Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 905 Change and Growth

In the last month of the tenth year of Jianxing, there were some changes in the personnel affairs of the Jihan court.

Li Ping took the position of General Hussars and also Situ, only inferior to the prime minister in name.

Liu Yan's position as the chariot general remains unchanged.

Zhao Yun moved to General Wei.

These three are all honored by the imperial court.

And Wu Yi, who led the army to stay in Jincheng, was General Zuo.

The most noticeable thing is that Shi Jiangwan, the governor of Liufu, moved to Shangshuling, and took charge of Shangshutai together with Shangshu servant She Li Fu.

During the Battle of Longyou, Fei Yi, who was transferred from the palace to the prime minister's mansion as Sima, was transferred to serve as a servant and concurrently the Minister Zuo Cheng.

Together with Dong Yun, the servant, the two assisted the emperor in the palace.

Guan Xing served as the leader of the Central Army and led the Southern Army.

Zhang Bao served as the leading general and commanded the Northern Army.

The most strange thing is that Feng Yong, the governor of Liangzhou, has not changed his original position, joined the army in the prime minister's mansion, and is also a servant.

Coupled with Yang Yi, the commander of the prime minister's army and general of the Sui army, Wei Yan, a former military adviser and general of the East, and some veterans of the two dynasties, they constitute the core of power on the surface of Ji Han.

Zhang Yi, the former governor of the imperial concubine, was transferred back to the imperial court because of his strict law enforcement, which caused Liu Zhou in Yunnan to rebel.

Ma Zhong, the former prefect of Zangke, took over as the governor of Tuo Jiang.

The Governor's Mansion in Nanzhong, the Governor's Mansion in Yong'an, and some local real power figures constituted Ji Han's second echelon of power.

This transfer of personnel did not cause much disturbance outside the imperial court.

But in the inner circle of the imperial court, there was an uproar.

During the coldest time of the year, Shi Yangyi, the head of the prime minister's house, accidentally caught wind and cold, thanked the guests, and stayed behind closed doors.

"Jiang Wan, when the late emperor was alive, he was abolished by the late emperor because of neglecting government affairs. How can he be above me?"

"Feng Yong is nothing more than a kid. Although he has military exploits, his qualifications are still inexperienced. How can he enter the prime minister's mansion and the court at the same time?"

"I am stationed in Hanzhong with the prime minister, raising food and grain, and planning the army. I have to worry about it, and I can't have a moment of peace. Let alone the senior officials are above the two, how can I be treated poorly?"

Yang Yi, who had a ferocious face due to resentment, revealed a look of resentment.

In his rage, he smashed a lot of things, the house was in a mess, and there were many broken cups and porcelain on the ground.

Although he was both the chief minister of the prime minister's mansion, Jiang Wan became a minister, which was already considered superior to Yang Yi.

In the past, Feng Yong had always been the leader of the army, and had never formally held an important official position in the center of the imperial court.

Now he not only joins the army in the prime minister's mansion, but also serves as a servant, which is already an extremely exceptional situation.

In this way, no matter whether in the palace or in the mansion, Feng Yong has important positions and officials, and the political meaning in it is hard not to make people think.

It was precisely because of this that Yang Yi became even more upset.

Why? !

He has the power to command troops outside, and has the power to discuss politics inside.

In the palace and in the mansion, there are positions.

What do you mean?

Thinking of all these years of hard work, Yang Yi only felt that she really paid the dog by mistake!

Just when Yang Yi was full of resentment, someone suddenly came to report:

"Fei Shizhong is visiting."

Fei Shizhong is Fei Yi.

In any case, Yang Yi is also the history of the prime minister's mansion, and he is also one of the longest eunuchs.

He has not recovered from the wind and cold for several days, so it is against the rules not to send someone over to take a look.

It's just that in the prime minister's mansion, when it comes to the difference in interpersonal relationship, Wei Yan ranks first, and Yang Yi must be ranked second.

These two are the oldest in the prime minister's mansion.

