Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 859: Pillow Wind

General Guan squinted at King Feng Gui.

After sleeping together for so many years, a pair of sons and daughters can use small wooden sticks to hum, haha, and play well.

No matter how clever and farsighted Feng Guiwang was, General Guan could guess some taste from his words and deeds.

But seeing General Guan sneered:

"Li Qiu was originally the prefect of Jincheng County, but now he is transferred to the Governor's Department, but I don't know if Alang wants to give him any position?"

It is easy to recover a state, but if you really want to govern a region well, it is not so easy to change officials in various places.

Because the officials from all over the country were not fully in place, Feng Yong led the army to patrol from the east to the west.

One is to declare Hanwei, and the other is to appease the local area.

I saw Feng Guiwang pretending to think for a while, and then replied:

"The Modao Camp and the Wudang Camp have no one to lead the army. Li Qiu has never led an army before. How can one person lead the two battalions now?"

General Guan snorted:

"Now all the battalions in the Governor's Mansion are being reorganized. Does it matter if you have experience?"

"Could it be that Zhang Yi and Jufu had experience in leading the Modao Camp and Wudang Camp from the very beginning?"

Having said that, General Guan thought for a while, and then took another look at King Feng Gui:

"Li Qiu leads one battalion, and the other battalion is left. I still have someone to choose."


Let Huo Yi lead the army, not all because of Xiao Si's pillow style.

Of course, Xiaosi's pillow style is also an important aspect.

More importantly, there was indeed no one in Feng Guiwang's pocket.

Apart from Li Qiu, the only one left was Huang Chong who was the county magistrate far away in Nanxiang.

Luo Xian and Fu Qian, who are only thirteen or fourteen years old, are still learning the art of war from Li Hui in the martial arts hall, and they will have to wait at least two or three years before they can use them.

Now Mr. Zhao has agreed to go to Nanxiang to recuperate, so these two years are a critical period for those two brats.

Feng Yong is naturally impossible to overthrow the seedlings and encourage them.

So after much deliberation, only Huo Yi is more suitable.

Unexpectedly, General Guan looked at King Feng Gui, and suddenly spit out a name lightly:

"Stone bud."

Feng Guiwang really didn't expect that his mother-in-law had already prepared for it. He was stunned for a while, and then said:

"This... Shi Bao's talents are still unknown. It is too rash to promote too rashly."

Anyway, Deng Ai is still looking at the haystacks in Runan.

Even if Shi Bao can really be compared with Deng Ai, then I should be the only one who knows, how could my own mother-in-law know?

Unexpectedly, General Guan's expression was calm, and he said softly to King Feng Gui:

"Alang, don't forget that Shi Bao revealed Cao Zhen's plan in advance during the Xiaoguan battle."

"All the generals in the army, not to mention Huo Yi, even Zhang Yi, who had Shi Bao's vision at that time? Isn't this considered talented?"

"Besides, when summing up after the war, my concubine asked Huo Yi personally, and Huo Yi also praised Shi Bao very much, saying that Shi Bao also offered a lot of advice when he was harassing Cao Zhenliang Dao."

"Now that the army of the Governor's Department has been rebuilt, Shi Bao can get acquainted with the military system from the beginning."

"If Alang doesn't take this opportunity to train Shi Bao well, wouldn't it be a waste of talents?"

General Guan's words were justified and well-founded, leaving Feng Guiwang speechless.

The Guan family's tiger girl is really first-class in defending her territory.

But he didn't know that when General Guan saw his appearance, he also sneered in his heart:



How dare she collude with the outside room and shake her position as the first wife!

I really don't know that Liu Hun was recommended by the outside room? Want another Huo Yi?

"Since Mr. Xi has already made plans, then follow what Mr. Xi said."

Governor Feng said resentfully.

Seeing that the end of the year is about to enter, Zhao Guang and Shi Bao should be rushing back from Hetao soon.

After all, who wants to spend the winter there if they are not full and full?

Not to mention being frozen to death, but something wrong with freezing, and there is no time to cry.

Inspector Feng thought for a moment, then asked hesitantly:

"Then what about Huo Yi? After all, he has made contributions, so it's not appropriate to let him do odd jobs in the army."

