Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 895 Amei's Aimo

In October of the tenth year of Jianxing, Kanto was still warm, while Hanzhong was already cool.

Ding Niuwa lowered her head, carefully following the small yellow gate in the palace on the cobbled path.

The base of the cobblestone path is paved with cement, half of the cobblestone is embedded in the cement, and half is exposed.

It was made by Ding Niuwa herself when the queen was pregnant two years ago.

It is said that letting the queen walk on it every day can activate the blood vessels.

Walking along the cobblestone path to a palace gate, the little yellow gate asked Ding Niuwa to wait outside, and went in to report by himself.

After a while, a notice was issued inside to let Ding Niuwa in.

Ding Niuwa hurriedly took off her shoes, then tidied up her clothes before trotting in. After entering, she didn't dare to raise her head, and shouted:

"I have seen Your Majesty, may Your Majesty live forever and be happy forever!"

The voice from above came from afar, with a faint echo: "Get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

There is a reason why Ding Niuwa has jumped from a son of a villager to a figure who can be regarded as a subject in front of the emperor.

Over the years, the Great Han Dynasty, from Yuexie to Jincheng, and then from Jincheng to Hanzhong, wherever there is water flow, there are often new-style water mills for the common people to grind flour and pound rice.

Most of these new water mills were built by Ding Niuwa, so he was recommended as Sima under the Diannong Duwei because of his meritorious service.

Ding Niuwa also participated in the construction of the palace in front of him, and was also one of the foremen.

Because of his outstanding performance, he joined Hanzhong Metallurgy and stayed in Hanzhong since then.

He came from Fengzhuang, and was personally instructed by Feng Mingwen.

Most importantly, his sister Wei Dingshi is now one of the managers of Nanxiang.

His brother-in-law is also Feng Mingwen's big disciple who opened the door.

Therefore, Ding Niuwa was regarded as one of the figures who could strengthen the relationship with Feng Mingwen by the royal family.

It is precisely because of this relationship, coupled with his current status, that as long as Nanxiang or Feng Mingwen come up with something new, the royal family can get it immediately.

Take the palace in front of you as an example.

This palace is called the Rock Palace.

The name is a bit weird, but very vivid.

Because the whole is made of cement, it is as solid as a rock—of course, it is not the kind of cement that Feng Yong made in the first place.

It is calcined cement that Nanxiang has only produced in recent years.

Limestone is used as the main raw material, mixed with a certain proportion of other auxiliary materials, and then put into a high-temperature kiln for calcination.

The cement produced by this process is the real construction cement, and Feng Yong still has some high school chemistry knowledge.

It's just that at the beginning, he didn't have that much money, not that many people, and not that much time, and the conditions for calcination were not enough.

Therefore, we can only engage in raw cement, which is used in large quantities to pave roads.

However, there is a but here.

Although Governor Feng couldn't figure it out, he knew the process.

This knowledge point is worth a thousand gold.

Because of Dahan's development over the years, basic things such as blowers, hydraulic forging, coking coal, etc. have been improved a lot.

After all, Dahan has two national senior engineers, Huang Yueying and Pu Yuan.

Another person who was cheating pointed the Nanxiang team in the right direction to ensure that they didn't have to take detours.

Therefore, with the continuous improvement of the available temperature, the possibility of calcined cement has appeared.

The possible meaning of this is that one kiln does not have another kiln, the yield of finished products is relatively low, and the pass rate is even lower.

Anyway, there is no way to apply it on a large scale.

It's just that things in this world are usually rarer and more expensive.

The side hall newly built in the Hanzhong Palace the year before last was constructed by the Nanxiang engineering team with new cement.

The whole hall is a seamless one, not afraid of water and fire, as solid as a stone, which amazed the emperor, empress and other bumpkins.

Even the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty was alarmed, and came to check it carefully several times in person.

These days, most of the houses of rich and noble families are made of wood.

