Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 909 Recommendation

"The queen's words are very kind!"

Inspector Feng quickly agreed.

It is a very good idea for the imperial court to send officials to set up Yishi in Yong'an to manage the transactions with Wu.

If it weren't for the fact that the deal with Wei Guo couldn't be aboveboard, Governor Feng might have done this long ago.

Even so, he asked Li Mu to pay attention to collecting information on the materials shipped to Wei, and deduced some things from it that ordinary people would not notice.

In fact, Zhang Xingcai just said this casually out of a thought.

After all, she has stayed in Hanzhong for so long, and the Nanxiang Exchange is very popular, and she often visits it secretly.

A small exchange can actually affect the price of bulk goods in the Han Dynasty, which opened the eyes of the Queen of the Han Dynasty.

Whether it's the principle or the reason, it's very complicated, and Zhang Xingcai didn't fully understand it.

But this does not prevent her from following the gourd and trying to establish a trading method that has influence on Wu.

In this regard, Feng Yong is naturally the best candidate to ask.

Hearing that he also agreed with his opinion, Zhang Xingcai showed a smile on his face:

"Mingwen also thinks so? But I don't know who to choose?"


Feng Yong thought for a while, but he really thought of someone.

"I do have someone to choose. This person is from Qianwei County in Yizhou. He is quite talented. Most importantly, he is straightforward and outspoken."

"The person recommended by the text must be good, but I don't know the name of the person?"

"Fee poems and public votes."

Hearing this, Zhang Xingcai frowned slightly:

"Fei Shi? The Fei Shi who was demoted by the late emperor to work in Yongchang County?"


After Liu Bei entered Yizhou, Fei Shi was first appointed as the military governor, then the prefect of Zangke County, and finally transferred to the front Sima of Yizhou.

When Liu Bei proclaimed himself King of Hanzhong, he appointed Guan Yu, governor of Jingzhou, as a former general.

Unexpectedly, when Guan Yu learned that Huang Zhong was ordered to be the rear general, he refused to be worshiped: "A man will never be ranked with a veteran!"

Facing Guan Yu's arrogance, Fei Shi took Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty as an example.

Unexpectedly, two years later, the group of ministers discussed that they wanted to elect the first emperor to the throne, but Fei Shi wrote a letter against it, which aroused Liu Bei's anger and demoted him to work in Yongchang.

But for some unknown reason, Fei Shi did not actually take office until the third year of Jianxing, when he went south with the Prime Minister.

At that time, Li Honglai, a Wei man, came down and said that Meng Da had the intention of returning to Han. The prime minister wanted to communicate with Meng Da for the Northern Expedition.

Fei Shi objected on the spot, saying that Meng Da is a capricious villain and cannot be trusted.

Naturally, it was impossible for the Prime Minister to tell Fei Shi all about the Northern Expedition plan in his heart, so he just kept silent.

He dared to continue to stand up to the prime minister without learning his lesson after defeating the first emperor, he could indeed be regarded as an upright and outspoken person.

It's a pity that his political sensitivity is a little bit worse, and his personality is not suitable for being in the officialdom, so until now, he is still nothing more than a leisurely job.

After the victory of the Southern Expedition, Feng Yong also dealt with Fei Shi in Wei County.

When Feng Guiwang pitted Young Master Hua's curly-haired red rabbit horse, Fei Shi thought that Feng Guiwang was bullying others.

Later, after learning the truth, he apologized to Feng Guiwang in public.

He is so upright, so Feng Guiwang has always had a good impression of him.

Hearing Feng Yong recommended this person at this moment, Zhang Xingcai asked hesitantly:

"Is it appropriate for Fei Gong to name this person?"

Feng Yong nodded:


As he said that, Governor Feng showed a smile on his face:

"Queen, don't forget that Fei Gongju is from Yizhou, so it is convenient for him to deal with the major families in Yizhou."

"In the future, if we can really open up a channel to sell grain in Wu State, Jiangzhou alone may not be enough."

"Grain is produced in central Sichuan. The big clans in Guanghan Qianwei and other counties in Shu County have probably saved a lot of food over the years. The imperial court just gave them a chance to win people's hearts."

With the establishment of the Royal Academy, the two foundations on which the aristocratic families depended, farming and reading, were almost destroyed.

The rope around their necks can also be relaxed a little.

In addition, over the years, Dahan has developed too fast, and the economy has also experienced some inflation.

The price of food on the exchange crossed the red line of 200 yuan, which is an example.

Therefore, for the healthy development of Dahan's economy, it is necessary to transfer these inflations through trade exports.

Let the grain in the hands of the aristocratic families in Sichuan be dumped to Jingzhou in a planned way, and give them a profit channel to taste some sweetness.

At the same time, we can test Soochow's reaction by the way, try to guide Jingzhou's economic development direction, and control Jingzhou's grain output. Why not do it?

As for the mutual market, the imperial court has the final say on how much taxes will be levied on the aristocratic families?

Hearing Feng Cishi's plan, Zhang Xingcai applauded:

"Wonderful! 'If the husband has not fought and the temple counts as the winner, he must be counted as more', I finally understand! If Feng Qingzhi has a plan, this is the so-called victory over the court!"

Although A Dou only understood part of it, it must be a wonderful plan to get the queen's praise.

So the little fat man also followed suit:

"Extremely extreme, Mingwen is truly a great talent!"

After the monarch and his ministers had finished their discussion, it was already nightfall, and after declining the emperor's invitation to stay overnight in the palace, Governor Feng returned to the small courtyard of the academy.