Guan Ji pointed at the front with her whip, and said flatly:

"Hasn't Jiuquan not appointed a prefect yet? Since he has made great contributions, why not recommend him as a prefect?"

"According to my concubine's point of view, Huo Yi, whether he is leading the army or governing the people, has merits. Being a prefect is more suitable than leading the army alone."


Feng Yong glanced at his mother-in-law, thinking that this is true.

According to the original history, Huo Yi later became the governor of Nanzhong, didn't he just lead the army and rule the people?

After getting an excuse to fool Xiaosi, Feng Guiwang was relieved.

Looking up and looking forward, the city wall of Fulu County, the prefecture of Jiuquan County, is in the distance:

"Okay then, just as Xi-jun said."

After finishing speaking, he patted the Western Region gelded horse's ass: "Drive!"


The iron cavalry guarding the surroundings started to run, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Although the original prefect of Jiuquan County surrendered from the county, he would definitely not be allowed to stay in his original position, so he had already set off for Hanzhong in advance.

The original officials of the Taishou Mansion have not changed much, and the county magistrate is temporarily in charge.

As for how the staff of the prefect's mansion will change later, that is a matter for the new prefect.

As the governor, it is impossible for Feng Yong to do these things himself.

After listening to the routine administrative report of Jiuquan County's Juncheng, Feng Yong didn't ask too much, knowing that the people in the county were still stable.

Liangzhou is newly restored, and peace of mind is the best situation.

How to manage it in the future is something that must be done after all the arrangements are in place.

After bathing in hot water, all the travel and dust along the way were gone, and I just felt refreshed all over my body.

This time around, the inspection of the four counties has been completed.

The overall situation is considered stable. The only thing to worry about is that the Hu people may not have enough food in winter, and if they encounter white disasters, they may take risks.

Fortunately, Feng Langjun's reputation is still well-known among the barbarians in Liangzhou.

At the same time, the Li family in Longxi and the Zhang family in Dunhuang, the two big Liangzhou families, are now fully supporting the Ministry of Governors.

More importantly, Governor Feng's inspection along the way has released rumors that he plans to build a few more woolen workshops next year.

Many wealthy families in Liangzhou are very willing to donate generously to help the big man stabilize the situation in Liangzhou.

So after this inspection, the overall situation in Liangzhou has been decided.

Just wait until the spring of next year, the experience of Longyou can be fully promoted in Liangzhou.

To do this, the clerks who were brought from the former guard Qiang Xiaowei's mansion to the governor's mansion are already skilled workers.

Taking over Liangzhou went well, and the work pressure was less than originally imagined.

Less stress, better mood.

When you are in a good mood, you will enjoy eating.

In addition, the stove in the house was burning very hot, and the whole house was very warm.

Guiwang Feng climbed onto the couch, smelling the fragrance of his Xijun's body after bathing, looking at the charming dimple, and thinking about the Valkyrie in the daytime.

He licked his lips: "Xi Jun, I ate too much mutton for dinner today."

"Huh?" Guan Ji Yingying looked over with beautiful eyes, "Has A Lang accumulated food?"

"No, what I mean is that this mutton is warming and nourishing. If you eat too much, you will get angry and want to eliminate the fire."

Under Feng Guiwang's pollution, General Guan has long since lost his original innocence, so he naturally knows what he wants to do when he says this.

Immediately, his face felt a little hot, he put his elbow against Feng Guiwang, his eyes flickered, and he said shyly: "No."

"Why?" Feng Guiwang was shocked, "Xijun, between us, there is no need to be so polite..."

General Guan's face was even more ashamed, and he spat at King Feng Gui: "I don't fit well."


Ghost King Feng thought for a while, and then murmured suspiciously, "It doesn't make sense, according to last month's time, haven't you already passed it?"

"What are you talking about!" General Guan pushed Feng Yong in embarrassment, "I didn't come this month at all!"

"Didn't come?" Ghost King Feng was even more surprised, "Why didn't you come? I clearly remember..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately stopped, his eyes fell on Guan Ji's belly covered with a down blanket, and then subconsciously reached out to touch it.

Guan Ji had a little shame on her face, and looked at Feng Yong with water in her eyes.

