"Big brother... okay, let's... let's go catch... catch loaches..."

This song is sung by immature children's voices, which is the most beautiful.

On the official road outside the mighty city, Li Shushen, who was on his way, heard this childish voice full of childishness, and couldn't help slowing down, looking towards the source of the sound.

I saw a little girl leaning on a small wooden stick, kicking her buttocks and climbing the small slope beside the official road.

Maybe it was because she was tired from climbing, so she stopped and sang a few words after climbing a few steps.

The singing was a bit intermittent, as if he was hanging his voice.

Li Ming had never heard this kind of song before, and he said it was a unique slang song in Liangzhou. He simply stopped and said to Ma Tian beside him:

"I didn't expect this Liangzhou folk song to sound interesting, but the accent is really weird. I've never heard it before..."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Martin.

But he saw that the other party was so dazed that he stood there in a daze, as if he was thinking about something.

"Brother Youchang, what's going on? Why is your face so ugly?"

Li Ming also said that the other party was too tired after traveling all the way, "Wuwei City is ahead, when we arrive, let's rest for a few days..."

After Martin woke up with a start, a little panic appeared on his face.

This was the first time Li Ming saw him lose his composure since he knew him.

Seeing Li Ming looking at him worriedly and curiously, Martin forced himself to smile:

"When I heard this song, I couldn't help thinking of some old things, which made Shu Shen laugh."

"Old things? Could it be that Cheng Youchang once came to Liangzhou and heard this song?"

Seeing Martin's appearance, Li Ming couldn't help asking in doubt.

Martin shook his head and denied, "Have I ever been to Liangzhou?"

Then he pointed to Xiaopo not far away, "But the song sung by that girl, although the words are not very clear, I have indeed heard the rhyme of the song."

Li Ming also looked at the girl who had climbed to the top of the small slope, and said in surprise:

"What's more? Could it be that this girl is the queen of an old friend of Youchang's?"

After hearing this, Martin's face changed drastically.

But before he could speak, the girl on Xiaopo had probably sensed that the two of them were talking about themselves.

Immediately, he hummed and played a few tricks with the wooden stick in his hand, but he still looked good.

With the final closing gesture, he pointed at the two of them and shouted:

"Who are you guys? Report your name quickly!"

Li Ming saw it interestingly, walked a few steps forward, raised his head slightly, and found that although the girl's clothes didn't look complicated, the corners of the clothes were swaying, and there was a faint streamlined texture.

He was startled, knowing that the girl's family background should not be underestimated.

After careful observation, there seemed to be a figure swaying behind the hillside. It seemed to be a girl's servant or something.

After making this discovery, he gave up the idea of ​​making fun of the girl, and immediately cupped his hands:

"We are scholars who are going to Wuwei to take the exam. When I heard the little lady singing, I lost my composure and offended you. Please forgive me."

On the surface, he seemed to be speaking to the girl, but in fact he was speaking to the people behind her.

Seeing his appearance, the girl blinked, then scratched her head with her hands, as if she didn't know how to answer.

At this moment, a woman's angry voice was heard from a distance:

"Feng Xiaoniang! You are running around again, see if I don't tell your mother to go!"

When the girl heard this voice, her complexion changed drastically. She didn't care about talking to Li Ming, she turned her head and shouted:

"I didn't run around! I was scouting the enemy!"

As she spoke, she climbed down the hillside on hands and feet and disappeared behind.

At this time, Martin walked to Li Ming in a hurry, and while pulling him to continue walking, he said in a hurry:

"Shu Shen, hurry up!"

Li Ming was half-pulled forward by Martin, and asked in surprise:

"Why is Xiaochang so out of control?"

"I think that the girl just now has a difficult family background. You and I are away from home, and we are new to Liangzhou. One thing more is worse than one thing less."


While talking, the two quickened their pace and rushed towards Wuwei City.

After they walked for a certain distance, the voice of the young lady of the Zhang family suddenly sounded from the original place:

"Enemy? What enemy? You don't learn well at such a young age! I think you are the enemy!"

