Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 865: Theoretical Basis

If there is no machine, half a sentence is too much.

Li Liulang didn't want to talk too much with this person, but the wrong party's tone was polite, and he was very gracious when he refuted it, so he naturally didn't want to show his face to the wrong party.

Dang Dong perfunctory a few words, then turned and left.

Back in the guest house, Li Liulang turned out the "Mock Test Questions for the Examination of the Liangzhou Governor's Department of the Han Dynasty", hoping to continue reading, but found that he couldn't read anything at all.

Then I found the math book I bought in Nanxiang, and I found that I made two wrong calculations in succession.

Distraught, he couldn't help sighing.

Although he was outside and argued with others, it seemed that he was wrong, that Feng Wenhe had firm confidence.

But Li Liulang knew his own family affairs.

In fact, he looked like he was convincing them, but Bu Luo was just convincing himself.

Sister is herself, and she has already bet her whole life on it.

I have no other choice, but now is the only way to go to the end.

If it is true as Na Martin said, Liangzhou is corrupt, then it is not a problem when the Corker incident will be postponed.

What I am most afraid of is that if it is too late, things will change. It is not impossible to ask for some troubles, such as canceling exams or something.

At that time, I am afraid that my future will come to naught.

What's more, sister's sacrifice will become meaningless.

Li Liulang's Nilin is his elder sister.

That's why he couldn't help but stand up and debate with that Martin.

Speaking of loathing, the first thing Li Liulang loathed was naturally the military leader.

But he is now his brother-in-law.

The second one I hate is Li Twelve Lang, the grandson of the big house who made himself and his sister be imprisoned.

Even as the bottom of the Li family's big house, he has no right to resist.

As for the third person who hates it, it is Feng Wenhe who exiled Li Twelve Lang to Hanjia.

But in the east of the general trend, now I have to go to Liangzhou for refuge, which is really a huge irony.

That feeling of resentment but powerlessness puts Li Liulang in some kind of self-doubt and suffering all the time.

Of course, what Li Liulang didn't know was that his kind of mentality actually represented the mentality of some aristocratic children who had to follow the trend after knowing it.

It's not like they didn't curse Feng Wenhe quietly in private, but if they really wanted to openly bring some rhythm, Yong Waidong consciously asked for a rebuttal.

It's already regrettable that I didn't follow the trend of the big man in time.

Now it's hard to make up your mind, and you're trying to get closer, but those stubborn people come to throw cold water on you.

Cutting off one's future is more hateful than cutting off one's money!

Even after Li Liulang came to the east calmly, he knew red in his heart. What Martin said might not be unreasonable.

The exchange is now the most concentrated place for Dahan's various bulk material transactions.

Grain, beans, wool, brown sugar, and even large livestock such as cattle and horses.

The fact is that the prices of grain and beans have increased the most recently.

It is rumored among the people that the red line of 200 yuan for the grain port will also be broken tomorrow.

What happened to Liangzhou is a very worrying question.

Just as Li Liulang was thinking wildly, there was a noise outside.

A stocky figure strode into Li Liulang's house:

"Liulang, he's back."

Li Liulang was overjoyed when he heard the voice:

"So it's brother Feng!"

But seeing the short and strong man who barged in with a swollen face, the most noticeable thing was his left leg, the entire sole of which was gone.

Only Dong's bare legs and wrists remained.

Although this person has only one leg left, but he wears a long knife on his waist, he is a guard leader of Dongfeng Express.

Her surname is Feng, and she is actually somewhat related to her brother-in-law.

The reason why Li Liulang would call that martial artist his elder brother was that his journey was safe and sound, and he came to Hanzhong easily and safely, but he was taken care of by the wrong party.

Of course, there are more important reasons:

Although this person looks like a martial artist, in fact, his arithmetic ability is actually very good, and he is not in the same line as Nanxiang Academy.

Along the way, I have improved a lot in arithmetic, but I got his guidance.

Even if there is no exam, just being able to teach himself knowledge and that kind of friendship is worth calling him brother.

I heard, even if I heard it, I don’t know if it’s true or not:

If it wasn't for the bad luck of the elder brother of the Feng family, who had his leg cut off by thieves, his status in the army would definitely be higher than that of his brother-in-law.

With Bu Luo missing the palm of his left leg, he can quit the army, join Dongfeng Express, and become the head of the guard.

"Brother Feng, where did I go in those days?"

For Li Liulang, if you want to know the news of Liangzhou, the best channel is the one in front of you.

In the few months since Hanjia came out to now, Li Liulang finally faced the huge power of Xinghanhui for the first time in person.

Every heavy seeking city has its warehouse stronghold.

Most of the horse teams that come and go in the Shu region belong to the Xinghanhui.

There are a variety of materials on the horse's back.

Even an escort leader has the ability to calculate the number of supplies he escorts.

