Now from Jincheng to Nanzhong, it is basically down the water, and after arriving at Bodao (that is, the later Yibin), disembark to the destination of Nanzhong.

On the waterway from Jincheng to Bodao, there is a place where three waters converge.

They are Jiangshui (namely the Yangtze River), Qingyishui, and Moshui, which converge in Nan'an County, Qianwei County (that is, Leshan City in later generations).

From Nan'an County to the west along the Qingyi River, you can reach Hanjia County.

Hanjia County looks very large, but in fact there are very few places that the Han can use, so there are only four counties: Hanjia County, Yandao County, Yi County, and Yanniu County.

Among these four counties, Yanniu County has the Yanniu Department. During the Later Han Dynasty, the road between Yuejue and Jincheng was cut off for more than a hundred years.

In the end, after Feng Yong was appointed as the prefect of Yuexuan, he subdued the Yanniu Department, and then the connection between the two places was reopened.

Yi County, one of the four counties in Hanjia County, is just upstream of Tsing Yi River.

Continuing upstream from Yi County, you can also meet Qiang Yi who came down from the high mountains in the west (Hengduan Mountains and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau).

They often drove cattle and sheep, or brought all kinds of furs, to Yi County to change some salt, clothes and so on.

Especially the thick wool that has appeared in these years is extremely popular.

Like salt, it is what the Yi people need most.

Because it is too cold on the mountain.

Of course, some tribes are willing to trade with the Han people, and there will naturally be tribes that want to do what they have always done: rebellion and robbery.

It's a tradition.

Traditions are not so easy to change.

Otherwise, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty would not have pushed forward the plan of "the last piece of the puzzle in Shu".

Feng Yong forced the eldest son of the Li family to go to Hanjia County to find a new way out. In fact, he was also implementing the centuries-old tradition of frontier development in the Han Dynasty: relocating people to strengthen the frontier.

This citizen can be a good citizen or a criminal citizen.

Or ministers who failed in political struggles, or even members of the royal family.

Unlike ordinary people, when these ministers or royal families were demoted to the frontier, they would often bring a large number of servants with them, indirectly contributing to the stabilization of the Han territory.

For hundreds of years, the big man has consolidated the territory little by little in this way, and continued to erode outwards.

Li Twelve Lang, the grandson of the eldest son of the Li family, in the past few years, every time a big man has a big event, he will appear in time and hang around in front of Feng Guiwang's concubine.

It really annoyed Li Mu, the little concubine of the Feng family.

So Mu Niangzi blew the pillow wind in King Feng's ear.

In the end, Feng Guiwang made a "suggestion" to the Li family's eldest son, asking Li Twelve Lang to go to Hanjia to open up the situation.

In order to help the eldest son of the Li family successfully open up channels for the barbarians in the high mountains in the west in Hanjia, Feng Guiwang was even willing to borrow some raw materials in advance.

In the old house of the Li family, if someone dared to point out his family affairs like this, he would have slapped him into the mud long ago.

Then build a big mountain on top of it, the kind that can't be turned over for five hundred years.

It's a pity that what they encountered was a generation of demon faces and a generation of ghost kings...

So in the end they can only be silently a farming and studying family.

In fact, compared to before, farming is also quite good. At least every year, the imperial court and the Xinghan Association will purchase at a guaranteed reserve price.

But happiness is relative.

The grain that has been grown through a year of hard work, and the money earned from selling it is not as good as selling a batch of woolen materials.

How can you let those aristocratic families who are used to big fish and big meat be willing?

It's just that wool is firmly in the hands of people from raw material production to processing, to finished product distribution, and finally to sales channels.

What can I do if I am not reconciled?

Now Guiwang Feng managed to leak some oil and water from his fingers, if the Li family didn't hold on to it tightly, how could he give it away?


What happened to the grandson? It's not that Twelve Lang is the only grandson!

Taking a step back, isn't it natural for the grandson to go to Hanjia to open up the situation for the family?

So Li Twelve Lang was sent to Hanjia by his family.

Of course, he is a direct grandson after all, so the eldest son of the Li family also sent many people to follow him.

There are servants, servants, and concubines and grandchildren in the same household.

Yixian County is the first main foothold of the Li family's family in Hanjia County.

Things are expensive away from home, people are cheap away from home.

The members of the Li family's family left the plains of the Shu region to open up the situation in places where riots often occur. Needless to say, the hardships involved.

However, the big family of the Li family is richer after all, even if it declines, it is not comparable to ordinary wealthy landlords.

Since Yixian County is on the edge of Tsingyi Water, and at the same time it is a basin surrounded by high mountains, the land here is very fertile.

