In Jiangnan in January, the weather has turned warm, but in Liangzhou, the impact of the December white disaster has not yet passed.

In the case of the deteriorating global climate during the Little Ice Age.

King Feng Gui neither has the ability to turn a horse into a fighting spirit, nor does he have the magic weapon to shoot a cannon into the sky.

So it is doomed that there is no way to go against the sky.

Fortunately, all these years of trying to infiltrate Liangzhou were not in vain.

For example, Feng Langjun's reputation is quite strong among the Hu people.

The prefects of the four counties in Liangzhou also knew that the prestige of their governors was very strong with the Hu people.

Therefore, when the ties with Wuwei were severed and the county was full of mourners, the prefects had the same brainstorm and sold Feng Governor's reputation.

It is also a matter of course to coax the Hu people for a while and appease the Hu people's hearts.

Who knew that after this sale, hey, don't tell me, Feng Cishi actually has some kind of wisdom-reducing halo effect on the barbarians.

Anyway, most of the barbarians just believed the eunuchs' nonsense, and guarded their one-acre three-point land peacefully, waiting for Governor Feng to come and save them from the disaster.

So after Wuwei worked so hard to restore the connection between the four counties of Liangzhou, Governor Feng suddenly became a little confused.

Then he wished he could block the passage again with snow!

How can I get so much food to save people all of a sudden?

Don't you feel a pain in your conscience if you sell your boss like this?

As a result, Feng Cishi's mouth ulcer, which had just healed, broke out again, and this time it was a few more rotten than the last time, causing him to inhale non-stop all day long, hoping to reduce the pain in his mouth.

Zhang Xingyi, on the other hand, had been prepared for this kind of mentality. After learning the news, he said lightly:

"As expected, what's so strange?"

As she said that, she glanced at Feng Yong, "Except for A Lang, who can solve Liangzhou's predicament now, I am afraid that the Prime Minister will find it difficult."


Feng Yong glanced at her dissatisfied, the outer room is the outer room.

Can't you just learn from the wife of the Feng family?

General Guan is wholeheartedly planning for our old Feng family.

Although he knew that Zhang Xingyi was telling the truth, and as the governor of Liangzhou, appeasing the people was one of his main tasks.

But Governor Feng felt a little uncomfortable.

"You are also half of the Feng family anyway, why can't you think about the Feng family? Whose family's money and food were blown by the strong wind? Don't you have to pay it back?"

To regain Liangzhou, the Xinghan Society already wanted to eat meat.

Unexpectedly, when the heavy snow fell, Xinghan Club would have to bleed again.

That is equivalent to a substantial increase in costs.

As the leader of the meeting, Governor Feng borrowed money and food, but what he paid back was favors.

Is it so easy to repay favors?

Thinking of this, Governor Feng couldn't help sighing:

If the Han Dynasty regained Liangzhou half a year later, it might be possible to watch a good show where the army and people of Liangzhou rebelled against the Wei thieves and welcomed the king of the Han Dynasty.

What a pity!

Governor Feng was thinking about it, but Secretary Zhang just kicked him over, gritted his teeth and said:

"Half of the Feng family! You also know that I am half of the Feng family! She is Feng Guan, but what about the concubine? The concubine's surname is Zhang! What about it!"

When it came to the following words, Zhang Xingyi said them word by word.

"If you really dare to let the concubine become the Feng Zhang family, the concubine can still think about the Feng family wholeheartedly. Do you dare? Bah! You have no courage!"

"Miss, let's be reasonable."

Inspector Feng took a deep breath, feeling that the ulcer in his mouth began to ache again.

"You really became Mrs. Feng Zhang, believe it or not, I dare to die young to show you?"

Don't doubt the staunchness of General Guan Da.

Losing the position of the Feng family's mistress, she can survive by herself, but her two children, oh, there are three now, what will happen then?

Who knows what General Guan will do for his children?

Back then, the Forbidden City, the second daughter of Zhang and Zhang, was closed, ah no, it should be called the First Battle of the Feng Mansion, and behind it was the shadow of the conflict between the interests of the royal family and the powerful.

If Ah Dou is not in power, and the emperor is not strong, it is only natural for Miss Zhang to be defeated.

Although Miss Zhang is making a comeback now, even on the surface it seems that she is still pressing.

But how easy is it to formally challenge the orthodox position of General Guan?

With Feng Junhou becoming the governor and several prefects of the Xinghan Society, the Xinghan Society has begun to become a behemoth.

Coupled with emerging dignitaries, transformational families, and royal families...

All kinds of complicated relationships will stir up a turmoil if you are not careful.

The inside of the big man is not monolithic, if it is used by someone with a heart, I am afraid that it will destroy the situation that the big man has achieved so hard.

Even if Miss Zhang is the queen's own sister, the royal family would not want to see this happen.

