Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 870 Only the Han soldiers, how can there be any tribe?

"The barbarians in Xihai County all came south from the desert, right? They should all be Xianbei barbarians from Hexi?"

Guan Ji asked.

Here it comes, the situation of being pregnant and being stupid for three years has reappeared.

As the military commander of the governor's office, Guan Ji should have known the situation in Liangzhou long ago.

It's just that after pregnancy, she often suddenly forgets certain things.

Feng Yong signaled Guan Ji to move the other leg over and continued to massage, explaining:

"More than that. Most of them are Hexi Xianbei, but there are also some Qianghu people, and there are also Huns."

"Oh, yes." Guan Ji tilted her head, seemed to think of something, then nodded, "I have thought about it a long time ago."

"This time, we will send Liu Hun and Tufa Tianli over there, and ask them to bring part of the newly formed army, plus the fine cavalry from the Tufa Department."

Speaking of this, Guan Ji emphasized her tone, emphasizing:

"This time, Liu Hun is the main one. After all, he will be the chief general of the cavalry camp in the future. As for the elite cavalry of the bald department, they can only serve as volunteers."

Feng Yong looked at Guan Ji with some surprise: "How do you explain this?"

Guan Ji hit Governor Feng lightly and said angrily:

"In your eyes, do concubines only know how to practice martial arts and lead soldiers?"

Governor Feng immediately said seriously:

"How dare you? Now that the mansion is stable and peaceful, it's all due to the merits of the emperor's rule of the mansion."

Guan Ji looked at him suspiciously:

"The words are good words, but I always feel that there is something wrong..."

"A good word is a good word, there is nothing wrong with it."

Governor Feng's expression remained unchanged, and he even scolded her, "I know how to think wildly all day long."

"Really?" General Guan looked at Governor Feng with a half-smile, "I just heard that someone is teaching Shuangshuang to call Dad?"

I saw General Guan's phoenix eyes slightly narrowed, "I remember, someone taught me this before?"

Feng Inspector immediately broke into a cold sweat!

What about the agreed-upon pregnancy for three years?

Looking at the slightly creaking fingers and the squinting eyes that were about to light up, Governor Feng burst out with the strongest desire to survive:

"Haven't you heard of elder brothers being like fathers? Really! In our place, fathers and brothers are all fathers, and even some elders are called fathers by everyone."

At the same time pretending to be dismissive.

This is not a lie.

Anyway, when I was young, the village said that the fates of parents and children were in conflict, and they were afraid that the children would not grow up, so they asked the children to call their parents elder brothers and sisters-in-law.

So in this case, father and elder brother mean the same thing.

Besides, there are still fewer people in the world who are called fathers in the future?

Papa Horse, Papa Jungle, and some even call him American Papa...

"never heard of that!"

Guan Ji also said that he was an excuse, but after thinking about it, she felt that it made some sense, she tilted her head, "Is there another way to say this? But it seems that the elder brother is like a father, it is not bad?"

Thinking back to the early years when her elders fought everywhere and rarely stayed in the mansion, and she was always accompanied by her elder brother, Guan Ji's aura immediately disappeared.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Guan Ji's mood suddenly changed, with tears in her eyes, Governor Feng panicked all of a sudden.

Although I know that pregnant women are emotionally unstable, but this change is too fast, right?

"It's all your fault!"

"Okay, okay, blame me, blame me."

Inspector Feng quickly responded first, then quickly changed the subject, "Let's talk about Xihai County."

"What else is there to say about Xihai County? Anyway, the leading general can't be a Han, he can only be a Hu general."

"In this case, it will be more convenient if you really want to do something. Anyway, they are all barbarians, and it is normal for them to have vendettas..."

Seeing Guan Ji with a motherly radiance say this calmly, Governor Feng reached out and touched her belly:

"There is still someone here, don't discuss this kind of thing with Si Niang again, what if the child fails in school?"

This kind of calculation should not have been thought of by Guan Ji herself.

Even Li Mu doesn't have such talent in politics.

There is only one Zhang Xiaosi in the whole mansion who can be so insidious.

In the end, Zhang Xiaosi couldn't escape the matter of sleeping with her at night, and was downgraded by Mrs. Feng's family to the same class as Amei and Limu.

Facing the domineering of the pregnant woman, Zhang Xiaosi dared not speak out.

This kind of thing must have been discussed quietly by the two of them at night.

Guan Ji didn't deny it, and gave Feng Yong a blank look:

"For this kind of thing, you should ask Si Niang to give more staff. Apart from Si Niang, you are the only one in the family who can think of these things. But you are generally unwilling to do this, so it is most suitable to find Si Niang."

"Okay, anyway, you have the final say on matters in the military. It's just that the rewards that should be given to the bald-haired department are still indispensable."

The bald hair department still contributed a lot in the battle to regain Liangzhou, and the contribution was not small.