As soon as the words were finished, Zhang Xiaositi slid Feng Shuangshuang out from behind Xiaopo, reprimanding him.

Feng Shuangshuang kept dangling her short legs in mid-air, and shouted:

"I didn't run around..."

Then he stretched out his finger and pointed to the two figures who were about to walk away, "Auntie, look, those two people talked to me just now!"

Zhang Xingyi looked in the direction she was pointing at, but at a glance, she couldn't help being a little taken aback:

Why is the figure in front of me a little familiar?

Taking advantage of Zhang Xingyi's distraction, Shuangshuang twisted her body, broke free from her hand, and ran away.

Zhang Xingyi was furious, and the thought that came up just now was thrown to the back of his mind: "Don't run!"

How could Shuangshuang listen to her?

Turning over the small slope with both hands and feet, kicking and kicking with short legs, he stumbled and ran towards a certain rescuer.

At this time, it was warm spring and flowers were blooming, and there were a lot of wild flowers and weeds outside the official road.

Feng Shuangshuang is small, and she is not afraid of being hung up in her clothes, so she will disappear in the wild.

But Zhang Xingyi was wearing a long skirt, so he didn't dare to walk over directly like her.

She stomped her feet and cried anxiously behind her:

"There are long bugs in the grass, be careful!"

Then he cursed at his entourage, "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and catch up!"

Not far behind the official road, there is a small nameless river, which flows westward and flows into the mighty moat.

By the side of the small river, a cloth curtain was erected, indicating that the female relatives of a rich family came out for spring.

Behind the curtain, green smoke is still curling up.

Zhao Guang was humming an unknown song, busy by the grill, and he could see that he was in a good mood.

Sitting next to him was Huang Wudie, whose mouth was full of oil and was still sending food into his mouth.

"This is muddled, it's too hot, be careful next time."

Huang Wudie's mouth was full of grilled meat, and she didn't even forget to comment.

"Oh, yes, yes, I will pay attention to this."

While flipping through the grilled fish and meat in his hands, Zhao Guang looked at Huang Wudie from time to time, with a silly smile on his face, but tenderness in his eyes.

Guan Ji, who was sitting not far upwind and basking in the sun, saw the affectionate look of the two, she gave a disgusted "tss" and turned around on the recliner.

Feng Yong, who was sitting beside her, said with a smile:

"It's really a marriage, so that a man can really grow up."

Accustomed to Zhao Guang's unreliability, Feng Yong was a little surprised to see him as a family man suddenly.

Huang Wudie's ears were sharp, and when she heard Feng Yong's words, she answered loudly:

"Brother, after you got married, you have always been married, and you have several children, so you don't know the pain of our separation."

After Zhao Guang got married, he has been with Huang Wudie for several years.

Seeing that Guan Ji is pregnant with a second child, not to mention Huang Wudie who has been unwilling to lag behind, even the Zhao family is probably anxious.

So now, Mr. Zhao is going to Nanxiang to recuperate, and Liangzhou has stabilized.

After Huang Wudie returned to Hanzhong to arrange for Mr. Zhao and his wife, they came to Liangzhou again to meet Zhao Guang.

This is also a good thing.

"Don't talk nonsense! Where is it all the time? At the beginning, didn't we also parted for more than half a year?"

Feng Yong retorted.

After the white disaster, it was spring plowing again. After a long time, the spring plowing passed, and the spring day was about to pass.

Grasping the tail of the spring day and stealing some free time, Governor Feng took his whole family out for a play.

After hearing what he said, Huang Wudie rolled her eyes, not knowing if she was choking or what.

At this moment, a small figure suddenly broke in from outside the curtain.

Shuangshuang originally wanted to run to her lord's side.

But when she saw the aunt beside the lord, she turned decisively, ran to Huang Wudie, and shouted: "Aunt Huang!"

When Huang Wudie saw Shuangshuang, her eyes immediately lit up, she threw away the barbecue, and immediately hugged Shuangshuang: "Hey!"

