Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 871 Another Way of Immigration

In Liangzhou in March of the tenth year of Jianxing, the snow has basically melted, and the impact of last year's white disaster has almost been eliminated.

The most important work of the year, spring plowing, is in full swing.

In addition to spring plowing, Liangzhou has one more important job than Shu, and that is animal husbandry.

Liangzhou's animal husbandry is the best in the world, and Liangzhou's horses are rampant in the world.

At that time, Emperor Xiaowu ordered Li Guangli to conquer Dawan and seize the bloody BMW.

Most of the obtained BMWs were raised in Liangzhou, which greatly improved the horse breeds in Liangzhou.

It can be said that the quality of war horses produced in Liangzhou is indeed higher than those produced in Bingzhou and Youzhou.

At this time, Liangzhou's environment is many times better than that of later generations.

The mountains stretching on both sides of the Hexi Corridor provide snow water to the plains below the mountains every year.

Moreover, all four counties have a river with sufficient flow to provide sufficient irrigation water for farming.

"This is probably the land of abundance bestowed by the gods in the legend?"

Looking at the rough map, Feng Yong said with some emotion.

I have only been in Liangzhou for a few months, and I have been busy all the time, so the maps on hand are all the maps I found in the original Governor's Mansion.

Roughly drawn, it's a topographic map.

Dahan has long been able to draw different maps according to different needs.

For example, topographic maps focus on drawing mountains, rivers, roads, and residential areas.

There is also a garrison map, as the name suggests, is a map of garrisons in various places. This top-secret map is even painted.

However, the Liangzhou garrison map is not of great value to Feng Yong.

There is also an important map called the city map.

The specific conditions of the city, such as the range of the city wall, the city gate fort, the pavilions on the city wall, the streets of the city, and the palace buildings, are marked on it.

The city map is also a top secret map.

But to Feng Cishi, the map of the city is less valuable than the map of the garrison.

The map of the Liangzhou garrison can at least give a general idea of ​​the fortress gates in the area, but the map of the Liangzhou city is not even of this value.

Because you are already in the city, isn’t it better to check on the ground than to look at a map?

In the future, the maps of major cities in Liangzhou will definitely have to be redrawn. These city maps are at best a rough reference.

On the contrary, the topographic map, which is not as top-secret as the two, is now most useful to Feng Yong.

"It is indeed a land of abundance."

General Guan has no way to go to the army in person now, so he can only enjoy the map, "So where does A Lang plan to arrange the bald department?"

As she said that, she ordered Du Nozawa, the northernmost place in Wuwei County, "How about here?"

It has been a policy of the big man for hundreds of years to let the barbarians be watchdogs.

Even Cao Cao couldn't escape this inherent thinking, so it's no wonder Guan Ji had such thoughts.

Feng Yong shook his head and refused, "Of course not."

In the past, the Han Dynasty allowed the Huns to guard the frontiers, but there was no way to achieve the productivity.

Even in recent years, the Hu people have continued to move inland, which is a manifestation of the continuous shrinking of the Han family's power.

It's different now.

A big man with enough power to expand can drive aristocratic families, dignitaries, and emerging capital to digest those frontier lands.

The barbarians in the frontier have a better way out, they can definitely speed up the pace of integration into the Han Dynasty, and work together for the revival of the Han Dynasty, can't they?

What's more, Duyeze in the north of Wuwei is the smaller Juyanze.

The valley water flowing through Guzang almost runs through the entire Wuwei County, and finally flows into Du Nozawa.

To the north of Nozawa, there is also a Great Wall built in the former Han Dynasty. Outside the Great Wall is the desert.

"Whether it's Ju Yanze or Du Nozawa, it's impossible for me to allow Hu tribes like the Bald Hair Department to go there to raise livestock."

It's no problem to move the various small tribes there to work as handymen on the pastures.

But tribes like the Bald Hair Ministry are absolutely not allowed.

