Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 880 Chapter 0891 Abnormal

General Guan gave a very positive answer to the question "Which is more beautiful between Hanfeng Langjun and Wei Caogongzi":

"Ah Lang is very beautiful, how can Cao Zijian be as good as the king?"

At the same time, Zhang Xiaosi on the side held the same opinion:

"Wei often slandered the emperor and slandered the emperor. It is called the world. The beauty of the emperor occupies eight parts of the world, and Cao Zijian is the only ear."

Feng Junhou is self-aware, and he wanted to reject such praise.

It's just based on the idea that "the position of public opinion, if we don't occupy it, the enemy will occupy it".

Since Wei thief repeatedly belittled his own articles, Feng Junhou would naturally not be polite.

It’s okay to belittle me, but belittle my articles, heck, isn’t that belittle Li Taibai?

This is absolutely not possible!

Therefore, Feng Junhou had no choice but to be ashamed of the title of "talented and talented", but he was disrespectful.

With the resources that the Xinghan Society currently possesses, it doesn't take much effort to spread the idiom "talented and talented".

Although the rangers in Yongliang and Liangzhou are not doing well now, it is still very useful to spread some news secretly.

Coupled with caravan exchanges, it is a natural channel for news dissemination.

As the direct impact of the Battle of Xiaoguan began to subside, caravans that demanded money and sacrificed their lives began to communicate again between Guanzhong, Hanzhong, and Longyou.

Li Mu, who is in charge of allocating materials unique to the big man to the caravan, mentioned an extra unusual situation when reporting to Feng Yong:

"Over in Guanzhong, someone offered to raise the prices of brown sugar, honey wine and apple rose wine, and the demand is much higher than last year."

Li Mu flipped through the documents while talking, "I also specifically checked the supplies that were transported to Guanzhong in the past years. The quantity is indeed increasing year by year."

Sweet things like brown sugar, for people in this era, are addictive drugs similar to later generations.

Who is to say that this era is backward?

As the emperor, Cao Pi wrote a special article saying that apple wine is a peerless wine, saying that it is sweet and quenches thirst.

It can be seen that even the top rich and powerful families are eager for desserts.

"The demand is increasing year by year. That's normal. What's the problem?"

This is Li Mu's special office.

Feng Yong leaned on the sofa made of soft down, and looked at Li Mu who was standing by the desk, carefully flipping through the documents in his hand.

Over the years, because Li Mu often has to show up to deal with things, the narrow-sleeved tights that are easy to move have become her regular clothes.

In the late spring season, the temperature has warmed up, and the girdle around the waist outlines Li Mu's figure well, with a round top and bottom.

Obviously, since coming to Liangzhou, he has received much more nourishment than before, so his body bloomed quietly.

"The increase in demand this time is too large, several times that of last year."

Li Mu didn't know how attractive Feng Tubie's eyes were with her classic and soft appearance as a strong woman, so she still focused on the document:

"Don't Alang think there's something wrong here?"

"I don't think so." Feng Yong shook his head, "Even if Guanzhong wants all the brown sugar output from Dahan, that's not unusual."

From the day when brown sugar appeared to the present, if it were not for the purpose of opening up business routes between Wei, Wu and the Western Regions for the Xinghan Society, it would enforce a quota system for these directions.

Shu land alone can digest a year's production.

Not to mention that the big man now controlled Longyou a few years ago, cutting off the channels for Wei's dignitaries to obtain rose peach wine...

Thinking of this, Feng Yong suddenly sat upright and touched his chin:

"When you put it that way, I think something is wrong."

If the dignitaries of the Wei state had such a strong demand for desserts, they would start to find ways to import them in large quantities from Hanzhong and Longyou in the second year after losing Longyou.

Instead of waiting for Liangzhou to fall into the hands of the big man, such a big change began to take place.

Because Longyou fell into the hands of the big man, it also cut off the main channel connecting Liangzhou and Guanzhong.

