Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 894 Teaching Resources

"Wei Langjun, even if it is to save face for the old man, can you think of a way to allocate a few more spots for me?"

"Look, the few scholars I have on hand are all rare talents in Jincheng..."

Different from the crowds of people outside, Wei Rong, who is already the actual manager of Nanxiang Academy, is facing another kind of excitement.

Xu Ci, the general spokesperson of "Big Han Taixue", was shaking a few pieces of paper in his hand, persuading him earnestly:

"Look, isn't it just a matter of adding a few more desks and chairs to the school? As long as you nod your head, each of them will pay a tuition fee of 10,000 yuan per year..."

The former Gouzi, a young man whose talent was only inferior to Amei, now has a soft black beard on his upper lip.

Facing this well-known Mr. Xu, Wei Rong had an apologetic smile on his face:

"Xu Gong, the rules of this school are set by the head of the mountain, and whatever is there is what it is. If I dare to mess around, the head of the mountain will definitely punish me."

"If you tell me this, you might as well go to the head of the mountain to find a way."

Ten thousand strings?

is it a lot?

My little gentleman will not read the accounts under 10,000 yuan...

Seeing that the kid in front of him refused to give up, Xu Ci could only do nothing.

As the chief minister of the middle palace, Qiu Cheng, Xu Ci is actually a member of the palace.

It's a pity that he happened to meet an emperor who didn't care about anything.

Hiding in the palace all day long, either counting tickets to play or playing with his son...

Don't fight when you are angry, don't fight when you are angry!

Xu Dachang Qiucheng lamented.

After all, Nanxiang Academy can be regarded as the royal property, the emperor doesn't care, and the queen doesn't care.

Maybe there is Mrs. Zhang Si who is in charge, or Feng Wenhe's concubine.

Who are you going to reason with?

With Feng Wenhe's status and power, does this old man dare to owe him a favor casually?

The few "talented men" at hand packaged and sold their whole bodies, I'm afraid they won't be able to repay Feng Wenhe's favor!

Favors also have a cost!

The greater the power, the greater the favor.

With Feng Wenhe's power and his reputation, how many people would dare to owe him favors for this matter?

Besides, if you go to him with this matter, do you really think that he will lose face?

Thinking of this, Xu Ci stopped planning to ask Governor Feng for favors, and continued to torture his disciples:

"Wei Langjun, this Nanxiang school is too tolerant to the people of Nanxiang, but harsh to outsiders. It has been criticized for a long time!"

"If you can choose more talents from other places, you can also stop Yoyo's mouth..."

Hearing this, Wei Rong squinted at Xu Ci:

"Xu Gong, what you said is wrong. The school has students sent in from other counties every year, so why are you so harsh?"

"Furthermore, the exams at Nanxiang Academy are supposed to be for those who are capable, and for those who are incapable, to be fair and open."

"As for being too tolerant towards the people of Nanxiang, that's what it should be! Nanxiang can have today, isn't it thanks to our Nanxiang elders?"

"Don't be lenient to Nanxiang's elders, do you want to be tolerant to foreigners? I really want to open this hole, and then I will be stabbed in the back!"

The children of Nanxiang are the foundation of the mountain chief.

Even now, in the army led by Shan Zhang, Nanxiang's children still account for half of the backbone of the army, from the Shi Chang, the team leader, to the school lieutenant.

The lives of the people in Nanxiang today are all the men from every household in Nanxiang, who have fought with the mountain leader for many years and sacrificed their lives in front of them.

It is said that the children of Nanxiang are good at fighting and not afraid of death, because they understand one thing, as long as Nanxiang remains unchanged, they will have no worries.

These foreign countrymen are talking all the time, trying to grab the position of Nanxiang's children with a few tickets?

Think beautifully!

Wei Rong let out a "hey tui" and spit into the trash can.

There is no way, it seems that winter is about to enter, the weather is dry and easy to get angry.

At this moment, the door creaked and was opened.

A young woman dressed as a married woman walked in carrying a food box.

Seeing the old and the young inside, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"Mr. Xu is here again?"

While talking, she put the food box on the table, and said to Wei Rong in a warm voice:

"I heard that Alang didn't eat lunch, so my concubine brought some food over and made some soup."

This young woman was Wei Rong's younger sister who had grown up and married Wei Rong.

At this time, she behaved dignifiedly. Although she was dressed in a simple and elegant manner, she carried a kind of grace.

If you don't know the details, you may think it's a lady from some family.

After all, he has been with Li Mu for several years, and he is also one of the managers of the Nanxiang industry appointed by Feng Yong.

Ten years is enough time for a country girl to completely transform into a woman of the new era represented by Nanxiang.

Wei Rong took it over and opened it, took a breath of hot air, and praised:

"Smells good!"

Then he glanced at Xu Ci again:

"Xu Gong, do you want to eat together?"

How could Xu Ci feel this way?

Besides, this is a matter between a young couple, what does he, an old man, get involved in?

