In the later Han Dynasty, Yu Xu, who strongly opposed the general Deng Zhi's abandonment of Liangzhou's claim, served as the prefect of Wudu to resist the Qiang people.

He personally presided over the excavation of the Qishan Road waterway project.

This project, starting from Juxian County and ending at Xiabian, burned stones and cut wood for dozens of miles, opened waterways for boats, and finally facilitated water transportation, saving more than 40 million yuan per year.

The entire Wudu also benefited from this, from about 10,000 households to 40,000 in two or three years.

When the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty led the Northern Expedition to Longyou, he personally surveyed the area that Yu Xu had governed.

Then he wrote a letter to the little fat man, the emperor of the Han Dynasty:

Five hundred miles from Qishan to Juxian County, there are tens of thousands of households, who look at the hills and ruins, and believe that they are Yin.

It means that there are tens of thousands of households in the five hundred miles from Qishan to Juxian. I can tell how rich they were back then just by looking at the graves along the way.

After the Great Han acquired Longyou, the imperial court wanted to strengthen the connection between Longyou and Hanzhong, and the Xinghan Society wanted to increase the transportation volume to Longyou.

The two hit it off, Xinghan will provide technology, food and money, and the big man will provide people to vigorously develop and maintain Qishan Road, and at the same time widen the waterway and clear the blockage.

Because of a professional team like the Nanxiang Engineering Team, the construction quality and speed have improved a lot compared to Yu Xu's time.

Over the years, the Qishan road has not only become much wider, but also much smoother, and the boats passing through the waterway have become increasingly busy.

In the entire Qishan Road, not only enough post posts have been built, but there are even many guest houses to provide board and lodging for business travellers.

According to the practice of previous years, the Qishan Road from Hanzhong to Longyou will not start to get busy until March.

But there are some exceptions this year. It has only entered February, and the number of transport horse teams on Qishan Road has begun to increase.

The bell on the neck of the Yunnan horse jingled non-stop, echoing melodiously on Qishan Road.

At the end of Qishan Road is Qishan.

The Qishan Mountains are located on the north side of the Western Han River, overlooking the Western Han River, stretching for more than 60 miles.

There are dangerous places such as Lucheng and wooden doorways.

The West Han River passes through the numerous Qinling Mountains in Wudu County, and here it leaves the mountains and enters the plains.

This location has a name in later generations, called Chuankou, which means the exit of Sichuan people.

At this pass, an earth mountain stands abruptly, as if flying in mid-air, it is particularly eye-catching. This is Qishan Fort.

On the top of the mountain directly facing Qishan Fort, there are various dock forts built using the Qishan Mountain Range, forming a corner with Qishan Fort.

After leaving Chuankou, it is Xixian County.

It can be said that Qishan Fort not only has a favorable location, but also relies on the harmony of people in Xixian County.

If it wasn't for the surprise during the first Northern Expedition, and the support of Feng Guiwang's engineering battalion, Qishan Fort would not have been a problem at all.

This is also one of the reasons why the old monster Zhuge had been wandering in Xi County during the battle of Longyou.

Xi County can not only support the army going north, but also can turn back at any time through Qishan Fort to support Wudu, in case the Wei army enters Wudu through the old route from Sanguan and cuts off the retreat of the Northern Expeditionary Army.

Although the amount of water in the Western Han Dynasty in February is not too large, it is enough for sailing.

Li Ming stood on the bow of the boat, looking at Qishan Fort two hundred steps away, like a crouching tiger, staring at Xihan River and Qishan Road.

Although he knew that the people on the Qishan Fort looking at this side were big Han soldiers, but Li Ming still felt a heavy sense of oppression in his heart.

Another person walked out of the cabin, it was Ma Tian whom he met in Hanzhong.

Standing behind Li Ming, he said with emotion: "A dangerous place!"

Li Ming looked at the hill opposite Qishan Fort without turning his head, and said:

"The prime minister did not know how he took down such a dangerous place when he went to Long?"

"I heard that the Wei thief at that time did not expect the prime minister to lead the army to the north, and the governor Feng had already prepared, so he attacked."

Governor Feng?

Li Ming was silent.

Along the way, I have heard too much news about Governor Feng.

More news than I have heard in previous years.

Because as the bottom of the Li family's big house, he didn't need to worry so much in the past.

What's more, Feng Guiwang didn't bother too much in the Sichuan plain.

