Lu Xun took advantage of the inertial thinking that Wei had developed over the years, and with a swipe of his gun, he avoided Hefei and attacked Lujiang, and he was about to succeed.

I didn't expect Man Chong to be so bold, not afraid of Lujiang's loss at all.

Instead, he personally led the army around a big circle, trying to cut off the back of the Wu army.

It can be said that this operation of both parties can be called amazing.

In contrast, the teammates of both sides are somewhat different.

Although Wang Ling was at odds with Man Chong, he was able to lead the army to garrison Hefei in the first place.

Although Sun Quan and Lu Xun were close, they only bluffed at Ruxukou, and did not even enter Chaohu Lake.

Lu Xun certainly didn't understand the so-called not being afraid of god-like opponents but being afraid of pig-like teammates.

Even if he understood, he dared not say it, and he didn't even have the thought of slandering him.

"General, what shall we do?"

Hearing that there was danger in the back road, some people panicked immediately.

If you are on the boat at this time, you don't have to be afraid.

But more than two hundred miles behind him is the riverside.

No matter how much you look down on the Wei thief, you have to admit that the only ones who can face the Wei thief Jingqi without losing the wind are probably the Shu people.

"Don't panic."

Knowing the exact location of Man Chong, Lu Xun's uneasiness disappeared instead.

Obviously, it was too late to capture Lujiang.

But you can't just retreat like that.

Otherwise, under the pursuit of the Wei thief Jingqi, if there is a little carelessness, the army will be in danger of retreating into a rout.

Having figured this out, Lu Xun immediately sent people to the intersection of Bishui and Shuishui to set up more flags.

At the same time, he led the army to follow closely behind, making a posture of turning around and heading west to meet the incoming enemy.

When Wei Guo's reinforcements learned of Wu Jun's movements, their menacing momentum was immediately stopped!

From the perspective of leading the army alone, Feng Yong of Shu and Lu Xun of Wu are all figures that Wei Guo deeply fears.

Feng Yong is cunning, attacking and looting like the wind, defending like a mountain.

But Lu Xun is good at planning the overall situation, and it is difficult to know.

Even in the eyes of Wei Guo, Lu Xun is much more difficult than Feng Yong.

After all, there was the battle of Yiling before Lu Xun, and the battle of Shiting later.

As a newcomer, Feng Yong's reputation is naturally not as good as Lu Xun's.

So although Man Chong was surprised this time, when Lu Xun on the other side reacted, he also didn't dare to rush forward, so he could only send out a sentry to check the situation on the other side.

What he didn't expect was that when he got in touch with the defenders of Lu'an City, he discovered that Wu Jun had already quietly retreated at night.

The confrontation between Wei and Wu in December of the tenth year of Jianxing seemed to be quiet, but in fact it was very dangerous.

If the state of Wu has the plan, it can open the door to the Central Plains.

If Wei Guo has his way, then the decline since the Battle of Shiting can be revived.

It was also because of this that the commanders of both sides were extremely cautious. Before they were sure, they all showed restraint, so that this battle did not turn into a real battle.

Sun Quan, who had been at Ruxukou, got the news that Lu Xun had withdrawn his troops, and returned to Jianye across the river.

After Lu Xun returned to Wuchang, he wrote a letter and sent it to Shu.

Man Chong, governor of Yangzhou in Wei State, also wrote a memorial and sent it to Luoyang after returning to Shouchun.

Compared with Wuchang being far away from Shu, Shouchun sent the memorial to Luoyang much faster.

Knowing that Sun Quan attacked Hefei again, Cao Rui was not too nervous.

Wu Guo failed to win Hefei in the Battle of Shiting back then, let alone now that it has taken several years to recover.

Thinking of this, Cao Rui couldn't help sighing again.

The Ba Niuli introduced from the Shu Kingdom to the Great Wei Dynasty is indeed a good thing, and it is most suitable for farming.

Runan, Yuzhou, and Shouchun, Yangzhou, were originally fertile lands, and Emperor Wu left the foundation of farming.

After using the eight-ox plow, not only can more wasteland be opened up, but also less people can be used, which is really a good thing.

Just remembering that this thing was made by Feng Yong, Cao Rui felt like a huge stone was pressed against his chest.

"Why doesn't my Great Wei have such talents?"

Although Feng Zei and Feng Zei were always scolding, in the bottom of his heart, Cao Rui thought more than once, if Feng Yong could abandon the thief and follow Wei, how good would it be?

It can be described as deep hatred and deep thinking.

Cao Rui didn't know what was going on in his mind right now, but after he read Man Chong's memorial, his brows frowned.

The memorial above described the situation of the battle in detail, and also attached a suggestion:

Hefei City faces rivers and lakes in the south, and Shouchun in the north. Bandits attack and besiege it, and they must rely on the water as their force;

It is very easy for thieves to go, but it is very difficult for soldiers to rescue them. It is advisable to move the soldiers in the city, thirty miles to the west, there are strange dangers to rely on, and a city should be established to defend.

If the new city is built, it will be able to respond to the Lujiang River. This is to lure the thieves to flatten the ground and block their way back, which is convenient for planning.

