The reason why a saint is called a saint is because most people in the world cannot be a saint.

For people in this era, the so-called family and country must first have a family and then a country.

The more people come from big families, the stronger this mentality will be.

For example, Zhang Jiu, although he once suffered a big fall under the hands of King Feng Gui, but as long as the family can obtain long-term benefits, it is not impossible to pretend to forget the grievances and grievances of this person.

As the patriarch of the Zhang family, a wealthy family in Liangzhou, Zhang Gong was able to take care of the overall situation and prioritize public affairs before private affairs.

On the premise of not violating the righteousness, it is already rare to give yourself or your own family benefits, compared with other aristocratic families of the same era.

But to say it without shame...

Anyway, Liu Hanzi was an eye-opener.

He reflected secretly in his heart: My knowledge is still a bit superficial. If I had such shameless skills as Mr. Zhang back then, I wouldn't have suffered so much in vain.

At the same time, he sorted out his thoughts, and Liu Liang said:

"Mr. Zhang is well-known in the Western Regions, so in the future, we will still rely on Mr. Zhang for affairs in the Western Regions. Mr. Zhang can choose the same wool and brown sugar."

"As long as Mr. Zhang chooses, within three years, all caravans going to the Western Regions can only go through the Zhang family if they want to get this cargo."

To put it bluntly, it is to give the Zhang family wool or brown sugar the exclusive agency of the Western Regions for three years.

"Of course, if Zhang Gong doesn't want it, Feng Junhou has a batch of silk every year, and he can sell it to the Zhang family at a par for three consecutive years."

"But if there are other caravans transporting silk to the Western Regions, the monarch can't control it."

As soon as Liu Liang's words fell, before Zhang Gong could respond, Zhang already let out a "gudong" and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

In fact, these three things are extremely profitable things.

However, it should be noted that these three things are put in different places, and the profits will vary a lot.

Take the Western Regions as an example, why didn't Liu Liang mention spirits?

Because roseberry wine was originally produced in the Western Regions, and spirits were transported there, not to say that there was no profit, but to say that it was far inferior to the above three things.

What's more, from Yumen Pass to the Western Regions, you have to cross the Sea of ​​Death in the middle. The longer the distance, the higher the transportation cost, and the more you need to consider the convenience of transporting goods.

From this aspect, silk is definitely much more cost-effective than wool.

Because it reaches a certain amount, silk is much lighter than wool.

What's more, silk is more expensive than wool.

But if the Zhang family chooses silk, then there is no way to do exclusive business.

So in Zhang Ju's opinion, the best choice for the Zhang family is naturally brown sugar.

In terms of transportation, brown sugar is even more convenient than silk, and the profits are equally crazy.

At the same time, it can maintain an exclusive business in the Western Regions for three years, and you can sell it as you like, and sell it for as much as you want.

Doubling the family business in three years is not a dream at all.

If you can be ruthless and raise the price, it is possible to double or triple.

Thinking of this, Zhang looked nervously at his lord.

Zhang Gonglue thought for a while, and quickly made a decision: "The Zhang family wants brown sugar."

Hearing this, Zhang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Liu Liang on the side also said in his heart: It turned out as I expected.

He was just about to answer, but Zhang Gong raised a finger again: "One year, our Zhang family only needs one year."

This time, Zhang finally couldn't control himself, and blurted out, "My lord?"

My lord, have you lost your mind?

Zhang Gong looked at this impatient son, and said angrily, "Shut up, Shuzi!"

Useless things, embarrassing!

Then he looked at Liu Liang again, "But the old man has one more request."

"Mr. Zhang, please tell me."

"Liu Langjun must also know that there are so many barbarians in Liangzhou, and they often make troubles, which is really a headache."

"Although Feng Junhou has always had a way to govern the Hu people, but Liangzhou is vast, and Feng Junhou is probably not very familiar with Liangzhou, so there will inevitably be things that he can't take care of."

"My Zhang family has some prestige in Liangzhou, and I am willing to help Junhou, as long as Junhou can grant me a workshop in Zhang's family..."

How did Feng Yong rule the Hu people into obedience?