Feng Yong knocked on the table and thought for a while, "Is there a way to know where these extra demands finally flow to?"

For all affairs in the governor's office, the general is involved in the military, Zhang Xiaosi is involved in the government affairs, Amei is involved in the logistics equipment, and Li Mu is involved in the financial source.

Although Governor Feng's stomach is not very good, he should eat more soft food on weekdays.

But if you really want to say that he is just eating and waiting to die, the harem group will be the first to refuse.

For example, the establishment of the intelligence system, the combing and analysis of intelligence, and the ideas of Feng Cishi surpassed this era by more than a century or two.

Li Mu shook his head: "There are too many aristocratic families in the Central Plains, and now in Guanzhong, Sima Yi seems to intend to open a special trading market in Chang'an."

"The caravans from Hanzhong and Longyou can only trade in designated places."

Hearing Li Mu's words, Governor Feng frowned, and then smiled lightly:

"So, if you really want to make calculations, you have to let Sima Yi do it! Cao Zhen and his like are just warriors. To be a general or a handsome man is just because of his surname Cao."

The world is qualified to evaluate Cao Zhenren in this way, and at the same time dare to make such an evaluation, not too many.

Governor Feng happened to be one of them.

In the past, the State of Wei needed bulky materials such as wool, brown sugar, and Shu brocade from the great man, as well as materials in short supply, so Cao Zhenna had to squeeze his nose in when he knew that the caravans had special operations.

Coupled with the rangers running around, it can be said that in the past few years, the Guanzhong area was penetrated like a sieve.

It is a proof that You Chu's family can be easily moved to Hanzhong by the people sent by Feng Yong.

The only one that has not been infiltrated is the military.

Now that Guanzhong has been dealt with by Sima Yi in this way, the detailed work in the future may not be as convenient as before.

Even Sima Yi had to carve up the right to price the goods transported by the caravan.

Of course, this matter has no effect on Dahan's profit.

Because it's a seller's market right now.

What Sima Yi wants to leave is the pricing power of the Kanto market.

Having figured this out, Feng Yong subconsciously knocked on the table.

Sure enough, is it worthy of being an old tortoise who can drag the old demon Zhuge to his death?

"In this way, I am afraid that the longer the delay, the harder it will be to fight in Guanzhong."

First, they farmed in Guanzhong, and now they are trying to expand their financial resources.

Coupled with the support of Guandong, as long as it takes two or three years, Guanzhong may be run like an iron bucket by Sima Yi.

It's just that in the current situation of the big man, it is also too risky to force troops.

Relying only on the strength of Hanzhong, the old monster Zhuge probably still had to follow the old path of history, and was forced to station troops on the edge of the Wei River, facing Sima Yi across the water.

Because Longyou's troops couldn't break through Si County, they couldn't play a big role at all.

And the army under Feng Shishi's command, which should have been a strategic mobile force, is in a critical period of reconstruction.

In addition, Liangzhou was initially settled, and the Hu people in the north had not yet been dealt with, so the Liangzhou army would not be able to leave Liangzhou in the past two or three years.

Seeing that Feng Yong's expression was not right, Li Mu asked with concern:

"Ah Lang, over there in Guanzhong, do we want to reduce some shares?"

"No! Can't surrender!" Feng Yong quickly opened his palm and raised his arm, "The current situation in Guanzhong cannot be reacted immediately until it is found out."

"Because this may be a deliberate attempt by Sima Yi. If we react too quickly, we may startle him instead."

Speaking of this, Feng Yong thought about it again, "not only can't drop, but also allocate more shares to that side, but we must pay attention to a certain degree, and we can't allocate enough supplies according to the requirements of the other party."

Capital is all about profit. As long as the money is in place, no matter how much Xinghan controls the channels, someone will find a way to squeeze out some supplies.

Therefore, this matter should not be made too obvious, and it should be as clear as possible that the caravan is acting according to market rules.

