The winter in the 10th year of Jianxing was much warmer than the winter in the 9th year of Jianxing.

Not only does the winter snow in Liangzhou come later than in previous years, but even in the Jianghuai area, there are much fewer places to freeze than in previous years.

"General, the spies have come to report that there seems to be a large army of Wu Lu at Ruxukou."

In the Dudu's Mansion in Shouchun City, a civil official walked hurriedly, handing over the intelligence sent from the front to Man Chong.

Man Chong's complexion was slightly different at first, then he became calm again, and asked:

"Do you know who is leading the army?"

"I heard that Sun Quan personally led the army."

When Man Chong heard it, he suddenly smiled strangely:

"Thieves Sun has been trying to organize the army to commit crimes in the north every year. I thought he would be able to settle down for a year this year. I didn't expect him to act in the last month of the year."

In the spring of the third year of Taihe, he wanted to attack Xiyang.

In the winter of the fourth year of Taihe, he wanted to attack Hefei.

In the winter of the fifth year of Taihe, he feigned surrender.

In the winter of the sixth year of Taihe, I thought I could live in peace for a year, but I didn't expect to commit crimes in the north again in December.

Wu Lu mostly committed crimes in the north in winter and early spring, because Wei had good cavalry, and when it was cold, his combat power would decline.

But the Wu people are not good at land warfare, so they want to avoid the leader of Wei.

So Wu Lu took action in winter, and Man Chong had already gotten used to it.

I saw him command:

"Send someone to send the spy information to Governor Wang, and let him be ready to respond at any time."

Although they were at odds with Wang Ling, they were officials in the same court after all, and they also guarded Huainan to guard against Wu captives.

According to the rules, it is natural to notify such important state affairs.

When Wang Ling learned that Sun Quan wanted to personally lead the army to commit the northern crimes, he immediately became furious and said:

"Sun thief played me last year and made me lose face in front of the old man. I was thinking about how to get revenge, but I didn't expect him to come to my door!"

So Yangzhou soldiers and horses were rectified and stationed in Hefei.

On the other hand, Man Chong continued to recruit soldiers and horses from Yuyang and Yangzhou in Shouchun, and at the same time ordered Yanzhou to be ready to support at any time.

Just when Wei Guo was gearing up his troops and preparing to attack the Wu people head-on in Hefei, Chaohu.

A group of troops from the State of Wu quietly set off from Wancheng in Lujiang County, bypassed Chaohu Lake, and rushed towards Lujiang County in the State of Wei.

The commander-in-chief of this army is none other than Lu Xun, the great general of Wu State who guarded Wuchang.

(Note: Lujiang is divided into two parts, one is Lujiang County of Wu State in the south, and Wei State has another Lujiang County in the north, which is located in the west of Hefei, opposite to Lujiang County of Wu State.)

Not only did Lu Xun's strategy of making a fool of himself hide it from Wang Ling who was guarding Hefei, but even Man Chong, who was recruiting soldiers and horses in Shouchun, didn't notice it.

Just when Wei Jun thought that Wu Guo was going to enter Chaohu Lake from Ruxukou and invade Hefei on the edge of Chaohu Lake as in previous years.

Lu Xun had already brought his soldiers and horses and rushed all the way to the city of Lu'an, the prefecture of Lujiang County in the state of Wei.

The defenders of Lu'an City were terrified when they saw the black Wu soldiers under the city. While sending people to Hefei and Shouchun to report the news, they hurriedly strengthened their defenses.

Lu Xun, who is nearly fifty years old, has been a great general in a country and has led the army for many years, but he still maintains the unique elegance of a scholar.

He found a high ground, looked at Lu'an City in front of him, and ordered:

"Send people to persuade them to surrender, and at the same time ask the army to immediately cut down trees and use them as siege tools."

While speaking, he tightened the thick and long down jacket on his body.

Compared with Lu'an City, which is on the edge of the river and far away from the shore, it seems to be colder.