Man Chong took this battle between Wei and Wu as an example, saying that Hefei City is on the edge of Chaohu Lake, which just allows the Wu people to take advantage of the boat.

It is better not to build a new city far away from Chaohu Lake. If Wu people want to go north, they must abandon their boats and go ashore.

The Wu people were not good at land warfare, but on land, they could just use the advantages of the great Wei's elite cavalry, and when one fell, the other rose. Not only was Hefei easy to defend, but he also had a chance to defeat Wu Lu.

At the same time, moving Hefei City to the west can also make a corner with Lujiang River. Whether it is Wu Lu who invades Hefei or attacks Lujiang River, it is easy for the two places to coordinate with each other.

After reading it, Cao Rui felt that what Man Chong said was indeed somewhat reasonable.

It's just that from east to west, Hefei, Xiangyang, and Qishan have always been barriers to prevent thieves from coming.

The loss of Qishan had caused Wei to lose Longyou first and Liangzhou later, and now even Guanzhong is under its threat.

If we go back 30 miles to the west to build a new city in Hefei, in case something happens, Wu and Shu will attack from east to west, and Wei will be in danger!

So after much deliberation, Cao Rui couldn't make a decision, so he summoned important ministers to discuss.

Jiang Ji, the general of the guard army, was the first to stand up against Man Chong's intention when he heard about it:

"Wu Lubei criminals have just retreated, and Man Chong is about to hand over Hefei. This is not only showing weakness to the world, but it is more like hoping that the bandits will destroy the city and leave. This can be said that the bandits are defeated before they attack."

"This move will only encourage the thieves to commit crimes in the north, and the thieves' looting will only become more selfless."

Jiang Ji was a veteran of the three dynasties and was good at judging military affairs.

When Cao Rui heard about it, the balance in his heart tended to be that it is better to be quiet than to move, so he issued an edict, only saying that he must stick to Hefei and not move the city.

Man Chong got the edict, did not give up, and said again:

"Sun Tzu said: 'Soldiers are deceitful, so they can show that they can't, and pride can benefit them, and show them can be intimidating.

"It is also said: 'He who is good at mobilizing the enemy takes shape.' Today, before the thieves arrive, they will move the city to the inside. This is what is called the appearance to lure them. To lure the thieves far away from the water, to choose the advantage and move, to take the gains from the outside, and to bring good fortune to the inside. !"

Just saying that you are weaker than the thieves, attracting the thieves to attack, avoiding the enemy's strengths and making use of your own strengths is the essence of the art of war.

Although Cao Rui is young, he also knows that what Man Chong said makes sense for Wei and Wu to have their own strengths.

But this time, Shang Shu Zhao Zi agreed with Man Chong's statement.

At the same time, he wrote:

"If Your Majesty is worried that the new city will not be completed and Wu will come again, there is no need to worry. Lu Xun has just been forced to retreat by Man Chong, and he will not commit another crime in a short time."

"Besides, His Majesty ordered Man Chong to supervise the Yangzhou military. Isn't it because of his talent? Man Chong confronted Wu Lu in the front, so he naturally knew the situation better than the rear."

"Since he has repeatedly written about this matter, it must have been carefully considered."

Only then did Cao Rui suddenly realize that he issued an edict for the second time, agreeing to Man Chong's approach.

At this time, Lite's eleventh year has quietly arrived.

At the beginning of the spring of the eleventh year of Jianxing, the letter written by Lu Xun finally arrived in Hanzhong.

The ice and snow in Liangzhou had not yet melted, and the roads were difficult to walk. Feng Cishi stayed in Hanzhong and did not leave.

As soon as school started in spring, the two came to Nanxiang in person.

Under the witness of all the teachers and students, Nanxiang Academy was officially changed into the Royal Academy of Han under the auspices of the Son of Heaven and the Empress of Han.

After ten years of painstaking efforts, Nanxiang Academy has finally grown from a small thatched cottage to an officially recognized school.

Feng Yong is still the head of the college, but the students who come out of the college have an additional status: disciples of the Son of Heaven.

In the academy, the most well-known scholars of the Han Dynasty, such as Xiang Lang and Xu Ci, sit in the prefecture.

The knowledge that the students learned included the master's knowledge passed down by Governor Feng, as well as the classics compiled by the imperial court over the years.

No matter in terms of teachers or knowledge, the Royal Academy has a very high gold content.

Coupled with Nanxiang's papermaking and printing techniques, the college has the world's top teaching resources.

There are rumors that on the day the Emperor Academy was established, someone heard mountain ghosts howling in the deep mountains of Shu.

Nanxiang was even billowing with thick smoke, as if countless ghosts rushed out of the ground.

Everywhere in the night, wandering souls are crying bitterly...

"Your Majesty's establishment of the academy is like Cangjie's invention of characters? Why don't they just say that the millet is like rain?"

Governor Feng couldn't help cursing when he heard these rumors:

"It's this time for these pussy things, and they still want to struggle, why don't they lie flat?"

In the past few years, the conservative aristocratic family was first involved economically.

The establishment of the academy formally broke the monopoly of the aristocratic family in terms of intellectual resources.

