Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 853 Subtle Changes

The matter of Dahan regaining Liangzhou is basically divided into three stages.

Ever since Cao Zhen of the State of Wei failed to test Longyou for the first time, and Feng Yong took the opportunity to quell the rebellion in Longxi, many people have begun to doubt whether the State of Wei is capable of overcoming Longshan.

The second stage was after the Battle of Jincheng, everyone in Longyou, regardless of Han or Hu, knew that the big Han had established a firm foothold in Longyou.

As for whether the Han State entered Liangzhou in the end, or the Wei State regained Longyou, most people were undecided.

The third stage is naturally after the battle of Xiaoguan. Regardless of the Han and Wei dynasties, everyone knows that the overall situation in Liangzhou has been settled.

Even Liangzhou's most die-hard supporters of the Wei state knew that Liangzhou would definitely be captured by the Han state.

Unless there are two characters like Ge thief and Feng thief in Wei.

Moreover, the two were stationed in the pass at the same time, the kind of full cooperation.

Otherwise, at least within ten or more years, there is no hope of seeing Wei Jun in Hexi, Liangzhou.

Under this mentality, when the news of the big man's recovery of Liangzhou spread to Longyou, the most responsive families, that is, the interested families and the Hu tribes, all heaved a sigh of relief.


As for the interior of the Colonel's Mansion, at most there were small disturbances.

When it spread to Hanzhong, the response was greater than that of Longyou.

In addition to the official announcement, the emperor began to hold a banquet again to congratulate his ministers.

Anyway, in A Dou's opinion, he thought that he would leave Jincheng and go to Hanzhong, and return to Xiangfu's eyes, so he might return to the boring days before.

Unexpectedly, after paying homage to the former residence of Gao Zu, the queen, whose belly had not moved for several years, became pregnant.

Then another big victory, then another big victory, and now another big victory.

The banquet has never been interrupted.

Standing at the highest point of the palace, you can hear the voices of the subjects outside shouting Wan Sheng and Long Live.

Let A Dou flutter like walking against the wind, and make him dizzy like drinking alcohol.

He turned his head to see the palace door opened wide, and the officials were sitting in a row. Excited, he couldn't help raising his glass and shouting: "There are virtuous ministers inside, and brave generals outside. The big man is happy!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Big man wins!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"


"Drink wins!"


Venison, pork, mutton, whole chicken, duck pieces, steamed goose, and even beef are put on the table, and all kinds of fine wines are available.

The court ladies' ribbons fluttered, and the sound of silk and bamboo made people's eyes and ears fascinated.

For Ah Dou, the current scene is really extravagant compared to before.

But today the whole country is happy together, all the expenses of the palace banquet are covered by the emperor alone, not spending a copper coin from the state treasury.

It's cool to be rich and powerful!

At the same time, the recovery of Liangzhou is an unprecedented event of expanding the territory and territory since the emperor ascended the throne.

So even Xiangfu couldn't say anything.

The emperor and his ministers had a feast until late at night, and the banquet was only dispersed.

A Dou was helped back to the harem, drank strong tea to sober up, and asked the palace servants to bathe him to get rid of the smell of alcohol on his body, so he wanted to find the queen.

Zhang Xingcai's stomach is so big that it is inconvenient to walk around.

According to the attendant doctor, it is possible to give birth at any time.

Nanxiang Medical College sent the best female medical workers and midwives over early, and they were on standby day and night.

It stands to reason that like today's royal banquet, the queen will be present.

But Zhang Xingcai did not show up.

One is that there must be drinking at the banquet, and she can't smell the smell of alcohol now.

The second is that there must be noise at the banquet. If you startle your mind, it will be bad for the fetus in the womb.

Therefore, Zhang Xingcai could only lie in the delivery room prepared by the palace, and raise her baby with peace of mind.

Seeing that the night was already as dark as ink, and knowing that the banquet ahead had just left, Zhang Xingcai reckoned that the emperor also drank a lot of wine.

So he ordered the palace people to pass down the order, pay attention to serving the emperor, and then prepare to rest.

Unexpectedly, just as the palace talents went out, another Huangmen came in to announce: Your Majesty has arrived.

"Why is Your Majesty still here at this time?"

Zhang Xingcai, who was just about to lie down, stood up again and asked in surprise.

"Don't move, just lie down."

Don't look at A Dou's fat body, but seeing Zhang Xingcai with a big belly about to get up, he hurriedly pushed open the small yellow door in front, stepped forward, put his hand on the queen's shoulder, and signaled her to lie down.

"I want to rely on it."

"Okay, okay, I'll do it." A Dou understood, and put the pillows in place by himself, letting Zhang Xingcai half lie on the couch.

The emperor did this very naturally and smoothly.

Because in A Dou's heart, the two people he relies on the most, one is naturally the father, and the other is the queen.

Without a father, there will be no prosperity of a great man.

Without a queen, there is no royal prosperity.

A wealthy inner mansion is also a kind of prosperity, isn't it?

