Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 851 Unexpected Zhang Gong

Liu Liang was a little confused.

Why didn't I get wind of it earlier?

Then a Hu girl put a robe on him: "Your Majesty, it's a bit cold in this mountain in the early morning, so you'd better wear an extra layer of clothing."

So Liu Liang thought about it: How long has I been in the mountains?

After all, it seems that it has been about ten days.

Convincing the barbarians is one aspect.

On the other hand, the mountains here are good and the water is good, so the quality of Hu Nu is a little bit higher than those outside.

So staying for a few more days is also very reasonable.

After Liu Liang figured it out, he immediately turned his head and told the people he brought over:

"Pack up your things now, I'm going out of the mountain!"

"My lord, where are you going?"

"Go to Dunhuang, find the Zhang family!"

His tone was loud, but Hu Renqu Shuai, who had been by his side all the time, was shocked when he heard it, and then he was proud, and he said with a smile:

"Liu Langjun, I will escort you there!"

"Be low-key, be low-key, don't attract attention, pick out the best warriors in the clan, don't be too many."

Although the army of the Han Dynasty has not yet entered Dunhuang, not even Jiuquan County to the east.

But according to Liu Liang's observations over the past few months, Liangzhou is basically in a state of collapse at any time.

A few days ago, after the news of the Xiaoguan battle spread throughout Liangzhou, it defeated the will of most people in Liangzhou to resist.

So once the news of the Han army entering Liangzhou spreads, chaos outside must have begun.

So having more guards is not a bad thing.

"Understood, understood, I will arrange it now."

Hu Renqu Shuai quickly agreed, turned around and went down to make arrangements.

From Sanwei Mountain to Dunhuang City, it is nearly ninety miles, not too far, not too close.

Liu Liang and his party hurried to the base of Dunhuang City, only to see that the city gate was still wide open even though there were sergeants interrogating suspicious people entering and leaving, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, Dunhuang City did not impose martial law because the Han army entered Liangzhou.

If you think about it, there is no trace of the Han army in Jiuquan County to the east, and Dunhuang has not yet closed its gates.

The only trouble is that Liu Liang's team is not only mixed with Hu people, but even Liu Liang himself is dressed in half Hu and half Han.

Therefore, it is natural that they will be heavily interrogated by the city gate guards.

Surprisingly, when the other party heard that Liu Liang was going to the Zhang Mansion, he immediately waved his hand to let him go, and didn't even bother to say anything unnecessary.

Liu Liang, on the other hand, felt that under such circumstances, the defenders of Dunhuang City were still so lax, and they really didn't know how to live or die.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the gate of Zhang's mansion, he was stunned immediately.

Without him, it turned out that the gate of Zhang's mansion was already full of horses and carriages, bustling with people outside, even if they wanted to squeeze in, they couldn't get in.

Liangzhou is precarious, as the biggest land snake in Dunhuang, at the same time Zhang Jiajia advocates Gong and is the captain of Wuji in the Western Regions.

Although it is said that it is in charge of the Western Regions in name, but it can't stand the high morals and prestige of others.

Therefore, anyone with some status has long thought of a way to deliver a name card to the Zhang family.

Whether Liangzhou can defend or not is a very important question.

Of course, more importantly, what about Dunhuang?

After Ma Ai, the prefect of Dunhuang, died, there was no magistrate. What's more, there were rebels in Jiuquan and Zhangye in the east to invade Dunhuang.

At that time, the county people elected Zhang Gong to be in charge, so that Dunhuang would not suffer from the war.

Although the Han army has not even arrived in Jiuquan County yet, everyone knows that the situation at this time is far more serious than it was then.

Under such circumstances, if you don't look for Zhang Gong, who else can you look for?

Xu Miao?

Don't be kidding, I heard that now Wuwei is being flanked by the Han people. It is still a question of whether he will escape in the end.

Therefore, outsiders are unreliable, and in the end we still have to rely on our own people in Liangzhou.

It has been a few days since the news came from Wuwei that those who are qualified to enter Zhang's residence have already entered.

Those who are not qualified to go in are waiting outside the mansion.

Only then did Liu Liang understand why the sergeant at the city gate let him go so easily when he heard that he was going to Zhang's mansion.

