Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 864 Encounter

For others, this blizzard in Liangzhou, which has never been seen in decades, may be in a hurry, or even at a loss.

But Governor Feng must be much calmer than others when dealing with this kind of incident.

Because Longyou is the preview of Liangzhou.

The difference is that one is a severe drought and the other is a blizzard.

One area is small and the other area is large.

But those are all sudden natural disasters.

Although he was furious and anxious, it didn't mean that Governor Feng would have no good strategies.

The capital of Feng Junhou's coming out of the mountain is Ping Nan Ce, Lian Wu Ce, and the farming method.

Quyuan plow, eight ox plow, and improved farming techniques are all farming methods.

Along the way, whether it's offering flesh and blood to make a real man, or offering wool to make a rich man, or other sugarcane brown sugar and so on.

The premise of doing all this is that Governor Feng always keeps one thing firmly in mind: agriculture is the primary industry.

Whether it is the handicraft industry, the wool spinning industry, or even the agricultural and sideline food industry, and the reprocessing of agricultural products, it is all based on having enough food in hand.

Only those who have food are qualified to consider how to go further. Without food, everything you do is a castle on the beach.

With food in hand, don't panic.

The governor's mansion had food in hand, and Liangzhou Haoyou was willing to help, and even the side of Sichuan could also collect a lot of food.

But the crux of the problem is how to transport the grain to Liangzhou.

Therefore, whether Governor Feng is irritable or angry, it is not because of lack of food.

Of course, there is indeed a little shortage of food.

Otherwise, Secretary Zhang would not say that food cannot be rationed according to the full quota.

But the more important reason is that a considerable part, or even most, of the large-scale transport livestock saved by Governor Feng over the years will be wasted in this natural disaster.

For Feng Shishi, who had been planning to deploy three years ago and wanted to become a mule, it was three years of accumulation and most of the losses.

This setback of needing to go back made Governor Feng very angry, and that was a matter of course.

The news that made Inspector Feng furious was certainly not good news.

But for some people who have been in Nanxiang Exchange all year round, it is a rare piece of good news:

Food finally has a reason to rise in price!

Over the years, the Nanxiang Exchange and the Reserve Bureau have held several big reward activities where they hang themselves on the southeast branch and go to Qingchi.

Let the food speculators taste what is called the iron fist of Han feudalism.

Hanzhong, Yuexuan, Jiangzhou and other places are all grain-producing areas of the imperial court.

The Huang family (Huang Chong) and the Ju family (Ju Fu) made a good start, plus the He family and the sixth house of the Li family backstabbed.

Therefore, even in the Shudi Plain, where the aristocratic families in central Shu are the headquarters, there are still many families that are inextricably linked with the Xinghan Society.

It can be said that after rectifying, disintegrating, and buying the aristocratic families in Shu, the imperial court and Xinghan Hui, the government has now controlled most of the grain production in Shu.

Coupled with the regulatory role of the exchange, if some people want to make trouble in the food industry, the difficulty will increase exponentially.

However, the big man has won successive battles outside in recent years, and his internal development momentum is not weak.

At least those at the bottom will no longer have to starve to death. It is not impossible for the whole family to be fed for a year if they work harder.

If you add a little bit of luck, for example, those who moved to Nanxiang or Yuexuan, there is still hope of turning over.

As for the upper class, let alone.

The new rich and powerful alone can not only have the opportunity to accumulate a foundation, but also have the opportunity to overtake in a corner and break the various monopolies of those century-old romantic families.

It can be said that the entire Han Dynasty is enjoying the dividends brought about by development—except for some conservative families.

Just a centipede, dead but not stiff.

Relying on the background accumulated over hundreds or even hundreds of years, the old-fashioned family still has the opportunity to linger on their last days, and at the same time, they still have the opportunity to drink soup occasionally.

For example, from the second half of the year before last to the first half of last year, the Wei army invaded Hanzhong, fought at Xiaoguan, and fought to regain Liangzhou.

In just over a year, there were three major confrontations between the Han and Wei dynasties, and even more minor confrontations.

The amount of money and food that was spent was simply massive.

That is to say, now the big man has the confidence and is united, otherwise it may not be as easy as it is now.

But even so, the big man's government may not have much grain in stock.

As soon as the news of Liangzhou's white disaster spread to Hanzhong, the grain at the Nanxiang Exchange finally became a little bit overwhelmed.

"It's over! It's over two hundred dollars!"

The exchange began to get a little restless.

The so-called soup refers to this kind of time.

The old-fashioned aristocratic family that has not enjoyed the big man's bonus in these years finally still has a lot of land in their hands, and if there is land, there will naturally be food.

When the price of food has risen, it is time to pick up the leaks and drink the soup.

Over the past few years, the price of food has never exceeded 200 yuan, and this time it has exceeded 200 yuan, which is already something worth cheering for them.

"Things are not that simple. I don't know how much money and food were consumed in the war last year."

