it out, so he had to elaborate:

"Ji Ping thinks, after Dudu Zhang came to Nanzhong, Nanzhong's law has become more lenient, or has it become stricter?"

As the governor of Yunnan, Lu Kai's feelings couldn't be more profound, I saw him say without hesitation: "You must be strict."

"Yes, Dudu Zhang enforces the law strictly." Ma Di said leisurely, "How is this different from the prime minister governing Shu with strict laws?"

"Ah! That's how it is!"

Lu Kai finally understood.

The Yi people in the south have been rebelling all the year round, they don't fear the law of the country, and the government is not powerful. This is quite similar to the Shu land when the first emperor first entered Shu.

There is something in common with Zhang Bogong governing Nanzhong and the prime minister's strict law governing Nanzhong.

Ma Di continued to say:

"Looking at the prime minister's southern expedition, he is not afraid of the gathering of chaotic troops, but afraid of their dispersal. For the barbarians, gathering and annihilating them is far better than destroying them individually. This is the opposite of using the art of war."

Lu Kai came to a sudden: "So you often deliberately let Liu Zhou gather troops, and then smash them in one fell swoop."

Ma Su chuckled, "This is nothing more than the prime minister's old wisdom."

He lowered his voice again, "What's more, Liu Zhou's rebellion created a lot of labor to build the official road from Nongdong to Yuyu!"

Is this Feng Junhou's old wisdom?

Lu Kai looked at Ma Su and couldn't help applauding.

"In the past, Lady Hua appeased the various villages, and later, Liu Zhou rebelled wantonly. In this way, it is self-evident who in Yunnan County is sincerely toward the Han and who has a wrong heart!"

As Ma Su spoke, he picked up a black chess piece and placed it on the board:

"After the great chaos, there must be great order. If all the unruly people in Yunnan County go away, Ji Ping will have no constraints, and the herdsmen can feel at ease."

After speaking, he pointed to the northwest again, "There is Yuejuan County in the north of Yunnan County. If Ji Ping can connect the two counties, there will be no worries of turmoil in Nanzhong. It will be a great contribution."

Yunnan County has Yuexuan in the north, Jianning in the east, and Yongchang in the south. It is the hub of the south, central and south.

It is probably impossible to become the second Yuejue, but as long as it becomes the second Jianning, the big man will be considered to have completed the direct control of the entire Nanzhong area.

The merit is great, and it is indeed true.

Don't believe me, take a look at the current Dianchi Lake?

The Xinghan Society only recruits barbarian people to work on the plantations every year, and by the way, it can also educate the barbarian people, teach the barbarian people to farm, transform the raw workers into mature bureaucrats, and promote the peace between Han and Barbarians.

These tasks should have been a headache for the chief officials of Nanzhong but had to be done, and the Xinghan Society can help solve most of them.

Why is Xinghanhui so capable?

It is because the Xinghan Society has opened a school in Yuexuan.

Even though there are a hundred barbarian youths who come out from there, there may not be one who can go to Nanxiang Academy to continue their studies.

But sending them down to the Nanzhong Plantation is not easy to use!

So turning Yunnan County into the second Jianning County is simply a very simple matter.

As long as the official road from Nongdong to Yuyuze can be restored to the smoothness of the former Han Dynasty, Xinghanhui will open the plantation there.

From this point of view, Liu Zhou's rebellion is simply a timely help.

After putting down this rebellion, not to mention ten or eight years of stability in Yunnan, only three to five years will be enough.

With labor, are you afraid that you won't be able to get through the official road from Nongdong to Yuyuze in three to five years?

Undoubtedly, there will be another wave of heads sold later to win the favor of King Feng Gui.

At that time, as long as Feng Guiwang lets Xinghan leak something from his fingers, and Yunnan can follow Yuexuan to drink soup, it will be a huge profit.

Lv Taishou, a senior city official and mayor of a prefecture-level city, imagined the future of Yunnan County, and almost overturned the chessboard with joy on the spot:

"I was just thinking about putting down the rebellion, but Xiaochang was able to make three plans in one step and set a policy for Yunnan for ten years. I'm not as good as that!"