He looked at the crowd in front of him, gritted his teeth, and ordered his followers to squeeze a way for him.

It's midsummer now, so it's easy to get angry.

In addition, everyone is worried about the situation in Liangzhou, and they are anxious.

Not to mention that most of the people in Liangzhou are bold and forthright. When they are pushed, someone immediately cheers loudly:

"Woman! Why squeeze? Are you in a hurry to go to the funeral?"

Liu Liang was also in a hurry, and when someone scolded him, he scolded back not to be outdone:

"I have something to see Mr. Zhang, which is related to the safety of Dunhuang. If you don't give way, I'm afraid it's not me who will go to the funeral later, but you!"

It was only then that everyone noticed that Liu Liang and his party were all travel-stained, they only thought that they came from the east to spread the news, so they reluctantly stepped aside.

At the same time someone shouted:

"This gentleman, Wuwei, what's the news?"

Liu Liang said in his heart that I just came out of the mountains, can there be any news about the bird?

He pushed his head forward without looking back, and said impatiently:

"Xu Miao's life is almost gone, what news can there be?"

In normal times, if someone dared to spread rumors at the gate of Zhang's mansion like this, it would be an act of recklessness.

But at this moment, Liu Liang was full of confidence, even if the Zhang family found out afterwards that he was talking nonsense, so what?

Behind him, there is a big backer.

Liu Langjun, who was severely beaten by the society in the past few years, has long understood a truth:

These days, if you want to walk sideways, you either have to be awesome, preferably the kind that is so awesome, like a certain ground turtle.

If you are not so awesome, at least your thighs should be awesome.

He used to think that his adult was awesome, but later he realized that he was thinking too much.

A fake adult can't compare to a real one, the truth is that cruel.

Although this story is a bit sad, but if I really want to turn around, it's useless to just be sad.

So Liu Langjun closed his eyes, stomped his feet, turned around and hugged Zhen Feng's thigh.

Disgusting is a little disgusting, but Feng Tubie's name is really useful.

At least in Liangzhou, it is really easy to use.

For example, Liu Liang knew that Zhang's family would not do anything to him who was relying on Zhen Feng's thigh just because Zhang went to Longyou for a stroll and finally returned safely.

Now Liu Liang's unscrupulous hilarity caused an uproar in the surrounding crowd, and many people's expressions began to change drastically.

Even the concierge of Zhang's mansion came out to greet him, and asked cautiously: "Dare to ask where Mr. Lang came from? Is there a famous post?"

"No!" Hanzi Liu said bluntly, "You just go and tell Mr. Zhang that a certain surname is Liu, and that you visited the mansion a few days ago."

The concierge heard this, and then took a closer look at Hanzi Liu, only to feel that this person seemed really familiar.

It's just that there are too many people visiting these days, how can the concierge remember them all?

Coupled with the disheveled clothes of Liu Liang in front of him, his body still faintly exudes the unique smell of Hu people, mixed with the sour smell of sweat, which is really unflattering.

Seeing the imposing manner of the man in front of him who claimed to be Liu, the concierge weighed in his heart, and finally said:

"Please Liu Langjun wait a moment."

Among the Langjun surnamed Liu who have been to the mansion recently, Mr. Zhang has only one impression of him most, and that is the one who "has the same surname as the Son of Heaven".

Zhang got a report from the porter and immediately asked Liu Liang to be admitted to the mansion.

When Liu Liang, led by the servants of Zhang's mansion, walked through the corridor of the vestibule, he saw a crowd of people in the vestibule not far away, and at the same time there was a faint noise.

Thinking of the crowd outside the gate of the mansion again, he couldn't help feeling curious, and tentatively asked:

"It seems that your residence is quite lively today! I wonder if there is any happy event?"

"Liangzhou is in turmoil, and the officials are restless. How can there be a happy event?"

Before the servant leading the way could answer, another voice suddenly came from the front.

Liu Liang looked up, and it turned out that it was Zhang who went to the inner arch to greet him in person.

"I've seen Mr. Zhang."

"Please, Mr. Liu Lang."

