Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 908: Strategies and Queens

After asking someone to take Li Yi down, A Dou opened the letter in front of Feng Yong.

After reading it, he handed it to Zhang Xingcai habitually.

Lu Xun's letter described in detail the process of the Battle of Lujiang.

At the end of the letter, there is a special mention:

I heard that Feng Junhou, General of the Han Dynasty, sent troops to Xiaoguan, and even broke through the stable and strong cities and solid ponds, and the raids and plunders were as fast as wind and fire.

After Zhang Xingcai read it, he laughed and said:

"No wonder Xiangfu specially sent someone to deliver the letter. It turns out that the letter from the Wu people also mentioned Mingwen."

As she spoke, she signaled Xiao Huangmen to hand the letter to Feng Yong.

Having been in Dahan for ten years, Feng Yong has long been used to everything here.

The only thing I'm not used to is that the brush writing is still like a dog crawling.

As for reading letters and the like, there is no obstacle at all.

After Feng Yong took it and read it, he folded the letter again and smiled knowingly:

"I'm afraid that the people of Wu are worried when they see my big man taking back Longyou Liangzhou one after another, so they want to inquire about the methods of attacking the city in the army."

The contents of the letter were a little out of Feng Yong's expectation.

Because in my own impression, Lu Xun seems to have never been defeated in his life, and he never thought that there would be a day when he would be forced to retreat by being full of favors.

Zhang Xingcai nodded:

"It is indeed possible. It's just that the method of siege is a secret in the army. Can An easily show it to others?"

Feng Yong nodded in agreement:

"That's right. Not long ago, I got a report from Xizuo that the Wei thief Sima Yi was farming in Guanzhong, and he used eight ox plows for farming."

"Before the big man passed the eight ox plow to the state of Wu, I never heard of anyone other than the big man using it."

"Two years ago, His Majesty gave the eight ox plows to the state of Wu in order to show his friendship with the state of Wu. Unexpectedly, the state of Wei will have the eight ox plows immediately."

"In my opinion, this matter has nothing to do with Wu Guoding."

Before the great Han regained Longyou, as long as the two gates of Yong'an and Hanzhong were closed, the middle of Shu would become its own world.

If the court deliberately controlled it, even if someone wanted to take Ba Niuli out, it would be extremely difficult.

But after the Great Han regained Longyou, the situation has changed.

As Ba Niuli is being used more and more publicly, it is impossible for this thing to be kept as secret as before.

Coupled with the open alliance between Han and Wu, the relationship between the two countries has been in a honeymoon period in the past two years.

So the big man made a favor and sent Ba Niuli to Jiangdong as a gift to strengthen the relationship with Wu.

Of course, Governor Feng also had a little selfishness in this matter.

Wu Guo reclaimed wasteland in Jingzhou. If there were eight ox plows to help, wouldn't it be possible to cultivate more and more sugar cane?

But generally speaking, the possibility of Wei Guo getting Ba Niuli from Wu Guo is much greater than the possibility of stealing it from a big man.

Feng Cishi's words can be regarded as seeking truth from facts, not black Sun Wu.

Hearing Feng Yong's words and seeing his calm expression, Zhang Xingcai couldn't help raising his eyebrows:

"From my perspective, Mingwen seems to have expected this a long time ago?"

Feng Yong smiled slyly:

"The eight ox plows given to Wu by the Han Dynasty are not exactly the same as the eight ox plows used in the territory of the Han Dynasty."

The eight-ox plow that Feng Yong took out at the beginning was made of all iron, and it is strong to use, but the iron material needed is also huge.

Huang Yueying tried to simplify it at the very beginning, changing non-critical components into wood.

Coupled with the application of the past ten years, it has provided a wealth of experience for the improvement of the eight-ox plow.

Combined with the actual situation of Dahan, Ba Niuli has been improved for an unknown number of versions.

Now Dahan has two-niu, four-niu, six-niu and other styles, which can be replaced with different styles according to different environments.

The Ba Niuli given to Wu State was the original all-iron version.

In the two countries of Wei and Wu, there is no such person as Feng Yong who attaches great importance to improving production tools.

Second, even if there is, it does not have the influence of Feng Yong.

So it is destined that the two countries will use this stupid version for a long time.

At this time, they are probably still worrying about the iron materials for making the eight-ox plow.

Because if too much iron is used to build the eight-ox plow, what if there are not enough weapons?

Therefore, development is the last word.

If you are afraid that your opponent will surpass you, you dare not even use good things, that is cowardice and ignorance.

Taking away a few advanced technologies from Dahan, but without the social foundation to support the continued development of technology, will not change the overall situation at all.

The eight-ox plow requires a lot of iron and a lot of cattle.

Governor Feng established a ranch from the beginning, and then tried his best to improve the smelting method.

At the same time, year after year, huge amounts of money and food have been invested to establish basic education, increase productivity, and improve the quality of the labor force.

This has laid the foundation to support this kind of development to continue.

Still the same sentence, how many nails can be driven by only one person or a group of people, even if the whole body is made of iron?

If we don't want people to die, we must develop social trends and social classes that can sustain the policy.