To say that the aristocratic family is willing is to be joking.

So what if you are just not reconciled?

Villager Zhuge and Feng Wenhe are two people who are not human beings, they are not doing human affairs!

So I had no choice but to use some unscrupulous means to be disgusted and vent my anger.

After Cangjie created characters, ghosts were afraid of being impeached by the writing, so they cried at night.

But people in the world who are literate will know the deception, and if the deception sprouts, they will go to the bottom and abandon the farming industry. God knows that they will be hungry, so it is rain millet.

It can be seen from this that the wisdom of the people cannot be opened.

Governor Feng said "hetui" to the aristocratic family, and then spit out a mouthful of phlegm.

If you don't open up the wisdom of the people, why don't your family use illiterate people to manage the plantation workshops and pastures?

What's the point of trying to send people to various schools all day long?

Although the emperor and empress of the Han family who were sitting in the main seats didn't know what a "doggy thing" was, Feng Mingwen was cursing the aristocratic family, thinking it was a vulgar language.

It would be a disgrace to change someone else.

But when it was put on Feng Mingwen, the emperor and empress felt happy.

What does this mean?

This shows that Feng Mingwen is showing his true temperament and does not regard the royal family as an outsider.

"If someone wants to be a ghost, then let him go."

Zhang Xingcai said with a smile, "Cang Jie is an ancient sage. They say ghosts cry and howl, but they compare His Majesty to a saint. I don't know what their intentions are?"

When Ah Dou, who was beside the queen, heard this, the chubby face was so happy that he squeezed his eyes into slits:

"How dare I compare myself to a saint? It's too much!"

From the point of view of the little fat man, Feng Mingwen's return to Hanzhong this time is a very good thing.

Not only did he persuade Xiangfu to delegate part of his power to Shangshutai, but he also put the school under the royal name, which can be said to be loyal!

Therefore, after the establishment of the Royal Academy, the emperor and the empress did not return to Nanzheng immediately, but deliberately stayed in Nanxiang for a longer period of time, and often invited Governor Feng to accompany them in the name of family banquets.

Even old ministers like Xiang Lang are given some special treatment when the emperor hosts a palace banquet for the ministers.

Feng Cishi is the only one who can be invited by the emperor to family banquets from time to time.

Hearing what the little fat man said, Governor Feng quickly said seriously:

"After the revival of the Han Dynasty, if the Royal Academy can print all the books in the world and spread knowledge widely, so that scholars in the world will no longer have the pain of reading books, then your majesty will also be holy!"

I want to spread printing all over the world, completely break the knowledge monopoly of the aristocratic family, and improve the quality of the social labor force.

The fastest and best way and channel still depends on the government.

If A Dou can really do this, coupled with the blessing of the emperor's status, it is not an exaggeration for the literati of later generations to call him a saint.

After all... Isn't the emperor of the Tang Dynasty called a saint?

The queen flattered, Feng Cishi flattered, and A Dou was patted comfortably.

He drank the wine glass in his hand, and then laughed:

"If you really want to follow the plain text, then the first thing to do is to restore the Han Dynasty."

With that said, he poured himself another drink, raised his glass and said to Feng Yong:

"When it comes to strategizing and governing the world, I am not as good as my father; when it comes to training troops and winning battles, I am not as good as Ming Wen. What I can do is trust and let it go."

"If good ministers and tiger generals can help each other, and the Han Dynasty prospers, the world will be blessed, and the common people will be blessed. I will thank you!"

Fat is a little fatter, but there is a bit of pride in these words.

After all, he was still a young monarch, and coupled with the excellent situation, at this time, Adou should naturally be more ambitious than in history.

Those who have no ambitions and just want to have fun can't get on the wall or get on the mud.

Feng Yong also raised his glass:

"Your Majesty believes in it, and the ministers will be exhausted and blunt, get rid of the trespassers, revive the Han Dynasty, and return to the old capital!"

"Cai!" Zhang Xingcai also raised his wine glass, "My Majesty and I, respect the loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty!"

The family banquet was in full swing, and in the midst of a little smoke, a little yellow door came quietly and told A Dou:

"Your Majesty, the Xiangfu sent someone over, saying that the State of Wu sent a letter from the state."

When Ah Dou heard that it was someone from Xiangfu, he immediately sobered up half of the wine: "Hurry up and let someone come in."

After a while, Xiaohuangmen led a person in, Feng Yongding saw it, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

The person who came was none other than Li Yi.

Li Yi stepped forward and saluted A Dou and Zhang Xingcai without looking sideways.

"Get up. Li Canjun, is Xiangfu's body still okay?"

"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister's health has improved a lot."

Adou nodded:

"Very well then, and present the letter."

The two countries of Han and Wu have a very coincidental thing in common, that is, under the monarch, there is a minister who can issue the letter of credence on behalf of the emperor.

Needless to say, Han had Zhuge Liang, but Wu had Lu Xun.

Because Sun Quan had someone carve a jade seal of his own and put it at Lu Xun's place.

Therefore, the documents Lu Xun wrote to the Han State represented the meaning of Sun Quan to a large extent.

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