Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 862 Natural Disaster

Feng Yong naturally didn't know, because of his intrusion, the life trajectory of Deng Ai, which he has always been obsessed with, has changed.

It entered Sima Yi's eyes earlier than the original history.

But even if he knew, he didn't have any mood to take care of it at this moment.

Because right now, there are more terrible things waiting for him to deal with in Liangzhou.

Just entering December, Liangzhou was covered by a sudden blizzard.

Since yesterday morning, it has been snowing all day and night, and it didn't stop until this morning.

As soon as I stepped down, the thick snow covered my ankles and almost reached my calves.

In Feng Yong's previous life memory, such blizzards should only be found in the Western Regions and the north of Youzhou.

I didn't expect Liangzhou in this era to have it.

"I heard from the old man that this is the worst snowfall in Liangzhou for decades."

Holding the folder, Zhang Xingyi reported to Feng Yong worriedly, "Several houses in the city have been crushed by snow."

"The snow has just stopped now. If it is afternoon, I'm afraid there will be more reports."

Feng Yong stood in the vestibule a little irritably, looking at the gloomy sky: "How can this be heavy snow? This is simply blizzard!"

As he spoke, he kicked the snow on the ground, raising a cloud of snow mist.

Looking around, the roof and the ground are all white, covered in silver, and the earth seems to be covered with a thick layer of cotton.

All the branches of the trees in the courtyard are covered with fluffy snowflakes, and the exquisite ice crystals are like carved white jade, Qionghuayushu, nothing more.

This kind of beautiful scenery is beautiful to look at, but Feng Yong is not in the mood to appreciate it at all.

If possible, he would rather not have such beautiful scenery, because this rare beauty is actually a white disaster that will freeze the people to death.

"Have you made contact with the military camp outside the city?"

Guan Ji, who was standing behind him, agreed: "An envoy has been sent, but there is no response yet."

Oh shit!

Feng Yong cursed: "This is a thief!"

The snow doesn't fall sooner or later, but it happens when I become the governor, it's just intentional to harm people!

"Even the military camps outside the city are so difficult to contact, let alone the other counties..."

Feng Yongyue said, the more he frowned.

As the prefecture of Liangzhou, the houses in Zanggu City can't stand it. What's going on in other remote places?

However, this heavy snow interrupted the communication between the counties.

Even if the news cannot be transmitted, what to do with the relief supplies in the later stage is even more difficult.

If one is bad, too many people will die, and another plague will be a fatal thing.

Thinking of this, Governor Feng's face became more and more livid, and he couldn't help pointing at the sky and yelling.

Everyone in the Governor's Mansion had weird faces, as if they wanted to persuade but dared not.

At this moment, a sound of running broke the embarrassment.

Zhang Yuan led a few students from the school and ran in panting:

"Sir, General Zhao, General Liu, and General Shi have already entered the city!"

"Let them come and see me immediately!"

If it is said that Liangzhou has completed the control of the grassroots at this time, like the former Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion, then Feng Yong doesn't have to worry so much at all.

Because even if the contact with the Captain's Mansion is temporarily interrupted, the grassroots will actively organize themselves to save themselves and find a way to restore contact with the Captain's Mansion as soon as possible.

But now in Liangzhou, officials in some places have not even adjusted properly, and are in a period of chaos.

So at this time, Feng Yong had the only army under the direct control of the Governor's Mansion who could quickly respond to the mobilization.


Zhao Guang was the most impatient, and the voice had already been heard before he arrived.

The three of them were tightly wrapped, and walked in quickly on the snow "creaking".

"How is the camp now? Has the camp collapsed?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Guang shook his head quickly: "Don't worry, brother, the camp is fine."

Feng Yong nodded.

The construction quality of the engineering camp is still trustworthy.

As long as there is nothing wrong with the military, the foundation for maintaining stability is still there...

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw Zhao Guang's eyes flickering, and Feng Guiwang's heart skipped a beat!

As the elder brother of Zhao Erha, Feng Guiwang knows this Erha best.

It's no exaggeration to say that when Zhao Guang's ass fell, Feng Yong knew what shit he was going to do.

Guiwang Feng's face suddenly became gloomy, just like the gloomy weather: "Huh?"

The elder brother has a lot of power, Zhao Guang hastily stammered and said:

"Brother...Brother, the weather has changed too fast, so many people in the camp have caught wind and cold in the past two days..."

