Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 854 Fifth Prince

Two years ago, when Nanzheng began to build the palace, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty wanted to prevent the Wei army from going south in Guanzhong, and at the same time, to facilitate the governor's army from going north to Guanzhong.

Not only built Guancheng at several crossings in Hanzhong, but also moved the prime minister's mansion out of Nanzheng on purpose, and set up the mansion on the northern plain of Nanzheng.

What happened next is clear.

The Wei army in Guanzhong really made a big move.

It is a pity that because of the dangers of the road in Hanzhong, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty was confused by Cao Zhen's massive feint attack at first.

Coupled with the fact that Sima Yi went up against the current, and the emperor of the Han Dynasty came to Hanzhong in person, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty had to keep most of the main force in Hanzhong.

After the battle of Xiaoguan, the Wei army in Guanzhong lost its strategic advantage of active offense within a few years and turned to defense in an all-round way.

In addition, the emperor of the Han Dynasty stayed in Hanzhong, so the prime minister's mansion moved back to Nanzheng, next to the imperial palace, according to the rules of the Han Dynasty.

After the banquet in the palace was over, more than a hundred soldiers escorted the prime minister back to the prime minister's mansion, it was already late at night.

Huang Yueying, who had been waiting all this time, helped Zhuge Liang to sit down on a chair, and then asked someone to serve the hangover soup that had been prepared a long time ago.

She poured the soup herself, brought it to Zhuge Liang's mouth, and complained: "I don't know what my body looks like? I didn't come back earlier to rest, and I drank so much wine."

"Happy," Zhuge Liang was drunk, his hands and feet were limp, and he leaned back on the chair, "All the ministers are here, the emperor advises, if I leave the banquet halfway, what will others think?"

"That shouldn't be so much!" Huang Yueying said half annoyed and half annoyed while serving Zhuge Liang to drink the hangover soup, "Don't die?"

"Drinking too much alcohol will hurt your body. In order to prevent Zhao Zilong from drinking, Mrs. Zhao went to Longyou to watch it. You don't even look at your current body. Do you really think you can stand up to it?"

"Big man these two years is not like the previous years, it is necessary to be so cautious? After all, he is the son of heaven and his father, tell the emperor, who would dare to persuade you to drink..."

Huang Yueying waited for Zhuge Liang to finish drinking the hangover soup, and then asked someone to wipe his face with a hot towel, while babbling.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty became drunk and became impatient, so he gave a "tsk" and reprimanded: "It's really a woman's opinion! Looking at the monarchs and ministers of the past generations, it is easy to do good at the beginning, and difficult to overcome at the end."

"It's hard for a big man to get into this situation, so he should be more cautious. As the prime minister of a big man, if I dare to slack off by a single point, believe it or not, I dare to slack off by three points from the emperor to the officials..."

Huang Yueying was worried that his body would not be able to bear it, so she said a few more words.

Unexpectedly, the person in front of him drank too much wine, and dared to scold himself with a mouthful of alcohol, and he couldn't help but feel frustrated.

It's just that seeing his drunken appearance again, he had to hold back his breath for a while.

At the same time, I thought to myself, let's see if you can still get drunk tomorrow? I'll settle accounts with you then!

She kept her hands on, and changed the prime minister into a set of pajamas custom-made from Nanxiang Workshop. After tossing for a long time, she finally helped him to rest on the couch.

Unexpectedly, not long after lying down, there was a knock on the door of the room, and at the same time, the servant girl shouted urgently at the door: "Prime Minister, madam, someone from the palace is here."

When Huang Yueying heard this, she was about to turn over, but the big man, the Prime Minister, who had been sleeping beside her and hadn't moved all this time, moved faster than her, and suddenly a fake corpse!

"Where are the people in the palace?"

The prime minister wrapped himself in a pajamas, ran to the door barefoot and asked.

"In the lobby."

"Quick, help me get dressed!"

The palace sent people over at this time, fearing that something serious happened.

The big Han prime minister hurriedly put on his clothes and went out like a gust of wind.

