Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 879 How can a princely scholar compare with talents?

With food in hand, don't panic.

Of course Governor Feng understood this truth very well.

He even understood: preparing for war and famine is for... well, for the world.

Because Liangzhou has been in turmoil for more than a hundred years, the great and fertile land has been wasted in vain.

In this era, the resistance to natural disasters is already insufficient, coupled with the enhanced effect of man-made disasters.

A small natural disaster can easily be magnified into a disaster that displaces the people.

So as big as the imperial court, as small as the head of a party, not to mention sincerely thinking about the people, they just want to maintain the stability of the society and the people.

The long-term solution is to vigorously develop productivity and greatly improve the ability of the society and the people to resist risks.

It's just that this method, in the ancient times when the literacy rate was extremely low, had to greatly lengthen the timeline if it wanted to have an obvious effect.

At least calculated in units of hundreds or even hundreds of years.

In addition, the production relations in ancient China were too precocious, so when the society developed to a certain extent, it would actually hinder productivity.

Therefore, in history, any reform that wants to liberate productive forces and break the old production relations will inevitably encounter great resistance.

Most of the time, such reforms or changes can only be carried out passively and slowly.

As for is there any other way?

Of course there are.

The most obvious method is to turn on the infrastructure mode.

According to the level of this era, the construction of water conservancy is the most effective infrastructure.

But for Governor Feng...children will choose, and of course adults want all of them.

Ten years ago, there was a plan to pry the corner of the aristocratic family, and it took ten years to finally forge the sharp weapon of Xinghanhui.

For this era, the Xinghan Society headed by him is the representative of advanced productive forces.

This is not at all polite.

It is precisely because he is a representative of advanced productive forces that he can deal with the southern Zhongyi people and the Liangzhou Hu people.

It can even make a considerable number of aristocratic families have to take the initiative to transform.

Now that the long-term direction has been grasped, it is naturally impossible for the remaining infrastructure models to fall.

After chaos comes great order.

Although the once-in-a-century white disaster cannot shake the foundation of the aristocratic family, it has a considerable impact on the Huren tribe in Liangzhou and a considerable number of low-level Guizhou heads.

Big enough to give Governor Feng the opportunity to reintegrate the social resources of the middle and lower classes in Liangzhou.

Relief with work, starting infrastructure, so that a large number of ordinary people and barbarian people who want to have a full meal are very grateful to the Liangzhou Governor's Mansion of the Han Dynasty.

As long as Cangtou Guishou can survive the disaster, you will be a good official even if you hug your beautiful wife and concubine every day to get drunk and dream of death.

If there is no way for people to survive, it will really make the people hungry, who cares whether you are a clean official who eats grass roots or a corrupt official who eats meat?

Anyway, to them, meat eaters are the same thing.

As a well-known conscientious official, Governor Feng naturally couldn't be that kind of stuff.

After the spring plowing in Liangzhou, even if Governor Feng took the whole family out for a spring outing, he would still be a good official to the people of Liangzhou.

But he can be lazy, others may not have such good luck.

For example, Martin and Li Ming are among the others.

Because after the spring plowing, we must seize the time to build water conservancy and lay the foundation for the next year's plowing.

In the next two to three years, it will be a critical window to determine whether Liangzhou can become a truly fertile land.

The reason why Li Ming complained to Martin that he came to work as a coolie was because he and others had to participate in the construction of water conservancy projects.

It's not the kind that stands by the water and gesticulates, and it's not the kind that just sits in the official office and orders it.

It's the kind that has to go to the scene and personally organize the folks to rush to work.

To put it bluntly, it is to use them as petty officials.

No wonder Li Ming complained so much.

For Cangtou Guishou, small officials are of course a difficult class to cross.

But for the children of the aristocratic family, it is a tiring job. How many people are willing to do it from a small official?

If you don't believe me, just look at the scene in front of you.