"You fucking!"

When Feng Yong heard this, he was furious and flew over.

Now Feng Junhou's strength is no better than before, this kick made Zhao Guang stagger back a few steps on the spot.

It hurts, but it doesn't hurt, after all, I wear thick clothes in winter.

It was Feng Cishi's cannibalistic gaze that made Zhao Guang and Liu Hunshibao dare not look at each other.

Feng Yong gritted his teeth loudly.

No wonder he reacted so strongly.

Feng Junhou's subordinates are one of the best soldiers in the world.

It was all piled up with money and food, and the logistics support was the best in the world.

Warm things such as large stoves and small stoves in the camp, down jackets and sweaters have always been given priority.

In terms of keeping warm, the old rich man's home may not be as good as that in the army.

In addition, the winter combat training has lasted for more than three years, and the matters that should be paid attention to are all written in military orders.

There is no way, the wind and cold in this era is simply something that kills people.

Now Zhao Guang has the face to say that there is a cold in the army!

If it really turns into a deadly epidemic, it would be really stupid!

"Why do you catch a cold?"

Feng Yong asked word by word, his face sinking like water.

"Brother...Hui Junhou, there are too many new soldiers in the army, who are not familiar with military orders, and there are not many old soldiers who are familiar with military orders, so it is inevitable that there will be omissions..."

Zhao Guang didn't dare to call his elder brother, so he called Junhou politely, and answered loudly.

In the battle of Xiaoguan, the Captain's Mansion lost too much.

In addition, although Zhang Yi and Ju Fu were transferred to other places, this is not a bad thing, but a good thing.

Because they are the real Xinghan Society, their appointment as prefects can be regarded as the expansion of Xinghanhui.

Naturally, Feng Yong couldn't be too mean to his old subordinates, so he sent some aides and two to three hundred veterans in the army to each of them.

With these people, they can quickly gain a foothold in the new position.

In the long run, this is beneficial to Xinghanhui, but in the short term, Feng Yong's human resources have reached a historical low.

So what Zhao Guang said is indeed a problem that must be faced at present.

"The army has its own rules! If there are orders, it's a big taboo. Too many new recruits is the reason for the cold?"

The army has its own set of military orders to prevent wind and cold, and even the squad leader and deputy commander who are on duty at night have to check the sleep status of each soldier in hand to prevent them from freezing at night.

Therefore, there is an epidemic of wind and cold, one is the lack of awareness of the recruits, and the other is the dereliction of duty of the squadron leader and others.

"Then what do I want you to do? Huh?"

"What is the military order for? Is it for viewing?"

"When Zhang Yiju was around, why didn't this happen?"

"It's just trash! I handed over the soldiers to you, and this is how you lead my soldiers?"

"I can't tell you earlier, I'll just replace it!"


Ghost King Feng jumped into a rage, stretched out his finger and poked it, almost poking the faces of the three of them, foaming at the mouth.

The resentment accumulated this morning suddenly exploded at this moment.

Zhang Xingyi gently tugged Guan Ji's sleeve.

Guan Ji glanced at her, nodded slightly, and then lightly kicked Guiwang Feng behind her.

Guiwang Feng had to swallow half of the curse, and finally shouted:

"Zhang Yuan!"


Zhang Yuan was shocked and stood up quickly.

"Check! Take the people from the staff department and check the military discipline for me! Check from the team rate to the top, and see who has not obeyed the military order during this period! Write a report to me later on the results of the inspection!"


"You guys, after you go down, immediately separate the people who have caught the wind and cold, and I will send Fan Qi to lead the people to the army."

Feng Yong looked at Zhao Guang and the others coldly and said.

The three quickly responded.

"Also, let the soldiers who have not yet caught the wind and cold open up the main streets of Zanggu City."

In this case, the first priority is to restore the connection in the city.

Only when the main streets are opened, can we know what is going on in each neighborhood.

When the city returns to normal, the secretariat will handle the rest of the matter.

Zhao Guang and the others came and went in a hurry.

Zhang Yuan led the staff to clean up military discipline in the army.

Zhang Xingyi is going back to the secretariat to prepare.

Everyone cleared up at once.