In fact, fur coats are still more expensive than down jackets, and they are also warmer than ordinary down jackets.

But the down jacket on Lu Xun was specially custom-made from Sichuan.

Thick and long, it can even be used as a quilt at night.

Compared with those fur coats that couldn't be thickened, it was much warmer.

Nowadays, most of the aristocratic and powerful families in the state of Wu wear fur clothes when walking around in the mansion, but when they go out, they always wear thick and long down jackets.

For those small families, they choose ordinary down jackets.

After all, the lining and exterior of the down jacket are both made of silk, so compared to fur clothing, it is not considered a loss of face.

Arrows were shot down from the head of Lu'an City, obviously refusing to persuade them to surrender.

Lu Xun didn't worry too much, because this was expected.

After learning that there was no hope of persuading the surrender, Lu Xun led the people to inspect the camp, urging the camps to prepare for the siege.

Although the camp was fairly orderly, it was somewhat chaotic.

Lu Xun sighed and didn't make too many demands. He just summoned the generals of each battalion and told them to restrain the soldiers under him.

Everyone in the world says that Wu people are good at maneuvering ships, but not good at land warfare. Apart from historical traditions, there are no horses in the south and other reasons.

There is also the military system implemented by Wu State now, which is also part of the reason.

Except for the Forbidden Army personally controlled by His Majesty, the most elite members of each battalion in the other armies are those that can be hereditary in the hands of generals.

Therefore, the biggest task of the commander in the army is to coordinate the generals, so that they can lead the battalions forward together, not to fight independently.

However, Lu Xun had a noble status and had always been highly respected, so under his supervision, Wu Jun's camp was quickly established.

On the second day, Wu Jun couldn't wait to send out a battalion to attack the city.

Although the siege equipment was not ready, this did not prevent Wu Jun from trying to fill up the moat of Lu'an City first.

Although Lu'an City is the county seat of Lujiang County, it is not actually a big city.

However, because it was built near the Bi River, the moat is not only deep but also wide.

The soldiers carrying the earth and rocks began to rush forward. They didn't even have leather armor on them, and some of them even had ragged clothes.

These are the lowest-level soldiers, and there are some dead soldiers.

Wei Jun erected antlers on the other side of the moat, and the Wei Jun crossbowmen behind the antlers began to draw their bows and crossbows after Wu Jun entered the range, and the arrows flew like rain.

Soldiers of the Wu army breathed in the cold breath of winter, then sprayed out white mist from their mouths and noses, and rushed forward with sullen heads.

Arrow feathers fell from the sky, some pierced the ground, and some pierced the rocks and soil on their backs, allowing the soldiers of the Wu army to escape luckily.

But there were also arrow feathers that penetrated the soldiers' bodies and brought them down to the ground. The hot blood flowing out of their bodies quickly became cold in this weather.

The blood that hadn't had time to seep into the ground quickly solidified, and became as cold as the body.

What's more, he was not shot to the vitals, and fell to the ground screaming, trying to struggle to get up, but was kicked to the ground by his comrades, and then trampled by his feet.

Then someone kicked the wounded soldier who was moaning endlessly, and he also fell down, pressing on the wounded soldier, and the stones and soil on his back were scattered, burying the wounded soldier's face...

Lu Xun stood not far behind, looking at the densely packed arrow feathers shot by Wei Jun in the air ahead, his face was calm, but there was a trace of gloom in his eyes.

Over the years, the Wu and Wei armies have been fighting in Hefei City.

The bandits Wei continued to reinforce Hefei, and at the same time deployed heavy troops in Hefei. According to Lu Xun's idea, they raided Lu'an City by themselves, and the bandits Wei thought it was defenseless.

Judging from his smooth arrival at the foot of Lu'an City, this plan was indeed a success.

But what people also did not expect is that Lu'an City looks small, but judging from the reaction of the Wei thief, there are probably elite soldiers and strong generals in the city!