"Let Xizuo in Guanzhong think of a way to see if he can find out why Wei Guo suddenly wants so much brown sugar and honey wine."

At present, there is no way to deal with Guanzhong, so we can only collect as much information as possible for the time being.

Li Mu nodded and wrote down with a charcoal notebook.

"It would be perfect if you add a pair of glasses."

After Governor Feng finished giving his orders, he saw President Li bowing his head and taking notes, his heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly spoke again.

Li Mu raised his head, looked at Governor Feng in a daze, and at the same time pinned his hair on the sideburns: "What are you talking about? What glasses?"

It may be in the spring... day, it's a certain season again.

Although Li Mu's provocative gesture was unintentional, in the eyes of Governor Feng, it was extremely touching.

So Feng's heart suddenly became angry.

"Call me Boss Feng."

"Boss Feng?"

Then he let out a low voice, "Ah Lang..."

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound, "I told you to call me Boss Feng."

"Feng... Boss Feng, don't do this."


"Boss Feng, don't be here..."

President Li's voice became more and more urgent, it sounded like water was about to drip.

"Do you know what an 'office romance' is?"

"I don't know."

"It's okay, I'll teach you, and you'll know right away."


Things like "two people in the office" are actually... pretty cool!

After an unknown amount of time, Governor Feng came out of President Li's office refreshed.

At the same time, he did not forget to tell the female guard guarding the door: "Miss Li is tired, so send someone to guard here. She will rest for a while, and don't let anyone disturb her."

The female guard without a trace of expression saluted and replied: "No!"

Just after the order was finished, only the sound of footsteps came.

Looking up, Zhang Xingyi had already appeared around the corner.

Feng Cishi's heart trembled inexplicably, and he hurriedly greeted him:

"Si Niang, why are you walking in such a hurry?"

When Zhang Xingyi saw Feng Yong, his face relaxed, walked to Feng Yong's side, and said in a low voice:

"Hanzhong sent people over, Alang hurried to the front hall."

Knowing that Zhang Xiaosi came to find Li Mu for something, Feng Yong was relieved at first, and then he was puzzled again:

"Hanzhong sent people over? Why didn't you notify in advance?"

As long as the official document is not urgent, according to the rules, whether it is the prime minister's mansion or the imperial palace, someone will be notified in advance to make the governor's mansion ready.

After all, it is impossible for an envoy to drive day and night, but it is possible to pass a horse.

"It was secretly escorted."

Zhang Xingyi explained after falling half a step behind Feng Yong.

problem occurs?

Feng Yong's heart tightened, and he quickly quickened his pace: "Who is here?"

"Li Wenxuan personally escorted him."

When Feng Yong heard this, his heart sank even more.

Li Wenxuan is Li Yi.

Now he is joining the army in the prime minister's mansion.

At the same time, he is also the default representative of the Xinghan Society in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

It must be a big deal for Li Yi to come here in person and secretly escort him at the same time.

Feng Yong tried hard to think about it, it seems that there is really no big deal at this time in history!

With such thoughts in mind, Feng Yong stepped into the front hall of the Governor's Mansion for hospitality.

"I have seen the prince."

Li Yi saw Feng Yong and quickly saluted.

"Li Canjun, get up."

Feng Yong returned a salute, and then his eyes fell on a middle-aged man behind Li Yi.

Regardless of the fact that Feng Yong and Li Yi didn't say anything, Li Yi already hinted that this middle-aged man was not his own in the salute between the two.

"Cao San from Wei, met General Feng."

The middle-aged man also looked at Feng Yong with scrutiny. Although he was prepared in his heart, he was sure that the young man in front of him was the famous Feng Wenhe.

He still showed a look of extreme surprise.

"Wei people?"

Feng Yong raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Yi.

Seeing Li Yi nod his head slightly, he was sure that he had heard correctly.