However, one of the two is strong and arrogant, while the other is narrow-minded and narrow-minded, like fire and water are incompatible, they quarrel when they meet and even draw their knives at each other.

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, Fei Yi often mediates between the two and protects each other. He is one of the rare people who can talk to both of them at the same time.

Hearing Fei Yi's arrival, Yang Yi had someone invite him to the front hall first, then sorted out his clothes to calm down, and then went to the front court to meet Fei Yi:

"Where did Wen Wei come from?"

"The prime minister has recovered a lot in the past two days, and he has been able to deal with some government affairs again. He heard that Duke Wei was ill, so he asked someone to come and visit him."

Fei Yi and Yang Yi have been officials in the prime minister's mansion for a long time, how can they not know who they are?

Seeing that although Yang Yi's tone was the same, but the anger on his face was still there, he understood:

"Duke Wei's body, has it ever gotten better?"

Yang Yi didn't want to get angry with Fei Yi, so she just groaned heavily and said:

"The body is fine, but recently I have palpitations at night, can't sleep peacefully, and my mind is a little unstable."

"Palpitations, when there is something in your heart that you can't let go of, is Wei Gong thinking?"

Fei Yi asked tentatively.

Relying on his seniority, Yang Yi didn't bother to hide his emotions:

"In the old days, I turned my back on Wei and turned to Han, and was appreciated by the late emperor. First, I was conscripted by the late emperor as General Zuo Cao Cao, and then as a minister. Where was Feng Yong at that time?"

"When the Prime Minister went to the South, I used the position of joining the army to act on behalf of the Prime Minister's government. At that time, Feng Yong was only a small official."

"When the prime minister goes north to Hanzhong, I will entrust all matters in the army to me. At that time, Feng Yong was no more than the history of the county magistrate."

"What about now? I am still no more than the chief minister of the prime minister's mansion, and Feng Yong is the governor of the prime minister outside, and he has the position of joining the army when he enters the mansion, and he has the responsibility of serving the servant when he enters the palace..."

The more Yang Yi spoke, the more furious she became. The resentment was manifested in her voice, and the anger was manifested in her words:

"Even if Feng Yong has merit, treating him too generously? Besides, what merit does Jiang Wan have for staying in Jincheng? Can he enter the Shangshutai and be appointed as the Minister of Shangshu?"

"If Jiang Wan is able to serve as Minister of Ministers like that, then based on my achievements over the years, can I not even be admitted to the Minister's Office?"

Outsiders may not have noticed anything unusual about this transfer, but Yang Yi has been with the prime minister for a long time, so how can he not see the signs?

When the first emperor founded the country, Shangshutai was originally the center of power.

This can be seen from the fact that Fazheng, Liu Ba, and Li Yan were successively appointed as ministers by the late emperor.

It was only after the Battle of Yiling that the first emperor died suddenly, the emperor was young and the situation was critical, and the center of power of the great man began to shift to the prime minister's mansion.

To put it bluntly, the late emperor let the prime minister and Li Ping, who was the Minister of the Book, co-assist in the government, not necessarily not having the intention of letting the Minister of Finance check and balance the prime minister's mansion.

Unexpectedly, Li Yan had too much selfishness, first he refused to lead the army to Hanzhong, and then he wanted to set aside Bazhou to serve as the governor.

However, his methods were far inferior to the prime minister's, and in the end he lost the post of Shangshuling, and Shangshutai became an empty shell.

Although the Prime Minister's condition has improved now, this series of personnel adjustments has already hinted that Shangshutai seems to have a tendency to resume normal operation.

At least to restore some of the power.

This is still secondary. In the longer term, after the prime minister, the emperor may not be able to set up a prime minister's mansion, so Shang Shutai will be the complete center of power by then.

People like Jiang Wan, Fei Yi, Dong Yun, and Feng Yong all entered the Shangshutai and took charge of important political positions.

Either serve as a servant, go in and out of the court, and hear about the government, and get the respect of the emperor.