To put it bluntly, as long as he can follow what Ma Di said, the prefect of Yunnan County is a dog, and he is also a dog prefect loved by the people.

The premise is to be able to connect with Xinghan Club.

Lu Taishou may lack other things, but he does not lack this line.

Anyway, Ghost King Feng has already saved my life, so if I ask him to help me out, what's the problem?

"Youchang is such a great talent, it's really wronged to stay in Nanzhong!"

Lu Kai sighed, feeling sorry for Ma Su, then suddenly remembered something:

"I heard that Longyou Huqiang School Wei's Mansion wants to open an examination class to select talents, but anyone who aspires to serve the great man, regardless of good or bad, can go there to take the examination."

"In my opinion, Feng Junhou is probably trying to reserve talents for governing Liangzhou in the future. If Xiaochang can go to have a try, he will be able to show his ambition."

A light flashed in Ma Su's eyes, but it soon dimmed again, shaking his head and smiling wryly:

"Someone made a big mistake, and now he is able to sit here peacefully. It is already a magnanimous prime minister. Feng Hou is benevolent. How dare you hope again?"

When Lu Kai heard this, he sighed again.

The first half of the ninth year of Jianxing was much calmer than the second half of the eighth year of Jianxing.

Except for the fact that Han sent troops to attack Liangzhou, the rest of the border was quiet.

Cao Zhen, the great Sima of Wei State, felt shameless to face Wei Emperor Cao Rui after Xiao Guan was defeated and returned to Chang'an.

In addition, at some point in Chang'an, there were rumors of "Da Sima Wading" all over the city, which made Cao Zhen feel ashamed, hated and angry.

In the spring of the ninth year of Jianxing, Cao Zhen became ill.

As the days passed, not only did his condition not improve, but it became more serious.

Knowing that his fate was not long, he hurriedly dragged his sick body to submit another memorial, repeating what he said in the last memorial, and asked Wei Emperor Cao Rui to send Sima Yi to take charge of the overall situation in Guanzhong.

Cao Rui considered again and again, and decided to withdraw the governor's mansion of Jingzhou, order Wang Chang to be stationed in Wancheng, and then move Guanqiu Jian to be the governor of Jingzhou.

At the same time, let Sima Yi, who returned to Jingzhou from Hanzhong, arrange the affairs of Jingzhou and return to Beijing immediately.

Sima Yi got the emperor's will, did not dare to neglect, arranged everything, and rushed back to Luoyang to face the saint overnight.

When he saw Cao Rui meeting him privately in the East Hall of the Tai Chi Hall, he couldn't help being surprised:

"Why is Your Majesty so emaciated?"

But seeing that the emperor's face was pale, his eyes were blue, and his whole person looked sluggish, how could he be as energetic as Sima Yi had seen when he left Luoyang?

"In the past few years, the captives of Shu and Wu Kou have successively violated the frontier, and none of the officials have shared my worries. I am so tired!" Cao Rui leaned back on the chair and pointed to the seat below, "General, please sit down. .”

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Seeing that Sima Yi was still full of energy when he came back from Jingzhou, Cao Rui couldn't help being envious:

"I remember, the general already knows the destiny, right?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the old minister is already in his fifties."

"Hey, I'm only twenty-seven, but I feel tired all the time. I'm not as energetic as the general. Does the general have a way to nourish himself?"

Cao Rui sighed.

Sima Yi hurriedly said: "Your Majesty bears the hope of all the people. You work hard day and night, so you are exhausted. A diligent and wise ruler is the blessing of the world. But please take care of yourself, so that you can govern the world better."

"And what is the way for the old minister to maintain his health? It's just more patience in everything and less effort."

Cao Rui heard the words, smiled wryly and said:

"People can be tolerant, but national security can be tolerant? Han captives and Wu Kou have repeatedly violated the border, can I sleep in peace?"

"I asked the general to return to Beijing this time because I want to ask the general to preside over the Guanzhong affairs. Will the general be willing?"

Sima Yi who had just sat down quickly stood up again: "Your Majesty has a call, how dare the old minister shirk state affairs? It's just Da Sima..."

"Da Sima is seriously ill, and now he is unable to treat the matter, so I want him to return to Luoyang to recuperate."