Only Guan Ji followed Feng Yong and suggested softly:

"Alang, the situation is urgent now, why don't you let me go to the army to preside over the overall situation..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Yong jumped up:

"Don't mess around! Look at your belly now! You're not worried about yourself, I'm still worried about the child in your stomach!"

She wears thick clothes in winter, and Guan Ji's figure is well maintained, so she can't see it yet.

But is Fengchi a joke?

Guan Ji was really going to be infected, Feng Yong said that he might be so angry that he wanted to kill on the spot.

"Just stay obediently in the mansion with Shuangshuang and Ah Chong, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Feng Junhou said with a bluff.

It was rare for him to get angry with Tiger Girl.

Shuangshuang, who had been hiding behind the door and peeping this way, saw that the adult had already dealt with the matter, and then heard the adult mention her name.

Where can I hold back now, I hurried out from behind the door: "My lord!"

Ah Chong followed suit, and the two of them were like two chubby penguins.

Shuangshuang was impatient, instead of walking in the corridor, she walked directly through the courtyard, stumbling and crawling in the snow.

Ah Chong stood behind, hesitated for a moment, and finally followed, following in sister's footsteps.

It's just that the snow was too thick, he took two steps, and with a plop, he also fell on the snow.

Seeing this scene, King Feng Gui took a deep breath, jumped up and said:

"My little ancestor, why are you still playing in the snow when it's so cold?"

Not daring to be negligent at the moment, he ran over quickly and picked up one in each hand.

Shuangshuang giggled, her little hands clenched tightly, and then opened again, the snow in her hands was squeezed into a small snow ball.

Seeing her like this, Feng Yong didn't know where the resentment he still had had gone.

When I passed under a tree, I felt my feet were itchy, so I kicked them!

With a sound of "sand", the snow on the tree suddenly fell, and one big and two small immediately became snowmen.

Breathe a sigh of relief, feel comfortable!

Shuangshuang was startled at first, then giggled, then waved her little hands vigorously, and screamed, obviously very excited.

Although Ah Chong was not that excited, he was so happy that he laughed along with his elder sister.

Guan Ji looked at the scene in front of her with a happy smile on her face.

With the help of a highly organized army, centered on the Governor's Mansion, the main road of Zanggu City was quickly opened up.

Zhang Xingyi had already made a plan and began to arrange grassroots officials to clear the snow in the lanes and send people to collect the losses in the city.

Just after opening the connection inside and outside the city, Zhou Lu, the animal officer of Liangzhou Governor's Mansion, hurried into the city and found Feng Yong:

"Your Majesty, it's bad. A large area of ​​the livestock barn on the pasture collapsed, and many cattle, sheep, horses and mules were killed and injured."

When Feng Yong heard this, his heart sank.

The livestock shed is even more fragile than the folk houses, and all the folk houses have collapsed, let alone the livestock shed.

"The specific number of casualties, is there any statistics?"

Although he just came back from outside the city, Zhou Lu still wiped the sweat from his forehead:

"When the officials came, nearly a hundred mules were injured, and thirteen were crushed to death."

Speaking of this, Zhou Lu showed a look of extreme pain on his face, "The most important thing is that twenty of the stallions in the pasture were crushed to death..."

Did I have bad luck this year?

Feng Yong took a breath.

Whether it's mules, sheep, or even cattle, Feng Yong doesn't care if one hundred or two hundred are injured.

Anyway, rich and powerful.

But twenty of the stallions in the pasture suddenly disappeared, but it was as if a piece of flesh had been dug out of his heart.

Feng Yong himself was reluctant to ride all the good stallions he had collected over the years, and put them all in the pasture as stallions.

"Your Majesty, this is still a small matter." Zhou Lu was worried, "Wuwei Grassland has not been built yet, and now in this kind of weather, the livestock in the future will be frozen and sick, that is a big matter."


I actually forgot this crop.

Feng Yong let out a "tsk", and suddenly felt some pain in his mouth. He licked it with his tongue, and it turned out that he was on fire and had a mouth ulcer.

"What is the main problem in the grassland now?"

"There are not enough people, especially people who are familiar with livestock."

Where can I find you so many people who are familiar with livestock?

Feng Yong only felt a little pain in the root of his tooth.

"There is chaos inside and outside the city now, where is there any extra manpower? Let alone people who are familiar with livestock."

Feng Yong shook his head, "I'll send you a group of people to go there first, and you can figure out the rest for the time being."