Whether it is Juyanze or Duyeze, they are both borderlands, and they are also closely connected with the northern desert.

Let the Hu tribe go, that is to cultivate the future Qiang-Hu rebellion.

With the source of income from the profiteering industry, and at the same time not having to worry about the food problem, who is insane to cultivate the Hu tribe like this?

But such an important and fertile strategic place cannot be left empty, otherwise more and more barbarians from the desert will pour in.

So let the aristocratic family bring the resources they have accumulated for more than a hundred years, or even hundreds of years, to develop there.

It became Feng Yong's choice.

Only in this way can it be possible to leave indelible Han culture there and turn them into real Han land.

In order to achieve this goal, it is worthwhile to give up some benefits to Haoyou.

"If possible, what I want to do most is to let Xinghan Society bring enough manpower to open pastures and reclaim wasteland there."

Speaking of this, Feng Yong shook his head, "It's a pity that Xinghanhui currently doesn't have this strength."

"Now that Ju Yanze has been handed over to the aristocratic family, the Du Nozawa will be left to the Xinghan Society."

The battle of Longyou, the arrangement of Qianghu in Longyou, plus the reconstruction of Feng Yong's battalions after the battle of Xiaoguan, as well as the relief of the white disaster in Liangzhou, etc.

Hsing Hon Hui has already had too much blood drawn.

If it weren't for the prosperity of Yuexi County, it would be able to provide a large amount of grain and silk horses every year.

If it weren't for the good development of Nanzhong, it would be able to deliver huge profits every year.

If it wasn't for the fact that the chairman has now become a big man, everyone can see a bright future.

Whether Xinghan will be able to maintain unity in the case of over-delivery of resources is still a matter of debate.

The truth of the matter is that Xinghan Club has no spare energy to eat the fat of Tonozawa.

In order to compensate them, Governor Feng had no choice but to use his power to seek this benefit for them first, and then slowly digest it later.

Is there anyone in the court who is good at being an official?

But no matter whether the aristocratic family develops Juyanze or Xinghan develops Du Nozawa, they are actually immigrating to Shibian in disguise.

This has been China's national policy since ancient times.

In the pre-Qin period, the state of Chu sent nobles to the frontier to open up wasteland, develop the frontier economy, and strengthen national defense.

The first emperor once "distributed all the dead, and the son-in-law and the Jia people took the land of Luliang for Guilin, Xiangjun, and Nanhai, so that they could be sent to the garrison."

In the Han Dynasty, Emperor Xiaowu emigrated more than 700,000 people at one time in order to strengthen the northern frontier defense, enriching the northern counties.

Even later generations, no matter what dynasty or generation, have different methods of strengthening borders.

The exile of prisoners is also a kind.

Thanks to this national policy that has lasted for thousands of years, even if the power of the Han family temporarily declines in these places, the centripetal force of Han culture can still leave thoughts for future generations.

If future generations can live up to their expectations, they will be able to say "since ancient times" in a grand manner.

Now Governor Feng is just picking up people's teeth, the difference is that he has changed his method to lure them instead of forcing them.

Moreover, the way Aristocratic Family and Xinghan will enrich the frontier will be more violent and efficient.

Today's big man can't wait that long, just needs this kind of violence and this kind of efficiency.

"So I want to move the baldness department here."

Feng Yong pointed to the place between Guzang County and Yuyin County, "Before we came to Liangzhou, we had already decided that this place is a grassland, and we can allocate a part of it to the bald hair department."

When Feng Yong was the captain of Huqiang, he started from Pingxiang and vigorously expanded to the north.

Zuli in the north of Pingxiang, and Yuyin in the northwest of Zuli are both under the jurisdiction of Wuwei County.

That is to say, in the past few years, at least half of the area operated by Huqiang School Weifu belonged to Liangzhou.

When planning the Yuyin County on the banks of the Dahe River, hundreds of thousands of mu of land on the east side of the Dahe River were cultivated, most of which were planted with beans as grain for livestock.