And all of this requires strong enough financial support.

The Dahan government can guarantee that the ranch will lend a large number of cattle to the people.

Wei Guo or Wu Guo, which one of them can do this?

It's not that Feng Yong looks down on them. I'm afraid that the two countries even have enough cattle to pull eight ox plows.

Hearing Feng Yong's explanation, Zhang Xingcai was overjoyed and said:

"It turns out that Mingwen has a long-term plan for this, and it really is far-sighted!"

But see Feng Wenhe said modestly:

"The queen praised it absurdly. From my point of view, Wei and Wu's use of eight ox plows may be beneficial to them, but it may not be harmless."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xingcai whispered something in Adou's ear.

A Dou quickly sat upright, had someone remove the leftovers, put hot soup back on, lit the incense burner, and then bowed his hands to Feng Yonggong:

"Please Feng Qing teach me."

This is the attitude of policy theory.

Feng Yong glanced at Zhang Xingcai.

This is indeed the Empress Xian!

Thinking of this in his heart, Governor Feng didn't dare to be negligent, so he quickly sat upright and said solemnly:

"The eight-ox plow uses a lot of iron materials and cattle, but how many ordinary people can afford iron materials to cultivate cattle? In addition to the government's farming, the people who can use the eight-ox plow are the wealthy families."

"After the rich family gets this thing, they can open up more fields and accumulate money and food. However, the Wei and Wu countries are not restrained by the rich, and it is difficult to collect taxes, money and food from the right of the rich."

"The more land Jieshi Haoyou occupies, the more powerful he will be. The Wei and Wu kingdoms will sooner or later be backlashed by the aristocratic family."

Zhang Xingcai nodded again and again:

"Therefore, the former Han Dynasty and the later Han Dynasty, and even the first emperors and fathers, all had actions to restrain arrogance. This can be called a foresight."

Although the Later Han Dynasty was founded with the support of powerful landlords, there were measures to restrict the powerful in the early stage.

Zhang Xingcai's words were not wrong.

It's just that the later Han Dynasty was doomed to be unable to fundamentally restrain the powerful landlords because of the foundation of the founding of the country.

So this is one of the reasons why Ji Han has been vigilant against the aristocratic family.

But seeing Zhang Xingcai asked again:

"According to what Feng Qing said, the two kingdoms of Wei and Wu have eight ox plows. There are advantages and disadvantages. The big man doesn't have to worry too much, right?"

"Returning to the queen, the big man has been promoting the Ba Niu plow for ten years. How many places can this product be used now? Wei and Wu have only been around for a long time, so why worry too much?"

Having said that, Governor Feng smiled strangely again:

"Speaking of which, it reminds me of something. Although the method of siege cannot be leaked out, the big man and the state of Wu are allies after all."

"Besides, Wu Guo is also here to attack Wei thieves. How about the big man supporting Wu Guo with some weapons?"

Zhang Xingcai was slightly taken aback: "Weapon?"

Governor Feng nodded:

"Yes, it's weapons. Hasn't the big man started to replace new weapons in the army now?"

"Why don't you sell the replaced old weapons to Wu Guo, and exchange them for more money and food for the big man."

Nanxiang produces coal, while Nanzheng has the largest iron mine in Hanzhong.

Due to the improvement of smelting technology, the quality of the weapons produced by Hanzhong Smelter is greatly improved compared with the first year of Jianxing.

In the battle of Xiaoguan, the soldiers who protected Qiang Xiaowei's mansion proved the superiority of the new weapons in actual combat.

Take the ring head knife, the most common weapon in the army.

The style of the pawn's ring sword is quite different from that of Qingqi's saber.

And the Huan Shou Dao of Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion is different from the old-fashioned Huan Shou Dao before.

Not to mention the improvement in the quality of new weapons.

In the past, the ring swords in the hands of ordinary soldiers were mostly made of thick iron.

But now because of the appearance of coking coal, the improvement of blower and water drainage, the new ring head knife is equivalent to the start of 30 smelting.

Middle-level officers, that is fifty training.

A senior general with a Hundred Swords in his hand.

After the Battle of Xiaoguan, the Han army began to eliminate old weapons in a planned way and replace them with standard weapons made in Hanyang.

Coupled with the policy of elite soldiers and martial arts implemented by the prime minister over the years.

It can be said that in the next battle of Guanzhong between Wei and Han, the Wei thieves will face an elite army of Han that is completely different from the battle of Longyou.

The Manufacturing Bureau led by Ah Mei, after completing the first generation of Hanyang manufacturing standards, began to study and formulate the second generation of standards.

Some of the eliminated weapons have been used to arm the Hu Yi, forming a rebel army to fight with the Han army.

But before the battle of Longyou, the big Han had more than 100,000 troops.

During the Battle of Longyou, many weapons were seized from Wei thieves.

Coupled with the stock in the arsenal, the obsolete weapons that have been eliminated are not a small number.

If you really want to use all of them for the Hu people, I'm afraid Governor Feng won't be able to sleep well at night.

Let's go back to the furnace and rebuild... for the technology of this era, the cost is really a bit high.