At the same time, he kissed Shuangshuang's face several times, and Shuangshuang's little face was immediately stained with oil.

Although Huang Wudie doesn't get along with Guan Ji, she loves Guan Ji's son and daughter very much.

It's just that since Guan Ji learned that Zhang Xiaosi coveted the secrets of the Feng family last time, she began to discipline Ah Chong strictly.

Just like now, Inspector Feng wants to go fishing in order to relive the leisure time of the past.

Ah Chong was also forced to sit upright beside the adults with a small fishing rod and learn to fish.

Because my mother said that this is self-cultivation.

Seeing his son constantly glancing at his elder sister with an envious look, Governor Feng wanted him to play.

But the sky is big and the earth is big, pregnant women are the biggest, and now even Huang Wudie dare not provoke Guan Ji.

How dare Governor Feng express his opinion on Sanniang's godson?

So I can only let my son be wronged.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaosi followed back angrily, complaining to Feng Yong:

"Brother-in-law, don't just look at Ah Chong, but also discipline Shuangshuang, otherwise she will become a crazy girl!"

How old is the child?

Ah Chong is already suffering enough, what more trouble do you want to add?

Feng Yong asked lazily:

"What's the matter?"

"What do you think of her clothes? She looks wild everywhere, how can she still look like a girl?"

Huang Wudie saw it, and quickly put both on the ground, then whispered something in her ear.

Shuangshuang nodded, tied her horse's stance, blushed, and dragged out her voice, imitating Zhang Xiaosi and shouting:


This sound can poke a hornet's nest.

Governor Feng jumped up all of a sudden.

Guan Ji turned her head abruptly, staring fixedly at that side.

Zhang Xingyi's face suddenly became blood red, and subconsciously stomped his feet: "Look, brother-in-law!"

Governor Feng's mouth twitched:

Adding fuel to the fire, did you do it on purpose? So shrewd on weekdays, now he is a pig teammate?

Only Ah Chong, who was so frightened that he couldn't hold the fishing rod steadily in his hand, looked at his parents and aunt with a dazed and terrified expression.

Huang Wudie laughed, hugged Shuangshuang, turned around and ran away.

"Zhao Erlang, come here!"

Governor Feng rolled up his sleeves, "How long will it take to bake? I wonder if your sister is hungry?"

Zhao Guang looked at Huang Wudie who had disappeared, then at his elder brother who looked at him angrily, at his older sister who stared coldly at him, and at his younger sister who gritted his teeth and stared at him...

The sun will be very high tomorrow, and he suddenly feels very cold.

"It's really chilly! This Liangzhou is quite different from Shu."

Shu had already put on thin shirts at this time, but in Liangzhou, they still had to add an outer robe.

Hearing Li Ming's words, the steward who received the two couldn't help but asked with a smile:

"Is this the first time for the two gentlemen to come to Liangzhou?"

"That's right, I originally set off in September last year, but I didn't expect to go to Hanzhong. There was news that the roads in Liangzhou were blocked by heavy snow, so I had to wait until the beginning of spring."

Martin answered:

"I heard that there was a snowstorm in Liangzhou last year, and the price of food in Sichuan has risen!"

"I haven't been back to Sichuan for two or three years!"

The manager is actually from Shu, and when he heard what Ma Tian said, he seemed to have opened up the conversation:

"That's right. The white disaster in Liangzhou last year was really serious. In recent years, it is rare for food prices in Sichuan to rise so high."

"Hey, if you don't talk about those barbarians, it's a good time to meet Feng Junhou as the governor of Liangzhou."

"Even if it's high-priced food, let the land of Shu transport it to save people first, otherwise, I don't know how many people will die in previous years."

"If only Liangzhou could produce as much grain as Sichuan..."

While talking, the steward handed over two pieces of paper to the two: "Here, fill it out first."

"What is this?"

"Registration form, can you understand it? Can you write?"

It really deserves to be the place where King Feng Gui is in charge, and it has the style of Nanxiang.