What he was tossing about was Hanzhong, Nanzhong, Yuexuan, Longyou, Liangzhou...

Li Ming, who had been staying at the rural manor in Guanghan County, received the information from King Feng Gui, so he was naturally filtered layer by layer.

It wasn't until he walked out of the Li family's manor that he understood what the title "Feng Inspector" represented.

Maybe it was because of the pass, the general only started to slow down, looking forward, there were all ships in the dark.

Even on the Qishan road next to it, people neighing and horses screaming, it is really lively.

"Boatman, how long will it take for this to pass?"

Martin is a man who can put his body down. Along the way, he squatted on the bow of the boat several times, chatting with the boatman.

The boatman is a wrinkled man from Padang County. It is said that when the first emperor conquered Wu, he also transported food for the army.

Later, the first emperor was defeated, and the boatmen lost their jobs, and the whole family could hardly survive.

Fortunately, the big man had contacts with the Wu country again, and in the end he didn't sell his whole family to the big man's manor.

Later, Wu State transported rough sugar to Dahan, and Dahan transported brown sugar wool and other things to Wu State. There were more and more exchanges, and the life of the boatmen also improved.

Originally, it was said that his son would be in charge of the boat, but after learning that he was good at sailing, Xinghan offered him a price that he couldn't refuse to let him come back to steer the boat.

But this time, he was not operating his own boat, but the Xinghan Club's boat.

And it is no longer from Badong County to Jingzhou, but on the water of the Western Han Dynasty.

In the past few years, he has not only explored the waterways of Xihan River with others, but also sometimes tested new ships.

I heard that this new boat was made by the prime minister himself, and it was called Liuma. I don't know if it is true.

As for what they do the most on weekdays, it is to take some novices and teach them how to sail in the rapids.

Tired is a bit tired, but at the end of the year, the money and food in hand can be compared with the sum of his previous six or seven years.

The most important thing is that as long as he has worked for three years, the family can send a child to Longyou, or to Yuejuan, where there is a school to teach the child to read and write.

With hope in the day, my waist straightened unconsciously, and my voice became louder:

"Sir, this year is no different than previous years! Since the younger one sailed here, he has never seen so many boats in February."

"At most, they are people from the government who are anxious to travel between Longshang and Hanzhong. How can it be like now? Let alone those horse teams on the road."

"Last year when there were the most cavalry on this road, it was less than half of what it is now..."

Among the newcomers brought by the boatman, there were two young gentlemen who could read and write. It is said that they had studied in school.

At that time, the two often asked him how the Dajiang Waterway from Shudi to Jingzhou was different from the West Han River.

Then at the end of last year, the two young gentlemen said that they were going to Padang County to learn how to sail on the big river from others.

As for why they came to learn how to sail a boat after they entered the school, the boatman was also very strange at first.

I found out later that it was said that this was the arrangement of the head of the academy.

As long as they learn how to sail on the big river, they will have the opportunity to be captains in the army in the future.

This is especially the envy of boatmen.

Different people have different fates!

They are all sailing boats, so they can only be yelled at by others.

Others have the opportunity to be generals.

The boatman thought, if his grandson could really go to school, would he have such a chance?

With such thoughts in mind, the boatman often made friends with those two young gentlemen.

He doesn't know what a mountain leader is, but because of the relationship between the two young gentlemen, he also knows to call those learned people Mr.

Just by this title, he felt that he also had the air of learning.

Hearing the rambling of the boatman, Martin and Li Ming looked at each other, both of them were worried.

It stands to reason that compared with land transportation, water transportation not only has a larger transportation volume, but also has a few times or even nearly ten times the loss.

However, the time to start water transportation is not only earlier than last year, but even the number of horse teams has increased dramatically, which can only explain one problem:

The food problem in Liangzhou is probably far more than that simple as rumored.

I just don't know if the rumored King Feng Gui, who is unparalleled in wealth, has the ability to solve Liangzhou's food problem?

With this in mind, after waiting for a day under Qishan Fort, he finally passed the Qishan Pass and came to Xi County.

From the many dangerous mountains to the plains, the vision suddenly opens up.

But without the obstruction of the Qinling Mountains, Longyou in February was still quite chilly.

Although Longyou was not as serious as Liangzhou in the white disaster last winter, it was also affected.

However, due to the management of Longyou by Feng Shishi these years, the foundation of Longyou is much stronger than that of Liangzhou.

At least as far as Qianghu is concerned, their source of food is not just cattle and sheep in pastures.