The most important thing is... have you asked the prime minister of the Han Dynasty?

Governor Feng hugged the leg kicked by Miss Zhang:

"Si Niang, this is not the time to talk about this, just wait..."

General Guan's pregnancy reaction became more and more obvious. The two concubines, A Mei and Li Mu, now take turns to serve the mistress every night.

At night, Governor Feng quietly climbed onto Zhang's little lady's bed more and more frequently.

The fire in the room was very hot, and it was night, so Miss Zhang wore looser clothes.

Governor Feng stretched out his hand to touch it, only to feel that the calf in his hand was well-proportioned, delicate and tender...

Miss Zhang is no longer the little girl she was back then.

The experience of these years has been enough for her to adapt to all kinds of darkness in politics.

She subconsciously wanted to pull back the leg in Feng Yong's hand, but she didn't.

So he simply stretched out the other leg, then leaned on the couch, and said quietly:

"I know. But it's just you and me here, and now I call you Alang, can't you coax me?"

"What are you doing to coax you?" Feng Yongshun helped her massage the soles of her feet while saying, "Then it's cheating on you?"

"Don't worry, just wait until the time comes, even if you don't want to be Feng Zhang, I won't agree."

When Zhang Xingyi heard this, his big eyes turned into crescent moons: "I will treat you as a promise."

"Well, it's a promise."

After getting a promise by accident, Zhang Xingyi's mood suddenly improved, and his mind began to turn back to business:

"Actually, to be honest, it's not like Alang has never encountered the current situation in Liangzhou."

Feng Yongxin understood: "You mean when Longyou was recovered?"

Zhang Xingyi was suddenly dissatisfied and said: "I think you are too tired these days and have become confused, so you know it!"

In the year when the Great Han regained Longyou, Longyou also encountered severe drought.

Of course, the crisis is not as critical as it is now, but the situation is similar.

Feng Junhou, who was the captain of Qiang at that time, used the full potential of Dongfeng Express to transport the grain to Qishan Fort.

On the one hand, they took the opportunity to let the Hu tribe report their population, and then implemented a food rationing system.

Finally, let the Hu people contribute their own people and go to Qishan Fort to get the rations belonging to their tribe.

This method allowed the Xiaowei Mansion to find out the details of the Hu people as quickly as possible, and at the same time resolved the risk of the Hu people taking risks because they had no food to eat.

Most importantly, Xiaowei's Mansion took this opportunity to initially establish a future plan for the Hu tribe.

For example, borrowing grain to overcome difficulties, and repaying the debt in installments with the output of the grassland in the future, what else is there to support the private transportation team as the outsourcing of Dongfeng Express, and so on.

Feng Junhou is young, but he can occupy half of the country in name of the big man, but no one thinks there is anything wrong.

One reason is that he has made great achievements, but more importantly, his ability to govern the people has been widely recognized by the ruling and opposition parties.

Running Nanxiang, rectifying Yuexuan, and township Longyou, step by step, his political achievements are all outstanding.

So when Zhang Xingyi brought up the topic, how could he fail to guess her prompt.

Feng Yong sighed and said:

"Liangzhou is too big. If we want to get through this difficult time, I'm afraid it will consume the foundation of the governor's mansion for the next two years!"

The Governor's Mansion had food in hand, and the Xinghan Society also had food in hand, but transportation was a big problem.

Speaking of this, I have to mention Xu Erniang.

This farming expert has a strong sense of crisis.

Even though the grain output in central Sichuan is increasing year by year, she still has to plant a batch of yutou every year to prepare for famine.

Of course, there is also a need to provide feed for animal husbandry.

But in any case, now this batch of food shortages is finally going to be used.

"In the past, Yutoufen and wheat flour were 50-50. Now that you want relief, how about changing it to 70% Yutoufen and 30% wheat flour?"

Feng Yong asked.

"Too much." Zhang Xingyi disagreed, "Under natural disasters, it's not bad for a stutterer to survive, how much better do you want to eat?"

"Too much kindness is not a good thing. Nine minutes of Yutou powder is mixed with one percent of flour, as long as it doesn't kill people."

Zhang Xingyi counted with his fingers, "When rationing, we should pay attention not to let them all eat, so that we can save some..."

Very good, I forgot, it was the idea of ​​this black-hearted woman in front of me to change the pure flour in the army into Yutou flour.

"According to the situation in Wuwei, the tribes that can survive this winter are all big tribes."

"We just gather up those small tribes that can't survive, so that after the spring, we will have a lot of people."

"As for those big tribes, we can follow Longyou's practice, lend them food first, and then let them pay back slowly..."

Anyway, the west of Longshan Mountain is now the territory of the big man, and the tribes that dare not return the things borrowed from King Feng Gui will most likely not be able to leave Liangzhou alive.

