Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 855 Chess Player

Nanzhong Yunnan County is governed by Nongdong County.

Although it has entered September, the weather in Nanzhong is still uncomfortably hot.

Finally, the sun turned to the west, so Ma Di was able to lie down on the rocking chair, wearing short sleeves, waving a cattail fan, and enjoying the shade in the small yard.

The rocking chair was rocking back and forth, and one of Ma Su's feet was on the horizontal bar under the rocking chair.

One foot was raised up, the toes were hooked on the clogs, the clogs wobbled and wobbled, and they were about to fall off in the next moment, but they still stuck to the feet.

This kind of behavior is not only lacking in celebrity style, it is simply lacking in etiquette.

In fact, Ma Di was not like this when he first came to Yunnan.

In the past, he was also the prefect in name of Yuejue, but because the Yuejuan rebellion continued at that time, the officials of the Han Dynasty could not enter at all. ) stay.

So Ma Di has actually never even gone deep into Yuejuan County, let alone Yunnan County, which is further south than Yuejuan.

When he first came here three years ago, he realized that Nanzhong was regarded as a barbarian place for a reason.

It's okay for men to wear short sleeves as their daily clothes, but sometimes they don't even want to wear short sleeves, and just hang around shirtless.

Even those Han Chinese who came from the Sichuan plains to Nanzhong to open plantations, many of them actually learned from the barbarians and used short sleeves as daily clothing.

This point alone has made Ma Di complain many times.

Unexpectedly, as the summer became hotter and hotter, Ma Dazui, who still wanted to wear a Hanfu shelf, was directly covered with prickly heat all over his body.

From the chin to the legs, there are dense white or red dots all over.

Not only did his body itch, but he even had a burning sensation, which almost scared him half to death.

Finally, at the suggestion of the interns of Nanxiang Medical College, I had to do as the Romans do and wear short sleeves.

Unexpectedly, this wear, hey, I found it to be pretty good.

Not only did most of the prickly heat on my body disappear, but also I didn't have to live and die because of the too stuffy heat.

In the end, he not only wears short sleeves, but also sleeps in a bamboo stilt building in summer, which is becoming more and more barbaric.

Can't sleep without sleep!

Because there are insects and snakes everywhere, if you dare not sleep in the bamboo building, they will dare to climb on you at night and sleep with you in the same pillow.

Then Ma Su had to comfort himself: In fact, sleeping in a bamboo building in summer... feels pretty good, at least it is cooler than sleeping in a house.

Anyway, it's a land of barbarians, when you get here, don't laugh at anyone.

With the beginning, this indulgence will naturally be unstoppable.

So is it strange to wear clogs to enjoy the shade now?

Just as Ma Di was enjoying the gradually cool breeze, someone outside the small courtyard suddenly shouted loudly: "Youchang, youchang!"

Before the words fell, the visitor had already rushed into the yard.

Hearing the voice of someone coming, Ma Di immediately stood up abruptly:

"But Bo Song? Aren't you in Wei County? Why did you come here to get a building?"

Zhuge Qiao walked over with clogs on his clogs, and sat down opposite Ma Di, ignoring Ma Di's words, his face was full of excitement:

"Youchang, good news, great news!"

At the same time, the paper in his hand was shaking so loudly that it was about to poke Ma Di in the face.

Ma Su couldn't help sitting up straight when he saw Zhuge Qiao, who had always been prudent, and said, "What could make you lose your composure?"

Zhuge Qiao came over, but still couldn't suppress his excitement: "Hanzhong urgent report, Liangzhou great victory, the big man has already taken back Liangzhou!"


Ma Di's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly snatched it over to see that it was indeed an official document sent from Hanzhong, and it was already last month.

Although starting from the first emperor, from Jincheng to Hanzhong, many post pavilions have been built.

And in these years, with the increasing development of Nanzhong, the connection between Jincheng and Nanzhong has become closer and closer.

However, it still takes a long time to deliver urgent mail from Hanzhong to here, even if it is day and night.

