At the end of September and the beginning of October in Shu, there is already a chill.

But Li Balang didn't dare to delay, because if he was not in a hurry at this time, if he was later, he would have to wait until the beginning of spring next year.

If you can't make it to Liangzhou, it's best if you can make it to Hanzhong. If you can't make it, at least you have to go to Jincheng.

In the past, Li Balang would definitely not be able to travel far.

Because the two siblings, although they are blessed with the surname Li, can eat enough and can't freeze, but it is impossible to go further.

Shy in the pocket, could it be that he begged all the way to Liangzhou?

But Li Liuniang said that everything about her marriage should be kept simple, so three days later, Li Balang had an extra brother-in-law.

Although this brother-in-law is a martial artist, he loves sister very much.

And because he is an old man in Feng Guiwang's army, his family property is quite rich.

From what he inadvertently revealed, Li Balang knew that in the early years when Feng Guiwang pacified the chaos in Yuexie and moved to Longyou, his brother-in-law got a lot of oil and water just from the labor trade.

Not to mention the rewards for several victories.

The most important thing is to use the military achievements accumulated over the years in exchange for land and hand it over to the Xinghan Society to take care of it.

The grain harvested every year, excluding taxes and commissions for the Xinghan Association, and the rest will be converted into food stamps, money tickets, cloth tickets, etc. according to my brother-in-law's request, and sent to my brother-in-law on time.

In this way, my brother-in-law will not have any worries and can stay in the army with peace of mind.

But these fields are empty fields.

If the brother-in-law wants to replace these virtual fields with real fields and take care of them himself, it is not impossible.

But for one thing, Shitian might fall to Yuejuan, Longyou, or even Nanzhong.

If I really want to fall to Nanzhong, it's too late to cry.

Secondly, Xinghan will receive part of the tax subsidies after converting the output of these virtual fields.

So if you really want to take care of it yourself, you have to pay taxes normally, which is not cost-effective.

The reason why Xinghan Hui allowed such operations is inseparable from the Songun politics of the Three Kingdoms era.

For the three kingdoms to stand together, army-first politics is a must, and Han, Wei and Wu are without exception.

But because the economic base is different, the military system is also different.

The Wei State is a scholar family system, and soldiers and their families have separate household registrations, called "Scholar Family".

A man serves as a soldier for life, his father dies and his son succeeds, and his brother ends up serving as a soldier for generations. The scholar family can only marry with the scholar family.

After the soldier's death, the wife was reassigned to a scholar's family under the auspices of the government. If the soldiers fled, the family members would be severely punished, and in severe cases, they would be executed, or they would not be servants of officials.

In addition to the scholar-official system, Wu State also has a hereditary leader system.

The so-called hereditary military leadership system is the private property of the Sun Wu generals, and the troops led by each general can be regarded as their trilogy.

Under the leadership of the generals, the trilogy not only participated in the battles commanded by the central government, but also provided other farming chores for the generals.

Even after the death of the general, the trilogy had to continue to obey the orders of the general's son or his successor by blood.

As for Ji Han's military system, it is different.

First of all, Hu Yi accounted for a considerable part.

The earliest is that after the prime minister of the Han Dynasty pacified Nanzhong, in order to reduce the ability of the Yi people in Nanzhong to rebel, he not only recruited a large number of Yi people to serve as soldiers, but even migrated a large number of Yi people to Shu.

Needless to say, King Feng Gui has repeatedly formed Yi Cong Hu Qi.

This approach can be regarded as a half-scholar system, aimed at Hu Yi.

In addition, the Han Dynasty is mainly a system that combines recruitment and conscription.

Recruitment is to train professional soldiers and strengthen combat effectiveness.

Conscription is for the preparation of reserves ready for a major war.

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty returned to Hanzhong after the Battle of Longyou, learned the lessons of the Battle of Longyou, reduced the number of old and weak in the army, and practiced military training, which represented the formal establishment of the Han military system.

Everyone knows that training professional elite soldiers is the best choice, but this requires good financial support.

Among the Three Kingdoms, only the big Han has such capital.

Xinghanhui has been inextricably linked with the royal family from the very beginning, so it is considered half official.

Its subsidy to Lieutenant General Feng Yongjun can be regarded as a supplement to Dahan's finances.