The prime minister's wife was left alone on the couch thinking about a question:

Isn't he drunk?

In the front hall, before Zhuge Liang entered the door, he asked anxiously, "What happened in the palace?"

Xiao Huangmen hastily bowed and saluted: "Prime Minister, Your Majesty asks Madam to enter the palace quickly."

The prime minister of the big man was taken aback.

Such a weird request...

"Prime Minister, after the banquet, the Empress started to suffer from abdominal pain. The doctor said that the Empress is going to give birth, so Your Majesty wants to invite Madam into the palace."

According to the rules, when someone gives birth, it is best to have a woman who has given birth guarding the side of the delivery room.

One is to be able to enjoy the blessings of these women's safe childbirth.

A more important reason is that at critical moments, the experience of these women may be of help.

It's just that the incident happened suddenly, and it was already midnight, so in a hurry, the first thing A Dou thought of was naturally Xiangfu's house.

After all, the palace and the mansion are all one...

Of course, the most fundamental reason is that at this time, those who are eligible to enter the palace to accompany the delivery room, and who can also enter the palace immediately, one is the prime minister's wife, and the other is Zhang Xiahou's family.

Knowing all this, Zhuge Liang didn't neglect at all, and hurried back to the backyard.

"Has Madam ever been asleep?"

The prime minister's wife, who was thinking about "Schrödinger's drunkenness", heard footsteps outside the house, and was about to get up to look, but unexpectedly the voice had arrived before the prime minister arrived.

"Oh, my concubine has been awake all the time. Your Majesty is in a hurry to find Alang?"

Huang Yueying knew that her family, Alang, had just finished the banquet in the palace, and it was still late at night, and the emperor sent someone over suddenly, there was probably something urgent about it.

So how could she sleep peacefully?

I saw the prime minister of the big man rushing towards her like a gust of wind:

"Madam, please pack up quickly and prepare to enter the palace."

"Enter the palace?"

Huang Yueying raised her brows, she was still angry in her heart, and she was thinking of choosing a time in the next two days to talk to the prime minister about tonight's affairs.

"The queen gave birth, and His Majesty sent someone over to let the lady enter the palace to accompany the delivery room."

Zhuge Liang explained anxiously.

When Huang Yueying heard this, she knew that this matter could not be delayed, so she had to let go of her thoughts and quickly started to tidy up.

After a while, the car of the prime minister and his wife drove towards the palace in a hurry under the guard of soldiers.

All the way into the palace unimpeded, Zhang Xingcai's intermittent cries of pain came from the delivery room.

Zhang Xiahou arrived one step earlier than the prime minister and his wife, and was guarding outside.

The little fat man walked up and down, restless for a moment, muttering to himself, not knowing what he was reading, and seemed very nervous.

Seeing Xiangfu approaching, he quickly greeted him, "Xiangfu..."

"Is the Queen doing well?"

In fact, the Prime Minister, who seemed calm in the past, now had a rare look of anxiety on his face.

And not just because this is the queen's second child.

The more important reason is that this is the child conceived in the land of Longxing, Emperor Gaozu.

Coupled with Xiaoguan's victory, the child in the empress' womb was endowed with extremely important political significance.

It is so important that even the prime minister of the Han Dynasty attaches great importance to it.

It can be said that this matter concerns the country.

If there is an eventuality, following in the footsteps of the queen's first child, the big man's hard-won victory over the years, the publicity effect will be discounted.

More importantly, when the time comes, someone will really crook their mouths:

Didn't it mean that this was the apparition of Emperor Gaozu? Now it seems that even Emperor Gaozu couldn't keep Han Zuo.

That's really disgusting.

"What's the rush? Listening to the Queen's voice, I'm afraid it's only just started, how can it be so fast?"

From preparing for pregnancy to giving birth to Zhuge Zhan, Huang Yueying was extremely careful throughout the whole process, and she was very impressed.

At this time, just listening to the Queen's voice, one knew that she was strong enough.