Cao Rui waved his hand and directly interrupted Sima Yi's words:

"Looking at the top and bottom, the only person who can succeed the great Sima is the great general. I only hope that the great general will arrive in Guanzhong. Don't let me down."

"The people of Shu are cunning and fierce, and I can only repay the king's kindness with my life."

Sima Yi kowtowed.

"That's right, the Shu captives are cunning, fierce and stubborn, it's really a trouble in my heart, Great Wei!"

Thinking of the past few years of fighting with the Shu Kingdom, the Wei Kingdom has never taken advantage of it, Cao Rui has a worried look on his face, "The general is going to confront the Shu captives in Guanzhong, do you have any countermeasures?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the old minister sees that what Ge Bandit and Feng Bandit have done these years are all echoes of fiction and reality. The main purpose is to mobilize the troops of the Great Wei, and then attack them with surprise troops."

"That's why the old minister wants to deal with these two people. The only way to deal with these two people is to stick to the key points, dig deep trenches, build strong walls, and not respond to their tricks without moving. After seeing the truth and reality, and then attacking what they must save, can we succeed."

When Cao Rui heard this, he felt unwilling:

"In this way, Great Wei is on the defensive, fearing that it will damage the morale of the army."

In fact, in Cao Rui's heart, he was very eager to take back Longyou.

After all, Qishan is one of the three strategically important places to guard against Shu and Wu.

If Qi Shan is not lost, why is Great Wei worrying about today?

"Your Majesty, once Longyou was lost, and the Shu captives occupied Longyou and fell to Guanzhong, the Great Wei has become defensive and has no choice but to defend!"

Sima Yi tried his best to persuade him.

There was Zhang He in the front and Cao Zhen in the back, and they all broke their halberds in front of the Shu captives.

This time, it's finally my turn. I can't be too careful when it comes to matters of life.

If this majesty waits for him to arrive in Guanzhong, he will issue an edict to lead the army to conquer Shu like last year, it will be a matter of life.

Cao Rui didn't know that what Sima Yi said was true.

Even if he didn't know it before, he has seen it clearly after the battle of Xiaoguan.

At this time, he especially missed the first two years of his ascension to the throne.

In the first year, Soochow was defeated.

In the second year, Zhuge Liang, Prime Minister of Shu, entered Hanzhong.

Thinking about it now, at that time the people of Shu were preparing for the battle of Longyou, so preemptive strikes were the best way.

It's a pity that one mistake caused today's predicament.

Cao Rui's thoughts raced, and finally turned into a sigh: "The general is going to Guanzhong, and the military and government can take it for himself. I only have one request. Guanzhong is not lost, and Chang'an is not lost. Is that okay?"

As an emperor, when he said this, his attitude was already too low.

Sima Yi shook his body, his face was full of emotion, and at the same time, there was a little sadness, and he kowtowed again with tears in his eyes: "I will swear to defend Guanzhong to the death!"

Just as Han Guo was sharpening his sword and rushing towards Liangzhou, Wei Guo took the opportunity to complete the exchange of commanders in Guanzhong.

Cao Zhen finally failed to make it to Luoyang, and died of a serious illness on the way.

After Sima Yi arrived in Guanzhong, he first strengthened the integrity of Chang'an and Tongguan, and at the same time inspected important places such as Yicheng and Qianxian.

He also accepted the words of Guo Huai, the governor of Yongzhou, and vigorously cultivated fields and reclaimed wasteland, and prepared for the battle of Guanzhong that would come sooner or later.

Because he knew that after the battle of Xiaoguan, Guanzhong had no way to put pressure on Longyou for the time being.

Without the pressure from Guanzhong, Liangzhou would surely perish in the hands of the Han people.

Once Liangzhou fell, the Han people would no longer have to worry about the future, and there would definitely be a big battle in Guanzhong.

Naturally, the Wei army in Guanzhong changed commanders, but they couldn't hide it from Longyou and Hanzhong.

But at this time, the big man's attention is on Liangzhou. As long as the Guanzhong Wei army keeps its own place and allows the big man to eat Liangzhou quietly, the prime minister of the big man has no intention of looking for trouble for the Guanzhong Wei army.