It is a bit similar to the political donations made by later generations of arms dealers and chaebols to the government.

Under Songun politics, the more such political donations, the better.

And Feng Junhou is the general representative of the Xinghanhui, a chaebol.

Now the representative of the chaebol is riding a tall horse on the streets of Dunhuang City.

Because of the arrival of the governor of Liangzhou, this street was cleared in advance.


The crisp sound of horseshoes echoed on the street, showing the tranquility of the street even more.

The horse is a Western Region horse, extremely handsome, the only regret is that this is a gelded horse.

An incomparably handsome gelding from the Western Regions.

General Guan personally served as the guard, only half a horse behind Feng Junhou.

Guards in iron armor surrounded the surroundings.

The gate of Zhang's mansion was wide open, and Zhang stood at the door, welcoming Feng Junhou's arrival.

In Liangzhou in October, snow the size of rice grains fluttered in the sky.

Feng Yong dismounted from his horse and climbed up the steps. Zhang quickly saluted:

"I have seen the prince."

"There is no need to be polite, Mr. Zhang has been waiting for a long time."

Feng Yong stopped at the gate of Zhang's residence, and looked at Zhang Jiu.

Zhang was wrapped in a thick and long down jacket, his nose was red from the cold, but he was trying to maintain his calm demeanor.

Zhang Jiu was also looking at Feng Yong.

There was surprise in his eyes.

The last time he went back to Longyou, he didn't see Feng Yong.

Although he knew that Feng Yong was not very old, when the real person stood in front of him, Zhang couldn't help but see a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He has faced off against Feng Yong, been beaten by Feng Yong, even when he went to Longyou, he still wanted to meet Feng Yong, but he failed.

Today is the first time to meet Feng Yong face to face at close range.

Although he already knew that Feng Yong was young, but when he saw the real person, he couldn't stop muttering in his heart:

How did this person, at his age, be so ruthless that the world knows him?

With such slander in his heart, Zhang stretched out his hand to salute, "Your Majesty, please, Your Excellency has been waiting in the mansion for a long time."

Feng Yong nodded: "Please, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang turned around and led the way ahead.

In the room where Zhang Gong recuperated, a coal stove had already been burned, and there was a flue between the coal stove and the kang.

In Liangzhou, only wealthy families can have this kind of room configuration.

It's not that there is much technical content in making a coal stove and kang, but that coal cakes can only be shipped from Longyou.

Of course, you can also burn charcoal.

But whether it is burning coal or charcoal, it is not affordable for ordinary people.

Zhang Gong was wrapped in a thick fleece blanket, sitting on the couch, and said to Feng Yong who came in:

"The old man is seriously ill and cannot stay to welcome the lord. I hope the lord will forgive me."

"Mr. Zhang really wants to stay here for the next eternity, that will be the evil forever."

Feng Yong took off his robe, shook it, handed it to Guan Ji behind him, and then roasted it on the stove.

It wasn't until his hands became warm and the cold air on his body disappeared that he pulled out the chair, sat down in front of the couch, and held Zhang Gong's dry hand:

"I've heard the name of Mr. Zhang forever, and I've longed to see him for a long time. Today, I can visit Mr. Zhang at the mansion, which is a life-long comfort."

There is not much etiquette, even a little familiar.

However, he paid great attention to details, knowing that Zhang Gong was afraid of the cold, and he was afraid that the cold on his body would be passed on to Zhang Gong, so he went to warm himself up by the fire first, and then sat in front of the couch.

Feeling the warmth in his hand, Zhang Gong looked at Feng Yong with admiration on his face, and laughed:

"The old man has heard the name of the lord for a long time. Although he has never seen him, he is really close. Today, seeing the lord, the old man is also full of comfort for the rest of his life!"

Whether the eloquent Feng Guiwang really comforts his life, others don't know.

But Zhang Gongna had been in love with Feng Guiwang for a long time.

A few months ago, Liu Liang came to visit Zhang's residence and conveyed Feng Junhou's evaluation of Zhang Gong.

Feng Junhou highly praised Zhang Gongping's rebellion, appease the Huyi, settle the Western Regions, and resolutely maintain the unification of China.

And it is determined that he is quite different from some Liangzhou wealthy families.

It was this evaluation that made Zhang Gong a confidant.