Wearing Futou, those young gentlemen who obviously came from school, actually rolled up their trouser legs, ran into the muddy water, and ordered the peasants to dig ditches.

Even a little impatient, he even picked up the tools and started working.

What about the reserve of you scholars?

What about Sven?

Are you mud legs?

"See?" Martin raised his chin, gesturing to those eye-catching young gentlemen, "If my guess is correct, those must be students from Nanxiang Academy."

"Then Feng Mingwen, even the students he brought out use it like this, I'm afraid it's a real move."

"At that time, if we are unwilling to let go of our bodies, then his students will have nothing to say if they pass the exams in the first three months."

This is an upright conspiracy.

What's more, the sons of aristocratic families are unwilling to suffer this hardship, and those who come from poor families may not be unwilling.

As long as he gritted his teeth and passed the exam two years later, what if he could really get a job in the future?

More importantly, no matter how unwilling those family members are, what about their own family?

How many families have eaten the great benefits that Feng Guiwang delivered to their mouths a few months ago?

Those benefits have not been fully swallowed yet.

If they really dared to say that they couldn't do it and sneaked home, the head of the clan might hang them up and beat them!

If you really don't do it, wouldn't you spit out the benefits that the clan got?

An aristocratic family that can be romantic for hundreds or even hundreds of years may misjudge something before the general situation is clear.

So I like to do both.

But after the general situation is clear, if they still don't know the trade-offs and the importance, then they are not worthy of these hundreds of years of romance.

Since the founding of the country by Liu Bei, Ji Han has plundered the money of the aristocratic families in Shu for the country's use.

When Zhuge Liang ruled Shu, he was famous for attacking the nobles of the aristocratic families in Shu.

The most important thing is that Feng Yong, known as Xiao Wenhe, took advantage of Xiao Guan's victory and entered Liangzhou.

At the same time that Liangzhou began to test and select talents, it also offered huge benefits that people could not refuse.

For Shi Jiahaoyou, this feeling is like eating honey coated with shit.

Disgusting is disgusting, but if you really want them to give up eating, they are reluctant.

When the prime minister of Han Dynasty wanted to eat the bonus of Feng Guiwang, he had to close his eyes and swallow it.

Now it's finally the Liangzhou family's turn to do it again.

As for whether the prime minister of Han did it on purpose, it is not known.

Anyway, the prime minister is used to it, or has to get used to it.

I think I will get used to it when I come to Liangzhou aristocratic family.

Many people in the Liangzhou family also understood very clearly that it was impossible for Ji Han to give in when attacking the family.

After all, the later Han indulged the powerful for two hundred years, allowing the powerful to grow into a family, and the result?

The family lay on Hou Han's body to suck enough blood, and then watched Hou Han collapse with a cold eye. Some even felt that it didn't fall fast enough, so they stepped forward and pushed it.

So, how could Ji Han, who claimed to be in the same lineage of the Han Dynasty, make the same mistake again?

Although in recent years, it is not that there are no new aristocratic families in the Shu region, let alone the Li family in Longxi, which has suddenly turned around in the past few years.

But this only shows that Ji Han sees very clearly that the aristocratic family cannot be completely eradicated.

It cannot be said that Ji Han will not restrict and restrict the family.

Under this general situation, Feng Guiwang held a big stick in one hand and honey in the other.

Those who are obedient have candy to eat, and those who are disobedient can only be driven to a corner to beg for food like the big family of the Li family in the middle of Sichuan.

So now, while the children of the aristocratic family still have the advantage, finding a way to take the lead is the best way out.

For the aristocratic family, it's just bad money, and it's not like they haven't eaten, so what's there to be ashamed of?

Otherwise, do you really have to wait for the humble sons behind, or even the sons of Qianshou to catch up?

No matter how miserable Feng Guiwang was tormenting the children of the aristocratic family introduced by the aristocratic family.

But as long as their family doesn't want to be eliminated by the tide of the times like the Li family in Shu, then they can only accept their fate, or else they really dare to violate the family's will?

