Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 904 We Eat Meat, The Prime Minister Eats Shells

In this world, one thing overcomes one thing.

Considering the size of Liangzhou, Governor Feng can walk sideways, which shows his arrogance.

It's a pity that when he returned to a mere prefecture, he became a soft-legged shrimp in an instant.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty can make the emperor bow his head and call him father, and in the territory of the Han Dynasty, everyone who hears the name of the prime minister will look sideways.

But in the prime minister's mansion, there is still one person who can eat him to death.

The high-spirited man in the middle of Sichuan fought bloody battles abroad with iron bones.

On the inside, the sword is brave and the heart is full of chivalry and tenderness.

Good traditions cannot be lost!

As Feng Junhou expected, Huang Yueying was overjoyed when she heard that Feng Yong had the prescription.

When he heard that Prime Minister Zhuge was unwilling to cooperate with the treatment, his brows immediately stood up:

"As a prime minister, wanting to die quickly is disregarding the country; as a husband, wanting to die quickly is to abandon his wife and concubine; as a father, wanting to die quickly is to abandon his children, it's true for every husband!"

Only the prime minister's wife is the only one who dares to put his hands on his hips in the prime minister's mansion and call Zhuge prime minister a man.

But Huang Yueying said to Feng Yong:

"Mingwen, you go and prepare, and you can treat it as you want. Whether the prime minister is willing to treat the disease, he doesn't count, I say it."

After speaking, he angrily went to the prime minister of the Han Dynasty to argue.

With the promise of the prime minister's wife, Governor Feng has solved the problem of recuperation in the future.

The remaining problem is how to find medicinal materials.

There are two medicines in the prescription, which are seafood.

The so-called black fish bones are actually cuttlebone octopus.

High school chemistry has done a topic about it:

Sea octopus has the effect of treating hyperacidity and providing important elements for bone development. The reason is___?

This is also one of the reasons why Feng Yong believes that this prescription may be effective.

Therefore, if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world. This is the reason.

It's just that there are only two states in Dahan now, and none of them are close to the sea. Where can I find seafood?

Of course it was looking for Adou.

Who made him the emperor?

Since the alliance between Han and Wu, the trade between the two countries has become more and more frequent.

From Yong'an to Nanjun, there was a constant exchange of personnel and materials.

Among them, there are even things sent to the palaces of the two countries.

With so much money raised over the years, the little fat man has everything to eat, drink and wear. Of course, the grade cannot be as low as when he first ascended the throne.

It's normal to eat some seafood for a change, to try something new, isn't it?

That is, when you eat, you should eat it secretly, and don't make it too public.

After all, it is the money earned by the palace itself, and the government has subsidized a lot of money and food to the imperial treasury over the years.

As long as he restrained himself, Xiangfu would turn a blind eye.

He sent someone to deliver the letter to the palace, and A Dou personally delivered what Feng Yong wanted to the prime minister's mansion.

After meeting Xiangfu, Adou couldn't wait to find Feng Yong and asked:

"Mingwen, how about the father's illness? But is it really as Qing expected?"

"Ninety-nine are not far from ten." Feng Yong nodded, "Let's give it a try today."

"Excellent, I have already prepared all the medicinal materials you need, and I am waiting for your order now."

Healing illnesses for the prime minister of the Han Dynasty is very powerful.

Li Dangzhi, who had become an attendant doctor, was brought here.

With Shuangnan Avenue, Fan A, the founder of Nanxiang Medical College, was also sent here urgently.

"The clam shells are enough, but the black squid bones are a bit lacking. The queen led people to search for it in the palace for a long time, and finally found it."

A Dou was a little embarrassed, "I will send a letter to Wu Guo after returning to the palace, and ask them to send more."

Inspector Feng glanced at the large baskets of clam shells in the room, and then took a meaningful look at the emperor of the Han family.

The little fat man is really good at eating. He has only been in Hanzhong for two years, and he has not eaten clams.

But thinking about it, the meat of Meretrix meretrix is ​​delicious, and it was already a tribute in the pre-Han period.

Ah Dou finally has the money to enjoy it, so naturally he will not miss this seafood.

"Bring vinegar and soak this clam shell first."

Letting two leading figures in the medical field come over to do this is to fight mosquitoes with anti-aircraft guns.

However, for the sake of stability, in addition, they can use their rich experience to allow them to make more reasonable preparations during the pharmaceutical process.

It would be even better if you can see who the emperor, minister and assistant envoy are.

This prescription is not like usual, it needs a long time of decoction or something.