However, most of them are barbarians, and their cultivation level is too low.

The big house of the Li family can reclaim a lot of arable land with people, labor, oxen and plows.

It is not difficult to gain a foothold, but how to open up a new situation is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

Because they are not like King Feng Gui, who are famous, have means, have power, and have enough resources to quickly subdue the local Yi people by using both soft and hard tactics.

They can't even come up with what they used to do in Yurou Township, because the local government is staring at them.

So I can only be honest and down-to-earth.

Of course, with the background of the Li family's big house, it is naturally impossible to be helpless.

For example, those concubines and grandchildren, just by their cultural level, are enough to crush the surrounding people.

Therefore, picking out a few people who are well-educated and enlightening the children of those who have the conditions is a way to accumulate reputation.

Anyway, the "Three Character Classic" is the property of King Feng Gui, so it's not a loss if you use it for favors!

The so-called qualified families, in addition to the local wealthy families, there are also some children of the head of the local village.

Even one, two, three or four children from poor families who are interested in learning and talented will be exempted from their training.

This set, the aristocratic family played very well.

But in any case, after the big house of the Li family moved to Yi County to settle down, there have been some quiet changes in Yi County.

Because of Li's arrival, with the original old county town of Yi County as the center, several villages were built one after another, far or near.

Even at the foot of the mountains in the distance.

Basically, they are arranged according to the distance relationship within the Li family.

In Hanjia, where there is constant chaos, even if the imperial court has garrisons here, each village must at least have the most basic defense capabilities.

When the sun was approaching the top of the head, a group of soldiers came down from the mountain guarding a school lieutenant.

Another team of soldiers guarding the foot of the mountain was hit and someone led the horse out immediately. The captain took the reins, got on the horse, and ordered: "Let's go."

The two teams of soldiers re-formed and followed the captain, heading for the next Wubao.

Feng Xiaowei is the main person in charge of the garrison in Yi County, and he will personally inspect the docks in Yi County every ten days.

In the year of the Prime Minister's Northern Expedition, Feng Junhou led the army from Yuexi to the north, and he was a member of the army.

Because there is a ruthless spirit, not afraid of death, rushing to Longguan, the battle of Jieting, the battle of Longxi, and the battle of Jincheng, none of them fell.

He can also be regarded as an old man in Feng Junhou's army.

It's a pity that literacy is too slow, and he can only recognize two when others can recognize five.

Others recited ninety-nine and eighty-one, but he only recited three-seven-twenty-one.

Coupled with the fact that your heart is too dead and your mind is not active, under Feng Junhou's command, even if you have the same surname as Feng Junhou, I am afraid that the highest position is the position of Junhou.

There is no way, Feng Junhou's army, compared with the contemporary army, the system is too complicated, representing the historical trend of specialization of arms.

Fortunately, the Prime Minister's "the last piece of the puzzle plan in Shu", the Xinghan Society also has to contribute.

So Lieutenant Feng's immediate boss swiped a pen, saying that you are not suitable for this place, you should go to Hanjia.

Under Feng Junhou's command, Xiaowei Feng could only be a military marquis at most, but outside, being a school lieutenant is more than enough.

The elite soldiers and warriors who came out of the first elite soldier sequence of the big man are so awesome that I can't explain it.

Captain Feng arrived in Hanjia, and because he knew a few words, he became one of the leaders of the Yixian garrison.

Leading the people under his command, when they passed a stockade at the foot of the mountain, Captain Feng suddenly pulled the reins and dismounted cursingly:

"What's the matter with this stockade? I told them to patch up that hole last time. Why haven't they patched it up yet? If I'm going to be attacked by those barbarian people in the mountains, I'll just wait for a bunch of people to die!"

"Rest in place! You guys come with me!"

Zhaizi saw Feng Xiaowei early on, and now he saw him leading people towards the gate of the Zhaizi, and someone from the Zhaizi rushed out to greet him.

"What's going on? Didn't you ask you to mend it last time?"

Captain Feng didn't wait for the person to speak, and sprayed it directly, foaming at the mouth, "Did you die? Didn't you hear about the village at the foot of Niutou Mountain last month?"

"I was raided by barbarians at night, and not even a dog was left behind. The stomachs of women in labor were cut open and hung on the walls of the village. The dozens of missing women were taken captive to the mountains..."

The faces of the people who came out of the stockade were covered with spittle, but they dared not reach out to wipe it off, and had to keep smiling faces:

"Back to the general, aren't you busy drying the millet these days, and there is no manpower in the stockade for a while..."

