Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 901: Passing of the Era

In November of the tenth year of Jianxing, Governor Feng heard a secret report from the palace that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty was sick, vomiting blood and eating less.

Impatient, he immediately begged his mistress Zhang Xiaosi to order him to return to Hanzhong in the name of the palace.

Just as Feng Yong was worried about the prime minister's illness, he braved the severe cold and embarked on his way back to Hanzhong, the Prince Chen's Mansion in Chen County, far to the east, was also shrouded in a gloomy mist.

Cao Zhi, King Chen of the State of Wei, was seriously ill. He was bedridden for several months and was on the verge of dying.

In these years, Cao Zhi has been relocated several times by Cao Pi, Cao Rui and his son.

In addition, the sergeants in the palace were conscripted by the court one after another. Now there are no more than a hundred people inside and outside the palace, including servants and servants.

And the old, weak, sick and disabled who "lying on the bed, not eating anything, unable to see, breathless, tired and sick, warts, blind and deaf" accounted for more than 60 people.

Due to the lack of sufficient manpower, the Prince Chen's Mansion, which looked majestic from the outside, looked rather dilapidated on the inside.

Fortunately, a few months ago, Feng Langjun of the Han Dynasty gave a generous gift, and Cao Zhi vomited blood several times, which frightened the literary defense assistant officer of the palace and did not dare to force him at will.

The life of everyone in the house has become much easier.

"As King Chen of the Kingdom of Wei, I never expected that in the last few months of my life, I would have to rely on the resources of Lord Feng of the Han Dynasty, so that I could taste the sweet food again."

"Your Highness!"

Princess Chen cried out in grief.

Cao Zhi's cheeks were dry, and his skin had sunk deeply.

Only his expression was indifferent, and he laughed even more when he saw the expressions of concern on the faces of his wife, concubine and son:

"Tai Shi Gong said: People are inherently mortal, or they are heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather."

"I am incomparable to Mount Tai, but Feng Langjun's writings through the ages, engraving me inside, can be regarded as letting me leave my name in history. What regrets do you have?"

What are the readers trying to figure out?

Isn't it just a name left in history?

In the first half of my life, I have the ambition to serve the country, but in the second half of my life, I have lost my ambition and sighed. It is rare to have this end, so what else can I ask for?

He took a few breaths and regained some strength, then motioned Princess Chen to get closer, and said apologetically:

"Since you married into my house, you rarely enjoy happiness, but you have to worry about it with me. These years have really suffered for you. After I die, you will be able to live better if you think about it."

"If you want to go home, I will report to the imperial court, and the imperial court will not embarrass you..."

Before she finished speaking, Princess Chen burst into tears:

"It is already a blessing in life for my concubine to marry His Highness. Is there any reason to abandon it?"

When Concubine Chen's mood calmed down a bit, Cao Zhi called his two sons again:

"Although you are all descendants of concubines, you must treat your aunt as your own mother in the future, greet you sooner or later, and make filial offerings."

Cao Miao and Cao Zhi quickly said yes.

Cao Zhi first looked at Cao Miao and sighed:

"Da Lang, your talent is mediocre, you must remember in the future, you are content with farming and studying, don't join the country, and you can live a safe life, it is also a blessing!"

Cao Miao just said yes.

Cao Zhi looked at Cao Zhi again, and there was a little pity in his eyes:

"Erlang, you have few talents, you are good at riding and shooting, and you have the ability to protect your family and the country. It is a pity that you were born in Chen Wangfu."

As he spoke, he coughed in excitement.

Concubine Chen hurriedly stepped forward to help Shunqi.

Cao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and said:

"What I can do now is to establish you as my heir and inherit my lordship. As for where you can go in the end, it depends on your own ability."

Cao Zhi wept and kowtowed.

Cao Zhi asked his cronies to come over again, and gave them instructions one by one.

On November 28th, the tenth year of Jianxing, the most talented and famous person in the world, Cao Zhi, King Chen of Wei State, died.

So far, all the seven sons of Jian'an and the third family of the Cao family have died, marking the end of a generation that created the style of writing in Jian'an.

At the same time, Feng Mingwen, who created a new style of writing after Jian'an's strength of character, rode lightly all the way and just stepped into the border of Hanzhong.

On December 1st, Feng Yong was ordered to enter the palace to have a secret talk with the empress for a day.