Immediately snorted, he was about to leave with a flick of his sleeves.

Yaomei is polite and sensible, and hastily apologized for her A Lang:

"Grand Xu, the rules of this school are set by the lord himself. If Alang really wants to break the rules now, he will be punished by the lord."

As she said that, she pursed her lips, "There are still a few places in the workshop and school that my concubine manages. If Mr. Xu finds a suitable candidate, I can make an exception."

Now Nanxiang's main industry is the education industry.

Nanxiang, which monopolizes printing and paper, has a natural advantage in the education industry.

Of course, the earliest textile workshops are still there, but they have already stopped expanding, and even gave up some land to the school.

The original textile workshop has now become the practice base of the workshop school.

Workshop School is different from Nanxiang School, which focuses on the cultivation of female students.

At the same time, it also has commissioned training business.

Because of the rise of emerging industries such as plantations, workshops, and pastures in Dahan, there is also an extreme shortage of middle- and low-level management talents.

Therefore, Workshop School is an important supplement to Nanxiang School.

But compared with Nanxiang School, the threshold of Workshop School is lower after all.

"The old man wants to..."

Xu Ci was getting angry, and wanted to say, "What does the old man want this place in the workshop and school for?"

It's just that the words came to his lips, but turned into: "Really?"

Yaomei smiled and nodded:

"How dare a concubine lie to Mr. Xu?"

"I want ten places!"

Xu Ci opened one palm, then turned it over again, beckoning.

Wei Rong, who was eating with gusto, spat out a bone and shouted:

"Xu Gong, you told me earlier, but there are only five of them, and now you see that my Xijun is easy to bully, why are you so open?"

"Go, go! What does it have to do with you?" Xu Ci said angrily, and then turned to Yaomei, "The old man from the old man's family is now following Feng Junhou in Liangzhou to pursue his career."

"There is also a shortage of people under my command. If the Wei family lady can help with this, the old man will be very grateful."

"Since Mr. Xu has opened his mouth, the concubine will naturally follow suit. I will ask Mr. Xu to send someone to send the list."

"That's natural, that's natural." Xu Ci glanced at Wei Rong who was burying his head in eating, and thought that this Wei Dingshi is really much easier to talk to than this kid.

The east corner is lost, and the mulberry elm is harvested.

Although the best result was not achieved, it was not satisfactory, Xu Ci finally let Wei Rong go, and left Wei Rong's guard room.

After he left, Wei Rong spat out another bone with a "poof", then laughed loudly, and said to his little gentleman:

"Xu Rendu has worked hard enough. He is so old, and he has to lose face for these few places. Wouldn't it be good to learn from Li Dudu (Li Hui)?"

Yaomei followed suit with a smile, then shook her head:

"Li Dudu is the teacher of the martial arts hall, his son is still in the army of the prime minister's mansion, and his nephew is following the lord in Liangzhou. How can Duke Xu compare?"

Not to mention anything else, but in Xinghanhui, Xu Ci's son Xu You was at least one level behind Li Yi and Li Qiu.

Even if Li Hui has retired, he is still begging for bones as General An Han and Marquis of Han Xingting.

Not to mention that Xu Ci didn't even get along with Qiu Cheng when Li Hui worshiped the general.

Moreover, there is old general Zhao sitting in the Nanxiang Lecture Hall, who dares to act recklessly here?

Even if Xu Rendu didn't want to lose face, he still had to have the guts to do it.

Wei Rong touched his chin and said thoughtfully:

"Liu Cheqi also came to Nanxiang, and I heard that he brought a kabuki from Liu's residence, and hosted Xu Gong for a few days in a row. Do you think that Xu Gong wants so many seats, is it related to Liu Cheqi? "

Yaomei naturally didn't have Wei Rong's thoughts, she asked with some confusion:

"Why do you say that, Aaron?"

Wei Rong's face suddenly became a little wretched, and he smiled strangely:

"Of course it's because of Hanzi Liu!"

Yaomei finally understood, her face flushed, she beat Wei Rong fiercely, and cursed:

"Bah! Dirty!"

Wei Rong called out injustice:

"Why is it so obscene? What I'm talking about is serious!"

"It's dirty!"

The so-called Liu Cheqi is Liu Yan.

Of course, the title of General Chaqi is still very intimidating in the eyes of people who don't know the truth.

But in front of the real power tycoon Feng Cishi, ten Liu Cheqis are not enough to beat one Feng Cishi.

Wei Rong, as the first disciple of Feng Cishi, the real power tycoon, naturally doesn't have to be afraid of Liu Yan as long as he doesn't get confused and gets caught in the pigtails.

Of course, it is impossible for people like Liu Yan to bow down and come to a junior like Wei Rong for help.

But there is one fact: Compared with the Xu family, the Liu family obviously needs a place in the school more.

Because Liu Liang, the son of Liu Yan, is now a well-known man in the Han Dynasty, responsible for coordinating the relationship between the various tribes in Liangzhou, and at the same time participating in the division of pastures.