It's better to sell it, not only to make money, but also to consolidate the alliance with Wu State, and gain a good reputation.

Of course, what Wu Guo would do with this weapon would be out of the control of the big man, wouldn't it?

And when the state of Wu had weapons, it had surplus iron to forge eight oxen plows.

This is a win-win situation.

Hearing Governor Feng's plan, even A Dou had strange eyes.

Anyway, he is also the emperor of the big man, and there are some things that Adou still knows.

I only heard him remind:

"Well, Mingwen, as I remember, there seems to be a shortage of food in Jingzhou in the state of Wu. Where did they get the money and food to exchange weapons with us?"

Although in the early years, because of the lack of food in Jingzhou, Lu Xun wrote to Sun Quan, suggesting to encourage the generals in the army to increase their fields in Jingzhou.

The policy is a good policy, but it can't hold back the people below have more ideas.

Due to the particularity of Wu's military system, coupled with the power of the family, a considerable part of the fields opened by those generals were planted with sugar cane.

After all, growing sugarcane can make more money than growing grain.

Of course, a certain soil turtle said that this was entirely due to the normal regulation of the market, and had nothing to do with his intention to raise the price of raw sugar in the past few years.

As for the return of the brown sugar after selling the raw sugar, that is an industry rule, and no one can fault it.

"Your Majesty, Jingzhou is short of grain, but we have it! Jiangzhou is directly connected to Jingzhou, and it is also a place of grain production. Just sell some grain from Jiangzhou to them."

Inspector Feng Dayi said awe-inspiringly, "Since the Han and Wu kingdoms are working together to hunt down thieves, they should help each other."

The little fat man still didn't turn the corner, and subconsciously said, "But Liangzhou..."

"Over there in Liangzhou, as long as there is more grain, it will be enough! After another two years, we will be self-sufficient."

Feng Yong said quickly.

Yuexuan, Jiangzhou, and Hanzhong are all places of grain production.

More importantly, the current aristocratic families in the Shu region have been tidied up, and the fertile and fertile Central Shu Plain will finally become a grain-producing area controlled by the great Han.

With the transportation guarantee of Dongfeng Express, are you afraid that you will not be able to ship it out?

Although the food of the Dahan is not very abundant now, as long as Guanzhong is conquered, the Dahan will have two kingdoms of abundance.

Such things as the lowly valleys hurting the people may really happen.

This is the specific manifestation of the increase in productivity leading to changes in production relations.

Therefore, it is also necessary to prepare in advance.

Zhang Xingcai's eyes were shining brightly, and he lightly held A Dou's hand under the case, preventing the emperor from continuing.

She asked instead:

"Then according to the plain text, it is best for the Wu Kingdom to exchange coarse sugar for our weapons, isn't it?"

Governor Feng nodded:

"What the queen said is very true. If we directly say that Wu Guo will plant sugar cane, maybe they will still have concerns."

"But if we let them exchange raw sugar for weapons, and at the same time we can sell them grain so that they don't have to worry about it, then things will happen!"

Even with the level of information explosion in the future, there are still people who are constantly trying to break through the red line of arable land.

There are even some well-known well-dressed people who publicly advocate abandoning the red line and opening up food imports.

Not to mention the state of Wu in this era, even if someone can see through it, it is still a question of whether Sun Quan has the ability to prevent the Jingzhou family from planting grain and sugar cane.

Zhang Xingcai couldn't help cheering and said:

"The strategy of Mingwen is really brilliant! Even if Guan Zhong is reborn, it's nothing more than that!"

"The queen is absurd!"

Governor Feng said modestly.

It's not that he is clever, but that he never dared to underestimate the greed of capital.

In ancient and modern China and abroad, capital has always been the purest, without the slightest change.

Zhang Xingcai shook his head, smiling all over his face:

"The big man has good ministers and generals like Mingwen, so why worry about it?"

With that said, the empress of the Han Dynasty glanced at the palace servants standing around with a mighty glance, her face turned cold and stern:

"Today, your majesty's discussion with the prince and marquis is a secret of the country. If anyone dares to leak half a sentence, he will be punished! The three clans will degrade their status, and they will never be good!"

All the palace people turned pale with fright, and they all prostrated themselves on the ground: "No!"

Then the queen turned to Governor Feng again, with a smile on her face again, and asked softly:

"Why don't Mingwen and His Majesty write a book about the strategy and discussion with His Majesty, send it to the Prime Minister's mansion, and ask the Prime Minister's opinion?"

"It's all up to the emperor, cough, it's all up to His Majesty."

Governor Feng said quickly.

The queen seemed to be talking to herself, and seemed to be discussing with Governor Feng:

"It's just that this matter is of great importance. If we can establish a mutual market in Yong'an and coordinate management with Wu Guoyi City..."

Damn, Ah Dou saved the galaxy in his previous life?

Or is it really worthy of the vicious Liu Bei? Even picking a daughter-in-law is so accurate!

As Governor Feng thought in this way, he suddenly remembered that the Queen still had a younger sister, and his heart suddenly became balanced again.

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