As for transportation, you can also follow the Longyou convention.

Set up food distribution points in the counties of Liangzhou, register the number of Hu people on the one hand, and lend grain on the other hand.

Anyway, the group of students I have on hand can just be sent as supervisors and audits.

As for transportation, isn't there still an outsourced transportation team trained in Longyou?

"It's not enough to rely on the government alone, and we still have to ask those big clans to help."

The people may have no food in their hands, but the Haoyou clan must have food.

Xu Miao can borrow it, but I can't?

Ghost King Feng thought so.

At worst, when the wool spinning workshop is auctioned, I will raise the reserve price by seven percent.

Then when bargaining with those wealthy families, lower it by five percentage points.

In this case, the hole is filled.

The only thing to worry about is that those gluttons want to eat more shares, or the agency rights in various places.

That's almost a sure thing.

With the recovery of Liangzhou, it means that the Silk Road has been regained in the hands of the big man.

Raw material production areas and sales markets have doubled, and the wool industry will naturally change.

Who sells which place and how much it sells, it all needs to be wrought.

For Taotie, the more you eat, the better.

"In this way, the loss of livestock is too great."

Feng Yong sighed.

A considerable part of the food that the governor's mansion can mobilize is still in Pingxiang and has not been transported.

In this kind of weather, if you want to transport food for emergency, you have to dispatch large livestock.

Whether it's horses or mules, some of them will surely die of exhaustion, sickness, and freezing.

After saving thousands of mules with great difficulty, it is a question of how many mules will be left.

"Human life is at stake, what are you thinking!"

Zhang Xingyi was dissatisfied with Governor Feng's carelessness, so he moved his foot nestled in his arms, signaling him to continue massaging the soles of his feet:

"If the barbarians are not in chaos, the land of Shu will be safe, and if the barbarians are not in chaos, Liangzhou will be stable. If you can really do this, Liangzhou will be truly stable."

"The barbarians in Shu have been in chaos for hundreds of years, and the Hu people in Liangzhou have been in chaos for more than a hundred years. If they are all successful in enlightenment, it will be the work of a century."

"When future generations write history, as long as they are about Shu and Liangzhou, they can't get around you. It's a great thing to leave a name in history. What's a dead animal?"

Zhang Xiaosi and General Guan have different personalities, so naturally their gazes are also different.

General Guan was restrained by his husband-in-law and children, but Zhang Xiaosi was used to seeing things from the high point of the royal family.

In her opinion, exchanging thousands of livestock for a name in history is simply worthless.

"Is it easy for me to accumulate these livestock? This is for the future battle in Guanzhong."

In front of Zhang Xiaosi, Feng Yong didn't have to hide his views on Guanzhong for the next few years.

Because of these views, he had already discussed with Zhang Xiaosi countless times.

Arranging the old places of Beidi County and Wuyuan County in advance is inseparable from the advice of General Guan and Zhang Xiaosi.

"There's no way around this. How can there be any reason in the world to let you take advantage of it?"

Zhang Xiaosi could see it, anyway, those livestock were not hers, so she definitely didn't feel bad.

The words were not pleasant, but Feng Yong knew the truth was right, so he nodded:

"Okay, anyway, the matter has come to this, what else can I do? At most, I just wait a few years."

Anyway, the one who is most anxious to take down Guanzhong is the old demon Zhuge, and the second is the royal family.

You are not in a hurry, why am I in a hurry?

Feng Yong thought for a while, then said:

"Jincheng County has fertile land and is adjacent to a big river, which is good for irrigation. Back then, Xinhou (Li Qiu) reclaimed a lot of farmland there."

"Jiang Wei should have a lot of food in his hand now, but I can try to borrow from him."

Having said that, he glanced at Zhang Xingyi.

Zhang Xingyi's feet moved in Feng Inspector's arms, in protest:

"If you want to borrow it, you can borrow it. What do you see me doing?"

Governor Feng let out a "tsk", feeling tired and not in love, after sleeping together for so long, can't they have a tacit understanding?

"You are a female official sent by the palace."

"Oh, I forgot, I just remember that I am the chief secretary of the Governor's Mansion."

"When I borrow it from him, you, as a servant in the palace, send him a letter and explain it to me."

"no problem."

Miss Zhang, who was belatedly aware, suddenly felt that the power in her hands seemed to be greater than she imagined, and she immediately trembled:

"How do you thank me?"

"Thank you? Isn't it all for the peace of Liangzhou? I'm willing to give up those thousands of livestock, but you still can't bear to give up a letter?"

Governor Feng said indifferently, "How about I promise you with my body?"

"Bah, beast!"

"Wrong, my name is a beast!"

Inspector Feng made a calculation, and today seemed to be a safe day, so he immediately smiled.

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