Why do barbarians from Liangzhou who are close to Longyou always want to go to Longyou in their dreams?

Those workshops in Pingxiang must not be bypassed.

But Liangzhou is so big, and there are so many barbarians, so they can't keep transporting wool to Pingxiang, right?

This time and again, the transportation cost alone is too much for people.

So in Zhang Gong's mind, if Feng Yong still governs Liangzhou according to Longyou's method, then he will definitely open a workshop in Liangzhou.

With the workshop, the Zhang family has a source of wool, and it is wool at cost price.

With the Zhang family's reputation in the Western Regions, are you afraid that you will earn less if you transport the wool to the Western Regions?

No matter how much more profitable silk is than wool, it can only be eaten for three years.

Although wool is not as profitable as silk, it can last for a long time!

It's a family business that's been passed down.

Everyone knows how to choose between three years of windfall profits and long-term dividends of more than two generations.

Zhang Gong's idea was very good, but Liu Liang was so startled that he almost jumped up.

Because he knew that Feng Yong did plan to sell a few workshops in Liangzhou.

And among these several workshops, the biggest one was definitely built by Xinghanhui.

Liu Liang even knew that the biggest workshop in the future would have his own share—otherwise, why would Liu Liang work so hard and sell himself?

"This, Mr. Zhang, this matter is of great importance. Mr. Zhang must think about it."

"As far as Liang knows, the cost of this workshop alone, even if it was released a few years ago, would be extremely expensive, and even ordinary wealthy families cannot afford it alone."

Not to mention that in the past few years, woolen materials have been sold well in the east, west, north and south. Anyone who has a share in the workshop will pay back their capital in two years and make money in three years.

Who wouldn't be jealous of this business?

Waiting for the Liangzhou workshop to go on sale, I don't know how many people are going to grab their heads.

"And even if there is a place in the workshop, a lot of money and food must be invested. Spinning machines, looms, weavers, handymen, and the Hu people's tribes must also be managed..."

Before Liu Liang finished speaking, Zhang Gong interrupted him: "Liu Langjun, what this old man wants is exactly that quota. As for money and food, the Zhang family still has some background."

Using two years of brown sugar exclusive profits from the Western Regions to exchange for a workshop quota is a huge profit for the Zhang family.

Moreover, the Zhang family took a good position in advance, so there was no need to compete with other families for a spot. In the eyes of others, this was the value that Feng Guiwang had for the Zhang family.

Although prestige is intangible, it can be accumulated bit by bit.

Liu Liang knew that the old fox in front of him had figured out his own bottom line, so he had no choice but to grit his teeth and nod: "Okay, I'll be bold and accept Zhang Gong in Feng Junhou's place."

Zhang Gong heard the words, and smiled slightly: "Cheer up! Since Liu Langjun is like this, then our Zhang family can't be laughed at."

With that said, he turned to Zhang Jiu and ordered, "Go, let uncle come in."

Zhang Jiu's uncle, that is, Zhang Gong's younger brother, Zhang Hua.

Back then, he was ordered by Zhang Gong to attack the rebels in the east and meet the prefect sent by the imperial court.

At the same time, when I was in Jincheng a few years ago, together with Zhang Jiu, the two uncles and nephews were tricked by someone so hard that they couldn't tell.

Zhang Hua quickly opened the door and came in.

Zhang Gong asked, "Where is the eunuch?"

"Brother Hui, I have been discussing with everyone in the front hall and never left."

Zhang Hua replied.

Zhang Gong nodded, closed his eyes, and said slowly, "Let's do it."

Zhang Hua cupped his fists heavily, turned around and walked out.

After a while, the people guarding outside saw the door of Zhang Mansion bang and shut tightly.

At the same time, more than a hundred servants in leather armor and long knives appeared from all corners of the mansion, surrounding the vestibule.

Zhang Hua put on his armor and sword, and led the people into the front hall.

The people who were arguing in the front hall suddenly quieted down, and they all looked at Zhang Hua hesitantly.

Zhang Hua looked around the crowd with his sword, and said:

"The matter is urgent! You have discussed it for more than two days, have you ever reached a conclusion?"