Zhuge Liang knew that the palace was already prepared, so he didn't say much, instead he turned around and went to the front hall, and had someone summon Guan Xing and Zhang Bao, who were guards of the palace, and ordered them to personally lead the army to inspect the palace.

Even if there are big things, people can't be disturbed inside.

After arranging all this, look at Ye Leu, it is already the third watch, and it is not appropriate to open the palace gate again.

So Zhuge Liang simply stayed in the front hall, waiting for news.

It's just that tonight seems to be very long, and it was clearly the third watch just now, the prime minister of the big man came back and walked around for an unknown number of times, and looking back, it was actually the third watch.

Until the fourth watch, Ye Han quietly got up, and the prime minister of the big man suddenly covered his chest for some reason.

His breathing began to be rapid, and at the same time he felt his heart beating faster, and his eyes became a little blurred.

Zhuge Liang couldn't help but sat down with the table, took a few deep breaths, closed his eyes and lay down for a while, and then he recovered.

But after a while, he started to cough again, and he barely suppressed the cough until there was a faint fishy smell in his throat.

Clearly feeling the changes in his body, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but sighed. He knew that his body was not as good as before.

In the past two years, after staying up late to deal with government affairs, this kind of situation often occurs in my body, which is really uncomfortable.

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, who knew the destiny, showed a little unwillingness on his face.

How good would it be if he was only in his forties at this time?

At least ten more years.

Not only can Feng Yong let go of his hands and feet without any scruples, but it can also test whether Jiang Wei is a half-length beauty.

Unlike now, I have to start preparing for the afterlife...

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty guarding the front hall thought of Liangzhou, Guanzhong, and Wu State...

Under the confusion of thoughts, the east side unexpectedly revealed a pale belly.

When the first ray of golden light pierced the sky, a loud cry pierced the palace.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, you are a little prince, mother and child are safe."

The delivery room was pushed away, and a female medical worker came out to announce the good news.

When Ah Dou heard it, he let out a "ha", and then clapped his hands: "Hey! What a son!"

Even though he had been on guard all night, Ah Dou's spirit was extremely excited. The eyes and nose on Xiaopang's face were crowded together with joy, and he was about to rush inside.

"Your Majesty, no, there is still blood in it, and it needs to be cleaned up."

The female medical worker was already prepared and stopped her immediately.

A Dou was stopped by the female medical worker, but he didn't feel annoyed, and even stopped obediently.

After all, the name of Nanxiang Medical College is there, and now everyone knows that Nanxiang Medical College has high medical skills in delivering babies.

If other people's family has ten children, they must be mentally prepared to pass through the gate of death with twenty.

Put it in Nanxiang Medical College, and they can snatch fourteen or five from the ghost gate.

For the remaining five or six, if Nanxiang Medical College can't do anything about it, then it really deserves it, and there is no one to blame.

A Dou tiptoed to look inside, and shouted: "Queen, queen, are you okay?"

Zhang Xingcai's weak voice came from inside: "Your Majesty is concerned, I am fine, but I am a little tired."

"That's good, that's good!"

A Dou got Zhang Xingcai's response and rubbed his hands excitedly. For a while, he was wandering around outside the delivery room, not knowing what to do.

Zhang Xiahou and Huang Yueying are women, so they can enter the delivery room in advance.

Zhang Xiahou looked back and saw Adou who was still circling in circles, and couldn't help reminding:

"Your Majesty, I heard that the prime minister stayed in the front hall last night and never left the palace. The empress gave birth to a dragon son. Why didn't you send someone to inform the prime minister?"

"Ah? Right, right! I actually forgot about this, come here!"

A Dou was about to send someone, but suddenly he felt blessed. He glanced at the delivery room and continued, "Lead the way ahead, and I will tell Xiangfu personally."

The big Han prime minister in the front hall was feeling that he couldn't hold on, his head was dizzy, and he was extremely tired, when suddenly a voice came from afar: "Father, father!"

Zhuge Liang was awakened again immediately, he was startled, and quickly stood up and looked along the source of the sound.