After quickly scanning the above content, Ma Di couldn't help but applaud: "Wonderful! General Zhao's attack is like the wind, and Feng Junhou's temple is like a god. This can be said to be the best achievement of a good fighter?"

"The big man no longer has to worry about the future, he can concentrate on Guanzhong, and the ambition of the prime minister can be achieved..."

When Ma Di said this, he suddenly paused again, and he didn't know what to think of, the joy on his face was mixed with a little bit of bitterness, and he sighed unconsciously.

Zhuge Qiao knew that the other party most likely remembered the battle of Longyou again.

He smiled and said, "I have another piece of good news."

"Oh? It seems that today is really a good day. I wonder if there is any good news for Bosong?"

Ma Di quickly adjusted his emotions and asked.

"The empress gave birth to a prince, and His Majesty was overjoyed to pardon the world, You Chang, do you know? You are also included in the pardon!"

As Zhuge Qiao said, he took out another document from his bosom and stuffed it into Ma Su's hand:

"Before coming here, I have already handled all the paperwork for you in the county mansion. Now that you are no longer an exiled person, you can return to Jincheng at any time!"

After hearing this, Ma Di spread out the documents in disbelief.

There were not many words on the document, but he read it for a long time, and finally his hands trembled a little.

Then close your eyes, open them, blink vigorously, raise your head, and look to the horizon.

The courtyard wall had already blocked the sun, only a golden light fell on the root of the wall on the other side.

Ma Di took a deep breath and smiled on his face: "Bo Song, thank you!"

Zhuge Qiao waved his hand:

"Thank you? It's just a handy task. Besides, thanks to your plan for Liu Zhou's rebellion, Yunnan no longer has any worries about chaos."

"According to your talents, even without this pardon, you will still be reappointed in the future."

Ma Di shook his head, smiled wryly and said, "Bo Song don't praise me any more, I know my own affairs. What kind of plan is that, it's just following the old wisdom of Prime Minister and Feng Junhou."

Thinking about myself in the past, I claimed to know about military affairs, but I was just talking about it. The battle at Jieting almost became the laughing stock of the world.

How dare you call yourself talented now?

Seeing that Ma Di was not in a good mood, Zhuge Qiao gave a "tsk" and took out a piece of official document from his bosom.

This move made Ma Su's eyes widen: How many things does this Zhuge Bosong hide in his arms?

"You may wish to guess, what is said in this official document?"

"What? Could there be a third happy event?"

Ma Di said jokingly.

"Ha, that's right! This is the third happy event!"

Zhuge Qiao laughed.

To recover Liangzhou, and to be pardoned, in Ma Di's view, it was already the greatest joy.

It is possible that this third happy event can surpass the first two.

"The Great Han has announced to the world that the Liangzhou Governor's Department wants to take a test to select talents. Anyone who is willing to serve the Great Han, regardless of whether he is good or bad, can go to Liangzhou to take the test."

"Anyone who can pass the exam will be selected by the governor of Liangzhou according to his merits and demerits, and he will be appointed as an official, from the county guard to the village chief."

As soon as Zhuge Qiao said this, Ma Di's eyes burst into light: "Whether good or bad?"

"You don't need to be so surprised. It is stated in the official documents that there are many Qiang Hu people in Liangzhou, and this Feng Junhou is good at caring for Hu people. If this lowly person is talented, let them deal with Hu people. Why not? ?”

Hearing this, Ma Su nodded, "So that's how it is..."


As soon as the words came out, Ma Di already felt that something was wrong.

Nowadays, the aristocratic families in Shu were either dismembered into a pile of mud by the prime minister and Feng Mingwen, or they were divided and bought and became lackeys. How could they have the confidence that the late emperor had when he entered Shu?

Isn't the sharp weapon of differentiation and buying just the wool harvested from the hands of the barbarians?

That's all for the prime minister, Feng Mingwen, while dismembering the aristocratic families in central Shu, can actually make those aristocratic families willing to pay money and food to restrain the barbarians.

With one move of "Fighting and Star Shifting", it is unrivaled in the world, and it is unmatched by anyone.

I'm afraid that Murong Fu from the Wu land will also...