"So in my opinion, the government's treasury may not be able to produce much food at once."

Having said that, a certain folk think tank lowered his voice:

"The most important thing is that Mrs. Mu is not in Nanxiang! There is no Mrs. Mu in charge of the overall situation in Nanxiang. Some people may not be able to sit still!"

Others disagree with this view:

"I heard that the disciples of Feng Cishi and Mu Niangzi are here now. Thinking about Feng Cishi and other far-sighted people, if they are not at ease, how can they let these two preside over the overall situation in Nanxiang?"

"That's right! I heard that Young Master of the Wei family is Feng Cishi's great disciple who opened the door. He has outstanding talent. He taught in Nanxiang Academy on his behalf. Even Mr. Xiang once praised him!"

Old Mr. Xiang is naturally Xiang Lang who quit the court voluntarily and concentrated on learning.

The folk think tank said with a sneer:

"Great talent, can you preside over the overall situation without experience? Do you remember Ma Su and Ma Youchang back then?"

"The prime minister has painstakingly taught him the art of war for many years. What about the first time he led the army in the Battle of Longyou?"

I saw this folk think-tank saying frothyly, "Even Governor Feng, it was the first time he saw fighting in front of the battle since the Southern Expedition."

"Then led the army to quell the chaos in Yuejue, and trained troops in Yuejue extensively. There were many elite soldiers and generals under his command. Finally, he won a great victory in the battle of Longyou."

"Isn't this the same as Nanxiang's current situation?"

As he said that, the folk think tank shook his head worryingly:

"If Miss Mu is still in Nanxiang, the price of food will naturally be suppressed, but now, I'm afraid it will cost more than two hundred dollars..."

After being reminded by this, many people immediately felt that it made a lot of sense.

That's right!

Lady Mu has a lot of prestige in Nanxiang, if she were here, the food price might not even be able to pass two hundred yuan.

But if she is gone, plus the two years of continuous wars with the Wei State, the treasury is empty, and now there is a white disaster in Liangzhou, I am afraid that the price of food is not as simple as more than two hundred dollars.

Some people in the crowd even thought to themselves, this time it might not be as simple as drinking soup, perhaps eating some meat.

Think about how long have you not eaten meat in these years?

"It's just nonsense!"

Some people agree, and naturally some people oppose it.

A young man stood up with a flushed face and glared at the folk think tank:

"I heard that Wei Langjun and Ding Niangzi have both studied under Feng Cishi since they were young. Wei Langjun has been in charge of the school these years and has never made a mistake."

"Ms. Ding first went to Yuexuan with Governor Feng to manage many affairs, and then came to Nanxiang to follow Mrs. Mu."

"If it wasn't for the trust of Governor Feng, ordinary people would be treated like this? Therefore, what you said must be absurd."

Over the years, Feng Cishi has grown from a young hero to the number one man of the Han Dynasty, and finally became a famous general in the world.

It is the idol in the hearts of many big men.

Now when I hear someone questioning my idol, I can't help it.

The folk think tank seemed a little ashamed when he heard these words, and immediately sneered:

"After all, the white disaster in Liangzhou needs real food. If there is food in Hanzhong, then you can see that Dongfeng Express is transporting food north?"

With that said, he pointed in the direction of the exchange again:

"I've counted the days. In this exchange, there are several times more brands that want to pay this month than before."

"Guess, how many of them are in a hurry to be transported to Liangzhou?"

From the transaction type and delivery time of the exchange, inferring the food shortage situation in Liangzhou, the eyes of many people present were brightened, and there was a feeling of enlightenment.

The young man was also taken aback, but he quickly fought back:

"The white disaster in Liangzhou, the government must find a way to raise more food. It would rather be more than less, but it doesn't necessarily have to rely on the food raised by the exchange."

"In recent years, my big man has been in close contact with the state of Wu, and there has been no war for a long time. Therefore, there must be food in Jiangzhou."

Having said that, he looked around the crowd again, with a smug look on his face:

"In addition to Yuejuan County, now there is a lot of traffic, fertile fields, and cattle and horses. Do you think that if Liangzhou is short of food, will there be food transported to Yuejuan?"

The more the young man said, the more excited he became, "I heard that there is a farming Cao in Feng Shishi's mansion, which is dedicated to the study of farming methods."

"Feng Inspector Feng has been operating in Longyou for more than three years, do you know how many fertile fields there are?"

It is impossible to have no food without food. With the far-sightedness of Feng Shishi and the way of farming, how can he fall into a land without food?

Everyone thought about it, and immediately felt reasonable.

Although Liangzhou is indeed too far away, over the years, the cavalry of the Xinghan Club has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the Shu people.

Anyway, talkative!

The cavalry team of the Xinghan Club has transported less things to Longshang these years?

Why do you say that the grain cannot be transported? how to prove?

As a folk politician, just say hello, and it's not me who did it myself anyway.