Good-looking is good-looking, and beautiful is also beautiful.

But when it burns, it is called a boom.

As soon as one house burns, be prepared to burn down all the rooms.

And now everyone has to burn coal to keep warm in winter, and the hidden danger of water leakage is infinitely increased.

As for factors such as rainwater soaking and disrepair, termites gnawing and other factors causing the house to collapse, that is also common.

Just like in the north a few years ago, Cao Pi led his army to march eastward, and Queen Guo stayed in Yongshitai, Xuchang.

At that time, it rained continuously, and most of the city towers collapsed and damaged. For the sake of safety, the relevant officials had to ask Queen Guo to move to another place.

The same is true of the imperial palace, which shows the fragility of buildings in this era.

Not to mention these years, with frequent wars and thieves everywhere, even the villages must be strong.

Therefore, this kind of house is strong, convenient to build, has no hidden dangers, and its decoration is not inferior to that of a house made of wood. In the eyes of the local turtles in the Three Kingdoms era, it is perfect.

As soon as the new type of cement came out, it was endorsed by the royal family and became famous in Shu.

In Dahan, everyone knows that Nanxiang has produced a new type of artificial stone called cement.

As long as you mix it with water and stir it into mud, it will be as hard as a stone after it dries. It is a gift from heaven to the great man.

The only pity is that even if you have money, you have no place to buy such rare items, and they are only for the royal family and the powerful.

Because of the burning of cement, there is more and more black smoke billowing into the sky in Nanxiang.

So some people in Jianghu spread that this is the evil spirit's thing dug out from the ground by King Gui.

The governor of Liangzhou thousands of miles away said that you illiterates know an egg!

Then Ding Niuwa gave a thumbs up.

At the same time, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty looked up to the sky and sighed, this thing is rare, what a pity!

The empress, who was amused with her son in the Panshi Palace, said that even if it was something made by evil spirits, I would like it.

He even took out a stack of papers and asked the waiter to pass them to Ding Niuwa, asking:

"Can you make this thing?"

Ding Niuwa held the paper in his hand, and at a glance, he knew it must be written by Governor Feng.

Or it must be related to Governor Feng.

Scale bars, data, units, perspectives, parts and installation steps are all clearly drawn in a unique Feng style.

Back then, he followed Feng Cishi's ass to build a water mill. Seeing Feng Cishi draw the blueprints himself, he felt that it was a magical skill.

Even if an illiterate craftsman got Feng Cishi's manuscript, he could slowly figure it out even if he didn't understand what was written on it.

Based on the experience accumulated over the years, coupled with the trust in Governor Feng, Ding Niuwa did not respond with one word:

"Your Majesty, yes."

"Okay, if you need anything, just ask, and I will order the people in the inner palace to prepare the materials."

The son of heaven above said very happily, "This thing is made for the prince, the material can be used as good as it can be used, don't worry about money and food."

Rich and willful.

Anyway, it was the money from the inner government, not the treasury, so the father of the prime minister didn't care.

Although the reconstruction of the Northern and Southern Army almost emptied the inner palace, but the Queen has a good brother-in-law, doesn't she?

Ding Niuwa quickly agreed, and then, under the leadership of Xiao Huangmen, she left the palace.

As soon as he returned to Hanzhong Metallurgy, Pu Yuan found him:

"Why hasn't Nanxiang's coking coal arrived yet?"

Ding Niuwa scratched her head:

"Dandong, isn't it time yet?"

"Isn't this burning fast?" Pu Yuan gave a "tsk", with a look of helplessness on his face, "This weapon is in urgent need in the army, it must be supplied to the Prime Minister's Mansion and the Northern and Southern Army. "

"It's not that you don't know, the prime minister came here in person a few days ago."

Pu Yuan, who has traveled all over the mountains and rivers in the middle of Sichuan, just to be able to cast high-quality weapons, has finally found the true meaning of life over the years.