I saw A Dou trotting towards this side regardless of etiquette.

"Your Majesty, has the queen ever been safe?"

"Peace, peace!"

In the early morning of Hanzhong, which is already at the end of August, not only is there no heat, but a little bit of coolness, which makes people feel very comfortable.

However, Ah Dou ran profusely in sweat: "Father Xiang, the queen gave birth to a prince, and it is the prince, Father Xiang!"

"Really? Great!"

Zhuge Liang beamed with joy, but the exhaustion all over his body disappeared.

"Father Xiang, let's go, let's go."

Adou took Zhuge Liang's hand and urged him repeatedly.

Yidi Yixiang came to the delivery room again, the inside had been cleaned up, and he could finally enter.

Zhuge Liang, as a prime minister, doesn't need to be shy.

After the two went in, they saw Huang Yueying coaxing the baby in her arms, while Zhang Xiahou was sitting beside the couch, holding a bowl in his hand, feeding soup to the queen.

Just by smelling it, Zhuge Liang knew it was ginseng soup.

Because when he was dealing with government affairs at night, he often relied on ginseng soup to refresh himself.

A Dou first looked at the couch, and called softly: "Queen?"

Zhang Xingcai's hair was still a little wet. Seeing a chubby face, a smile appeared on his tired face: "Your Majesty, it's my son."

"Yes, yes, I understand, he is my son, and he will also be our future prince."

Adou responded quickly.

It must be the prince, this is indisputable.

Conceived in response to the spirit of Gaozu, conceived in response to Xiaoguan's great victory, reclaimed Liangzhou, and expanded the territory.

The most important thing is the eldest son, who dares to say that he is not the prince?

When Zhang Xingcai heard this, his tired face suddenly glowed.

Seeing that Zhang Xingcai was fine, A Dou carefully retracted his head and looked at the child in Huang Yueying's arms.

This is the child that I and the queen have been looking forward to for nearly ten years.

He took it from Huang Yueying's hands carefully, and looked at it happily for a long time before looking at the big man's prime minister:

"Father, why don't you give me a name?"

Seeing that the queen and the prince were safe, Zhuge Liang also had a smile on his face. Hearing A Dou's words suddenly, he hesitated slightly: " not in compliance with the rules."

Although the first emperor did not have so many red tapes when he started his foundation, he was a prince after all, and as a minister, how could he overstep?

"Father, that is, His Majesty's important things are like a father, and since he is like a father, why is the name of the father not in compliance with the rules?"

Zhang Xingcai, who was lying on the couch, said, "Father Xiang is extremely talented. It is a blessing for this child to be named by Father Xiang."

"Yes, yes, the first emperor created the foundation, and the father-in-law prospered the Han family. Without the first emperor, the Han Dynasty would be cut off, and without the father, the Han family would not be able to thrive. Now the emperor is not here, and the father-in-law is the only one to look up to."

"It's more appropriate to give Wulang a name last night. Who dares to say that it is against the rules?"

A Dou's "Yes Yes Yes Follower" auxiliary skill started to activate.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty knew that things were not as simple as what A Dou said. It was obvious that the emperor and empress were paving the way for this child.

But Zhuge Liang didn't have much objection in his heart.

After all, in the past year, the political overtones given to this child are too unusual.

So he stopped refusing, pondered for a while, and then said:

"There is a saying in "The Book of Songs": born to rule the people, and its fate is to be a bandit. There is no beginning, but there is an end. Chen, sincerity, how about taking the word Chen?"

"The first emperor had the name of benevolence and righteousness, and treated his subjects with sincerity. I only hope that the fifth prince can inherit the legacy of the first emperor, so that the great man will continue."

These words are almost expressing their attitude.

A Dou was overjoyed and was about to speak.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang looked at the emperor again, and said something meaningful: "Your Majesty, the big man is considered good at the beginning now, I only hope that His Majesty can remember this sentence in the future."

A Dou was stunned: There is no beginning for extravagance, but there is an end for freshness?

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