Zhou Lu came all the way, and what he saw on the way naturally knew that what Shan Zhang said was true, so he had no choice but to agree.

"By the way, send one each of the dead sheep and mules."

Feng Yong suddenly gave another order behind him.

If you are undecided in military affairs, ask your wife, and if you are undecided in political affairs, ask your junior.

Feng Junhou sent Zhou Lu away, turned around and went to the secretariat again.

The secretariat is now the busiest time for the governor's office.

During the meal, I heard Zhang Xingyi complain that in just two days, the people who came in and out had kicked the threshold several times.

After waving his hands to let those who wanted to salute to do their own work, Feng Yong stepped in and saw that the living room was almost full of people standing or sitting.

Some secretaries with documents even started to trot.

The largest guard room is where Secretary Zhang works.

It was much quieter here than outside. There were several secretaries holding documents and standing there quietly in line, waiting for Secretary Zhang to make a final decision.

Secretary Zhang lowered his head, while looking through the disaster information sent up from various places, he wrote and scratched on the documents, or made arrangements verbally.

Feng Yong saw this scene, thought about it, and decided to forget it.

It wasn't until dinner that Zhang Xingyi suddenly asked:

"Brother is going to the secretariat today, is there something to do?"

"Huh? You know I'm going?"

You obviously didn't look up, so how do you know I've been there?

Thinking so in my heart, I said in my mouth: "Oh, there is indeed something."

Then he told what Zhou Lu reported.

Zhang Xingyi gave Feng Yong a blank look, "What's so difficult about such a simple matter?"

Feng Yong was startled: "Where did you get the manpower?"

Zhang Xingyi snorted, "Are you afraid that Liangzhou won't be able to find people who are familiar with livestock?"

She took her chopsticks and nodded, "Some news was sent from outside the city today. Our own grassland is still good, and the barbarians are miserable."

"If we don't reach out, it is certain that some small tribes will not survive the winter this year."



Yeah, I hadn't thought of this layer.

"The Hu people also need relief now. At that time, they can go to the grassland to help and support themselves. The grassland doesn't have to worry about lack of manpower. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

Seeing Zhang Xingyi's eye circles turn black, Feng Yong knew that she must be busy with government affairs and didn't sleep well in the past two days, so he picked up a piece of ribs:

"In my opinion, this is a difficult problem to solve. I didn't expect it to be an easy task in Si Niang's eyes. Come, Si Niang, eat a piece of pork ribs. I specially ordered the cook to make it."

Zhang Xingyi glanced at Feng Yong imperceptibly, and buried his head in his mouth.

Guan Ji suddenly coughed lightly.

Feng Junhou subconsciously picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork tenderloin and put it in Guan Ji's bowl:

"This is what you like to eat, Xijun. I specially cooked it myself."

Guan Ji picked it up slowly, then chewed it down, and then continued:

"Ah Lang, everything in the city has been properly arranged. I think I should send some soldiers to the various counties, just in case?"

The four counties in Liangzhou are all new chief officials, their authority has not been established, and their foundation is not stable. In the face of natural disasters, it is not ruled out that some people will take risks.

Feng Yong nodded: "That's exactly what it should be, and it just happens to let the soldiers in the army strengthen their winter training."

Having said that, he quietly added another sentence: "The rectification movement in Liangzhou seems to be urgent!"

December of the ninth year of Jianxing was not a good day for the big man, at least for Liangzhou.

But Sun Quan felt that life was good, so he announced on the 29th that he would change his name to Jiahe.

Jiahe is born in the middle of the grain, and has different ears from the middle of the grain.

The growth of the five grains, the virtue of the king, and the beauty of the two seedlings.

Obviously, Sun Quan changed this year name because he wanted to become a king of Shengde.

It's just that the big man didn't provoke God, so he was slapped.

Not to mention that Sun Quan's tone was too loud, or that he was a little uncoordinated.

So in the first month when Wu State officially changed Yuan, God cast a curse on Sun Quan.

At the beginning of spring in the tenth year of Jianxing, that is, in January of the first year of Jiahe in the state of Wu, the second prince of the state of Wu, Sun Li, the second son of Sun Quan, died of illness in the fiefdom of Banzhou.

Sun Li was only twenty years old when he died and had no heirs, so his blood was cut off and his feudal city was removed.

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