
In the yellow sand all over the sky, several riders rushed out first, and the one in front was actually a woman holding a child in her arms.

When she saw the scout cruising on the edge of the quicksand, her eyes lit up suddenly, like a drowning person grabbing the last straw.

She held the child in one hand, raised the other hand and waved to the south, while shouting something loudly.

She can sit on the back of a speeding horse with only two legs, showing extremely superb riding skills.

A few scouts set up bows and crossbows from a distance, watching this side vigilantly.

Not far behind them is the army sent by the governor's office, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Seeing the scout's movements clearly, the woman came to her senses, and hurriedly shouted for help in pure Chinese: "Help, help..."

The scout who thought she was Hu Nu suddenly looked at each other with some hesitation.

Although the bow and crossbow in his hand still hadn't been put down, someone had already set up an arbor, and it seemed that he wanted to take a closer look.

The woman was overjoyed when she saw the changes in the scouts of the Han army, and called for help even harder.

At this time, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a bone arrow passed by her side. At the same time, a man's roar came from behind, motioning her to leave quickly.

The first batch of Hu people who rushed out of the quicksand were only a few dozen riders, but they were divided into two waves.

The twenty or so riders in front, led by a man, protected the woman and the child in her arms, fighting and retreating.

The number of enemies behind them is a little more than them. In addition to chasing from behind, they are also constantly trying to outflank them from both wings.

Although the arrows of the Han army were shining with cold light, the woman still gritted her teeth and hugged her child tightly, bent over the horse and continued to charge forward.

It is better to die under the hands of the Han army than to be captured by the pursuers behind.

Calling for help in Chinese saved her and the child's life.

The scout didn't shoot arrows at her in the end, or because she was a woman with a child in her arms, she didn't pose much of a threat, so she was allowed to rush to a safe place.

But the people behind were not so lucky.

Some people want to follow suit.

But the sudden burst of arrows let them know what a strong bow and crossbow are.

The first horsemen and horses to cross the cordon all died.

The scouts who saw the situation had already screamed and scattered, and at the same time, some people ran back, this is to report to the army.

Hu Qi, who was about to outflank him from the flank, dared to come over when he saw three or five Han army scouts head-on.

They seemed to be red-eyed, they reined in their horses and stood still, and then pointed their bows at the scouts to shoot.

Scouts are the elite of the army, how can they fail to see the opponent's intentions?

"Kill without mercy!"

The scout was on the back of the galloping horse, and there was no time to delay, but the arrows came first!

Although he didn't hit the target, under such circumstances, Hu Qi Dachi was still overshadowed: "The Condor Archer!"

And it's not just one eagle shooter, but all of them!

The deterrent effect of the eagle shooter on the prairie people really penetrated into the bone marrow.

Hu Qi also didn't have time to think about how the rare eagle archers on the grassland suddenly appeared in front of him.

At this moment, only the sound of a whistle came from behind.

Hu Qi realized that this was the unique whistle of his tribe, so he quickly turned his horse's head and ran back without looking back. It was just a face-to-face confrontation, and there were a few more corpses on the ground.

The three warring parties turned into two parties, and the scouts still didn't put down their weapons. They kept jogging around the remaining dozen or so people, ready to speed up at any time.

Obviously, although the pursuers ran away, the scouts of the Han army still regarded the remaining people as imaginary enemies.

"Dismount and abandon weapons!"

Someone shouted loudly from the scouts of the Han army.

Although the number of people is smaller than that of the opponent, the scouts of the Han army are full of confidence.

Maybe it was because they were far away, or maybe they didn't understand, but the knights still looked at the scouts with weapons pointed at them, and seemed a little at a loss.

After shouting two or three times, seeing that the other party was disobedient, the scout was ready to take action.

The first woman who rushed out of the quicksand saw that the situation was urgent, and hurriedly shouted at those people in nonsense, and at the same time she carried the child off the horse first.

Hearing the woman's shout, the dozen or so Hu Qi still hesitated.

In this case, if you dismount directly and abandon your weapons, it means that you are at the mercy of others.

Seeing that the opponent was not obedient, the scout had already raised his crossbow to aim.

Seeing that the atmosphere that had just calmed down a little while ago suddenly became tense again, the woman became anxious, and turned her head to the scouts and shouted:

"Are you the Han army? We are here to seek refuge with Feng Langjun!"

Han Jiayin, Feng Langjun.

The woman's words saved these Hu Qi.

Finally someone from the scout rode up to her and asked condescendingly:

"Who are you?"