Thinking about it this way, seeing the auxiliary soldiers rushing up to fill the moat scatter back at an extremely fast speed, the gloom in his eyes became even more intense.

"Come on, pass the order down, let the army speed up, don't pity the soldiers, the moat must be filled up tomorrow!"

"Also, the day after tomorrow at the latest, we must build all the ladders and start the official siege."


The cries of killing and screams in front of him still vaguely entered Lu Xun's ears, but he was in no mood to listen.

His gaze turned to the east.

There, it is the direction of Hefei.

As long as Lu'an City can be captured, Great Wu will have a foothold in Jianghuai, and at the same time can threaten Hefei's rear.

At that time, no matter how strong the city of Hefei is, the Wei thief can only give up.

Thinking of this, Lu Xun specially dispatched elite soldiers to tell them to watch out for Wei thieves coming from Hefei.

Behind Lu'an City is Shaopo Lake, which was a water conservancy built by Sun Shuao, Prime Minister of Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period, to irrigate the surrounding fields.

There is such a big lake between Shouchun City and Lu'an City, Wei Guo probably never thought that Wu Guoguo would bypass Chao Lake and attack Lu'an City.

Therefore, there is no navy deployed in Shaopo Lake.

If Shouchun wanted to reinforce Lu'an City, he would either send troops directly from Hefei, or send troops from Shouchun to make a big circle around Shaopo Lake.

"Lu Xun is really good at using soldiers. He caught us all by surprise."

When Man Chong got the news that Lu'an City was in danger, he was shocked and hurriedly summoned the generals for a meeting.

Looking at the map in front of them, everyone was extremely anxious:

"Former general, Lu'an City is small, I'm afraid it will be difficult to hold on, I will send reinforcements as soon as possible!"

Man Chong's eyes flickered, staring at the map, but he didn't speak immediately.

If Lu'an City falls into the hands of Lu Xun, then Wu Lu can enter Shaopo Lake from Lu'an City and attack Shouchun.

This is a complete replica of entering Chaohu from Ruxukou to attack Hefei.

The only difference is that the defense line of Yangzhou, which Great Wei had painstakingly managed for so many years, fell completely.

At that time, most of Yangzhou will fall into the hands of Wu Lu.

The door to the Central Plains is now wide open!

"Rescue must be saved, but we can't send reinforcements directly from Hefei. After all, who knows if Sun Quan will really lead the army over from Ruxukou?"

Man Chong's face was uncertain, and after thinking for a long time, he said slowly:

"Wang Inspector is a brave general. Let him guard Hefei to block Sun Quan. It is nothing to worry about. Shouchun City has already gathered a lot of troops, and now it is time to send reinforcements."

Having said that, Man Chong paused for a while before continuing:

"And the reinforcements can't go to Hefei. Since Lu Xun dared to attack Lu'an City, it is impossible for him not to guard against the reinforcements from Hefei."

When the generals below heard this, they were even more anxious and puzzled:

"General, if you want to reinforce Lu'an City, the fastest way is to go to Hefei. If you don't go there and delay for too long, I'm afraid Lu'an City will be in danger!"

Man Chong is unmoved:

"Although Liu'ancheng is small, the city walls are strong, and the soldiers in the city are well-trained. As long as the soldiers are united and stand firm for help, they can hold for a long time."

"Although Lu Xun is good at using soldiers, Wu soldiers are not good at land warfare, let alone attacking cities, so there is no need to worry about Lujiang for the time being!"

As he said that, his eyes flashed coldly, "Wu Lu is good at boat battles. He used to want to seduce him if he didn't come, but now he comes here with a boat two hundred miles away. It's the right time to destroy him!"

"Send a fast horse right away, and say that I will personally lead the army to rescue, so that the soldiers of Lujiang can guard the city with peace of mind."

After urgently rectifying the soldiers and horses in Shouchun City, Man Chong personally led the army, headed west against the Huai River, and then went south along the Jieshui at the intersection of the Huai River and detoured to the west of the Lujiang River.