The two who stayed in Nanxiang for a long time suddenly had the same feeling.

"Understood, definitely will. Who would dare to take the exam?"

Martin rushed to finish the answer, and then said to Li Ming in a low voice: "The exam has already started."

Li Ming was a little confused.

Martin did not elaborate, but asked:

"Do you have pen and ink?"

"Yes, there are pens and ink on every table over there."

This is a place dedicated to receiving participants in the exam, and there are several rows of desks.

There are high tables and low tables, chairs and kneeling mats. It seems that the Liangzhou Governor's Mansion took care of this aspect, taking into account the different habits of scholars in different places.

After the two found a seat and sat down, Li Ming glanced at the steward.

Seeing that the other party had already read a book by himself, he lowered his voice and asked:

"Brother Xiaochang, the exam you mentioned just now..."

Martin shook the registration form in his hand: "Although there is no threshold for the exam, this is the invisible threshold for the exam. Only those who can read and write can participate."

Li Ming was stunned.

He also thought that Liangzhou Governor's Mansion wanted to find out his own details with this thing.

Thinking about it, the world has been in chaos for decades, there are countless fugitives and hidden households, and the household registration system has long been corrupted.

How can people like Feng Guiwang expect to know who is coming by relying on this?

After the two finished writing, the steward took a careful look at the registration form, and couldn't help admiring:

"This word is really good!"

He stood up and became more enthusiastic than he was at the beginning: "This is the number plate. If you two go out and turn left, someone will arrange for you."

As he spoke, he handed over two signs with "Ding Forty-Three" and "Ding Forty-Four" written on them.

"In the next three months, the two of you will officially enter the exam. If you can pass these three months, you can enter the next stage."

The steward said with a smile.

Martin tried to inquire: "What are the exams for these three months, can you tell me?"

"Well, someone will arrange it."

The steward laughed, but refused to speak clearly.

But when he saw his accommodation, Li Ming couldn't help it anymore:

"This... the two of us share a room?"

When the waiter who brought the two of them heard this, he immediately became happy:

"Two people? My lord, how can there be only two people in such a big house? This is a room for four people. If someone comes again in the future, four people will live in it."


Although compared to the direct descendants of the Li family, Li Ming had suffered a lot.

But in terms of accommodation, I never thought that I would live in the same room with others, and there were still four of them.

Maybe seeing Li Ming's reluctance, the waiter added another sentence:

"My lord, this house is actually pretty good."

"The two of you must have heard that Liangzhou was hit by a catastrophe last year. People's livelihoods are difficult, and the government is short of money and food."

"But that's it. Free lodging is provided for scholars who come from all over the world. The food and use are all the people's fat and people's ointment!"

Hearing that the waiter still said these words, Li Ming's face became hot.

Looking at the back of the waiter who taught him a lesson, Martin smiled thoughtfully: "It's interesting."

"Shu Shen, being away from home is no better than being at home. Especially in the Governor's Mansion, it's the first time since the big man to select talents through public examinations."

"How to test and how to choose are unknown, we should be cautious in words and deeds. Just like living in this house, maybe it is also one of the tests."

"Is this considered a test?" On the second day, Li Ming pointed to everything in front of him and asked Martin tremblingly, "Youchang, are you sure we didn't come here as coolies?"

No money for the following:

A few days ago, a comrade-in-arms came over suddenly. To be honest, I never thought that there are still comrades-in-arms who would remember me.

I haven't drunk alcohol in the past ten years, and I have broken the precept these days, so I haven't changed it in the past few days.

The reason why I drank too much was not because of anything else, but on the birthday of my motherland, I suddenly discovered that I had such an experience when I was young and passionate.

I hope that the motherland will always be prosperous and strong, and the people will always be peaceful!

I hope that when I become an old man, I can see the great rejuvenation of the nation with my own eyes!

Because of this, the old man feels that although this life is a waste of time in other aspects, it is mediocre.

But at least the fuck did something meaningful!

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