But seeing the folk think tank looked at the young man with some surprise.

Do not think these words are easy.

In this era of extremely slow information dissemination, without special channels for collecting information.

Someone who can sort out this information and deduce possible results from it is considered an elite talent with a preliminary overall view.

As for whether the food is enough and whether it can be transported there in time, who would dare to draw conclusions without knowing how much resources Feng Inspector Feng has in his hands?

After all, Feng Guiwang's reputation is not something that is blown out, it is based on actual achievements and political achievements.

"This gentleman," the folk think tank cupped his hands, "a certain..."

He was about to get acquainted with this young man, when suddenly there was a shout from outside:

"Here we come! The school test papers are out!"


Everyone who was thinking of listening to the discussion between the two suddenly stood up.

There was the sound of overturning stools and chairs, and everyone rushed to the door.

"Don't panic! You're stepping on my shoes!"

"Go behind if you don't panic!"

"There, there, there!"


"Line in line!"

The turbulent crowd squeezed forward, but there were several gentlemen guarding several large baskets, and there were many test papers stacked in the baskets.

"If you don't arrange it, you won't sell it!"

"Outside three feet, don't enter within three feet!"

The people who were flushed and even swearing, and who seemed to be fighting violently, were shocked by these two sentences, and they all obeyed obediently.

"Old rules, ten dollars a piece."

"I want twenty!"

"Up to five." Mr. Xiao Lang stood behind the table and pointed to the baskets lined up in a row. "There are five baskets in total. Take one from each basket. It's useless to take duplicate ones."

"Pay the money first and then take the test papers, prepare the copper coins yourself..."

"No change, everyone knows, Xiao Lang, let's start!"

Someone said impatiently.

"Okay, since we all know the rules, let's go."

The first lucky person threw a handful of copper coins into the first empty basket, without even looking at it, and went forward impatiently to pick out the test papers.

These test papers were all printed by the school for the exam this month.

Either it was printed too much, and the students couldn't use it up, or it was printed too often, and there were black ink in some places, or the test questions were not printed clearly...

Anyway, for various reasons, it is treated as waste paper in the school, and it has no other use except to wipe the buttocks in the latrine, or to use it as a kindling for the coal stove in winter.

Later, as soon as the news of the selection of talents for the Liangzhou governor's mansion came out, and after listening to the content of the test, almost everyone's eyes turned to Nanxiang Academy.

It is impossible to enter the school.

That Feng Dianzi would rather choose a barbarian wolf cub to enter than open the back door.

But that's not a big deal.

Because it is not too difficult to learn arithmetic in Nanxiang.

As long as you are willing to spend money, you can always buy math books for schools from some places.

Those with better talents, as long as they can calm down and learn from the basics, they can always learn.

But the exam is to do exam papers.

No one has ever experienced the examination method of the examination paper!

There are always smart people in this world.

Can't enter the school, but someone can get out of the school!

Gritting your teeth, spending some money, giving some benefits to those whose families have children going to school, you can always get some test papers.

So the problem came again, not to mention that the test papers were not complete, and they were still changing.

If there is market demand, then there will be market supply.

I don't know when it started. At the back door of the school, there will be people selling some exam papers from time to time, saying that the school has too many exam papers for students to use up.

So I took it out for everyone to see.

Knowledge is of course priceless, but because of everyone's eagerness to learn, we will charge the cost of paper, ten yuan a piece, no deception.

This exam paper is synchronized with the exams in the school, the most conscientious!

"The cram school at Qianmen is starting! Hurry up and sign up!"

A few young gentlemen sold out the examination papers, carried heavy baskets into the back door, and someone was shouting loudly.

So everyone exclaimed, clutching the test papers tightly, and ran in another direction.

"Teaching package meeting! Teaching package meeting, senior teacher of the school, lectures for 20 days in a row, intensively teaching the first year of the school's arithmetic, teaching package meeting!"


The folk think tank who was still sitting quietly looked at the young man and asked with a smile:

"Why doesn't Mr. Lang go?"

The young man glanced at the folk think tank and asked:

"Why don't you go?"

After finishing speaking, both of them chuckled, laughed without saying a word, then touched their bosom subconsciously, their faces were full of complacency.

People who sell their knowledge like this ghost, you say you haven't learned much of Feng Guiwang's skills?

Whoever believes is a fool!

Feeling the unique touch of the books in their arms, the two secretly said in their hearts at the same time: "I have the examination paper collection of Liangzhou Governor's Mansion, do I need to grab those things?"

"May I ask what this gentleman's name is?"

"I'm Li Xiaming, my name is Shushen, I'm the sixth in my family, call me Li Liulang."

"Oh, it turned out to be Li Langjun. A certain surname is Ma and his name is Tian, ​​and his character is very small. May I ask where Li Langjun came from?"

"Hanjia County."

"Someone from Yunnan County."


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