To show her favor, the emperor and empress held a banquet in the palace, leaving Feng Yong to sleep in the palace overnight.

On the second day, Feng Yonggang came out of the palace, and immediately transferred to the prime minister's residence.

His condition improved slightly, and the big Han prime minister, who was still recuperating on the couch, heard Feng Yong coming, and hurriedly asked someone to change his clothes.

"You can't just lie down. Feng Mingwen is not an outsider, so he is still your junior. It is not too much to call you uncle. How can a junior come to the door, and the elders have to change clothes first?"

Huang Yueying has been by Zhuge Liang's side these days, not even going to Hanzhongye.

Hearing that he was going to toss again at this time, he hurried over to stop him.

"What do you know? Feng Mingwen is now an important minister of the imperial court and a frontier general. Wouldn't it be too light for me to see him without the crown and uniform?"

While explaining, the big Han prime minister urged, "Why don't you hurry up and help?"

If it had been different from normal times, Huang Yueying would have lost her temper a long time ago when she saw that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty dared to yell at her like this.

After all, if he can teach General Guan who surrendered to General Feng Hu, how can Huang Yueying be easy to deal with?

It's just that the sick prime minister in front of her can be blown down by a gust of wind, so she has to be careful when blowing the air.

Although he was reluctant in his heart, he still stepped forward to help, and specially found thicker clothes to help the prime minister put them on.

Then he personally helped him to a small warm pavilion.

Feng Yong had been waiting there for a long time, and when he saw the prime minister coming in, he quickly got up and saluted:

"I will never see the prime minister!"

"Sit, sit down."

Seeing Feng Yong, Zhuge Liang was overjoyed, and after sitting down on the soft couch, he said something warmly.

Although the voice was gentle, Feng Yong could hear the lack of energy in his tone.

After he sat down as promised, he couldn't help looking at the prime minister.

After only seeing each other for two years, the prime minister's face has become haggard, sitting there, his body is a little hunched, and he has completely lost the spirit of the past.

I think of the handsome middle-aged man when I first met the prime minister, and then the speckled temples when I arrived in Hanzhong, then gradually turned gray, then gray hair and beard, and now my face is haggard.

This great Han prime minister, who inherited the will of the late emperor, really did what he said he would: devote himself to the end.

Right now, it is just a little bit close to the last step of "death".

Feng Yong only felt a little heat in his eye sockets.

"Prime Minister, your body..."

Zhuge Liang waved his hands indifferently, "It's nothing, it's just an old illness, but this time, it's more severe."

At the same time, he glanced at Huang Yueying.

Huang Yueying took a step forward and looked at him worriedly.

Seeing this, Feng Yong got up quickly and sat down next to Zhuge Liang.

Only then did Huang Yueying whisper to Feng Yong:

"Mingwen, the prime minister is weak, so it's not appropriate to talk for too long, please pay attention."

"Ma'am, don't worry, it will never happen."

Only then did Huang Yueying turn around and walk out.

After Nuan Pavilion was empty, Zhuge Liang looked at Feng Yong with a serious face, and asked:

"You are also guarding one side now, and you can't leave without reason. Why did you suddenly return to Hanzhong?"

Although dragging his sick body, the prime minister's eyes are still shining when it comes to the official affairs of the court.

But since Governor Feng had the guts to come back, how could he be unprepared?

Immediately, I poured myself a cup of hot tea, pretending to be understated and said:

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, I came back this time by order, and I didn't violate the rules."

"Your Majesty asked you to come back?" Zhuge Liang frowned, "Why didn't I know about this?"

Feng Yong sighed:

"Prime Minister, I heard that you were so sick that you vomited blood this time. It was all caused by overwork. Why do you still worry so much now?"

"No matter what I say, he is also the governor of a state, and the general of the Han Dynasty conquering the west.

Feng Yong said, took a sip of hot tea, and casually said:

"Your Majesty is about the same age as me, and with you by his side, there are some matters that should be left to him alone, and I'll just mention them to you later."

Zhuge Liang knocked on the armrest with his withered hands, and looked at Feng Yong dissatisfiedly:

"Answer my question first!"

This kid pours tea by himself, but turns a blind eye to himself, the prime minister?

Are the wings hard?

"Oh, that's right. I came back this time to discuss something with His Majesty."

"What's up?"

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