Why do I know Wu Di Murong Fu?

Cough cough, forget it, I should read less ranger novels in the future.

Ma Di reversed his thoughts as quickly as possible:

Under Feng Mingwen's rule, dealing with Hu people is simply a fat job, okay?

If it was a family in central Shu, they would have liked to be filled with their own people.

Then think of the complex relationship of Liangzhou aristocratic families oppressing the barbarian fiercely, and often taking advantage of the barbarian to make trouble.

Ma Di's heart skipped a beat!

This Feng Wenhe...wouldn't be planning to lure the aristocratic family in Shu to compete with the aristocratic family in Liangzhou, and then reap the benefits for himself?

He lowered his head to look at the official document for the examination and recruitment in his hand, and only felt that the words "whether good or bad" were too eye-catching.

This Ghost King Feng is really the only one in the world among disgusting people.

If you want to force the barbarians to show your self-respect, I will directly introduce the aristocratic family from Shu to Liangzhou, and let you dogs eat dogs with hairy mouths.

You don't want to do the job of dealing with barbarians? The aristocratic family in the Shu region can't wait for you not to touch a hair!

The familiar method is really too familiar!

He was so familiar that Ma Di seemed to have seen it with his own eyes somewhere.

Back then, the barbarians in Nanzhong were also exploited by the government and the rich, plus they were deceived by Meng Huo and others, so they turned against the big man?

After the prime minister pacified Nanzhong, Feng Guiwang lured him into Nanzhong, attracting the Xinghanhui, the aristocratic families in Shu, and even the relevant government offices of the imperial court to enter Nanzhong in a large scale.

Over the years, not only the official roads built by the Qin State and the former Han Dynasty have been reappeared, but even the Tuojiang Dudufu is still preparing to continue to expand the official roads to Yongchang County, the southernmost part of the Han Dynasty, with the support of various forces.

While being continuously developed, Nanzhong also delivered traditional materials such as lacquer, rhinoceros hide, and farm cattle to Dahan.

There is also newly discovered copper.

Most importantly, it has become a place of sugarcane production for brown sugar.

In this process, some of the nobles and barbarian Qushuai that existed in Nanzhong disappeared, and some cooperated with the Dudu Mansion to greatly maintain the stability of Nanzhong.

It can be said that as long as there are no accidents, it will take nearly two years for the big man to completely control Nanzhong.

Nanzhong has become a sugarcane producing area, so what about Liangzhou?

I am afraid that while it will become a place of horse production, it will also become a place of wool production.

Look at the Xinghan Society, the aristocratic family in Central Shu, and the Governor's Mansion in Liangzhou. The three forces have all poured into Liangzhou, and then look at what they did to Nanzhong back then. Does it look like it?

It is simply a replica!

So Ma Di could almost see that the nobles and Hu people in Liangzhou would either cooperate with Feng Wenhe, or... just disappear!

At most, it is the difference between disappearing directly or gradually disappearing.

Even what he couldn't figure out before, he now fully understands.

Why did Feng Wenhe vigorously support aristocratic families like the Li family and the He family when suppressing the aristocratic families in the Shu region?

Isn't it for this time?

Because families like the Li family and the He family are fundamentally different from traditional families.

Their expansion is mainly based on wool.

If there is any incompatibility between the aristocratic families in Liangzhou, the Li family and the He family are the most vicious dogs under Feng Yong's men who bite people, and they are the kind that will never stop dying.

Probably the only difference between Liangzhou and Nanzhong is the evaluation of Feng Wenhe.

The legend of King Feng Gui was passed down from mouth to mouth among the barbarians in Nanzhong.

But the Hu people in Yongliang praised Feng Langjun, the descendant of the mountain god.

The more Ma Di thought about it, the more excited he became. Regardless of Zhuge Qiao's surprised gaze, he stood up abruptly, took two steps back and forth, and muttered to himself:

"Using the world as a chess board, using Yizhou and Liangzhou as chess corners, holding the aristocratic family as chess pieces, and fighting for the world, this is really what a man does!"