On the west side of the Dahe River, the wilderness stretching hundreds of miles to Guzang County was planned as a pasture.

Now is finally the time to really make a difference.

The bald-haired department is placed here, and the east and west sides are all cultivated land of the Han family.

A few years later, if the bald-haired tribe can still maintain the current tribe, Feng Guiwang will stand upside down on the spot and lie to eat and drink!

Anyway, Ghost King Feng didn't believe how long the barbarian who hadn't even formed his own words could survive under his own sugar-coated shells.

Relatively speaking, other Qianghu in Liangzhou are relatively scattered.

The premise is that Hexi Xianbei must be prevented from flooding Liangzhou on a large scale in a short period of time.

Therefore, the governance of Juyanze and Duyeze is particularly important.

Only by filling up the two gaps where the Hu people went south into Liangzhou, Liangzhou can take the initiative and selectively integrate with the Han and Hu issues.

"In the future, Hanhu in Liangzhou, regardless of whether they live in farming or animal husbandry, must follow the principle of 'living together in large groups and living in small clusters', and the Hu people of a single tribe cannot be grouped together."

Feng Cishi set the tone for the resettlement of the Qianghu tribe in Liangzhou.

Zhang Xingyi's eyes lit up slightly: "If there are conflicting tribes, they can be placed adjacent to each other..."

Governor Feng took a look at this woman who was full of calculations, and said "tsk", dissatisfied:

"Now we are governing Liangzhou. The stability of Liangzhou is our goal. It's okay, what are you doing to start a vendetta?"

Zhang Xingyi let out an "oh" suddenly, and glanced at Governor Feng strangely:

"I also said that you want to be like, hehe..."

Guan Ji knocked Zhang Xingyi on the head reproachfully:

"Don't talk nonsense, Ah Lang has a good reputation in Liangzhou!"

Zhang Xingyi didn't dare to resist, so she could only cover her head, but still said conscientiously:

"Since the Hu people are arranged in this way, what about the aristocratic families in Xihai County? We must make some arrangements for them, right?"

"Otherwise, if they really take root there and control part of the pastures in Liangzhou, then some things may not be easy to deal with."

After hearing this, Guan Ji glanced at Feng Yong.

When the Liangzhou aristocratic family rushed to buy land, Feng Cishi came to announce the good news to her, and the two had already talked about this issue.

"What are you afraid of?" Feng Inspector Feng said confidently, "Who said they were allowed to toss about in Xihai County? We are selling pastures, not arable land."

"Besides, the group of students I brought over have not been arranged yet? Let them go to Xihai County then."

In the land of Muyizhou, there was a sudden shortage of backup grassroots cadres on hand.

At this time, the army is being reorganized, and there is a shortage of veterans in the army. If there is no other choice, who is willing to let them withdraw from the army?

Therefore, it is impossible to control Liangzhou from top to bottom like Yuexuan.

In the past two or three years, it has been a surprise to be able to pick out some useful talents in the exam.

The aristocratic families in other counties are deeply entrenched in the local area, and sending a few students down is to be eaten up, so it is better to concentrate in one county.

After regaining Xihai County, how to plan the grassroots level, isn't it up to the governor's office?

Just like Nanxiang Yuexuan Pingxiang, white paper is good for painting.

Knowing that Governor Feng had already made arrangements, Mrs. Zhang couldn't help sneering to herself.

She didn't dare to provoke Mrs. Feng's family, but she gave Governor Feng a contemptuous look behind her back: What about the good reputation that was agreed?

Governor Feng said that he received it, and then continued to speak slowly:

"Last year's white disaster, regardless of Han or Hu, suffered greatly from it, so I decided to move some of the people who were unable to live to go to Xihai County for reclamation."

"At that time, the government will borrow cattle, agricultural tools, and grain seeds to exempt them from corvee, and to provide them with winter and summer clothes, granary food, etc., and then collect taxes normally when they are self-sufficient."