"Human life is more important than that bit of millet?" Feng Xiaowei cursed, "Is the true way here like Jincheng? Those barbarians rushed into the stockade, and even your little concubine will be taken to the mountains!"

The soldiers behind Captain Feng let out a burst of laughter.

They all knew that this village belonged to the Li clan.

These people have never seen the miserable situation after Sheng Yi broke the stockade.

"Laughing at your mother!"

Captain Feng turned his head again and scolded, "Let you rest where you are, and let you come over to watch the fun?"

Feng Xiaowei entered the stockade while cursing.

Wandering around the stockade, Feng Xiaowei gave pointers here and there, and at the same time told the people in the stockade, which position should be guarded most if a barbarian comes over.

When he arrived at the gate of a small courtyard, Captain Feng slowed down his pace, his voice became louder, and then he wiped the froth from the corners of his mouth.

"General, the sun is so big, why don't you drink some water."

The entourage by his side gave him a wink, and said hastily.

"Well, well, after talking for so long, I am indeed a little thirsty."

Captain Feng nodded.

The faces of the younger members of the Li clan who followed behind immediately darkened.

It was the older one, who hurriedly laughed and said: "Neglected, negligent!"

Then he turned his head and shouted towards the small courtyard, "Liu Niang, Liu Niang!"

A slim figure soon appeared in the courtyard.

"General Feng is thirsty, let the general go in and drink some water."

Li Liuniang was dressed plainly, but her demeanor was gentle. She opened the door of the small courtyard and bowed to Captain Feng, "I have seen the general, please."

"Okay, okay, okay..."

Captain Feng has never left Li Liuniang's eyes since she appeared.

At this time, although he tried his best to hide the joy on his face, he hurriedly stepped into the small courtyard.

Some of the young people from the Li family who followed behind gritted their teeth, turned around and left quietly, left the gate of the village, and walked a certain distance calmly.

After turning the corner and losing sight of the group of soldiers at the gate of the village, he let go and ran.

"General please."

The gate of the small courtyard is open, standing outside, one can see the two people in the room across the courtyard at a glance.

So I'm not afraid of any surprises, but the distance is too far, and I can't hear what the two of them are talking about.

"Thank you Liu Niang."

Xiaowei Feng quickly stood up, took the water bowl brought by Li Liuniang, and drank it all in one gulp.

Li Liuniang stood there with her head down, not saying a word, making it hard to see her expression clearly.

Xiaowei Feng put down the bowl, feeling a little depressed that he was drinking too fast, he put down the bowl, coughed, looked around, looking for something to say: "Where's Balang?"

"I went to teach in the village over there, but I haven't come back yet."

Li Liuniang said softly.

The tone is gentle and calm, making it impossible to hear the emotions in it.

"Oh, that."

Captain Feng nodded.

The arrival of members of the Li clan has brought some changes to the local area.

Li Balang is a scholar, and he helps enlighten the children of nearby families who have the conditions, but he doesn't have to open up wasteland and cultivate it himself like other people.

Standing in front of this woman, Captain Feng seemed a little nervous.

He didn't know how to pick up the next topic, so he just took out a book from his arms and put it on the table:

"Liu Niang, I know you are just such a younger brother. In my opinion, Ba Lang is a promising man."

When Feng Xiaowei was under Feng Junhou's command, he couldn't learn a few words even if he was whipped with a whip, so he felt that scholars were really much better than him.

"I also have some relationship with Feng Junhou's army. Someone sent me a message saying that Junhou plans to hold an examination class and select some people to be officials."

Speaking of this, Feng Xiaowei scratched his head. When the Junhou was in the army, the exams were one of the things that frightened him the most.

Hearing Xiaowei Feng's words, Li Liuniang finally raised her head.

She is not too beautiful, but she has a gentle temperament unique to women.

This kind of temperament may not be able to be cultivated even by wealthy people.

This is a kind of precipitation.

Captain Feng was stunned for a moment, then swallowed: "This... this book, I got it through a lot of help."

"If Hachiro is interested, you can go to Liangzhou to try. If you really want to be selected, you and Hachiro don't have to work so hard."

Li Liuniang glanced slightly, and when she saw the title of the book, her calm face finally froze:

"Mock test questions for the Liangzhou Inspector's Department of the Han Dynasty? Why is the title of this book so weird?"

She was thinking about it when Captain Feng whispered again as if asking for credit:

"Liu Niang, you only need to let Ba Lang know about this book, don't spread it outside."

As he spoke, he took out a few more tickets: "If you want to go to Liangzhou, you can't do it without money. I still have some savings here..."

Li Liuniang pursed her lips, shook her head and said, "The general's gift of books is already a great kindness, and my concubine absolutely cannot accept these tickets."