Not everyone has the luck and ability of Li Muna.

Li Ming was born in the big house of the Li family that was knocked down by the tide.

Although he is only considered the bottom of the big house, his feelings about these things are far better than others.

What's more, he has fewer options.

Because in Yuejuan, there was another elder sister who brought him up and gave him a lifetime of happiness in exchange for a future.

So complaining is nothing but complaining, but he finally gritted his teeth, took off his boots, lifted his robe, and stepped into the muddy water.

Seeing his appearance, the manager of the assigned section couldn't help saying admiringly:

"This gentleman is a man who can let go."

Martin looked at the steward, and asked with a smile:

"From the manager's tone, could it be that there are still people who are not willing to do this job?"

The steward laughed: "Not only do you not want to, you even point at me and scold me!"

"What happened next?" Martin asked with interest.

"Later? Later, the well-founded family either took away the person and replaced him. Or they sent someone over to look at the children of the clan..."

"No foundation?"

"Run! What else can I do?"

"Isn't Junhou afraid that those who run away will be dissatisfied with this arrangement and ruin Junhou's own reputation?"

"What are you afraid of? When has Junhou ever been afraid of being ruined by others?"

The steward said with a smile.


Martin nodded.

"What's more, as long as you are a student now, who can ruin the reputation of the prince?"

The steward took a "tui" mouthful, "Is it possible that your conscience has been eaten by dogs? Nanxiang has printed all the books in the world, and scholars can read them without spending a penny."

Hearing the steward's words, Martin nodded and said with emotion:

"That's right, not to mention that Nanxiang has printed all the books in the world, even in today's world, except for Cao Zhi of Wei, whose writing can be compared with that of Feng Junhou, who else can read it?

Naturally, the manager doesn't understand things like reducing dimensionality, and Martin doesn't understand either, but there may be reasons for others to scold Feng Mingwen, but scholars must be the group of people with the least confidence.

If there was not another Cao Zijian in the Central Plains, I am afraid that Feng Yong would occupy all the talents in the world and lead the coquettishness alone.

It's just that although Cao Zijian can compare with Feng Mingwen in writing articles, to put it bluntly, he is just a scholar with the status of a prince.

But Feng Mingwen was able to use both civil and military skills, and his achievements were far more than those few shocking works.

In terms of governing the country and governing the people, I don't know how much higher Feng Mingwen is than Cao Zijian.

After all, Feng Mingwen really no longer needs to be afraid of others' slander.

Thinking of this, Martin sighed again:

"Talent in the world is a stone, Feng Mingwen has eight, Cao Zijian has one, and the rest is shared by the world."

When the steward heard it, his face changed drastically on the spot, and two words came out of his mouth uncontrollably: "Damn!"

These two words revealed that he had been following a certain Feng surnamed Junhou for a long time.

"Mr. Ma, what do you mean by your words?"

"I say that Feng Mingwen's talent is astounding."


The steward shouted louder.

Seeing the steward looking him up and down, his face was cloudy and clear, as if he wanted to draw his sword and cut someone.

Martin smiled calmly:

"This is not an exaggeration, please listen to me."

The steward's eyes flickered, but he finally nodded and said, "Sir, please speak."

Let's see what you say, if you can't tell the reason, let's see how I deal with you!

Martin pointed to the east and said with a smile:

"If you only talk about writing articles, Cao Zijian naturally shares his talents with the princes, but Cao Zijian is just a scholar with the status of a prince."

"How can it be compared with Feng Junhou, who governed the country and the people? The ancients said: the first is morality, the second is meritorious service, and the second is Liyan."

"Nanxiang printed all the books in the world, so that scholars in the world will no longer suffer from reading books. That is an immortal thing through the ages, and it is worthy of virtue."

"I once heard that Feng Junhou had the phrase 'establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations', and his writing is enough to make a statement."

"The only meritorious service left by the monarch and marquis now is not considered complete. If in the future, he can assist the emperor to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty and restore the old capital, it will be a meritorious service."