At this time, the offensive and defensive battle in Lu'an City has reached a fever pitch.

The moat had been filled long ago, and a layer of corpses had already been laid under the city of Lu'an.

Lu Xun's initial fears became reality.

Although Lu'an City is small, it is difficult to attack.

Even if all the generals in the army are sent to battle in person, no one can still stand firmly on the wall.

The closest time, it was only able to attack the top of the city, and then was driven down.

Lu Xun was anxious, but his eyes turned more and more to the east.

As long as there is enough time, Lu'an City can definitely be taken down.

But the east direction of Hefei is really too quiet.

It was unnervingly quiet.

After all, counting the days, even if the bandit Wei came from Shouchun for reinforcements, there should have been movement by now.

This somewhat abnormal situation made Lu Xun feel a little uneasy.

Remembering that His Majesty was still stationed at Ruxukou and never entered Chaohu Lake, Lu Xun felt a little helpless.

Although it is to lure the enemy, but the battle in Lu'an City is so fierce, it would be even better if someone can lead troops into Chaohu Lake, approach Hefei, and put pressure on the Wei thieves.

While thinking about it, he loosened the down jacket on his body a little hotly.

I dote on this man, he is quite talented, and he is an old man left behind by Cao Cao, so he should not be underestimated.

Unusually calm, an opponent that cannot be underestimated, coupled with the sensitivity of the perennial leader, turned Lu Xun's uneasiness into suspicion.

"Come on."

"The Great General."

"Pass down the order to attack the city today and withdraw troops in advance."


When the siege was in a hurry, it was a good thing for the defenders to suddenly slow down, because they could seize the time to repair the city wall and give the tired soldiers some breathing time.

But for Wu Jun, who was eager to capture Lu'an City, it was nothing more than spending more lives later.

"General, the thieves in the city seem to be exhausted, why do you suddenly withdraw your troops?"

"I'm afraid that the thieves have something to gain."

"Could it be that there is movement in Hefei?"

"It is precisely because there is no movement in Hefei that I am worried."

"Why are you worried, General?"

"There is no trace of Man Chong in Hefei, how can I not worry?"

Lu Xun sighed, looking at the scarred but standing city wall, inexplicably reminded him of the battle of Xiaoguan the year before last.

I heard that after Feng Yong led the army out of Xiaoguan, he broke through several cities in a row, and after annexing Anding, he was able to turn around and win more with less, defeating Cao Zhen.

Over the years, the people of Shu have expanded the land one after another, and now they have opened the gate of Guanzhong, and they are fully pushing Wei.

On His Majesty's side, although Shiting has won a great victory, Hefei has been suppressed in the south of the Yangtze River, unable to break through.

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Xun felt depressed and anxious for a while.

How did Feng Yong manage to break through several cities in a short period of time?

Just as he was thinking, he heard someone tentatively say:

"Maybe His Majesty has already attracted the Wei thief in Chaohu, so that he dare not divide his troops?"

The corner of Lu Xun's mouth twitched, and he glanced at the general who said this.

Others may believe this statement, but how can I not know whether it is true or not?

Since His Majesty was forced by Zhang Liao in Xiaoyaojin to "walk up the high mound" and "kick the horse to Jinjin", he actually hated Hefei and was a little afraid in his heart.

Those who hate, want to go to Hefei every day.

Those who are afraid, there is no army of one hundred thousand, dare not approach the city of Hefei.

Now Ruxukou is just to lure the enemy. Where did the 100,000 troops come from?

Therefore, His Majesty has been bound by Ruxukou these days, and does not enter Chaohu Lake.

On the second day, Wu Jun finally came to visit and brought Lu Xun the news he wanted most:

"Urgent report! General Shang, there seems to be an army of Wei thieves in Anfeng County to the west!"

Before the spies could explain the news in detail, Lu Xun woke up suddenly:

"Not good! Man Chong wants to break my back!"

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