Although there have been rumors for a long time, Li Liulang was not shocked when he experienced it himself.

"Oh, isn't the road in Liangzhou very impenetrable? So he took people back to Brazil County and brought back a batch of grain."

Li Liulang keenly captured the information: "Food?"

"Wrong, food. The Ju family and the Huang family in Brazil are bringing some food..."

"Is it shipped to Liangzhou?"

"That's right." Feng Wei said carelessly, "Liu Lang, I packed something in the past two days, and they are ready to leave."

As he spoke, he smiled rejoicingly, "Speaking of which, the military order that came from Toudong that time was a bit strange, asking them to transport it directly to Liangzhou. In the past, it was transported to Qishan and turned back."

"That's fine, I can follow him all the way and entrust me to them halfway, he doesn't worry."

Feng Huwei retired from the army, and some habits have not been changed.

For example, the military order just now, I don't know if it was a slip of the tongue.

Li Liulang's heart skipped a beat:

The message of directly transporting grain to Liangzhou seems a bit special.

"Brother Feng, remember that I told him before that the roads in Liangzhou will not be smooth until after March?"

He tentatively asked a question.

"Next year will be different."

Because of that incident, there is nothing to hide, Feng Huwei explained, "Didn't Liangzhou suffer a red disaster?"

"The death order was issued in Toudong, and now they are promoting the Hanhui to ensure Liangzhou's food supply with all their strength. I heard that it was not the order from the emperor himself!"

Speaking of that, Feng Huwei's face was full of light, "It's really in Liangzhou, it can't be said that he can see the gentleman's side!"

Thinking of Junhou's defeat of the Wei thief Da Sima in Xiaoguan, Feng Huwei couldn't help but beat his left leg, and said with great regret:

"Oh! This leg missed him!"

Li Liulang always felt his heart tremble when he saw that the wrong party couldn't help himself when he mentioned Feng Guiwang.

Naturally, Feng Huwei didn't know what Li Liulang was thinking, so he left after notifying Li Liulang.

He asked to escort the food to Liangzhou, and he had a lot of preparations to complete.

On the other hand, Li Liulang, after his heart trembled, remembered that he was also going to seek refuge with Feng Guiwang, and his whole body suddenly relaxed:

With such a powerful force, King Feng Gui, would he lose?

I told him he would lose?

I told him how did he lose?

Realizing that, and thinking of the folk think tank just now, Li Liulang couldn't help feeling contemptuous in his heart:

The so-called high-sounding talk is nothing more than a deceitful talk...

I don't know if Nanxiang is too evil, that's why he got that idea, and he saw someone outside asking:

"May I ask if this is Li Langjun's residence?"

Li Liulang was puzzled, and even went out to have a look, and saw a person standing at the door, looking at him with a smile:

"Li Langjun, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Li Liulang was slightly displeased, but he still asked politely:

"Your come here, what is your business?"

But see Martin said heartily:

"I just heard Li Langjun's words, and I have more meaning, so I came here to ask for more advice."

That is unconvinced?

Not sick?

Li Liulang only got the outside information, and he felt that he and the wrong party had already opened up their ranks. Dang Dong said lightly:

"He also said some superficial words, just personal opinion, how can he be worthy of Ma Jun's asking for advice?"

Feeling the faint arrogance of the young man in front of him, Martin seemed to see his former self, and Dang Dong didn't take it seriously:

"Husbands and people are separated and listen to them, and they are stupid, but they are together and listen to them, and they are holy. It is also said: The reason why the king is bright is to listen; the reason why he is dark is to believe."

Having said that, he glanced outside the room, and his eyes fell on the test set on the table that he hadn't had time to put away, but he didn't linger too much:

"I think Li Langjun is also interested in Liangzhou, but you know, if you go to the governor's office first, it will be of great benefit for you to take the exam in the future?"

Li Liulang was very surprised when he heard those words: "It's such a thing?"

Martin smiled without saying a word.

Li Liulang was taken aback for a moment, then Minghong came over, his face straightened, and he said solemnly:

"When I came out of Hanjia, I brought some tea with me. It is very fragrant. If you don't give up, please go outside and taste it."

Martin laughed, thinking it was very interesting.

Although Li Ming is young, he is not talented, and even a little arrogant.

But at the critical moment, it is actually very easy to let go, it is really interesting, interesting!

Li Ming led Martin back to the table, and when he saw the set of test questions lying on the table, he was shocked, and even went to put it away calmly.

Then he asked Martin to go east.

He asked the inn for a pot of boiling water, made the tea well, and then poured it in for the wrong party, then asked humbly:

"I just listened to what you said: the reason why you are bright is to listen; the reason why you are dark is to believe. What is the source of this?"

"Husbands and people will be foolish if they listen to each other, but they will be holy if they listen to each other." He knows it, but it comes from "Guanzi·The Monarch and His Ministers Are".