"Before the year of the king and marquis, he will be established before the end of the year. The three establishments are already prepared and the two will be established. Cao Zijian, but a mere prince and scholar, how can he compare with the prince and marquis?"

When the steward heard this, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and he was already in a state of dementia.

On the other hand, Martin, seeing the steward's reaction like this, felt a little surprised, and cupped his hands at the young steward:

"Dare to ask this gentleman's surname?"

"Don't dare, my surname is Xu, my name is Xun, and my character is Yuande."

The steward quickly returned the salute respectfully.

The person who can say these words must not be an ordinary person, so he deserves such a gift.

Martin was taken aback.

Xu Xun Xu Yuande?

Isn't that Xu Ci's son?

No wonder then.

Xu Ci can now be regarded as the first person to promote Taixue among the big men.

The reputation among the big fellow scholars is only inferior to that of Xiang Lang, who is a free priest.

Martin took a careful look at Xu Xun, and was relieved to be sure that he didn't know him.

No wonder.

When he was prosperous back then, Xu Ci's status was far inferior to him.

Not to mention Xu Ci's son, who hadn't been an official a few years ago, was even less qualified to meet him.

Having figured this out, Martin didn't say any more, just lifted the hem of his robe, took off his boots, and walked down the muddy water.

Seeing this, Xu Xun nodded in satisfaction.

He took out the folder under his armpit, opened it, found the numbers Ding Forty-Three and Ding Forty-Four, and ticked a tick behind the names of Martin and Li Ming.

Let’s not talk about whether ability is important or not, but on the first day, the attitude of the two of them was still very qualified.

"Are you tall?"

When Feng Mingwen heard Xu Xun's small report, he was stunned on the spot.

It took a long time to recover, "Are you sure that person's surname is Ma, not Xie?"

Xu Xun nodded quickly:

"The registration on this person's file is indeed a surname Ma, but it's not his real name, so we don't know."

This is amazing!

Xie Lingyun crossed?

Dare to say such crazy words, he must not know how Xie Lingyun played himself to death.

But think about it, since this person dares to say that Cao Zijian is a princely scholar, he is naturally a crazy student.

At this time, the atmosphere of the world, the style of the Wei and Jin Dynasties in the original history has faintly appeared.

So it's not surprising that a madman emerges.

But this madman wants to beat himself to death...

Ghost King Feng muttered a little, could it be that the old tortoise Sima Yi sent here to molest me?

Guiwang Feng was suspicious, but it was General Guan who heard that his own Alang had such a high evaluation in the eyes of others.

At the moment, he was pregnant with a big belly, and said to his son with a smile on his face:

"Listen, your lord is very talented, you can't be inferior in the future!"

Ah Chong couldn't understand what Grandma said, but still nodded vigorously.

Zhang Xingyi looked at the mother and son and snorted.


Could it be that I, Zhang Xiaosi, are not more qualified than you?

In the future, the son of me and A Lang will definitely be better than your son!

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, during the Wei and Jin Dynasties of the Three Kingdoms, the trend of commenting on characters was strong, and their reputation was so good that it could be spread all over the world.

Guiwang Feng doesn't care about this, but it doesn't mean that Guan Ji and others are not affected by this trend.

At this time, it was the first time that others had such a high opinion of Feng Yong, so how could he not be happy right now?

"Although this person's words are a little crazy, but what is said about Alang is not true?"

General Guan was the most defensive, and said impatiently, "I think he must be talented, Yuan De, you go down, you have to pay attention to this person."

Zhang Xingyi said with a smile:

"You can also let people spread this person's evaluation of brother secretly. I heard that Wei people are full of slanderous words against brother, saying that brother's writing does not rhyme, and it is not as good as that Cao Zijian."

"Think about Cao Zijian, but he only has a lot of talent, how can he be as talented as brother, isn't he?"

"Pair to pole!"

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