The position is not high, but it is very important, and it is fat and oily.

In the past, he used his body to support Hu Nu, but now he has received a generous return, and this wave is not a loss.

It's just that the position is more important, and more manpower is needed.

The key is that the grassroots talent reserve in Liangzhou Governor's Mansion is not enough for Governor Feng himself.

Even the prefects of the counties and the governor's mansion are only equipped with some backbones of the army and a few students from the school.

The rest of the framework has to be figured out by yourself.

Coupled with the current system of the big man, the chief official has the power to recruit his own staff.

Therefore, the grassroots management talents specially trained by the workshop school are Liu Liang's best choice at present.

Otherwise, even if you are covered in iron, how many nails can you drive?

Liangzhou also implements an examination system, and the competition is fierce. If you can't show real achievements, it will be difficult to get promoted in the future!

So in Wei Rong's mind, his guess is still very possible.

It's just that the unconscious smile on his face betrayed his small thoughts, and then he was beaten by his own gentleman.

The young couple had a fight for a while, Wei Rong had to ask another question in order to avoid this topic:

"You went to Nanzheng the day before yesterday, is mother okay?"

Yaomei brushed back her hair and nodded:

"Auntie is in good health, and she asked me to bring you a message, saying don't worry about her."

Wei Rong nodded, hesitated for a moment, and asked one more question:

"Then... Did Grandma say anything else?"

Yaomei shook her head: "No. Why did you suddenly ask this?"

Wei Rong's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly:

"Winter is coming soon, and it will be much cooler in the morning and evening than in the daytime, so naturally I am more worried."

Yaomei has no doubts.

After Wei Rong finished eating, he packed up again and left.

This is Nanxiang School, not Workshop School. Wei Rong still has things to deal with in the afternoon, so it is not good for her to stay here so as not to affect Wei Rong.

After she left, Wei Rong closed the door, took out an already opened envelope from the drawer, and read it word by word again.

It wasn't until he was sure that nothing was missing that he took out the fire folder and burned the letter to ashes.

Then he leaned back in the chair, closed his eyes, and thought:

The head of the mountain asked me to pay more attention to the Wei mansion, what exactly did he mean?

Although my lord has higher qualifications in Dahan than Shanzhang, in fact, everyone knows that in the territory of Dahan, in terms of power, there are only a few people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Shanzhang.

And my own adults are not among these few people.

If the head of the mountain really wants to attack the Wei family...

Thinking about the intricate forces he came into contact with in Nanxiang, and thinking about his lord's popularity with people who hate ghosts, Wei Rong really didn't dare to have any confidence in his lord.

Of course, Wei Rong couldn't really be worried about Wei Yan, what he was worried about was whether his mother would be implicated in Wei's residence.

Although Wei Yan is his own adult in name, that is only in name.

It's just a name, but it can't compare to the kindness of the head of the mountain who really cultivated himself.

But if the two sides really want to have a conflict, that's enough to give him a headache.

Wei Rong sighed and kneaded the space between his brows.

Will my lord regret now that he was so high above the mountain and took advantage of the head of the mountain?

Wei Rong didn't know if Wei Yan regretted it, but Xu Ci knew that he did.

As soon as he came out of the school, he suddenly slapped his thigh and shouted: "I was actually played by those two children!"

Thinking of myself grinding left and right, that kid just didn't open his mouth, but that little lady came in so coincidentally, and under my dizziness, I actually agreed to the other party.

This is simply the kid's escape strategy!

In front of that kid, I asked for a place in the workshop school, how could I have the nerve to ask for a place in Nanxiang school again?

That's it, I still owe a favor.

"It really is the disciples taught by Feng Wenhe, each one is better than the other!"

Xu Dachang Qiucheng gave a "tsk" and cursed secretly.

"Feng Wenhe's disciple? Mr. Xu, did Feng Wenhe's disciple agree?"

Someone had been waiting outside anxiously, and seeing Xu Ci coming out, he quickly grabbed him and asked anxiously.

"How can this rule be so easily broken?"

Xu Ci followed the other party to the place where he stayed, drank the tea made by Meiji, and sighed:

"My old face, I'm afraid I'll lose it all!"

When the other party heard this, his face was full of disappointment, and he let out a sigh.

Unexpectedly, Xu Ci took another sip of tea, paused for a while, and then continued, "...that's how I got six workshops and schools."

"Workshop school?" The other party's eyes lit up when he heard it, "That's okay, that's okay! Thank you, Mr. Xu, for this time!"

"It doesn't matter to me, but the number of places is limited, and there is a tuition fee of 5,000 yuan for each place."

"It should be, it should be!"

After hearing this, Xu Ci thought to himself:

My acquaintance sells a quota of 5,000 yuan, and the remaining four quotas in hand, and find a few people who have been taken advantage of, and sell a quota of 10,000 yuan!

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