"The envoy Cao is indeed from the state of Wei." Li Yi explained, "It was specially sent by King Chen of the state of Wei to deliver a letter to the prince."

"Chen Wang?" Feng Yong felt that this name was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while, "Who is it?"

Based on the current state of the Han and Wei dynasties, generally speaking, the so-called kings of the Wei state should be called false kings.

Li Yi said that it was King Chen of the Wei Kingdom, which means that this King Chen of the Wei Kingdom has some kind of good intentions, at least not provocative.

"My master, go to Cao Yuzhi."

Cao San explained.


Governor Feng took a breath, and subconsciously looked at Zhang Xingyi beside him:

When did you get the telegram? Let Cao Zhi send someone over to settle accounts with me so quickly?

Zhang Xiaosi: ...

"So it was sent by Mr. Cao, please take a seat."

Feng Yong hurriedly greeted Cao San enthusiastically.

"Feng Langjun is in front, how can there be a place for a villain to sit?" Cao San lowered his head, then reached into his arms, and took out something wrapped in oilcloth.

Untie it to reveal a letter.

Cao San held up his hands respectfully, and said to Feng Yong, "The master has faith and wants to give it to Feng Langjun."

Over the years, Governor Feng, with the improvement of his status, even dared to cheat the prime minister, so who was he ever afraid of?

Unexpectedly, facing Cao Zhi's letter, he was a little afraid to reach out to accept it.

Although it is known that the Han and Wei dynasties fought life and death, it is common for great figures to exchange letters.

But it was the first time Governor Feng encountered such a thing, and it would be abnormal if he didn't murmur in his heart.

He glanced at Li Yi.

Li Yi nodded slightly again.

Only then did Feng Yong reach out to pick up the letter.

There are four extremely beautiful and elegant words on the envelope: Feng Jun personally.

Feng Yong took the letter in his hand, pondered for a moment, and asked:

"I have never met Mr. Cao, why did Mr. Cao write to me?"

Cao San replied neither humble nor overbearing:

"Although the master has never met Feng Langjun, he has had a long-term friendship with him. He once said: Today, Feng Jun is the only one who can talk about poetry and prose."

"Nowadays the two countries are like water and fire. They want to meet each other but can't get it. Therefore, the villain was entrusted by the master to come and send a letter to Feng Langjun to fulfill his long-cherished wish."

When Feng Yong heard it, he couldn't help being a little bit dumbfounded, and at the same time feeling a little bit emotional.

This... how should I put it, with Cao Zhi's temperament, it was probably already doomed to lose the position of succession.

Mr. Cao, you are now King Chen of the Wei Kingdom, and at the same time the uncle of the emperor, and more importantly, you are still the loser of the previous generation's competition for the throne.

Are you really not afraid of making Cao Rui furious and chopping off your head?

Feng Yong put the letter away, and then asked: "Mr. Cao...does Master Wei know about this move?"

Cao San smiled indifferently, and said: "The master has appeared on the table several times before, and wants to be an official to make the best of his talents. His Majesty knows his loyalty to Wei."

"In February of this year, the master returned to court to meet His Majesty, and had to relocate the land to become King Chen. Now, I have only heard Feng Jun's name for a long time, and I am eager to hear it."

"I also have correspondence with the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, the great Sima, so what's wrong with the master's move? Why do you need to be afraid?"

Has Cao Zhi moved to the fiefdom again?

Feng Yong asked again: "Mr. Cao is still in good health?"

This was a customary greeting, but Cao San's expression changed, and he looked at Feng Yong in horror, before he spoke for a long time:

"I am concerned about Mr. Feng Lang. The master returned to the court last winter and moved to the fief in February, so he was overworked and recuperated in a couch."

"However, it has been more than two months now, and I think I should have recovered."

Feng Yong nodded: "Okay, I understand. You must be tired after traveling thousands of miles away, so let's go down and rest first."

"Thank you Feng Langjun."