This means that after the prime minister, they are the selected court ministers.

And what about himself as the head of the prime minister's mansion? After the prime minister, what should I do?

Without the prime minister's mansion, what should I do as a prime minister?

This is where Yang Yi is most upset.

"If Duke Wei is dissatisfied with Prime Minister Feng Mingwen's joining the army and serving as a servant, then there is no need for it!"

Fei Yi didn't know if he could see Yang Yi's thoughts, but he just smiled and said:

"Although Feng Mingwen joined the army and served as the prime minister, how long can he stay in Hanzhong? Doesn't he have to go back to Liangzhou in the end?"

"Not in the center, joining the army and serving as a servant is just a name."

"As for Jiang Gongyan, he was appointed as Minister of the Book in order to better stay in Jincheng. After all, Li Zhengfang is not a kind person in Jincheng."

"Besides, isn't it still up to you to handle all the affairs of the prime minister's mansion?"

Hearing this, Yang Yi forced a smile, her expression slightly pale.

Seeing this, Fei Yi comforted him for a while before leaving.

What he didn't see was that Yang Yi looked at his background with a gloomy face like the winter sky.

Feng Yong naturally didn't know the tide surging in Hanzhong.

But even if he knew, it didn't matter.

After finally going back to Hanzhong, since the main purpose has been achieved, the next step is naturally to go back to Nanxiang.

No ceremonial team, no fanfare, only personal guards, mixed with the business travelers on Shuangnan Avenue, and quietly returned to Nanxiang.

In today's Nanxiang, the most powerful person is not Wei Rong, Feng Junhou's first disciple.

Nor was it Huang Chong, the county magistrate.

It was General Wei Zhao Yun.

Three years ago, Mr. Zhao was still able to command the soldiers of the Longyou Governor's Mansion to defend the Longshan area and put down the rebellion in Pingxi County.

It has only been a few years since I retired, and my body is much weaker.

Although the voice is still loud, the body is still tall and straight.

But the practice of wrapping himself in a fur coat in a warm house has already exposed his lack of energy and blood.

"You still know how to come back and have a look, if you don't come back, you two disciples, just join my sect."

Zhao Yun sat on the couch with Dama Jindao, glanced at Governor Feng with disdain, and said contemptuously.

Luo Xian and Fu Qian saluted Feng Yong respectfully, and offered hot tea, then stood aside with solemn hands.

Feng Yong sat across from Zhao Yun, took a sip of ginger tea soup to warm his body, and then looked at the old man who was sitting on the couch, regardless of his appearance:

"The old general is right. Could it be that the knowledge they learned in the school a few years ago was not taught by me?"

"Besides, even if they are lucky enough to learn something from General Zhao, won't I lead them into battle later?"

There was a movement behind him. You don't need to look back to know that the two little guys, Luo Xian and Fu Qian, are about to move.

Luo Xian is already fifteen years old. These days, it is normal for fifteen-year-olds to carry swords into battle.

The boy's blood is already boiling, but it is useless in front of the ghost king who is far-sighted:

"I still don't know how much they can learn to lead troops!"

Zhao Yun laughed, and then coughed, possibly because of too much force.

Luo Xian and Fu Qian hurried forward to help caress their backs.

After Zhao Yun regained his breath, he said helplessly:

"These two children are sensible and talented. If someone else said this, I would have to say something fair for them."

He said this, then shook his head:

"It's just that the words came out of your mouth, so there's nothing you can do about it."

While talking, he looked at Luo Xian and Fu Qian, looking a little helpless.

Attacking Longguan, Zhanjieting, Fulongyou, Dinglongxi, Pingjincheng, Xiaoguan battle, famous all over the world.

It can be said that when it comes to leading the army, if you look at big men, no, even if you look at the world, the prime minister is probably the only one who dares to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail in front of Governor Feng.

After all, General Zhao's strength lies in cavalry.

However, in the eyes of people of this era, the iron armored cavalry in Feng Cishi's hand is the most terrifying cavalry in the world, not one of them.