Perhaps a little excited, Zhang Gong pulled out his hand, covered his mouth and coughed.

Zhang just saw it and was about to step forward.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yong, who was sitting in front of the couch, had already stood up and helped caress Zhang Gong's back:

"Yong came here this time and specially brought a good doctor, and asked him to take a look at Zhang Gong's body when the time comes."

Zhang Gong coughed for a while, then calmed down, and shook his head:

"Your Majesty has a heart, but the old man's body, how can the old man not know it? This is a natural age, and it cannot be saved by manpower."

Feng Yongwen said: "Everyone is here, I always have to take a look. I just became the governor of Liangzhou, and I have to rely on Mr. Zhang for many things."

"Mr. Zhang is famous in Western Regions. As long as Mr. Zhang is here, Liangzhou and the Western Regions will be more stable."

Zhang Gong waved his hand:

"Your Majesty is too famous!"

Feng Yong sat back in his seat and suddenly smiled:

"Unfortunately there are no mosquitoes now."

Let alone Zhang Jiu, even Zhang Gong was startled, not understanding why Feng Yong said this:

"What's the meaning of this, Your Majesty?"

"The wrinkles on Mr. Zhang's face can pinch mosquitoes to death." Feng Yong said with a smile, "If I wasn't happy in my heart, I wouldn't be like this."

Zhang Gong laughed again.

While laughing, he pointed at Feng Yong and said, "Smart words and tricks, it really is tricks and tricks!"

Zhang next to him heard Zhang Gong's words, and his expression changed suddenly.

Feng Yong himself didn't care.

Zhang Gong glanced at Zhang Jiu, and sighed in his heart, his own child is really not calm enough!

While thinking, he continued:

"To be honest, when it comes to the land of the Western Regions, I think I still have some face. But if it's about Liangzhou, I'm afraid I'm not as good as a lord!"

Feng Yong shook his head: "I can't make it possible for the big man to recover Dunhuang Ganquan Second County without bloodshed."

"As for the Western Regions, let alone. Over the years, if it weren't for Mr. Zhang, the countries in the Western Regions might not have known about Hanwei."

Although the Great Han has dominated the Western Regions for more than three hundred years, the status of the suzerain country has long been engraved into the bones of the Western Regions.

However, the Central Plains has been in turmoil for decades, and Han envoys have not been to the Western Regions for a long time. If it were not for Zhang Gong these years, the Western Regions may have begun to renounce.

So Feng Yong respected Zhang Gong not just because of his reputation in Liangzhou.

"Over the years, the news of the turmoil in the Central Plains has already spread throughout the Western Regions. This old man is just trying his best."

Zhang Gong knew what Feng Yong wanted to say, but he didn't show any complacency, instead he held Feng Yong's hand tightly and said earnestly:

"What's more, the old man is afraid that he will die soon! The lord knows me, and I also know the lord. If the lord wants to revive the power of Han in the Western Regions, it is best to prepare early while the old man has a few breaths left. "

Feng Yong nodded, then shook his head again:

"The Western Regions are certainly important, but if the Han Dynasty is not prosperous, how can the great Han have the spare energy to manage the Western Regions?"

"And the current Changshi Mansion of the Western Regions was established by the bandits of Wei." Speaking of this, Feng Yong sighed, "With the current situation of the big man, how is it possible to make an expedition to the Western Regions?"

When Zhang Gong heard this, there was eagerness in his eyes:

"Your Majesty, although the State of Wei has a Changshi Mansion in the Western Regions, it has long since lost its prestige in the Han Dynasty, so the Changshi Mansion is just a name."

"If the big man doesn't care about the Western Regions at this time, I'm afraid that after ten years, the countries in the Western Regions will no longer know the power of Han!"

"Besides, the Western Regions produce a lot of good horses, and the Central Plains caravans go there and get a lot of money. This can be said to fill the treasury."

"Not to mention that the soldiers of the former Han fought hard, and the later Han devoted themselves to management. After hundreds of years, how could they give up so easily?"

Feng Yong had guessed before that Zhang Gong was a big Hanist.

Hearing his words now, confirmed his conjecture even more.

He pondered for a while, and then asked: "Since that's the case, why did Mr. Zhang teach me?"