What's more, when Cao's army of thieves was pressing down on the frontier, it was the queen who urged herself to speed up, and Yu Jia came to Hanzhong in person, which is how she gained her current reputation.

This is the true queen.

"My concubine heard from the palace people that today's banquet lasted from daytime to late at night, and said that His Majesty is already drunk."

Hearing this, A Dou first stretched and rubbed his temples, and said with a wry smile:

"At the banquet, I reminded myself not to drink too much. I didn't expect to be happy, but I drank too much in the end. Actually, I'm still a little dizzy now."

Zhang Xingcai is the only one who knows Ah Dou in the world now, she looked at Ah Dou:

"Then why didn't His Majesty go to bed earlier? Could it be something on your mind?"

A Dou nodded, and reached out to hold Zhang Xingcai's hand:

"Xiangfu once told me that Liangzhou can be fixed in two months if it is fast, or three months if it is slow. I didn't expect General Zhao to use it for more than a month."

"If you don't count the half a month that attracted the attention of Wei thieves in Liangzhou in Lingju, it would take at most a month to pacify Liangzhou. The news of the big victory came so suddenly, I was a little uncertain."

Zhang Xingcai smiled: "Why are you worried, Your Majesty?"

A Dou shook his head: "It's not worry, it's just..."

Having said that, he hesitated for a moment.

The empress in front of her had a big belly and was about to give birth at any time, so she didn't know if it would be appropriate to spend her time and energy at this time.

"Your Majesty, just say it."

Zhang Xingcai urged.

"Empress, you also know that Feng Yong is the governor of Liangzhou, and this matter has already been settled. But many generals under him are all good at fighting. How to arrange it at that time, this matter must be carefully considered."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xingcai frowned slightly:

"Father Xiang should have considered this matter, didn't he mention it to His Majesty?"

When Ah Dou heard this, his face was a little uneasy and embarrassed:

"Of course I mentioned it, but the queen must not forget that under Feng Yong's command, there are also people who go out of the palace, but Xiangfu asked me to think about it."

"I thought the queen was going to give birth, so I didn't want to waste your time with these things. It's just that I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't think it through properly."

"Now that the news of Old General Zhao's recapture of Liangzhou suddenly comes, I really... Sigh!"

Although A Dou is mediocre in ability, intelligence and personality, being mediocre is not an imbecile.

He naturally knew that Xiangfu's move was to let him try to deal with military affairs on purpose.

It can be regarded as a comparison.

It's just that the mediocre A Dou is facing the questioner who is an extremely intelligent father, and then imagines that his opponent is a far-sighted brother-in-law.

As the emperor, Ah Dou said that I really have more than enough heart but not enough energy.

Difficult, difficult!

Seeing the embarrassment of the emperor, Zhang Xingcai couldn't help laughing.

Then he pulled out his hand again, and patted the back of A Dou's hand lightly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, let this concubine think about it."

The first child taught Zhang Xingcai a lesson that was so severe that she was still a little scared even now.

So for the past two or three months, she has long ignored business affairs and concentrated on raising the baby.

But now that His Majesty came to look for her with a sad face, how could she stay out of it?

"Your Majesty, let me tell you first, how did Xiangfu arrange it?"

"Feng Mingwen is the governor of Liangzhou, and the position of guarding the Qiang school lieutenant must be assigned to someone else. The father of the prime minister intends to let Jiang Wei be the governor, and the governor is located in Jincheng County."

Hearing what the emperor said, Zhang Xingcai nodded slightly:

"This move is quite appropriate. When Feng Mingwen and Zhang He were at odds in Jieting, it was Jiang Wei who suggested that the elder brother and the Guan family's elder brother should use the reputation of the Jiang family and Feng Mingwen in Longyou to gather the barbarians and attack Zhang He from the back."

"I heard that this person is very respected by Xiangfu, and he is called Liangzhou Sergeant by Xiangfu, even Ma Jichang (that is, Ma Liang) is not as good. The former leader led ten thousand people from Hanzhong to Anding, and there is no difference."

"From this point of view, this person can be regarded as a leading general. In addition, the Jiang family is one of the four surnames in Liangzhou. It is also a move to win the hearts of Liangzhou by appointing him as the captain of the Qiang guard."

"As for stationing in Jincheng..."

Having said that, Zhang Xingcai raised his eyes to look around, and ordered, "You all go down first."

When there were only the emperor and the empress, Zhang Xingyi lowered his voice:

"Your Majesty, Jincheng County (that is, the later Lanzhou) is the throat of Liangzhou. It locks four counties in the west and borders Longyou in the east. It is really an ingenious move for Xiangfu to let Jiang Wei station here."

The emperor governs the world, and the courtiers are courtiers. It does not mean that the loyalty of the courtiers alone is enough.

Checks and balances are a political instinct.

It doesn't matter who it is.

Of course, it is not suppression, on the contrary, it is a necessary measure to protect the harmonious relationship between monarch and ministers and mutual trust.

Because human nature cannot stand the test.

People's hearts can't stand the expansion.