"We came from Juyanze, and we are going to join Feng Langjun."

The woman held the child in her arms and answered quickly, not daring to be slighted.

The scout picked the woman's messy long hair with the horns of his bow: "Han girl? Hu girl?"

"I am Han Chinese."

The scout nodded, then looked at Hu Qi who was not far away, "Then why are you with the Hu people?"

The woman lowered her head and murmured: "My elder father was moved to Juyanze by the imperial court for reclamation. Later, the imperial army withdrew."

"We have no way to go back to our ancestral home. We can only be left behind in Juyanze and become survivors..."

The frontier land has become a barbarian land, what can the survivors of the Han family do?

I can still speak fluent Chinese now, and I have not forgotten my Han family roots.

"But my child is from the Han family. Really, I named him a Han family..."

The woman raised her head, her face was full of begging, "Please! Let us go over and let my child live."

"Where are you going? This is already the boundary of the governor's mansion in Liangzhou, Han Dynasty, and everything must be arranged by the governor's mansion."

"Feng Junhou knew that someone was going to go south from Ruoshui, so he sent us here to guard."

The scout pointed at those horsemen, "Why don't they dismount?"

Hearing that the scout officially admitted that he was under Feng Langjun's command, the woman wept with joy, and hurriedly shouted at those people.

Feng Langjun's reputation is very useful.

After hearing this, Hu Qi finally began to dismount hesitantly.

"You two, continue to guard here. For the rest, follow me and bring them back to the army."

Among these scouts, there are Hu and Han, but the leader is a Han.

He gave some orders, and then led the people who went south to the camp in the rear.

With the news brought by these people, Ju Yanze's situation soon became clear.

Last winter, the northern desert was much more severe than the white disaster in Liangzhou.

As soon as spring began, many tribes in the desert began to move south to Juyanze.

Because of the luxuriant water plants and fertile land in Juyanze, Hanhu, who originally lived here, can still live a decent life.

Nowadays, the influx of a large number of Hexi Xianbei has caused friction from the beginning.

Later, it was directly the plunder between the tribes.

In order to survive, what things can't be done?

Not to mention the barbarians who engraved looting in their bones.

In the end, Ju Yanze became a slaughterhouse.

Butcher cattle and sheep, but also slaughter living people.

This woman was married to the leader of a small tribe, and she had no qualifications to survive the chaos in Juyanze.

So it can only go all the way south along the weak water.

Even so, those Hu people who followed from the desert were still unwilling to let them go.

After learning about Juyanze's situation, Liu Hun and Tufatian looked at each other face to face.

The so-called real situation of the Hu people's change in Juyanze, so it is like this?

"They must still go south. With Ju Yanze's things, there is no way to support them for a year."

Liu Hun said slowly, "The key now is, what do they want to do when they go south?"

If it is a refuge, then everything is easy to say.

If it is determined not to change, then change the way of saying it.

But no matter what, it is necessary for the military to step up their defenses.

The Xianbei Hu people came very quickly, even faster than Liu Hun expected.

Two days later, a large number of Hu Qi appeared not far from the camp.

The Hu people also sent envoys to the army to inform Liu Hun that they wanted to enter Liangzhou and go to attach themselves to Feng Langjun, hoping that the army would make way and let them go.

"It's been a long time since I followed Junhou, and I haven't heard a barbarian dare to speak like that."

Liu Hun laughed angrily, "Do they think that we are the same as them, but entered Liangzhou earlier?"

This time, those who came to guard against Xianbei from the west going south, although there was a new battalion from the Governor's Mansion, the Jingqi from the bald-haired department was the main force, and they were also from Xianbei.

Besides, the forces of all parties in Liangzhou before, the army was originally a mixture of Han and Hu.

Therefore, it is normal for the other party to misunderstand that Xinying is the attachment of the Bald Hair Department.

Moreover, the other party's tone was not as unbearable as what Liu Hun said.

But things are comparative.

Over the years, from Nanxiang to Longyou, and then to Liangzhou, which Hu tribe would dare to say such things to Feng Junhou's subordinates?

Not to mention that Liu Hun originally regarded himself as a descendant of General Du Liao of the Han family, and when he became the Marquis of Guiyi of the Han Dynasty, he felt that his name was justified.

Naturally, the distinction between Han and Hu is more important than real Han people.

"General, what should we do then? From my point of view, they are in full swing now, and they might not listen to advice."