Hearing this, Zhang Gong lifted his spirits and said quickly:

"If the big man has no choice but to send soldiers to the Western Regions for the time being, the old man has an idea, which is a bit presumptuous."

Feng Yong nodded: "Mr. Zhang, come first."

Zhang Gong glanced at Guan Ji who was guarding the door.

"Don't worry, Zhang Gong, General Guan and I, regardless of each other, please come and talk."

After hearing this, Zhang Gong said:

"My Zhang family still has a good name in the Western Regions. If the imperial court can trust me, I dare to ask my son to be the captain of Wuji in the Western Regions, and I will go to the Western Regions on the Han Festival."

Zhang Jiu?

Feng Yong subconsciously looked at Zhang Jiu who had been standing in the room without saying a word.

Just in time to meet Zhang Ji's stunned gaze, he didn't seem to have expected his lord to say such words.

Feng Yong turned his head again, and said with some embarrassment:

"Mr. Zhang, the Western Regions are far away, and Liangzhou is out of reach. If you let your son go there on a festival day, I'm afraid the bad luck will be unknown!"

Zhang Gong didn't even look at his son, he just tried to persuade Feng Yong: "Although my son is dull, he is still courageous, why should he be afraid?"


Feng Yong glanced at Zhang Jiu again hesitantly.

Seeing Zhang Jiu's expression was extremely complicated, Feng Guiwang couldn't help muttering in his heart:

"This one, could it be that Zhang Gong picked it up?"

Thinking this way in my heart, I asked in my mouth: "I don't know what Mr. Zhang wants?"

Zhang was startled, and quickly replied:

"My lord's will is my will."

Feng Yong still asked a little worriedly:

"If Mr. Zhang really wants to go to the Western Regions, are you sure?"

Zhang thought about it for a while, then looked at his lord again, and said resolutely:

"Hui Junhou, if you say you are sure, you are three or four points. After all, our Zhang family has a solid foundation in the Western Regions, and I still have some friendship with the long history of the Western Regions."

"In the past, thirty-six people from Ban Dingyuan could still settle in the Western Regions. What's more, the countries in the Western Regions have surrendered to the Central Plains for a long time? If you don't have talent, you will go there with integrity."

Feng Yong patted his thigh and cheered:

"Okay! It's true that the tiger father has no dogs! After I look at Mr. Zhang, the one who can rule the Western Regions must be Mr. Zhang."

He turned to Zhang Gong again:

"The father and son of the Zhang family are indeed loyal and powerful people! After I go back, I will immediately report to the imperial court and recommend Mr. Zhang as the captain of Wuji in the Western Regions. He will go to the Western Regions on festivals."

After the discussion, Feng Yong asked Fan Qi to come in to see Zhang Gong.

At the same time, Zhang held a banquet in the mansion to entertain the governor of Liangzhou.

Feng Yong stayed in Dunhuang County for ten consecutive days, met with officials, and comforted Hu Yi more.

Before leaving, he had a conversation with Chen Shi, the new prefect of Dunhuang County, and confessed:

If Dunhuang is stable, the commercial routes in the Western Regions will be smooth, and if the commercial routes in the Western Regions are smooth, it will benefit the treasury of the Han Dynasty.

The recovery of Liangzhou shows that the great man has finally re-opened his own Silk Road. How could Chen Shi not understand the importance of this?

He hastily agreed.

Seeing this, Feng Yong led the army back east to Wuwei.

At the same time, Jiang Wei formally assumed the post of Captain Huqiang, ruled in Jincheng, and concurrently served as the prefect of Jincheng County.

Liu Yin, the former prefect of Hanyang County, moved to the prefect of Anding.

General Jufu under Feng Yongyuan's command was transferred to be the prefect of Hanyang County.

There is also Zhang Ni, who was transferred to be the prefect of Tianshui County.

Yang Ju, the former governor of Yinping, died of a serious illness, and his son Yang Wanwan succeeded him as governor.

Under Feng Cishi's command, three generals were missing at once.

So Governor Feng had to quietly discuss with General Guan:

"Xijun, I think Huo Yi is pretty good, let him try to lead the army, what do you think?"


After being released from prison, I was busy for two days, and then Calvin died. I wrote this chapter for four days, repeatedly deleting more than 10,000 words. sorry!

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