Zhang led Liu Liang into a side room, served tea again, and continued:

"The two prefectures of Wuwei and Zhangye were caught in war, and there was no news. Now there are rumors everywhere in Dunhuang, and people's hearts are fluctuating. Therefore, the elders of Dunhuang gathered in the front hall to discuss how to preserve Dunhuang."

Liu Liang is not a fool. Hearing Zhang Jiu's words, he naturally knew that he was explaining on the surface, but he was actually showing himself the strength of the Zhang family.

Just seeing Zhang say that, Liu Liang laughed instead.

Only when you are on the weak side, you need to deliberately show your strength.

Like yourself, even if you have lice crawling on your body, why don't you just sit in Zhang's mansion and face Mr. Zhang without saying anything?

"Mr. Zhang, you and I are sensible people. You know what I want to do when I come here today. I also know that the Zhang family doesn't have much choice."

"Let me just say it straight. Although I am not from Liangzhou, I also know that most of the Liangzhou Wei army is concentrated in Wuwei County. Now Wuwei is not feasible in the past, and there is no way out."

"If the two counties of Jiuquan and Dunhuang are really capable of saving Wuwei, the elders of Dunhuang will not gather in the front hall of your mansion."

"If Zhang Gong really wants to preserve Dunhuang and prevent his father and elders from suffering from the war, why not take this opportunity and return to the Great Han?"

"If you hesitate a little, just wait for the loss of Wuwei. Mr. Zhang thinks, how can the two counties of Dunhuang and Jiuquan be able to stop the tens of thousands of elite soldiers from the big man?"

Liu Liang originally thought that what he said was justified and well-founded, and also that the Zhang family was suppressed by Xu Miao in the early years, so he might have been wavering.

So even if you can't make the other party respond on the spot, at least you can make the other party's heart beat.

Unexpectedly, Zhang's face was calm, and he said slowly:

"Liu Langjun, my father is in charge of such a major matter. If you tell me, it may be useless."

Liu Liang was taken aback: "May I ask where Mr. Zhang is now?"

"My father is in poor health, so it is inconvenient to see guests."

After Liu Liang heard this, he had a seventy-eight percent certainty mentality, but suddenly lost three or four points.

The Zhang family seems to have other plans?

Seeing Zhang, he picked up the teacup, blew on the tea leaves gently, then put it down again, and continued:

"Besides, Mr. Liu Lang is afraid that he was negligent. My father is the captain of Wuji in the Western Regions. He is in charge of the affairs of the Western Regions. How can he be in charge of Liangzhou's affairs?"

Speaking of this, Zhang sighed again: "Otherwise, how could the elders of Dunhuang have been discussing in the Bi Mansion for almost three days, but they still haven't discussed a charter?"

After finishing speaking, Zhang stood up and cupped his hands: "I still have to go to the front hall to say hello, so I can't stay with you for a long time, please forgive me."

Then he called his servants and said: "Liu Langjun is a distinguished guest in my house, he must serve you with all your heart and effort, and you must not slack off in the slightest."

Liu Liang didn't expect this person to leave as soon as he said it, so he felt anxious for a while.

Without the help of the Zhang family, the effect of the Hu people's response to the army would be greatly reduced, let alone the officials from all over Dunhuang.

He immediately stood up and shouted to Zhang who was about to step over the threshold:

"Mr. Zhang, Feng Junhou has a message that he wants to bring to Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Jiu, who had his back to Liu Liang, flashed a look of joy, and at the same time secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He took a breath to calm his mind, and then turned around:

"I don't know what Feng Junhou has to say, do you want Liu Langjun to tell you?"

Liu Liang was silent.

Zhang Huiyi agreed, retreated from the room, and then closed the door again, then sat down again and looked at Liu Liang: "There are only you and me here, Liu Langjun, please tell me."

Liu Liang, who thought he could convince the Zhang family with his perfect tongue, couldn't help feeling a little frustrated:

You still have to bring out the backer behind you, so that you can hold people down!

But this thought is just a flash, because the most important thing at the moment is still the matter in front of you.

"Feng Junhou once said: Liangzhou Haoyou may regard the Qiang Hu as a beast and drive them like livestock, causing the Hu people to accumulate resentment and rebellion, affecting the common people."

"Or for their own selfishness, they are willing to associate with the barbarians, forget their ancestors after counting the classics, and abandon the clothes of China, which is despised by others."