Guan Ji has no intention of converting the bald-haired elite cavalry into the official establishment of the governor's army, and still wants them to be called volunteers.

But the rewards that should be given must still be given.

It's just that because of the white disaster, money and food are tight, so I can only record it temporarily.

Guan Ji said indifferently: "Rewards, I didn't say no rewards, just reward according to the rules, even generous rewards are fine, so as not to distract everyone."

"The equipment of the elite cavalry of the bald army is far superior to that of ordinary soldiers, and it is more than enough to deal with the Hu people going south."

Of course far better.

A few years ago, Xu Miao was disturbed by King Feng Gui's economic war. He couldn't believe the aristocratic family in Liangzhou, and finally he took advantage of the bald department.

Most of the stock in hand was fed to dogs.

It's still King Feng's dog.

Just relying on the stragglers of the Hu people, if there is a real conflict, the 3,000 cavalry of the bald army can defeat the 30,000 people on the opposite side.

So this is one of the reasons why Guan Ji has always disagreed with the balding department's regularization of Jingqi.

You are all so strong, and you only listen to the words of the bald man, so why do you need the Governor's Mansion?

Anyway, the bald-haired Tianli is also the sub-supervisor of the Governor's Mansion, so why don't you just listen to him all the time!

General Guan is not afraid of being resented by baldness.

At that time, the Bald Hair Department went south from the West Sea, crossed the big river, and came to Longxi County to rob, which angered Feng Guiwang.

In the end, it was she who blew on the pillow, and Feng Guiwang forgave the baldness.

It doesn't matter if it's a couple playing red and white faces, anyway, in this favor, baldness is the key.

Now that she has come out to be this villain, what can she do if she is bald?

Of course it was dumbfounded.

When he received the military order to go to Jiuquan as a righteous soldier, Jingqi from the bald department became even more confused.

In the process of regaining Liangzhou, he felt that his tribe had made great efforts.

Therefore, in his opinion, it was only natural for him and his clansmen to join the Cavalry Barracks of the Governor's Mansion.

But things backfired.

Seeing the governor's mansion rebuilding the cavalry barracks, no one told him what to do.

The upright prairie man really couldn't figure out the reason behind it.

The rations under Feng Langjun's command are delicious, this is a truth that all the barbarians in Liangzhou know.

Who has a chance, not breaking his head and drilling inside?

The bald head is different from his own adults guarding the West Sea.

He has seen too many temptations along the way.

He is more ambitious than the bald man, and he wants to stay in the land of the Han people forever.

Who said that Hu people prefer tents, deserts that are plagued by disasters every year, half-cooked mutton without any seasoning, and milk that smells like goat's milk and mare's milk...

Whoever has ulterior motives, just can't see other people's good!

Whoever likes to graze, he won't go anyway!

He just likes a big house, fine clothes, and delicious food.

There is also endless milk tea, endless wine, and endless brown sugar...

Now if he told his clansmen to take them back to the West Sea, most of the clansmen would run away in an instant at night.

So not only did he really want to eat the military rations from the Governor's Mansion, but the clansmen also wanted to eat it.

I'm in a hurry when I can't eat.

I heard that the leader of the army this time is Liu Hun, the son of the Huns.

Although the bald-headed Tianli looked down on the Huns in the northern desert, he still recognized Liu Hun.

Not only because of Liu Hun's high martial arts skills, but also because he is the Marquis of Guiyi of the great man.

Not only is he satisfied with being King Feng's dog, one of the bald-headed Tianli's dreams, he also wants to be the monkey of the big man.

Hearing that Liu Hun was going to the Governor's Mansion to listen to the arrangements for the trip, Bald Tianli took a few followers and stood guard not far from the Governor's Mansion.

Seeing Liu Hun come out of the Governor's Mansion, the bald-haired Tianli hurried forward to salute: "General Liu, I'm polite!"

Liu Hun, who was leading the horse and was about to go out of the city to summon the soldiers, saw that he knew that Tianli, who was bald, was waiting for him here.

Immediately returned a salute: "Is the bald-haired patriarch busy?"

"Don't dare to be that, General Liu can call me Meng Dashi, or you can call me Dalang."

While talking, the bald-haired Tianli stepped forward to help lead the horse.

After coming to Han for so long, he went to do as the Romans do. He was bald and Tianli also chose a name for himself, which was called Meng Da.

"Oh, Brother Meng."

Liu Hun stood upright in the face of baldness, he was really not polite.

Because everyone knows that he was originally Feng Cishi's entourage, and he is most upright and Miaohong.

"I know there is a restaurant not far ahead. I heard that it has a solid foundation and can get spirits from Sichuan. Why don't I invite General Liu to have a drink?"

The bald-haired Tianli warmly invited.

"Uh, I'm really sorry, I've already eaten at the governor's residence just now, and I'm not hungry at this time."