"When there is surplus grain, the government will buy it for five consecutive years at a price that is 30% higher than the grain price of the year."

Most of the Qianghu in Liangzhou are half-farming and half-herding. When there is no way to survive, it is the greatest kindness to give them a place to live and let them farm.

I am a good person!

Governor Feng thought to himself.

"How much food does this cost..."

Subconsciously, Miss Zhang, the chief steward of the Governor's Mansion, felt distressed.

"The thousand pieces of gold are gone and come back! What are you afraid of? Don't say that the Wei thieves in Guanzhong don't dare to act rashly. Even if they have spare power, there is Longyou blocking them in the east."

"With the help of the Zhang family in Dunhuang, the caravans traveling with the Western Regions will soon be normalized. Are you afraid that you will run out of money and food?"

The Silk Road is the Golden Road.

What's more, Xinghanhui still has so many resources in its hands.

Most of the money and food have already been raised for the land sale, plus the supplies that Xinghan will support later, there is actually no need to worry too much this year.

As for next year, with the Silk Road, are you afraid that you will run out of money?

"Will you come back after all the money is gone?"

Not to mention General Guan, even Secretary Zhang didn't care about money and food, and the two repeated in unison, "Good sentence!"

"Alang hasn't written an article for a long time..."

Guan Ji stroked her stomach, "I heard that letting children listen to some good texts earlier will make them smarter in the future!"

"It's about discussing important national affairs. How can I think about articles at this meeting?" Governor Feng flatly refused, "We'll talk about it later."

"Isn't it all over, what else is there?"

Zhang Xingyi said dissatisfiedly, and at the same time flipped through the folder on hand, indicating that the topic of the meeting has come to an end, and you can talk about the article.

"Come on, call Liu Liang over."

Feng Yong didn't bother to talk to her, turned around angrily, and yelled out the door.

Pregnant women have the privilege to think about it as soon as they think about it.

You are not pregnant, and you are not doing business, so why join in the fun?

Liu Liang came in quickly: "I met my brother, sister-in-law, Secretary Zhang."

Feng Yong nodded slightly:

"Honglang, there are two things that you need to do now."

"Brother, please tell me."

"Aren't you married to that bald head? Now you go to Jiuquan and tell Bald head that I am going to set aside a pasture here for the bald head to settle down."

Feng Yong pointed out on the map while talking.

"At that time, the government will send people to help them build green storage towers, so that their people will not be cold in winter and dry in summer, and the wool and other things produced will be purchased by the government in exchange for food."

"Of course, if their clansmen want to learn how to farm, I can also allocate land for them."

Want to farm? You can go to Juyanze and Dunozawa.

As long as you're not going there to graze.

Let the Han people raise sheep and let the Hu people farm the land, Feng Cishi thinks he is a genius.

"It's much more comfortable there than in the cold West Sea, and it can be regarded as their reward for fighting for the big man in the past few years."

Liu Liang quickly responded.

"Second thing, don't you have a good relationship with the tribes in Liangzhou? After finishing the Jiuquan business, I will trouble you to find those Qianghu who have the habit of farming."

"You just say that the government is planning to cultivate in Juyanze and Duyeze. You can see which tribe is willing to farm there, and you can write it down."

Liu Liang spent a year in Liangzhou, and he got to know the details of many tribes.

Coupled with a certain aura of big man Liu, Qiang Hu was born with a certain trust in him.

He talked about the government's preferential policies, and then emphasized:

"Remember, just go to those small tribes, the more the better, don't go to the big tribes."

Hearing this, Liu Liang looked at Feng Yong in surprise, and then bowed his head deeply in response: "Little brother understands."

Preparing for spring plowing, arranging the settlements for the barbarians in Liangzhou, and formulating policies for the next few years...

When the governor's office was busy, the first batch of Hu people who set out from Juyanze and headed south against the weak water finally appeared in the distance.

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