"Only Zhang Gong, in the troubled times, tried his best to keep the peace of one side, stop the rebellion, communicate with the Western Regions, and caress the barbarians. This is what a man does."

"If you are lucky enough to meet Mr. Zhang, it will be a lifetime of comfort."

When Liu Liang said "this is what a man did", Zhang was so startled that he stood up, bowed his head and listened solemnly.

After Liu Liang finished speaking, Zhang suddenly raised his head, "Feng Junhou... really said these words?!"

Looking at Zhang Jiu who couldn't contain his excitement, and remembering how calm he was to him just now, Liu Liang's mouth twitched:

This Feng Tubie's face... is really awesome!

And this Zhang Jiu, has he forgotten that he has suffered a big loss in the hands of others? Look at your face now, is it plausible? Is it plausible!

"At this time, what's the use of me deceiving Mr. Zhang? Besides, I dare not deceive Mr. Zhang!"

The joy on Zhang Jiu's face grew stronger: "With Feng Junhou's words, the Zhang family has no worries! Liu Lang-jun, please!"

Liu Liang was taken aback: "Ah? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to see my father."

This... is it?

For a while, Liu Liang couldn't turn the corner.

"Liu Langjun, please?"

Seeing that Liu Liang was not moving, Zhang urged him again.

Liu Liang finally came to his senses, and then glanced at Zhang Jiu with complicated eyes, and at the same time, a word rose in his heart: I am a mother! Pooh!

Zhang led Liu Liang across the vestibule, past two arches, and went straight into the backyard of the Zhang residence, and took him to Zhang Gong's room where he was convalescing:

"My lord, Liu Langjun is here."

Liu Liang straightened his clothes, and then stepped forward to salute: "Young Liu Liang, I have met Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Gong, who got the news in advance, was half lying on the couch, looked at Liu Liang, smiled, and motioned: "Liu Langjun, please sit down."

"Thank you Mr. Zhang."

While sitting down, Liu Liang took the opportunity to sneak a glance at Zhang Gong, and found that his face was haggard and sick.

Only those eyes still had a brilliant light, which showed that the old man was still conscious.

Liu Liang couldn't help but feel a little worried. Seeing that Mr. Zhang, it is difficult to even stay at the hotel. I don't know if he can really grasp the situation in Dunhuang?

He was thinking like this, but Zhang Gong looked at Liu Liang with burning eyes:

"Although I have never met Feng Junhou, but I just heard Liu Langjun's words transferred to Feng Junhou, but it is like nectar pouring out of my heart. Suddenly, I have the feeling of meeting my lifelong confidant."

"Now I only feel the illness on my body, and it went away for seven or eight points at once. I ask Liu Langjun to tell Feng Junhou: Zhang Gong is also eager to see Junhou, and comfort him for the rest of his life."

Liu Liang quickly responded, and then recalled it, pleasantly surprised: "Mr. Zhang, are you willing to respond to the big man to welcome Master Wang?"

Zhang Gong said calmly: "Liangzhou has been cut off from Guan for several years, and people's hearts have long been lost. In addition to the battle of Xiaoguan, how can the mere land of Liangzhou stop the elite tigers and wolves?"

"Mr. Zhang has such a foresight. It is truly a blessing to the people of Dunhuang!"

Zhang Gong leaned on the pillow, trying to make himself as comfortable as possible: "May I ask Liu Langjun, if the whole family of the Zhang family responds to the big man, what good will it be?"

Liu Liang let out a "ah", he never thought that Zhang Gong, who is famous in Xizhou and admired by others, would say such words so unabashedly.

But Zhang Gong didn't change his expression: "Just now we are talking about state affairs, but now we are talking about family affairs. Now the two are not in conflict, right?"

"No conflict, no conflict!"

Liu Liang said quickly.

"I don't have much time left, I don't care about my descendants, and I want to create some inheritance for them, it doesn't matter if I want this face or not."

Zhang Gong said slowly, "Feng Junhou's words earlier made this old man willing to serve the country, but I don't know if there are other words that Liu Langjun should bring to this old man?"

At this moment, Liu Liang finally felt that the great reputation of the old man in front of him was really not a fluke.

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