Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 902 Cameo

"I plan to change Nanxiang Academy into the Royal Academy."

Although the prime minister's eyes are bright, Feng Cishi is as steady as an old dog, at least on the surface.

In fact, even if it was the emperor's intention to invite the generals who guarded the frontier back in the name of the emperor, the prime minister's mansion should be notified.

"This matter is not enough to explain why you came back from Liangzhou, but I didn't get any news."

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty increased the strength of knocking on the armrest, and his eyes became sharper: "This is not in compliance with the rules!"

Governor Feng's hand holding the teacup trembled invisibly.

"Well, oh, this ah, Prime Minister, you were seriously ill a few days ago and couldn't manage it? Could it be that the palace was afraid that the Prime Minister would be too tired, so they suppressed it on purpose?"

The tacit understanding between Zhang Xingyi and Zhang Xingcai is still there.

Eating food in the palace yesterday and sleeping in the palace last night, Governor Feng took a day and a night to come to see the prime minister, the loopholes that should be patched have already been filled.

Many people think that Adou had no rights in the era of the old demon Zhuge, but this is actually a misunderstanding.

In the original history, the prime minister stayed in Hanzhong for the last few years and devoted himself to the Northern Expedition.

As the rear area, Jincheng was handed over to Adou to stay behind.

A Dou's ability to order the killing of Liu Yan, a veteran minister, is enough to show that he has a lot of power in his hands.

It's not as simple as the ritual mascot he claims to be.

Of course, before killing Liu Yan, A Dou might ask his father's opinion first.

For another example, when the prime minister was critically ill, Adou sent his servant to shoot Li Fu to ask the prime minister's heir.

Shangshu Pushe is the deputy chief officer of Shangshutai and has the right to record documents.

In the post-Han period, Shangshutai was already the actual center of power.

The important ministers in power in the DPRK and China must add the title of Lu Shang Shu Shi in order to intervene in secrets.

As a servant of Shangshu, Li Fu was directly ordered by Adou, which also shows that Adou has certain rights.

It's just that when the little fat man is dealing with things, he often habitually asks Xiangfu what he means.

Especially when the emperor and Cheng were in Nanzheng, the two unconsciously returned to the pattern they had in Jincheng.

Coupled with Zhuge's old demon's temperament of "no matter big or small, he will decide it personally", it may have a heavier burden than the original history.

So Feng Yongcai persuaded Zhuge Liang to let Adou handle some things independently.

Of course, Feng Cishi, as a frontier general, returned to Hanzhong under the imperial edict.

It is really against the rules not to notify the Prime Minister's Mansion in advance.

However, before Feng Yong set off, Zhang Xiaosi had already found a scapegoat in advance.

This person is Li Fu, the minister servant of Shangshutai.

The reason is also very simple.

Because Li Fu was born in an authentic wealthy family in Shu, and at the same time, he was the first group of Shu people who took refuge in the late emperor.

From the perspective of the world, the pattern of three parts of the world in the next few decades has almost been determined.

If the big man can conquer Guanzhong and become a strong Qin, then it goes without saying.

Except for those who made a wrong bet and couldn't turn back, everyone in the Shu family knew how to choose.

The clan of the Li family, who couldn't turn back, was whipped to death over and over again.

Betting on Bao's Liufang also meant to run out of Shu and set up his own family.

The remaining Li family members in Sichuan urgently need a new spokesperson for their interests.

Li Fu is the best choice.

In order to build a good relationship with Feng Guiwang, Li Shangshu's servant let alone take the blame for this.

It is also very joyful to send a few daughters or granddaughters to Feng's mansion to deepen the sisterhood with Li Mu of the sixth room.

It's a pity that Feng Guiwang doesn't seem to like the girly Yazi.

A few years ago, some people said that Feng Guiwang likes the woman he has engaged to marry, and I don't know what kind of wicked rumors, bah!

Does the Li family look like they are missing a girl they have met?

What is obviously missing is Feng Wenhe, a girl who likes to be engaged, okay? !

It can also be seen from this that Zhang Xiaosi's political talent is so simple and unpretentious.

"Anyway, the matter of the Royal Academy is not a big deal. It is understandable that the prime minister deliberately kept the prime minister from knowing during his serious illness."

Governor Feng said lightly, "Besides, isn't it almost the end of the year? I just came back to report on my work."

Dahan's assessment of local officials is called Shangji.

Regularly submit accounting documents to superiors and report on the status of local governance.

As the governor of Liangzhou, Feng Yong didn't have to come back in person according to the rules, but if he really came back for something, he could take part in the plan, that's justified.