The more he talked, the more excited his voice became. With his heart surging, he finally couldn't help but let out a long roar:

"Woohoo! The big man is in danger, the people are hanging upside down, and the big man is going to calm the troubled times, and he will make great achievements..."

Unexpectedly, Ma Di hadn't finished his impassioned words, only to hear a scream from outside the courtyard gate:

"Ma Di! Good thief, let me catch you!"

Hearing this voice, Ma Su's expression changed dramatically on the spot, his impassioned voice seemed to be pinched by the neck:

"Didn't she go back to Dianchi Lake? Why did she come back again?"

Zhuge Qiao said "Oh", and replied from the side: "It was I who asked her to come back..."

"Bo Song harmed me!" Ma Di looked at Zhuge Qiao's innocent and innocent eyes, and cried out, "I will die without a place to bury me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was only a sound of "Peng", and the gate of the small courtyard was knocked open, and the figure of the flower garland appeared in the small courtyard, with lights shining between the fingers of his hands.

Seeing her appearance, Ma Su was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

"Where are you going!"

Seeing his appearance, Hualan yelled coquettishly, and at the same time raised her right hand!

Ma Di knew that this savage girl was not inferior in martial arts, and she even learned the flying knife skill from her mother, Mrs. Zhu Rong. He heard the sound of piercing the air behind him, and his body fell short!

There was only a "Duo" sound, and a flying knife sank into the trunk of a tree not far from him.

"Hua Niangzi, it is a matter of the governor's mansion to put down Liu Zhou's chaos. Why are you relying on me?"

The heat has not dissipated, but Ma Su only feels cold.

It's fine if he doesn't say this, but when he said this, Hualan gritted her teeth and said bitterly:

"The matter of the Dudu's Mansion is your scheme, deceiving me to be ignorant! At the beginning, you talked well with me and tricked me to go to appease the barbarians, but later you used a poisonous scheme to lure the barbarians to rob my cavalry!"

"It caused me to lose a lot of horses, and a lot of money and food. I am not a son of man!"

In addition, it was this guy's idea to let the governor's mansion delay for several months, and it cost his cavalry less business trip.

This loss can be huge!

Although in the eyes of others, Hualan is also a barbarian girl, but she said the word "Yiren" very smoothly at this time.

Because in her opinion, only those barbarians who refuse to be educated can be called barbarians.

My lord is Yushi Zhongcheng, my uncle is the leading general, and I have the second largest cavalry team in Nanzhong, whoever dares to call me a barbarian girl will kill him!

Anyway, I'm not afraid of being killed!

At worst, they ran to Hanzhong and cried to Grandpa Zhuge, saying that they looked down on people and did not abide by the rules that Grandpa Zhuge set up, "Han and barbarians are one."

And... besides Grandpa Zhuge, there is that so-and-so who also owed me favors back then!

Ma Di naturally didn't know all the cards in Huahuan's hand, but he had been in Yunnan for three years anyway, so of course he knew that this barbarian girl was someone who could walk sideways in Nanzhong.

In addition, during the Ping Liu Zhou Rebellion, some of the arrangements were really not very authentic, and I was feeling guilty, so how dare I be tough with her at this time?

Fortunately, the Confucian scholars of the Han Dynasty are used to speaking with their fists, and their skills are much better than ordinary people.

Seeing Hualan glaring and stalking up, Scholar Ma, who was short-sleeved and long-pants, looked at the short wall of his house.

Gritting his teeth for a run-up, he jumped onto the courtyard wall, jumped off the top of the wall and ran away.

Only one broken cattail fan was left, which slowly fell to the ground.

Garland: ...

She really didn't expect Ma Su to be so shameless.

"Uh... Miss Hua?"

Zhuge Qiao watched the scene dumbfounded, swallowed his saliva, and then came back to his senses, and asked a tentative question cautiously.

"Oh, I have seen Lord Zhuge."

This is Grandpa Zhuge's son, so he can't be neglected.

Hualan hurriedly pulled back her clothes and bowed, she was very ladylike, and at the same time she quietly hid the throwing knife that hadn't been thrown out on her body.

Zhuge Qiao: ...

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