Zhang Xingcai was afraid that Adou would not understand, so he explained the pros and cons to him in detail.

After listening to A Dou, he nodded:

"I understand these things, but now Feng Yong's Si Niang is in charge of important government affairs and confidential affairs. People who went out of our palace before did not hold important positions in Feng Yong's army, so they are safe and sound."

"This time, the prime minister intends to transfer some of Feng Yong's generals away to serve as prefects in various places. Empress, do you think Feng Yong will let Huo Yi lead the army?"

This is what A Dou cares about most.

If Huo Yi were to lead the army, Adou would certainly be satisfied.

Because this incident shows that Feng Yong is towards the royal family.

But what if it caused Guan Ji, cough, no, it was General Guan San who was dissatisfied with Siniang, which caused conflicts in Feng Yong's mansion and disturbed Feng Yong's soldiers.

This is not what the emperor wants to see, and there may even be a little bit of guilt.

After all, Ah Dou's heart is still relatively generous.

But if Huo Yi is not allowed to lead the's hard to say.

In the past, the Huqiang School Wei's Mansion had a small area, so it was fine if it was not easy to arrange.

Of course, if someone sent by the royal family is too incompetent, they can't be blamed either.

But is Huo Yi incompetent?

Obviously not only talented, but even made military exploits.

In such a big Liangzhou, the people sent by the royal family, and they are still capable people, are not qualified to lead the army, which is a bit intriguing.

If this happens, it will be a huge loss not only to the big man, but also to the royal family.

After all... Feng Mingwen has long been regarded by the emperor and empress as a pillar of talent who will take over the great man after he has no father.

So when things came to an end, Adou began to worry about gains and losses.

"It turns out that His Majesty is worried about this."

Zhang Xingcai smiled confidently, and she held A Dou's hand:

"The tiger girl of the Guan family, if you are so narrow-minded, how can you let the famous Feng Langjun give up the right to lead the army?"

"Si Niang..." At this point, the empress also felt a little embarrassed, "Since the tiger daughter of the Guan family can accommodate Si Niang, why can't Huo Yi be accommodated?"

A Dou coughed, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

But I also feel that Feng Junhou who is far away in Longyou may be rude, and at the same time, the royal family is really... well, it’s hard to say, it’s impossible to say!

So he had to hold back again.

Think about the news that Si Niang sometimes sent back, such as the tiger roaring at Feng's mansion, the lord marquis is shivering, such a strong soldier in the army, who is deeply afraid of the shrew of the Guan family...

Anyway... it shouldn't be a good word.

Of course, after the two emperors and empresses closed the door before, they also snickered at Feng Junhou's prestige outside, shivering in the mansion.

The emperor who knew Feng Junhou's true face, A Dou felt that Feng Junhou was down-to-earth, and he was inexplicably close to him.

With the consolation of the queen, Ah Dou was a little worried about gains and losses, and then he relaxed:

"Since the queen said so, it must be close. Well, as long as Liangzhou is determined, and the big man keeps fighting hard for a few years, Guanzhong will be able to go down sooner or later."

"At that time, half of the entrustment of the late emperor will be completed, and I will have the face to stand in front of the late emperor's mausoleum."

Returning to the old capital, no matter what, can be regarded as an extremely important event for the big man.

Now it seems that with the cooperation of Xiangfu and Feng Yong, this matter is very likely to be completed within a few years, which made the young emperor unable to help but ignite a wave of ambition.

Guanzhong must, even if he goes underground in the future, at least he will have the face to face the late emperor.

Of course, it would be even better if we could see Luoyang from Guanzhong.

If it's Luoyang, then...

Ahem, Ah Dou wiped the saliva from his mouth, looked at Zhang Xingcai, who was talking, but saw Zhang Xingcai frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.


Adou called out tentatively.

Zhang Xingcai looked up at him, his face twisted suddenly, and then he held his hand tightly with both hands, and couldn't help but groan.

"Queen? Queen, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing that Zhang Xingcai's face turned pale, and sweat started to drip from his forehead, A Dou suddenly panicked.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Concubine, my stomach hurts!"

Zhang Xingcai said with difficulty while taking a deep breath.

"Pain? Why..."

As soon as Ah Dou said a few words, he immediately realized that he couldn't take his hand out of Zhang Xingcai's, so he had to turn around and shouted: "Come here! Come here!"

Hearing the panic-stricken cry of the emperor in the room, the palace guards outside rushed in quickly: "Your Majesty..."

"Hurry up and pass on to the doctor! Hurry up, the queen is about to give birth!"

A Dou directly and rudely interrupted the palace man.

The emperor's chubby face was twitching, and beads of sweat began to break out like the empress.

There was no way, Zhang Xingcai's hand hurt too much, but he didn't even dare to move.

"Be patient, Empress, the doctor will be here soon!"

Zhang Xingcai panted heavily: "Your Majesty...and the midwife..."

"Yes, yes, and the midwife!"

Ah Dou came to his senses, and quickly turned his head away: "Quickly, pass on to the midwife!"

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