Feng Yong leaned close to Guan Ji's ear and asked in disbelief:


Guan Ji nodded lightly: "The menstrual event didn't come on time, so I asked Fan Qi to check her pulse."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Feng Yong said regretfully, "I've been on the road for the past few days, in case your body..."

"My concubine only found out about it two days ago. I thought I'd go back to Zanggu and tell Alang. I didn't expect..."

I didn't expect someone to have sex on the way.

Seeing that Feng Yong was still worried, Guan Ji pressed Feng Yong's hand on her stomach:

"Don't worry, it's not that I have never been pregnant before, I know what to do in my heart. It's not two months yet, so don't be afraid."

"But I'm afraid!" Seeing Guan Ji's stunning beauty, King Feng Gui blurted out excitedly, "That Du Qiong really didn't lie to me! Xijun is really IKEA IKEA!"

When he was married to Guan Ji, Feng Guiwang asked Najib to go to Du Qiong's house for comments. Du Qiong gave him a piece of paper directly, and the comments to Guan Ji on it were:

The beautiful girl guards the mountain and the tiger, and prospers the house.

Thinking about it now, that was quite effective!

Hearing Feng Guiwang's tiger-wolf words, General Guan blushed even more, and punched him hard again:

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"The truth!"

King Feng Gui didn't care, he just stroked Guan Ji's stomach lightly, and said sincerely:

"Being able to lead the army outside and give birth inside is not what IKEA, IKEA, IKEA, Xingzhai and Wangfu are?"

General Guan bit his lip, and desperately twisted Feng Guiwang's waist.

Knowing that Guan Ji was pregnant again, Feng Yong began to slow down his schedule along the way.

When I returned to Wuwei, the second snowfall in Liangzhou this year had already started to fall.

Compared with the first snow in Dunhuang, this snow was much heavier.

Step on it with one foot, until the top of your foot is gone.

Zhang Xingyi was wearing a snow-white fluffy windbreaker that mopped the floor, behind him Li Mu and Amei were holding Ah Chong and Shuangshuang respectively.

Several people stood at the gate of the governor's mansion, welcoming the return of the master and his wife of the governor's mansion.

Seeing his parents from a distance, both of them began to struggle in Li Mu's arms, stretched out their chubby hands, and called out childishly:

"My lord, my lord!"

Feng Yong got off his horse, quickly walked up the steps of the Governor's Mansion, took both from Li Mu's hand, and kissed his daughter's face fiercely:

"My dear girl, do you miss being an adult?"


Shuangshuang hugged Feng Yong's neck tightly and shouted in his ear.

Hearing his daughter's immature voice, Feng Yong felt that his heart was full.

Guan Ji followed behind and took Ah Chong from Amei.

"It's cold at the door, don't freeze, go back to the house."

"Okay, let's go, let's go home."

This is a true family reunion in the Feng Mansion.

Amei cooks the kitchen herself and cooks a table of big dishes.

The whole family enjoyed themselves.

Looking at the pair of children who were digging the rice in the bowl with a small wooden spoon, and then fed most of the rice to their faces, Feng Yong's eyes were full of smiles.

Knowing husband Mo Ruo Xijun, Guan Ji took a piece of meat and put it in Feng Yong's bowl, and asked softly:

"What is Aaron thinking?"

"It's nothing, I'm just happy. I thought how great it would be if our whole family could continue like this."

Speaking of this, Feng Yong put the meat in his mouth and chewed it, his eyes were gloomy, and the intention of destroying thieves and rejuvenating the Han became more and more determined in his heart.

After dinner, get ready to rest.

The mistress is not feeling well and asks Amei to sleep with her at night.

So Feng Yong naturally slept in Li Mu's room.

Li Mu arrived in Liangzhou before winter, when Feng Yong and Guan Ji happened to lead the army to patrol the west.

Guan Ji intentionally arranged for Li Mu to sleep with Feng Yong, naturally in order to compensate for her contribution in Nanxiang over the years.

"Have you made arrangements for Nanxiang?"

The room was already warm, but after a little exercise, a layer of sweat broke out on his body. Feng Yong, half lying on the couch with his upper body naked, asked.

"Alang, don't worry, my concubine has already handed over everything to Yaomei three months ago. In addition, Wei Langjun is a powerful person, and he can help by the side."