The truth is this.

But something always feels wrong.

However, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty has not recovered from his serious illness, and his energy is really low.

He didn't think deeply about Feng Cishi's words.

Based on his trust in the Son of Heaven and General Feng, the most he could think of was to let someone take a look at the documents later.

Under this mentality, he was quickly distracted by what Feng Yong said:

"Nanxiang Academy changed to Royal Academy?"


Feng Yong nodded, took another sip of tea calmly, and sent the heart that was hanging in his throat back to his stomach.

But seeing the thoughtful look on the face of the big Han Prime Minister, he pondered for a while, and then suddenly asked:

"Is there any progress in the selection of talents in Liangzhou?"

Although he knew that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty was a bit of a monster, Governor Feng was still taken aback:

"How does the prime minister know?"

Shouldn't ordinary people ask "why"?

"As the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, if you don't even think of this, isn't it dereliction of duty?"

Zhuge Liang glanced at Feng Yong sullenly, "Who doesn't know that Nanxiang Academy is the best way to participate in the Liangzhou exam?"

"If the school really becomes a place for the court to cultivate talents, if you don't hand it over, what will happen?"

Governor Feng curled his lips: "Didn't I come back despite the winter cold?"

"So I've said it before, no matter what people say about you, but in terms of integrity, I believe you are worthwhile."

Zhuge Liang smiled, not knowing whether he was satisfied with his vision or Feng Yong:

"It is precisely because of this that I deduce that the Liangzhou exam has made progress."

Feng Yong gave a thumbs up: "The Prime Minister is still very good."

As he spoke, he took out a stack of papers from his pocket and handed them to Zhuge Liang:

"Ma Youchang also went to Liangzhou, and even changed his name on purpose, and now he still thinks I don't know!"

As Governor Feng said, he laughed mischievously: "This is the theory he sent up."

"Oh?" Zhuge Liang picked it up when he heard it, and opened it with interest, "It's a good thing that he hasn't lost his ambition in Nanzhong for a few years."

After a cursory look, he nodded approvingly: "Compared to before, it seems to be a lot more pragmatic."

He and Ma Su are like father and son, and they have carefully cultivated Ma Di for so many years.

Unexpectedly, Ma Di was too disappointing, and his performance in the battle of Longyou made the Prime Minister both sad and disappointed.

Fortunately, there was Feng Yong, who made the prime minister of the Han Dynasty feel fortunate that "the east corner is lost, and the mulberry elm is harvested".

Now seeing that his former apprentice can regain his strength, he is naturally happy for him.

"Ma Youchang is actually a talented person. If you can get rid of your previous problems, you can try to use it. But you can only try it slowly, and don't give heavy tasks suddenly."

Zhuge Liang sighed, "During the battle of Longyou, I made this mistake, which almost made the Northern Expedition come to naught."

Not denying his own mistakes, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty has always been open-minded.

Feng Yong giggled:

"Liangzhou takes a test to select talents, whether they are high or not, you will know after taking the test."

Although this is not completely fair, it can be relatively fair.

Anyway, there is no absolute fairness in this world.

Luck is also part of strength.

Zhuge Liang nodded: "If it is really possible to select good talents, it will be a great thing for the court."

Then he saw Feng Mingwen took another big sip of tea, then reached for the teapot, but he still had no intention of pouring tea for himself.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty suddenly became angry again, and reached out to slap Feng Cishi on the back of the head:

"I'm an adult with three children, and I don't have any etiquette? I only know how to drink for myself, but don't know how to pour it for the old man? Don't you see the old man as a prime minister?"

This is what Governor Feng was waiting for!

Instead of pouring tea for Zhuge Liang, he put his teacup farther away, then turned around and put away his smile:

"Prime Minister, I actually have one more thing to do when I come back this time."


"The condition of the prime minister."

Compared to the lax one just now, Governor Feng is obviously much more serious this time.

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty knew that this was the real purpose of his trip, so he immediately sat up straight:

"What do you want to say?"

Feng Yong considered his language, and then said slowly:

"Before I came here, I actually asked the doctor in the palace. The Prime Minister's illness is an old disease."

"This time the condition got worse, accompanied by hematemesis and difficulty in eating. I would like to ask the prime minister, did you have these symptoms before? Or is it just this time?"

"What you have learned is really complicated. Could it be possible that you even know medicine?"

Zhuge Liang smiled and asked a question.

Feng Yong did not answer the prime minister's joking question, but said seriously:

"Prime Minister, you know your physical condition better than anyone else. If you don't want to treat it, no one can do anything about it."