Having personally forged a sword that is comparable to a hundred-refined sword, Master Pu felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

In addition, Nanzheng is originally the largest iron ore producing area in Hanzhong, and there is a brand-new forging method. How can I be worthy of my life if I don't burn it desperately?

"Hurry up, pack up and go to Nanxiang to ask."

Pu Yuan urged.

When Ding Niuwa heard this, she immediately turned bitter:

"Pandong, the last time I went there, I was scolded by my brother-in-law, saying that we don't know how to save money, we only know how to ask for things, and we don't understand their hard work..."

"No prospect! He is your brother-in-law, not your lord, what are you afraid of? Really, you won't talk to your sister?"

Whether it is Wei Rong or Yaomei, their knowledge and status have far surpassed their own, and Ding Niuwa is instinctively frightened, not to mention the possibility of being scolded in the past.

I saw him take out the paper given by the palace:

"Pandong, I really can't get away. You see, the palace called me over just now, asking me to build the thing on the blueprint earlier."

There must be no way to hide it from Pu Yuan when building this thing in Nanzhong Metallurgical Corporation.

Because he is in charge of the construction of all the objects in the South China Metallurgical Corporation.

In addition, the palace didn't say to keep it secret, so Ding Niuwa didn't intend to avoid Pu Yuan.

"What did the palace ask you to build?"

Pu Yuan took it while talking, and then read it word by word:

"Merry-go-round craft? What is this? How have I never heard of it?"

"This should be sent by Junhou from Liangzhou."

"Huh? It really looks like that kid, I have to take a closer look."

As soon as he heard that it belonged to Feng Yong, Master Pu immediately became more interested.

"Dandelion, that coke..."

Ding Niuwa asked cautiously.

Pu Yuan, who just looked down at the drawing, waved his hand casually: "Let me figure out what this is."

How can there be anything new and interesting in burning coal?

Hearing this, Ding Niuwa finally breathed a sigh of relief, and wiped the sweat from his forehead:

"It's almost winter, why does it feel that this year is warmer than last year!"

"I asked someone to set up an iron furnace in the back, and added coking coal..."

Pu Yuan explained casually.

Ding Niuwa: ...

In October of the tenth year of Jianxing, Hanzhong seemed to be warmer than last year.

As for Liangzhou, it was already the beginning of the chill.

Although it hasn't snowed yet, Hualan, who rushed over from Nanzhong, already feels that she has encountered the coldest season in her life.

She was wearing a small cloak over her waist, knee-length leather boots on her feet, fine woolen trousers on her legs, and the skirt around her waist was down.

If it wasn't for the fact that the hair style and headdress on the head were authentic Han Dynasty women's styles, and that face was still a familiar face in memory, Governor Feng would have thought that he had seen his peers through time travel.

"It's so cold, so cold!"

While stomping her feet, Hualan folded her hands and put them to her mouth to exhale.

The solid wood floor was rattled by garland leather boots.

Hearing that, Governor Feng felt distressed for a while.

However, Young Master Hua also muttered:

"Why don't you use cement and bluestone slabs? You spend so much money every day, and you still look like an old fortune in the country..."

Feng Cishi's ears were sharp, and when he heard this, he was almost not overwhelmed.

I saw him reply angrily:

"The bumpkins only use cement! I get upset when I see a concrete house, what do you know?"

Young Master Hua doesn't believe it!

How many cement houses are there in the whole man?

Moreover, cement is a new thing that came out in the past two or three years. Hearing that Feng Guiwang has been staying in Longyou and Liangzhou for these years, Young Master Hua strongly suspects that this person has never seen a concrete house.

So he must be bragging like those kayakers on the big river!

"Okay, okay! We haven't seen each other for several years. Miss Hua still came all the way from Nanzhong, so can't you be more polite?"

General Guan is a virtuous housemate, and he said something aside, which resolved the embarrassment of the two staring at each other.