But the latter sentence, he had never heard of it.

Since Martin compared this sentence with the previous one, it must be from a certain classic.

"Wang Fu of the Later Han Dynasty wrote "On the Qianfu" more than a hundred years ago. But this book is not widely known in the world, so few people know about it."

"I see."

Li Ming nodded, he had never heard of Wang Fu, and he had never heard of "On the Latent Fu", presumably it was not some urgent book.

So he casually said:

"There are so many books in Tiandong, I wish I could read them all."

Unexpectedly, when Martin heard that, his eyes lit up slightly:

"If Li Lang-jun is willing to read it, I can have a copy with me."

Li Ming sighed, and then began to ask about serious matters: "Your Majesty, do you know that he wants to go to Liangzhou?"

Martin chuckled, took out a book from his pocket, and put it on the table.

Li Ming saw that it was the "Mock Examination Questions of the Department of Inspectorate of the Great Han Dynasty".

Only then did he come over brightly: "So Ma Jun also asked to go to Liangzhou?"

"Of course."

Martin took a sip of tea before continuing to speak:

"As for the examination in Liangzhou, I heard that the first is to seek knowledge about arithmetic, the second is to seek knowledge of scriptures and classics, and the third is to seek knowledge about Liangzhou affairs."

"It's just what the specific regulations are. We won't know until the Liangzhou governor's office officially issues an announcement."

Li Ming frowned upon hearing this:

"That's what you said and did just now..."

Could it be that this person came here to amuse himself?

"I have a brother who works in the Governor's Mansion. Don't worry Li Langjun, this matter is definitely true."

"It's not very popular now, and Buluo must be coming soon. Now Buluo is taking advantage of some opportunities."

"The content of the test paper in Buluo is very particular, it is the first threshold of the examination in the Governor's Mansion."

When Li Ming heard it, he suddenly thought, and thought to himself that this statement is reasonable. The textbook test is to select talents for the country, and naturally it is necessary to have a certain amount of knowledge.

Moreover, there is no distinction between good and low in the exams. If someone is lucky and asks to go there regardless of his own knowledge, how can the Governor's Mansion handle it.

Thinking of that, Li Ming looked at Martin suspiciously again:

"Did you tell him about this?"

"Bu Luo heard Li Langjun's previous remarks, and felt that he could have a close friendship... Well, in fact, he thought that with Li Langjun's knowledge, he could help him revise Yidong's paper."

As Martin spoke, he took out two more sheets of paper from his pocket, spread them out, and laid them on the table.

Li Ming fixed his eyes and saw written on the face: food price test.

"Is that a scroll?" Li Ming asked in a daze, "Then I'm very..."

"Hey, if you want to know the price of food in the big man, there are two places you must go to. One is Jincheng, and the other is Nanxiang Exchange."

"I'm talking about food prices there just to get people's opinions."

Martin smiled complacently, "Because of the red disaster in Liangzhou, food is the most concerned thing of the governor's office in Liangzhou now. If you use this as a policy and submit a paper to the governor's office, haha..."

I see!

Li Ming suddenly felt a little stressed.

Liangzhou exams, the competition is bigger than expected!

He thought like that, and asked:

"Your vision is really unique! Are you afraid of my idea of ​​stealing the king and going to the Liangzhou Governor's Mansion?"

Ma Tian waved his legs: "I'm not going to lie to Mr. Li, if I steal my ideas, I'm afraid I'll be imitating others."

As he said that, he tapped the paper on the table, "The things I collected from Nanzhong to Hanzhong in the past few months are not written on the head."

"Even if Li Langjun wants to write a copy to compete with mine, the effort required is extraordinary. Does Li Langjun think it is too late?"

Li Ming was speechless.

Seeing Li Ming's expression, Martin smiled slightly: "If Li Langjun can help him complete that test paper, I have a word to help Li Langjun."

Li Ming looked at the wrong side in doubt, thought for a while, nodded and said:

"Okay, deal!"

But there are those who are going to take the Liangzhou exam, and the suggestions given by them should be helpful to themselves.

After he read Martin's article carefully and repeatedly, he put forward his own opinion.

After Martin got Li Ming's opinion, he didn't hide his secrets, and suggested:

"Liulang, I don't think that the book "On the Hidden Fu" is not known to the world, but what is said in the book has a very good way of governing the people, and there are many coincidences with Feng's way of governing."

"So if I go to Liangzhou to take the exam, I can read this book thoroughly. It will be of great use to mistake me."

Speaking of that, Martin emphasized his tone, "Wang Fu is a stable person, so he has done a lot of research on Liangzhou's customs and customs."

"The policy of governing the country he mentioned in the book has a lot to say about how to govern Liangzhou..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Ming was immediately refreshed!

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