Coupled with the increase in the livestock carrying capacity of pastures, the standardization of breeding, and the construction of green storage towers.

So in this cold winter, the lives of Hu people in Longyou are many times better than those in Liangzhou.

In the past, the Hu Qiang School Wei's Mansion led by King Feng Gui was a gold-swallowing monster.

Now that Pingxiang doesn't have this monster to suck blood, he can even squeeze out some food for Liangzhou for emergency.

It's just that no matter whether it's Liangzhou's wealthy family or Pingxiang's, the food they can provide is not unlimited after all.

These grains can only help Liangzhou Governor's Mansion through the most urgent time.

For the remaining food shortage, we still have to find a way to solve it from other places.

This is why Qishan Road is busy a month in advance.

After disembarking in Xixian County, Li Ming Martin and Feng Huwei joined together, and at the same time gathered with other horse teams that were all heading for Liangzhou, and began to set off for Pingxiang.

Many of them were Hu cavalry from Pingxiang.

From Tianshui to Liangzhou, there are three roads.

But no matter whether it is going through the south road of Dadouba Valley or the middle road of Hongchiling, the mountains are blocked by heavy snow at this time, making it difficult to pass.

There is only the North Road, although it requires a detour and the supply is not easy, but at least there is no need to climb the mountain.

There was a lesson a few years ago. The Dian horses from Sichuan suffered a lot because they couldn't stand the water, soil and climate of Longyou.

Therefore, Guard Feng was very careful along the way. Every time he came to the ground, he would immediately order his men to wipe the horses' sweat, rub their backs, and then put on blankets.

Even so, after crossing the great river, some horses still fell down.

"Boss, this won't work! No matter how much we pay attention, this horse comes from Sichuan after all, and it can't stand the water and soil of Liangzhou."

"If this goes on like this, even if we can reach Guzang, most of the horses will be lost..."

For the people in the cavalry team, the horses they get along day and night are their partners.

Knowing to keep going forward, I don't know how many partners will fall, but they can't grit their teeth and move forward.

This feeling makes people extremely anxious.

"I don't know! Don't I know!"

Watching the fallen horse being carried away, Feng Weiwei already had an extremely ugly expression on his face.

Hearing this at this time, he turned his head and cursed:

"You know what you know, don't you know it! But why do you still have to issue a death order to transport the grain to Liangzhou?"

"What does this mean? It can only mean that Junhou's side has reached the point where they want to transport food at any cost!"

"Is it important for the prince or these horses? The mind is covered with lard? Can't tell the difference?"

"If you have this time to chatter here, if you don't make more preparations, if you can make one more horse survive, that's better than you standing and talking! Get out, get out!"

While talking angrily, he flew over vigorously, kicking his talkative subordinates to the ground.

Martin, who saw this scene from a distance, said with some emotion:

"The soldier brought out by Feng Junhou actually has such insight. It's really not easy!"

Although a little unwilling to admit it, Li Ming still had to nod:

"So in my opinion, this is the confidence of the official who dared to take the exam to select the official who governs Liangzhou."

Whether you want to admit it or not, even if it is a test to select talents, the children from aristocratic families still have the upper hand and advantage.

Because the background of the aristocratic family is far from that of the poor and common people.

Not to mention those heads of state.

Although the governor Feng put forward restrictions on the art of arithmetic, don't forget that the number in the six arts of a gentleman "ritual, music, archery, royal, book, and number" is actually the art of arithmetic.

Therefore, the arithmetic background of the children of the aristocratic family is better than others.

As long as someone teaches them, it will be much easier for the children of the aristocratic family to learn Nanxiang's arithmetic than others.

If that person is unprepared and conducts an examination to select talents, I am afraid that the entire Liangzhou government officials will be controlled by the children of the family.

But now?

I actually want to learn Nanxiang's arithmetic from a warrior who retired from the army.

In the past, children from poor families wanted to learn from others, or they were extremely lucky to meet great Confucians giving lectures publicly.

Or put down your dignity and beg to read books from aristocratic families.

What now?

In Nanxiang, the classics compiled by the imperial court were printed all over the streets.

You can borrow it for free if you don’t have money, and it’s the kind of book compiled on exquisite paper.

As for the classics annotated by the aristocratic don't let me read it, you just annotate it like a flower, so what does it matter to me?

This journey, especially what he saw and heard when he was in Nanxiang, made Li Ming feel a sense of fear for that legendary character.