Li Mu didn't have the physique of Guiwang Feng, so he had to wrap the quilt up again and shrunk into King Guigui's arms after he lifted the quilt for a while.

As early as when Li Mu was formally admitted into the house, Feng Yong signaled Li Mu to pay attention to training Yaomei and take over Nanxiang's class at any time.

After all, it is impossible for him to keep her in Nanxiang all the time.

Liangzhou's workshop business is much bigger than Nanxiang's, and it was a start-up, so Feng Yongcai would feel relieved when it was handed over to Li Mu.

"Wei Rong has to watch the school for me, and don't distract him too much. Although you will mainly be in charge of Liangzhou in the future, you should also pay attention to Nanxiang."

"My concubine understands. In recent years, my concubine has brought out many stewards, all of whom are carefully selected and loyal people. As long as Yaomei follows the established rules, nothing will happen."

"That's good."

After stroking Li Mu's Ruyun hair, the two talked for a while, and Li Mu began to fall asleep.

Feng Yong lay down gently, and asked the night watchman in the kitchen to boil hot water to wash his body, and then he quietly touched another small courtyard.

Because he had just moved here from Longyou, Feng Cishi was far less familiar with the roads than when he was in Longyou, and his feet were a little stumbling.

But at last it didn't disturb the guards...

Well, maybe the guards are used to it too.

Trying to push the door, it opened with a "squeak".

He stepped into the room, bolted the door, and touched the couch lightly.

The person on the couch lifted the quilt tacitly, and wrapped King Feng Gui in it.

"why are not you sleeping?"

"Wait for you."

"What if I don't come?"

"Then wait."

While talking, Zhang Xingyi grabbed Feng Yong's collar and sniffed desperately. He didn't smell any peculiar smell, so he lay down again and snorted:

"For you are sensible, you didn't bring the smell of other women over."

Feng Yong chuckled, kept his hands on, and after a while, threw a few pieces of clothing out of the quilt.

"How is Huo Yi's matter going?"

"I plan to recommend him to be the prefect of Jiuquan County, what do you think?"

Zhang Xingyi's dissatisfied voice sounded: "Why don't you serve in the army?"

"Isn't the prefect better? Huo Yi leads the army and governs the people, and there is something remarkable about it. Just leading the army is too much of a waste of his talent."

"In a county, there are also county soldiers. Huo Yi is the prefect, so he can also lead the army..."

"Bah! Can the county soldiers be the same as your soldiers?" Zhang Xingyi kicked him.

That's what she said, but she also knew that Huo Yi's role as the prefect was actually pretty good.

How many prefects does the whole man have?

At Huo Yi's current age, he can be the prefect of any county, so his future is bright.

Zhang Xingyi moaned and chirped for a while, and the two soon became passionate.

In the darkness, only Zhang Xingyi suddenly giggled and said:

"What's the matter, sister? Didn't I accompany you this way? Seeing how anxious you are..."

"Well, she is pregnant and cannot have intercourse."

The voices in the room suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?"




"Take it easy, what are you doing!"


Then Governor Feng was kicked off the couch.

Fuck! Simply unreasonable!

Whether the Feng family is pregnant or not, does it need other people's approval?

General Guan speaks his mind in Feng's residence, and he doesn't need to have so many scruples like A Mei and Li Mu.

Inspector Feng cursed and fumbled for his clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"Go back to sleep!"

Governor Feng said angrily.

"Don't go!"

Suddenly another arm stretched out from the couch, gripped tightly on Feng Cishi's clothes, and pulled him to the couch with all his might.

"Want to leave after entering this door? Do I agree?"

"What's the meaning?"

Governor Feng didn't dare to speak loudly, so he could only grit his teeth and ask in a low voice.

"It's the second time for her! What about me? When? Are you going to be behind Amei and Li Mu?"

Zhang Xingyi sat up, pulled his hands fiercely, and with a "chuck", he tore off the clothes on Feng Cishi's body.

"Are you crazy?"

"Of course I'm crazy! She forced me!"

Zhang Xingyi said while gnashing his teeth, while tearing off the clothes on Feng Cishi's body, pushed him directly on the couch, and then turned over and sat on it.

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