A little more troublesome is that clam shells need to be soaked in vinegar and soaked again, and the seven soaks are considered complete.

Feng Yong didn't understand why seven bubbles were needed, so he regarded it as disinfection.

Then it is to grind several medicines into very fine powder, and finally mix them.

With the Emperor of Han and the Inspector of Liangzhou supervising the whole process, this specification is the best in the world.

Li Dangzhi and Fan A, two old men with white hair and beards, were full of energy.

Not to mention the time of dispensing the medicine, even the time of grinding the medicine, he personally went into battle, not letting the disciples below touch his hands, and grinded the medicine ingredients hard over and over again...

"All right, all right, let me see!"

Governor Feng saw that something was wrong, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

How fine could my dad in the previous life grind this medicine?

A Dou also came up and asked:

"Is it done?"

"Whether it is successful or not, you can know it in three days at the earliest and five days at the slowest."

Feng Yong picked up the white powder with his little finger, put it in his mouth and tasted it, it was a bit salty and astringent.

It's just that it's too finely ground, as if the putty used to paint the walls of later generations is on your fingers.

Forget it, never mind.

"Weigh out two coins first."

Feng Yong ordered, and then sent someone to invite Huang Yueying.

Huang Yueying got the news and rushed over:

"Mingwen, but it's done?"

"The medicine is ready." Feng Yong pointed to the medicine behind him, "This medicine is three times a day, two dollars a time, and taken before meals. As for whether it is effective or not, you can see it after a few days."

Huang Yueying's eyes fell on the medicine powder on the table, she nodded repeatedly, her eyes were moist:

"Whether effective or not, our Zhuge family will always remember this kindness."

"Ma'am, what are you talking about? The Prime Minister's Mansion and the Feng Mansion are half of the family..."

Hearing this, Huang Yueying couldn't help laughing.

There is something wrong with this statement.

Because Feng Cishi's "half" is very famous.

Half of the prime minister's disciple, half of Huang Yueying's son-in-law, and half of Zhang Xiahou's disciple, even when writing articles, they always write half of them...

"Seeing that it's almost time for dinner, I'll take it to the prime minister first."

Huang Yueying said, and then apologized to A Dou, "Your Majesty treats the mansion as if he is in the palace so casually, I'm sorry first."

"Xiangfu's illness is important, madam please."

In the palace and in the mansion, everything is one, anyway, it doesn't matter.

"Madam, even if this medicine is really effective, don't forget what I said earlier, the most important thing is that the prime minister should pay attention to rest on weekdays."

When Huang Yueying was in a hurry to take medicine for the prime minister, Feng Yong hurriedly gave another warning.

"Don't worry in plain text, if the prime minister doesn't obey, I have my own way."

When this matter was mentioned, the prime minister's wife said calmly with evil eyes.

The prime minister was weak, so A Dou and Feng Yong wanted to disturb him as little as possible, so they didn't follow him.

After finishing this work, let Fan Ah and Li Dangzhi go down to rest.

A Dou then asked very affectionately:

"It's time for dinner, why don't Mingwen come with me?"

"How dare the minister disobey the order?"

"Hey, you don't need to be like this, you don't need to be like this, you are not outsiders, you are all from your own family."

A Dou quickly supported Feng Yong's arm, and said with a smile, "What does Mingwen want to eat? I'll send someone back to the palace to prepare."

The emperor and Feng Shishi teamed up to deceive the father-in-law once, and they had a little secret between them, and their relationship became much closer.

Governor Feng swallowed, and replied, "Clam, I haven't eaten seafood for a long time. I don't know if there are any in the palace?"

A Dou was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and pointed at Feng Yong:

"I have forgotten that what Qing's teacher learned is the art of easy teeth."

"Hey, I just remembered that I learned how to steam and stir-fry clams before."

The best seafood in the East China Sea, I'm sorry if I don't eat it.

"Okay, I'm starting to get greedy after hearing what Mingwen said. Let's go back to the palace!"

"Go back to the palace?"

"Go back to the palace, this is a family banquet! But I don't know if there is any stock in the palace. After all, it is produced in the sea, so it is not easy to send it here. It is also cold now, so it is even more difficult to find."

It's not good to give you what the hell can you come up with so many shells?

"Your Majesty, you can ask Soochow to send more in the future. After all, the leftover shells are for the prime minister's medicine..."

"Hush, speak softly, let others listen, that's disrespectful to Xiangfu!"


Little fat man, look at your bear!

I dared to make a small report when I was beaten by the prime minister, what are you afraid of?

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