Everyone didn't know what Zhang Hua meant, or they didn't realize it, and no one answered for a while.

"Since the gentlemen have not come to a conclusion, please listen to me: For several years, the Han and Wei dynasties have fought each other, and most of them were Han victorious and Wei defeated. Before that, there was the battle of Longyou, and after that, there was the battle of Jincheng."

"Furthermore, in the battle of Xiaoguan, Feng Yong used 20,000 to defeat Cao Zhen's army of 100,000. After this battle, Wei would no longer be able to take care of Liangzhou."

"Now if Liangzhou is used to fight against the elite tigers and wolves of the Han army, do you think it's okay?"

No one answered this question.

"Okay, since the gentlemen don't want to say it, let me say it. Cao Zhen's 100,000 army was defeated by the 20,000 Han army, so why did Liangzhou have 100,000 troops?"

"Even if there is, how can it compare with the elite Wei army in Guanzhong? Therefore, Liangzhou will definitely not be able to protect it in this battle."

"With no guarantees, I dare to ask you gentlemen, do you want to fight to the death and burn everything, or follow the general trend and surrender your whole body?"

Yin Feng, the prefect of Dunhuang who was sitting on the main seat, suddenly stood up: "Zhang Hua, what do you mean?"

Zhang Hua and Yin Feng looked at each other: "The meaning of this is to follow the general trend, respond to the great man, and protect the people of Dunhuang."

"You want to rebel? Where is Captain Zhang (Zhang Gong)?"

Yin Feng said sharply.

"Prefect Yin, if my Zhang family wants to rebel, it was rebelled more than ten years ago, how can we welcome the prefect into Dunhuang?"

Zhang Hua retorted without showing any weakness:

"When the rebel army rebelled, Dunhuang was alone in a county, and the court had no time to look around. Huang Hua and Zhang Jin, the leaders of the bandits, wanted to join forces with my elder brother, but not only did my elder brother flatly refuse, even after the parents and children fell into the hands of the bandits, they never gave in. "

"It can be said that my Zhang family has selfish intentions? It is for the sake of the people of Liangzhou. Today, I am also for the sake of the people of Liangzhou. If you can't do it, you should follow the trend."

Seeing that Yin Feng was still about to speak, Zhang Hua drew his sword halfway, and shouted: "Liangzhou has been cut off from Guanzhou for several years, and the state of Wei has long been unable to look around. Could it be that the people of Liangzhou can't take charge of Liangzhou's affairs?!"

The last sentence made many people look up immediately.

Since the establishment of the Later Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu had intentionally given up the west of Jincheng County and the Huangshui Valley. Fortunately, Ma Fubo (that is, Ma Yuan) understood the overall situation and dissuaded him in time.

Unexpectedly, a hundred years later, because of the Hu people's rebellion, Deng Zhi, the general of the court, once again proposed to abandon Liangzhou, and this time he almost got the support of the court.

Fortunately, Yu Shengqing (Yu Xu), who was a doctor at the time, tried his best to persuade the Taiwei Zhang Yu, and then saved Liangzhou with great danger.

More than 80 years later, Situ Cui Lie once again proposed to abandon Liangzhou because of the Qiang Hu rebellion.

This time, it was Yilang Fu Xie who shouted loudly, "Kill Situ, and the world will be safe."

Not to mention that the imperial court not only had no intention of quelling the chaos of the barbarians in Liangzhou, but even sent corrupt officials and cruel officials to take charge of Liangzhou affairs, which caused complaints from Liangzhou officials.

Abandoning Liangzhou, abandoning Liangzhou, the hearts of Liangzhou people have already been chilled.

It was under such circumstances that Zhang Hua's words immediately stimulated the sensitive minds of Liangzhou people.

Is the life of Liangzhou people not life?

Knowing that Liangzhou can't be kept, why do you want us to die together?

Yin Feng saw the gloomy eyes of many people below, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly argued:

"I have been the prefect of Dunhuang for more than ten years, and I have long regarded myself as a person from Liangzhou? What I meant just now is that even if we surrender, we must let the Han people see our abilities."