"But the prime minister carried on the legacy of the late emperor and wanted to revive the Han Dynasty and return it to the old capital. Now Guanzhong Wei has a large army of thieves, so although Chang'an is already in sight, it is still in the hands of the thieves."

"I don't know if the prime minister is sure to regain Guanzhong before the disease gets out of control? If not, the late emperor met the prime minister underground and asked about the Han Dynasty. Has the prime minister thought about how to answer it?"

After a long silence, Zhuge Liang let out a long sigh:

"I am ashamed to the late emperor..."

"Then why didn't the prime minister treat him well? Even if he couldn't see the day when the Central Plains was conquered, at least he had to wait until the day when the old capital was returned, so that he wouldn't be ashamed to face the late emperor."

Zhuge Liang smiled wryly and shook his head:

"You just said that the old man's body is clearer than anyone else. These old diseases have become more serious day by day over the years."

"In fact, two years ago, I already had bloodshot vomiting, but I just kept it from others."

Feng Yong continued to ask:

"Besides what the prime minister and the medical worker said, I often have a burning pain in my abdomen half an hour after eating, is there anything else?"

"For example, the stomach often regurgitates gas, and the arrows pulled out are black, or even dark red..."

When the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty heard the words behind him, his eyes became strange.

Laya, you want to ask?

But the more Feng Yong was like this, the more suspicious the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty became: Could it be possible that he has really studied medicine?

"The situations you mentioned are indeed..."

"I know that the prime minister has been overworked all the time, do you often stay up late?"

"A lot of government affairs..."

Regardless of the prime minister's excuse, Feng Yong tapped the teacup away from the prime minister again:

"When the prime minister stays up late, does he often drink tea to refresh himself?"

When the tea was first made, Feng Yong pitted Zhao Guang with strong tea once, and made the guy drink a big pot of tea at night.

Then the next day, due to lack of sleep, Huang Yueying mistook this guy for excessive drinking...

So it's no secret that tea can refresh you.

Coupled with the prime minister's reaction to not pouring tea on purpose just now, Feng Yong has every reason to believe that the prime minister may already be addicted to drinking tea.

Seeing Feng Yong repeatedly asking about ideas, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but become serious.

"That's right, this clear tea soup can not only cultivate the body, but also refresh the mind. It is a high-quality drink, and I always like to drink it."

Feng Yong asked with a serious expression:

"Prime Minister, can you think about it, since you like to drink clear tea soup, or like to use clear tea soup to refresh you when you stay up late, are the attacks of old diseases on your body more and more frequent?"

Zhuge Liang's expression changed: "What do you mean?"

"Prime Minister, think about it first!" The guest doctor Feng Cishi said impatiently, "If the Prime Minister can answer my question in detail, maybe I can think of a way."

Fan Ah and Li Dangzhi didn't have the guts to question the prime minister of the Han Dynasty in detail.

Some questions still need Feng Yong to ask in person to figure it out.

Dr. Feng hates patients' long-winded talks without getting to the point.

Don't you know I'm just a cameo? How can I judge the condition like you?

"You said it like this, and I found out that it is true. I also said that my old illness has been dragging on for too long in the past two years, and it has become more and more serious."

Zhuge Liang said while recalling, and then looked at Feng Yong with hope in his eyes:

"You still have medical skills?"

Feng Yong shook his head: "Prime Minister, after all these years, don't you understand me? How can I know any medical skills?"

When Zhuge Liang heard it, he felt like pouring cold water.

With a wry smile, "I think too much."

Alas, if the heavens could give me a few more years of life, that would be great..."

Inspector Feng finally poured himself another cup of tea, took a sip, and then glanced at the somewhat sad prime minister, and said slowly:

"I don't know medical skills, but I have seen a person suffering from the same disease as the prime minister."


"This person is from my division. He has a nickname, Wine Master."


Feng Yong nodded: "Yes. Drinking too much strong tea, drinking too much alcohol, often staying up late, improper diet, and overthinking are all the causes of this disease."

"What happened to the wine master?"

"It was cured." Governor Feng said after taking a sip of tea foam leisurely.

The prime minister's eyes lit up: "What did you say?!"

Even when the big man was in danger, the prime minister of the big man was calm in front of outsiders.

Hearing Feng Cishi's words now, he was short of breath, and even his expression became a little nervous.

"I said that the wine master has been cured. If there are no accidents, he will live a long life."

" did you cure it?"

"Don't drink tea, don't drink alcohol, don't stay up late, don't work hard, don't think too much, eat more and eat less, chew slowly."

Inspector Feng answered seriously.

Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty: ...

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