After people took Cao San down to rest, Feng Yong sat on the main seat and motioned for Li Yi to sit down.

Of course, Zhang Xiaosi can't leave either, this is the time when she needs her brain.

Feng Yong asked Li Yi and said:

"what happened?"

Li Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, you are embarrassing my younger brother. If I hadn't heard what Cao San said just now, my younger brother would not even know that Cao Zijian wanted to befriend his elder brother."

"The prime minister didn't say anything?"

Feng Yong frowned.

Li Yi shook his head: "No, just let my younger brother escort this person here, don't make it public."

Feng Yong looked at Secretary Zhang again.

Zhang Xingyi has been thinking about this from the very beginning.

At this moment, she only heard her say:

"The prime minister didn't say anything, but let the elder brother of the Li family escort the person here, so the prime minister should have agreed to the correspondence between the elder brother and that Cao Zijian."

"After all, Cao Zijian's literary reputation is well-known throughout the world. If even he recognizes brother's literary talent, who in the world would dare to say no?"

Feng Yong nodded.

Public opinion war, this is indeed in line with the style of Zhuge Old Demon.

As long as it involves the name of the orthodox Han Dynasty, it must not give up.

"It's just that what I don't understand is that the thief Wei tried his best to suppress A Lang's articles, why is Cao Zhi doing the opposite now?"

"With Cao Zhi's reputation, isn't this a blatant insult to Wei Guo?"

Feng Yong can guess a thing or two more about this than others.

I saw him shaking his head and laughing:

"Cao Zhi is afraid that he has given up on himself, and simply smashed the jar, returning to his early nature."

Cao Zhi was originally a book businessman, and he often acted willfully.

When Cao Cao was away, he dared to ride a chariot and horse privately, open the gate of the palace without authorization, and gallop on the forbidden road that only the emperor can walk when holding ceremonies.

In the end, Cao Cao was furious and executed the bus order who was in charge of the royal family's chariots and horses.

But Cao Zhi hasn't learned his lesson yet, and still does his own thing.

During the Battle of Xiangfan, Cao Cao asked Cao Zhi to be the general of Nanzhong Lang, the general who conquered the captives, and led his troops to rescue Cao Ren.

After the order was issued, Cao Zhi was too drunk to accept the order.

This incident made Cao Cao completely disappointed in him.

Looking at Cao Zhiqi's essays again, we often see lofty ideals and ambitions.

If he and Li Taibai lived in the same era, they would probably have a lot in common.

In fact, Li Taibai's fate is not similar to that of Cao Zhi?

Feng Yongzai sighed, but Li Yi and Zhang Xingyi looked over with strange eyes.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

Feng Yong touched his face.

Li Yi smiled and said:

"Brother Wen's tone is so firm, if you don't know it, you might think that you have known Cao Zijian for a long time."

Zhang Xingyi also had big bright eyes, and said inquiringly:

"So, no wonder Cao Zijian sent someone to deliver a letter to brother?"

Feng Yong shook his head and said with a helpless smile: "You don't understand!"

Cao Sanfang said: "Master has appeared on the table several times before, and wants to be an official to make the best of his talents. His Majesty knows his loyalty to Wei."

It sounds like Cao Zhi is loyal to the state of Wei, and has repeatedly expressed his desire to become an official.

But Feng Yong combined his understanding of the history of "Jian'an Sancao".

He knew that Cao Zhi's above statement, no matter how touching it was, would not be able to impress Cao Rui at all.

If I remember correctly, later generations called Cao Zhi King Chen, so I felt a little familiar when I first heard this king title.

This title should be Cao Zhi's last title.

In other words, it is very likely that Cao Zhi already knew that he had completely lost hope of realizing his revenge.

For a disheartened, naturally romantic and willful person, it is not surprising to do anything out of the ordinary.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong suddenly remembered something, was startled, stood up suddenly, and shouted: "Oops!"

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