At the end of July in the ninth year of Jianxing, Zhao Yun personally led an army of 20,000 and began to try to march from Lingju to Liangzhou.

From Lingju to Liangzhou, you have to climb a mountain called Hongchiling.

It is the gateway and throat of Liangzhou, as well as the hub of the Silk Road, the terrain is dangerous.

Xu Miao had already deployed the Wei army here, and dug more trenches and barriers.

Zhao Yun prepared for more than half a month in Lingju, but he was still blocked by this mountain, hesitating and difficult to enter.

Let Xu Miao think he had a plan, and said to the left and right: "Everyone in the world says Zhao Yun has a brave strategy, but in my opinion, it's nothing more than that."

"Thinking about it, he only thought that most of the merchants came to Liangzhou by leaving orders, and thought that it would be easy for a large army to enter Liangzhou, but he didn't think about leaving from Dadou Bagu."

"Even if he goes to Wuwei from Shuyin County, as long as food and grass can be supplied, it will be easier than going to Lingju."

Unexpectedly, not long after his words came out, the news came that the cavalry of the Han army from Shuyin county was attacking Wuwei.

Shocked, Xu Miao quickly summoned the Wei army to defend Wuwei.

What made him even more unexpected was that the Wei army in Dadoubagu had just arrived at Wuwei Zanggu, and the Huren Jingqi who were guarding Dadoubagu suddenly mutinied and turned around and rushed straight to Zhangye behind Wuwei.

Xu Miao asked the Hu people to guard the Dadouba Valley because there were not enough Han army on the opposite side of the Dadouba Valley.

So he transferred Wei Jun back to Wuwei, which is more important to guard, and left the Hu people to guard Dadou Bagu, which was temporarily not threatening.

Who would have thought that the dog guarding the door of his house would suddenly become a vicious wolf and start biting people in reverse?

Under Wuwei's back and belly, Xu Miao was angry and anxious, his eyes turned black for a while, and he almost lost his breath.

The Han army marched in three directions, shaking Liangzhou greatly, and everyone was in danger.

The news that Wuwei and Zhangye fell into military turmoil within a few days quickly spread from Jiuquan County to Dunhuang.

To the east of Dunhuang, there is a mountain called Sanwei Mountain.

The three peaks of its mountain stand tall, as if about to fall.

In the hinterland of Sanwei Mountain, there is a spring with sweet water, and a large oasis is formed around the spring.

This place is regarded as a winter place by a Qianghu tribe all the year round.

Just after dawn on this day, several Hu Qi rode into the oasis from outside, yelling in Hu language.

The Hu people who stayed here were awakened one after another.

After a while, the leader of the barbarians rushed out of a large tent and shouted:

"Liu Langjun, good news, great news!"

There was movement in the tent, and after a long while, Liu Liang opened the curtain and walked out with eyes wide open, yawning continuously:

"What good news? Could it be that the big man's army is coming?"

While speaking, he reached down to grab it, and then fastened his belt again.

There is no way, in this environment, even if you want to be particular, you can't be particular about it.

Part of the soap brought over was used to buy the friendship of the Hu man Qu Shuai, and part was used to coax the Hu girl, and the rest was used for bathing every day, which was used up a few days ago.

It seems that lice have begun to crawl on my body, how should I pay attention to this?

The early morning in the mountains was already a bit chilly, and in a place like Liangzhou, Liu Liang realized that the clothes on his body were a little thin after he finished scratching.

"How did Liu Langjun know? Could it be that we made an appointment earlier?"

The leader of the barbarians asked in surprise.


Liu Liang was halfway through his yawns, unable to close his mouth for a long time, and just stared blankly at the leader of the barbarians.

I was also thinking of going back to Longyou to get some more supplies to work on, so this is the call?

The leader of the barbarians rubbed his hands together, and whispered excitedly:

"Don't worry, Liu Langjun. As long as the big man really calls, I will definitely respond with the whole family. At that time, Liu Langjun, don't forget to promise the villain."

As long as the Han people can really get here, the Wei people are basically finished. Responding to the Han people, there is no risk at all, so why not do it?

Thinking of all the rumors about Longyou that have been circulating in Liangzhou over the years, the leader of the barbarians felt very hot in his heart.

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