Listen, listen!

This Hun can actually have lunch in the Governor's Mansion!

When can I have this treatment?

Seeing the disappointment on the bald-haired Tianli's face, Liu Hun hastily added:

"It just so happens that I also have something to talk to Meng Da, why don't we go together?"

"Okay, okay, just together."

The bald-haired Tianli was overjoyed and said hastily.

Guzang City has always been prosperous, and it is the first city that never sleeps in history, and it was called Fuyi at that time.

In recent years, affected by the dispute between the Han and Wei dynasties, it was forced by the Han army in Longyou, so Dunhuang has the intention of catching up from behind.

However, Guzang City has now settled down again, and its accumulated heritage cannot be underestimated.

There are a lot of people in the city, so horses are not allowed for no reason.

Bald Tianli asked his followers to lead the horses. He walked with Liu Hun and said:

"But I don't know what General Liu wants to tell me?"

"It's about leading the army to Jiuquan. Although there are new troops from the governor's mansion following this trip, if there is a battle, it still depends on the elite of the Meng clan."

"So I want to discuss related matters with Meng Da in advance, so as not to get confused when I get it."

As soon as the bald man heard it, he immediately remembered about the family affairs, and his face was a little sad at the moment:

"This time the general is the main general. My clansmen and I will naturally obey the general's arrangement."

"It's rare that Meng Da is so knowledgeable. Although I am not talented, I have to feel ashamed."

Liu Hun was very happy when he got the promise made by the bald man, and then saw that the other party's expression was a little bit wrong, so he asked with concern:

"Meng Da has something on his mind?"

The bald-haired man let out a long sigh, and looked around again, but no one noticed him, so he said in a low voice:

"General Liu, my clan and I all have a heart for the Han, and it is our wish to be able to serve the great Han."

"I'm not afraid of the general's jokes. I and the clansmen are rushing to officially join the ranks of the princes."

"Since Junhou Mu Liangzhou, it is said that it is necessary to form a new army of each battalion. Seeing that the credit is not as good as ours, there is a chance to be selected into the army."

"Only my family has not heard of it, and now it is going to Jiuquan in the name of Yi Congjun, alas..."

When Liu Hun heard these words, his expression turned slightly pale:

I'm just a bitch! Why don't you ask him what's on his mind?

But he quickly concealed his emotions, and at the same time slowed down, nodded and said:

"That's true, maybe Junhou was negligent, why don't I find a chance and ask for you?"

Liu Hun traveled in Han for a long time in his early years and was Han Long's apprentice.

Compared to a bald man who arrived in Liangzhou halfway and stayed with his tribe on weekdays and did not have a deep understanding of Han culture, he is really a smart person.

How could the upright prairie man with bald hair know the trap in Liu Hun's words?

He quickly thanked Liu Hun:

"If you can get the help of the general, I am really grateful!"

But he didn't know that Liu Hun's muscles were tense in a place he couldn't see, and at the same time he was thinking to himself:

It seems that today I have to find an opportunity to go quietly to the governor's mansion and tell Junhou that this bald-haired department is not suitable for going to Jiuquan...

Just as he was thinking of this, he saw baldness and shook his head again:

"It's just that I'm not afraid that Junhou will be negligent. What I'm afraid of is that I don't know what I did wrong. So I want to ask General Liu, how did I get into Junhou's eyes?"

Only then did Liu Hun's muscles relax, showing a smiling face:

"So Meng Da came here for this?"

The bald-haired man nodded again and again: "Exactly."

Liu Hun pondered for a moment, then smiled slightly at the bald-haired Tianli.

At the same time, he pulled out the riding whip pinned to his waist, and yanked it towards the bald-haired followers behind him!

There was only a crisp sound of "beep", and a follower's face was immediately dripping with blood.

How could the attendant bear this humiliation, his face was full of anger, he let out a low growl, and subconsciously drew out his knife.

The bald-haired Tianli reacted very quickly, stopped him quickly, and then asked Liu Hun with an ugly face:

"General, what does this mean?"

Liu Hun smiled calmly: "If I go to Jiuquan here and replace him with another Hu Qi, he will never dare to draw his sword against me, the general."

"And now, he only listens to you now, the bald patriarch, and you are leading the elite cavalry from the bald department."

"But in the army of the Governor's Mansion, there have always been only big Han soldiers, so how can there be any tribes?"

He felt that the words had been made very clear, so Liu Hun didn't dare to say any more, so he took his horse and left on his own.

He was going to the army outside the city to prepare for the battle, how could he have extra time to entangle with the bald-haired Tianli?

How to choose, that is also the bald-haired tribe's own business, as the Marquis of Guiyi of the big man, isn't it full to be involved in it?

Liu Hun didn't look back, and of course he didn't see it. Hearing his words, Liu Hun's body trembled, and then he stood there dumbfounded for a long time.

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