Of course, the momentum was strong, after all, it was just a slaughter in Juyanze.

"In their hands, there should be a lot of Han people who plundered from Juyanze. Let them hand them over first to show their sincerity."

Liu Hun said lightly.

"What if they don't want to?"

As a Xianbei native, Tianli, who is bald, understands the psychology of Xianbei in the west better than Liu Hun.

He remembered that when he met Feng Junhou for the first time, he was sitting on the horse, holding a whip in his hand, pointing at Feng Junhou and talking.

"Then they didn't come here sincerely to join the lord, but they just wanted to use this name to enter Liangzhou to plunder."

Liu Hun sneered.

The bald-haired man took a quick look at Zhang Yuan who was sitting silently by the side.

The new battalion of the Governor's Mansion dispatched this time was led by Zhang Yuan.

Most of them are new recruits who have just come out of the new barracks.

The school lieutenant and military marquis in the army are students who have come out of the lecture hall.

There are only a few veterans as the backbone.

Feeling the bald-haired gaze, Zhang Yuan said slowly:

"It's understandable to do evil in the Hu land because they don't understand the etiquette of China; but at this time in the Han land, you need to follow the etiquette of the Han family. The head of the mountain doesn't need those Hu people who don't understand the rules."

The bald man immediately understood, only to see his eyes were filled with ruthlessness:

"Leave this matter to me. If they don't understand, I will teach them."

Compared with Liu Hun, Tianli with bald hair believed in the students brought out by Feng Junhou himself.

The Han people have a saying, get off the bus and act like a power.

Now, these two people want to show off to their former compatriots!

The bald-haired Tianli understands this truth very well, because he has done this before.

The Xianbei people on the opposite side quickly received the other party's request:

Release all the Han people looted from Juyanze, and at the same time return all the livestock and food obtained.

This request immediately angered the Xianbei people.

What are they going south for?

Isn't it for these?

Now the other side just opened his mouth and took away the spoils he had worked so hard to grab?

Are you crazy?

Besides, who knows which of the slaves who have been robbed is Han and which is Hu?

This is simply to embarrass them on purpose!

Anyway, this place in Liangzhou is not in chaos for a day or two.

The Han government can't manage it at all.

Forming Hu Qi to deal with the Hu people is a trick of the Han people, and it is no big deal.

As long as the enemy in front of you is defeated, I believe the Han government will know what a warrior from the grassland is...

There was the sound of whining horns, and there were occasional sharp beeps.

Xianbei people are very straightforward, and when they see that they can't agree, they start to prepare to do it.

It's okay, it's easy.


Zhang Yuan personally led people to form the formation, and layers of crossbowmen were spread on the river bank like fish scales.

"Don't be nervous, listen to the password well, just like training on weekdays."

Zhang Yuan cheered up and corrected the team.

Don't look at his young age, but in fact, the students in the martial arts hall who were with him had already fought with the mountain leader a few years ago.

They have seen blood since the Battle of Longyou.

Coupled with the study in the martial arts hall, he has made rapid progress.

Compared with those recruits, they are already elite veterans in the army.

Liu Hun led about 300 cavalry troops to escort the new camp.

If something unexpected happens, he will be responsible for taking those students away—the soldiers can be discarded, but the grassroots school officials cannot be discarded.

Although the Xianbei people are composed of various tribes, they came roaring together, and the blackness of the ground was quite shocking.

Many soldiers in the new battalion showed a little panic.

"Don't panic! Follow me!"

The backbone veterans around him know that the more they need to cheer up at this time.

But those students showed excitement.

This is the first time for them to lead the battle alone, and it is also a group cooperation of classmates.

They are the best students, they can't lose the face of the head of the mountain, Nanxiang, the school, and the martial arts hall...

The student in charge of distance measurement stared wide-eyed, looking at Wangshan without daring to blink, and said silently:

"Three hundred and fifty steps, three hundred and forty steps, three hundred and twenty steps..."

Zhang Yuan is the calmest.

He stood there very straight, motionless.

"Three hundred steps!"

The student in charge of ranging suddenly shouted loudly.

"Raise the flag! Beat the drums!"

The drums sounded, and the various military commanders and school lieutenants began to order: "Move! Get ready, aim!"


"Two hundred and fifty steps!"



The arrows flew like locusts, densely packed, covering the bright sky into a cloudy sky.

The strong bows and crossbows manufactured by Hanyang Standard have become life harvesters.

Long arrows pierced through horses and human bodies, and hot blood sprayed into the sky...

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