As she spoke, she instructed her children under her knees:

"I went to meet your Aunt Hua."

"Meet Aunt Hua."

Hualan looked at Guan Ji with a complicated expression, and then at her pair of children with an even more complicated expression, and finally turned into a sigh:

"Your children are so old..."

"There are also small ones, they have only passed a hundred days, and they are in the inner room, so it is not convenient to carry them out."

Governor Feng interjected again.

On the spot, Young Master Hua choked and rolled her eyes.

Seeing Feng Guiwang's triumphant expression reminded Young Master Hua of this person before, no, it was this ghost!

Knowing that Guan Silang is Guan Sanniang, this ghost even asked Guan Ji, who was disguised as a man, to deceive her innocent self. Young Master Hua suddenly had the urge to draw a throwing knife.

If it wasn't for the ghost king Feng, Young Master Hua swears, he would have already been pierced with ten or eight transparent holes by his throwing knife.

Seeing the pitiful Hualan who was angry, anxious and somewhat aggrieved, Guan Ji kicked Governor Feng in dissatisfaction.

Then he gestured to Amei who was standing beside him.

Ah Mui hurried forward and took Hualan's arm:

"Aimo, are you here?"

Huahuan's temper came and went quickly, and she also grasped Amei's hand, her face was full of joy again:

"Yeah, Ashima, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you!"

"I miss you too!"

Amei's joining once again resolved the conflict between Governor Feng and Young Master Hua.

The next thing was that Hualan directed the people to move the several large boxes she had brought to the living room, which seemed to be quite heavy.

However, the other party did not hand over the gift list, which made Governor Feng wonder.

You Southern Zhongyi girl, do you understand the rules of our Han people?

After she sat down, Governor Feng finally couldn't help asking:

"Hua Niangzi, what are these boxes of yours containing? Why do you want people to move them here?"

If it's her belongings, just move them directly to the guest courtyard. Such a big Governor's Mansion doesn't lack a room for you.

After all, it's Young Master Hua who walks sideways in Nanzhong. He has made a lot of money organizing the cavalry all these years.

It is understandable to carry more things with you.

Unexpectedly, Hualan snorted and replied angrily:

"Didn't you send someone to give me a message last year, asking me to collect more seeds from the southern, central and southern countries?"

As she spoke, she stood up, her little leather boots "clapping", walked up to the big boxes, and patted them:

"Here are all kinds of seeds that I have personally collected over the past two years. I am afraid that they will be spoiled after a long time, so I am rushing to send them here for you to have a look."

When Feng Yong heard this, he remembered this matter. He suddenly got up and asked in surprise:

"This matter... have you really done it?"

Seeing Feng Guiwang's appearance, Hualan couldn't help but feel very proud. She raised her head proudly:

"That's natural."

"Where are the Linyi rice seeds? Have you got it?"

Feng Yong asked impatiently.

Hearing this, the proud little hen lowered her head again.

Seeing the dissatisfaction on Feng Guiwang's face, Young Master Hua pouted aggrievedly:

"I've inquired about it. Linyi and Funan in the south can only be reached by boat from Jiaozhou."

"If you want to go through Nanzhong, it's impossible to get through."


You think I haven't seen a world map?

But thinking of this era, the environment of the Indochina Peninsula is probably even more terrifying than the virgin forests of later generations.

With the cavalry in Hualan's hands, if they really wanted to cross the Indochina Peninsula by land, it would be no different from sending them to death.

"Okay, so what did you get?"

Inspector Feng asked lazily.

The Linyi rice seeds he wanted the most were not available, and Governor Feng immediately lost interest.

Besides, he really couldn't think of anything good in Indochina.

The ghost king is not happy, and the consequences may be serious.

Young Master Hua quickly opened the box and took out something:

"This is Panyue Kingdom..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Feng Cishi's eyes straightened.

He directly scolded Cao thief:

"Hold Cao!"

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