Captain Feng knew that she had great ideas, otherwise he wouldn't be able to raise his younger brother alone.

Seeing her calm face, I panicked for some reason, and immediately took back the ticket in a sly way:

"That's fine. Regarding the exam, after Hachiro comes back, you should discuss it with him."

Li Liuniang nodded: "I understand."

"I'm leaving."

"I send the concubine off to the general."

When Xiaowei Feng heard that Li Liuniang was going to send him off, his heart was full of joy, which made him feel a little bit erratic as if he was drunk.

"No, no, it's sunny outside, Liu Niang should not go out..."

When Li Liuniang heard this, she pursed her lips and smiled.

This was the first time Captain Feng saw Li Liuniang smiling at him, and he was so dizzy that he didn't know where he was.

When Li Balang came back panting, Feng Xiaowei had already led the army and disappeared.

Only Li Liuniang was sitting in the room, spinning quietly.

"Sister, are you okay? What about Feng Sizu?"

Li Balang looked inside and out, and confirmed that his elder sister was fine, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he sat down at the table again, slammed the table hard, and cursed angrily: "Dead soldier! I don't know my identity? How dare you covet sister!"

Li Liuniang was silent, she put away the thread, stood up, sat opposite Li Balang, pondered for a while, and then said:

"Have you heard about the Liangzhou exam?"

"I've heard it a little bit." Li Balang nodded, and then said with some disdain, "Who knows if this is Feng Wenhe's trick?"

"Find a day and go to the city to find out."

Li Liuniang ordered calmly.

"Sister, why is this?"

Li Balang was a little confused.

Li Liuniang glanced at him.

Li Balang was startled, and quickly said: "I see."

For him, my elder sister acted as both a sister and a mother, pulling him up, and even delaying her own marriage, becoming an old maid, who has not yet married at the age of twenty-six.

So Li Balang respects and fears his elder sister at the same time.

Although the two siblings did not live very well in the Li clan, they were still surnamed Li after all, and the government didn't deliberately conceal this matter.

So Li Balang quickly found out about this matter.

Li Liuniang pondered for a long time after hearing the news that her younger brother came back from inquiring, then turned and went back to the house, took out a book, and handed it to him:

"Don't let others know about this book. You can just read it quietly. Also, pack up quickly and prepare to go to Liangzhou."

Li Balang was shocked: "Go to Liangzhou? Why are we going to Liangzhou?"

"It's not us, it's you."

Li Liuniang still had a calm expression on her face.

"I'm not going, I'm leaving, sister, what are you going to do alone? I want to be with you!"

Li Balang threw the book on the table and said loudly.

"You don't have to worry about me, because I'm getting married."

Li Liuniang said lightly.

Li Balang was taken aback, the incident happened so suddenly that he didn't realize it at all: "Sister is going to marry someone? Why haven't I heard about it? Who will she marry?"

"It's General Feng." Li Liuniang sat there, looking at her younger brother steadfastly, "Although he is a martial artist, he is a good guy. I decided to marry him."


Li Balang was startled and angry, and stood up abruptly, "Is that Feng threatening you? Sister, don't worry, as long as I'm around, he won't be able to succeed!"

"The next time he dares to come over again, I will let him know what it means to be angry..."

Li Balang was speaking impassionedly, only to hear a "beep".

Li Balang covered his face and looked at Li Liuniang in bewilderment.

"So you really plan to let me never marry for the rest of my life?"

Li Liuniang shook her hands and asked coldly.


Li Balang replied grumpily.

"Then what nonsense did you just say!"

Li Liuniang sternly said, "You are the only one in our family now, you tell me that everyone is angry?"

"What is a man's anger? Come, explain to me, what is a man's anger!"

After Li Liuniang said a word, she took a step forward, with an astonishing momentum.

Li Balang didn't dare to look at her, and took a few steps back.

After losing her temper, Li Liuniang pointed to the book on the table, and said with lingering anger:

"If you don't want to rely on the family's charity for the rest of your life, and you really want me to live a good life for the rest of your life, you can listen to me and take this book to Liangzhou."

Li Balang looked at his sister's face that was so calm that it was almost cold, tears welled up in his eyes.

Li Liuniang was too lazy to look at his appearance, turned around and walked to her room, and at the same time dropped a few words:

"Also, go and ask the people in the village to pass a message to General Feng. If you really want to marry me, keep everything simple."

"But our family doesn't have enough money for you to go to Liangzhou, so the dowry to marry me can't be too little."

Li Liulang, who was standing behind, burst into tears.

PS: Don't tell me I'm short, this is a chapter of 5500 words.

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