This sense of fear stems from his status as a descendant of an aristocratic family.

Li Ming doesn't understand what dimensionality reduction strike is.

But he understands that in the face of all kinds of new things in Nanxiang, the methods used by the family for a long time are as naive as children, and they have no resistance at all.

That is to say, because of Nanxiang's relationship, the gap between the children of the aristocratic family and the children of the poor family is constantly shrinking.

Even behind the poor family's children, there are Cangtou Guishou chasing after them.

If the aristocratic family doesn't take advantage of their own advantages, they will take the exams to gain a foothold.

Then in time, those who catch up will probably become the children of the aristocratic family.

At the time when the person who established a school in Nanxiang said that he wanted to educate Cangtou Guishou and barbarians, who would have thought of today?

What is far-sightedness, this can be said!

"Ha chirp! Ha chirp!"

Inspector Feng, who was far away in Guzang, sneezed twice in a row. He rubbed his nose and murmured, "The sun is so bright, how can you catch cold?"

Wuwei Valley Water, which flows through Guzang, is the largest water flow in Wuwei County other than the big river, and it is also one of the best irrigation water sources in Wuwei County.

Seeing that spring is coming, and when spring comes, spring plowing is necessary. Spring plowing is the most important thing in a year.

Therefore, Governor Feng wanted to go out of the city to inspect the flow of Gushui.

Not far away, although Shuangshuang and Ah Chong were still wrapped up tightly, they had already taken off their thick coats, and they were chasing after Laifu.

Laifu is a dog. When Governor Feng went to Nanzhong, one person and one dog sang together along the way.

It's just that when Wengou met a bear boy, it was unreasonable to reason, so he could only run away with his tail clamped, running around.

"Shuang Shuang Ah Chong, your mother is calling you to go home for dinner!"

A voice came from a distance. Secretary Zhang put his legs together, sitting sideways on the mule, and shouted this way.

No one answered the father and son.

Seeing this, Secretary Zhang became furious, turned over and got off the mule, walked over, and picked up a brat in one hand.

Then he walked to the water's edge and said loudly to Feng Cishi who was squatting by the water's edge:

"Brother-in-law, it's time to go back to the city."

Governor Feng waved his hand and replied:

"Don't be noisy, I'm checking the hydrological situation!"

As he said that, the goose feather on the water suddenly sank, Feng Cishi quickly picked up the fishing rod and lifted it!

A three-finger-wide fish was pulled out of the sparkling water and flung onto the shore.

Shuangshuang let out a "wow", and quickly pointed to the jumping fish and shouted: "Fish! Fish!"

As he spoke, he twisted his small body, trying to escape from Aunt Zhang's clutches and catch fish.

"Don't go! It's fishy!"

Secretary Zhang shouted loudly, "If you make trouble again, I will tell your mother that you are disobedient!"

General Guan is the only existence in the house who can suppress the little witch. Hearing this, Shuang Shuang immediately became obedient.

"Brother-in-law, hurry up, there is an official document from Hanzhong this morning, I have something to tell you."


Governor Feng had no choice but to get up, took Shuangshuang from Zhang Xingyi's hand, and the two of them turned back with one child in their arms.

Other things will be cleaned up by your entourage.

"What Liangzhou needs most now is food. If Hanzhong doesn't send more food, what's the use of sending more official documents?"

Regardless of the fact that Governor Feng is still in the mood to go fishing, in fact, he has no choice but to wait for the food to arrive.

At least going out to fish can give the people below an illusion of calmness.

Zhang Xingyi ignored his complaints, walked for a while in silence, and suddenly said:

"The imperial court is preparing to appoint a long history to the governor's office."


Hearing this, Feng Yong suddenly turned his head to look at Zhang Xingyi, almost bumping his head into Shuangshuang, "What?"

The long historian, in charge of soldiers and horses, also assists the governor in charge of soldiers, and can even replace the governor in charge of state affairs when necessary.

To put it bluntly, they are officials who check and balance the governor.

"What are you looking at me for? I didn't know beforehand."

Zhang Xingyi glared at Governor Feng angrily.

"Who wants to come over to be the long history?"

Zhang Xingyi let out a "tow": "Look at you! Isn't it normal for the Governor's Mansion to have a long history?"

Inspector Feng sneered "heh".

Zhang Xingyi also sneered at this person: "Since Governor Feng doesn't want a long history, it seems that he doesn't want a holiday either..."


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