The battle of Xiaoguan was rehearsed many times by General Zhao.

He thinks he can't do better than Cao Zhen, that's why he said this.

Seeing General Zhao looking at Luo Xian and Fu Qian, Feng Yong didn't know what he meant, so he also looked at them:

"Study well with Old General Zhao and Dudu Li for another year. If you really pass my exam later on, then I will let you go to the army as trainees."

The white disaster in Liangzhou at this time last year, although it survived in the end.

But the price is not without heavy.

In the battle of Xiaoguan, the army lost nearly 60% to 70% of the horses.

In order to cope with the white disaster, the Governor's Mansion had to use the reserve animal power to transport grain in the cold weather.

For this reason, a large number of livestock were lost, which made Feng Cishi's idea of ​​turning into a mule aborted.

Even with advanced captive breeding and breeding techniques, Liangzhou's cavalry and mule-carrying troops cannot be formed within two or three years.

Liangzhou's army is not strong enough, relying on the soldiers of Hanzhong and Longyou alone, it is afraid that they will not be able to defeat Guanzhong.

So let Luo Xian and Fu Qian stay in the martial arts hall for one more year, which is completely in time.

Obtaining Master's promise, the two teenagers showed excitement on their faces:

"Sir, this is what you said. After one year, you want us to go to Liangzhou."

Feng Yong smiled slightly:

"Pass my exam first."

After chatting for a while, Zhao Yun coughed a few more times. Feng Yong saw that he looked a little tired, so he left quickly and let the old man have a good rest.

Over the years, Nanxiang Academy has changed a lot compared to its original state.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the courtyard where Governor Feng lived, which has remained the same.

It can even be foreseen that even if Nanxiang Academy is changed to the Royal Academy soon, this courtyard will not be changed in any way.

As soon as Wei Rong was on duty, he quickly called his Xijun and hurried to the yard.

"Sit down, sit down."

Feng Yong sat on the main seat and said to his disciples below:

"I'm not a competent master. I came back this time, and I actually stopped by to see you."

"Although I am incompetent, you must not slack off. If you are successful, then I will definitely recommend you to the imperial court."

"But if you don't have enough talent, even if you are in the name of my disciple, you will have nothing to worry about in this life. Don't think about other things."

Wei Rong and the others felt awe-inspiring, and quickly said yes.

In Hanzhong in December of the tenth year of Jianxing, people's hearts fluctuated slightly.

But Sun Quan, who was far away in Jianye, once again launched an attack on Jiangbei.

The envoy sent to Liaodong last year was ambushed in Chengshan when returning, and most of them were killed or injured.

Not only did the jewels donated by Liaodong fall into the hands of the Wei thieves, but even the war horses that were most in short supply in the state of Wu were snatched by the Wei thieves.

This made Sun Quan furious.

This overwhelming defeat reminded Sun Quan of a person, Yu Fan.

It was when Sun Quan and Zhang Zhao were talking about immortals that they dared to contradict the emperor of Wu and important officials of Wu in public, saying that immortals were just the fall of the dead.

Because when Yu Fan heard that Sun Quan sent an envoy to Liaodong to ask for horses, he wrote a letter to Jiaozhou from the place of exile.

It is said that the benefits of the Wu state are boats and ships, and they are not good at land warfare. Seeking horses is not a national benefit.

Moreover, Liaodong is too far away. Sending people to Liaodong with money to ask for horses may be difficult to obtain.

It wasn't until a large number of property and horses fell into the hands of Wei thieves that Sun Quan couldn't help but regret not listening to Yu Fan's words.

"The Wei thief is too deceitful. As the emperor, how can I be insulted like this?" Sun Quan gritted his teeth and said, "I will avenge this revenge!"

It's just that Zhang Bu was ordered to surrender last year. Although there was a small profit, the Hefei side must have been vigilant and should not move lightly at this time.

Therefore, Sun Quan issued an edict to let Lu Xun of Wuchang personally lead the army to attack Lujiang.

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