"If not, surrender easily, how can the Han people think highly of us?"

When Zhang Hua heard Yin Feng's words, he smiled slightly: "What the prefect said is very true. To be honest, Han has actually sent people to discuss it."

"Furthermore, as far as I know, the governor of Liangzhou placed by the Han Dynasty is exactly Feng Yong who defeated Cao Zhen's 100,000 troops in Xiaoguan."

Speaking of this, Zhang Hua looked around again, and found that the crowd finally couldn't stop commotion.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

King Feng Gui's illustrious reputation is indeed unrivaled in the Liangzhou area.

"Over the years, everyone should have heard that the wool, brown sugar, spirits and other things from Liangzhou that flowed in from Longyou were all controlled by Feng Yong."

"Think about it, everyone, if Feng Yong really went to Liangzhou to serve as the governor, would he still ignore the corporals and the common people?"

Zhang Hua's words were threats, empathy, and temptations, and finally moved the people present.

Seeing the expressions on most people's faces, Zhang Hua looked at Yin Feng again: "Prefect Yin, what do you think?"

Yin Feng's eyes were about to burst, he gritted his teeth after a while, and said word by word: "I want to see Captain Zhang."

Zhang Hua knew that he hadn't made up his mind yet, so he replied, "Okay, I'll let my nephew take the prefect there, please."

Seeing Yin Feng's figure disappear outside the door, most of the people in the hall breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

Zhang Hua looked at them and smiled slightly: "Who is in favor of this matter? Who is against it?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a long time, someone finally asked in a low voice: "Brother Zhang, Feng Yong, uh, will Inspector Feng really take care of us Liangzhou officials and people as you said?"

Let’s not talk about the far ones, let’s just say that Xu Miao, who borrowed the money and food from everyone in the past two years, will definitely not come back now.


I saw Zhang Hua confidently said:

"Everyone, please don't worry. If Inspector Feng really doesn't take care of you, then our Zhang family can directly provide you with raw materials."

Who can enter this front hall is not a human being?

Thoughts turned quickly, and Zhang Hua's implication was immediately heard.

The Zhang family... This is, it is very likely that they have already connected online!

The crowd was commotion once again.

Leaving aside how the people in the front hall tried to test Zhang Hua, Yin Feng, the governor of Dunhuang who left the front hall, followed Zhang for a while and stopped suddenly.

"Why didn't the prefect leave?"

Zhang asked a little strangely.

Yin Feng's face was blue and white, his eyes closed and opened again, and he could see that he was trying to control his emotions:

"Where are you going? Is it possible for me to talk to Captain Zhang about how to surrender the enemy?"

Zhang Jiu's face became hot, and he didn't know how to answer the conversation.

"A certain party just took the opportunity to come out, not wanting to lose face inside."

Yin Feng said with bitterness on his face, "I also ask Zhang Langjun to go forward and tell Captain Zhang that from today on, a certain is no longer the governor of Dunhuang, and please ask Captain Zhang to appease Yin Feng's people."

After finishing speaking, Yin Feng turned around and left.

Zhang was taken aback: "Prefect Yin, what do you mean?"

"A superior can't repay the king's kindness, a subordinate can't caress the officials, can't defend the enemy from the outside, can't subdue the people from the inside, ashamed to stand between heaven and earth, what face is there to be a prefect?"

Yin Feng didn't look back, and smiled miserably.

At the beginning of August in the ninth year of Jianxing, the city of Guzang, the governor of Wuwei County, was destroyed, and Xu Miao, the governor of Liangzhou, killed himself.

At the same time, Yin Feng, who was far away in Dunhuang, hanged himself on the roof of his house.

But the officials of Dunhuang decided to respond to the great Han. Zhang Gong sent Zhang Hua and Zhang Jiu to lead the county soldiers and force Jiuquan to the east.

Once Wuwei was lost, Zhangye, who was devastated by baldness, also surrendered.

Jiuquan County was attacked from east to west and surrendered without a fight.

The Dahan finally completely regained Liangzhou.

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