Li Yi had already been waiting there.

"Why didn't Wenxuan go to see Governor Li?"

Feng Yong asked with some surprise.

"It's getting late, my lord is not in good health and needs to rest early, so I won't bother you, I have already sent someone to send a message, and I will go to pay my respects tomorrow morning."

Li Yi explained.

Feng Yong nodded:

"I see."

He lay on the sofa, rubbed his temples tiredly, and sighed:

"Old General Zhao and Li Dudu are indeed weaker. I heard from people in the medical school that in the past two years, every winter and spring, if you don't pay attention, you will catch wind and cold."

Li Yi smiled bitterly and said:

"My lord has already seen it. He said that now he can earn every day he can live."

"Old General Zhao said the same thing." Feng Yong let out a breath and asked, "The old generals went to battle to kill the enemy, they are used to seeing life and death, and they are more open-minded than us in the end."

He looked at Li Yi who was sitting on the other side, and asked:

"What's going on in the prime minister's mansion now?"

"The prime minister's health is much better, and he can already handle government affairs normally. I heard that my wife is watching closely now, and she forces the prime minister to rest every sunset."

"Some people say that the prime minister is counting the number of people who eat now, how many times he has to chew before he can swallow it..."

Unexpectedly, the majestic prime minister was bullied so far, Feng Yong showed a strange smile:

"Isn't that nice?"

Li Yi also gave Feng Yong a weird look:

"It's not bad for the prime minister, but," Li Canjun murmured, "I'm just afraid that my brother will suffer."

"It's not my business?"

Feng Yong didn't know why, and asked strangely.

"Madam said that the prime minister's current schedule is determined by the elder brother. I have heard the prime minister scolding the elder brother several times for being a fake tiger..."

Li Yi's eyes drifted away.

"Oh, that's it..." Feng Cishi looked calm, "The prime minister is right, there are tiger girls in my house, and most of the time, I really have to rely on Xijun."

Li Yi: ...

Having said that, Governor Feng looked at Li Yi:

"Wenxuan, after you go back this time, bring me a letter to the prime minister's wife. I want to ask my wife if there are any other allusions about foxes pretending to be tigers."

"Maybe the tiger the Prime Minister is talking about is not my Xijun, but someone else. Are you right?"

Li Yi was dumbfounded.

After a while, he stammered and said:

"Brother, should you be more careful at this time? Don't make the prime minister angry anymore. Now who doesn't know the delicate situation between the court and China."

"Combined with my brother's current identity, in case someone secretly trips me up..."

This time the court personnel transfer, some people are happy and some are worried.

If it is said that Jiang Wanliu's status as the chief historian of the residence, Ren Shangshuling is the most eye-catching.

Then Feng Yong, as the governor of Liangzhou, joined the army in the prime minister's mansion and served as a servant in the palace, which is second only to Jiang Wan.

How could Feng Yong not know the meaning of Li Yi's words, his eyes froze slightly, and he said, "Yang Yi?"

Li Yi hesitated for a moment, then said:

"Little brother, Yang Yi seems to be a little dissatisfied with his elder brother. My younger brother has heard more than once that he complained to his elder brother in private."

Feng Yong smiled lightly:

"Although I have never had a serious relationship with Yang Yi, Liang Zi already has one."

Li Yi was shocked when he heard this:

"Little brother, why have you never heard from elder brother about this matter?"

"But it was never made clear."

Feng Yong shook his head with a smile, then slumped down, looked at the roof beams, and said slowly, "Speaking seriously, the day I built Nanxiang Academy, I was destined to form a relationship with him."

Yang Yi's main duties in the army are "planning divisions and raising food and grain", which actually means formulating military rules, or arranging the camps of various departments in the army, raising food and grass, etc.

Unfortunately, Nanxiang Academy is specialized in mathematics, and the students who can graduate from it are able to beat most of the grain and grass officers in the army.

"Dongfeng Express" allows the army to transport grain and grass without any worries.

Over the years, Yang Yi's role in the army has become less and less.

But Yang Yi really offended Feng Yong during the Battle of Longyou.

Inspector Feng beat Ma Dazui violently, and was beaten with a military stick. He was charged with "relying on his military merits, having no military law, and abusing lynching."

And this charge was Yang Yi's suggestion in front of the prime minister.

This is Feng Wenhe, who is "smart and seductive", swindled it out of Xiang Lang's mouth.

This festival is too big.

To be honest, it was the great victory of the Northern Expedition, Feng Yong made great contributions, and he was valued by the prime minister on weekdays.

If it were to be replaced by the failure of the Northern Expedition, even if Feng Yong didn't have to move his head for this crime alone, it would be a high probability event that he would be demoted to a commoner.

Yang Yi's evil heart can be seen.

When Fei Yi went to Soochow as an envoy, Sun Quan once said that "Yang Yi and Wei Yan are both villainous shepherds." Could it be that the old monster Zhuge didn't understand who they were?

It's just that the Shu Han in the original history had zero talents, and the prime minister of the Han Dynasty took pity on his talents and used them.

As for now...

Feng Wenhe looked left and right, pressed his sword and asked, "Who else?"

Not to mention the emergence of talents behind Feng Wenhe.

Wei Yan is brave anyway, and can be used in front of the army.

As for Yang Yi, he couldn't even compare to Feng Cishi's two concubines.

When it comes to preparing money and food, Yang Yi is like a younger brother in front of Li Mu.

When it comes to arithmetic and formulating military standards, Yang Yi is not even a younger brother in front of Amei.

The measurement standards for bulk materials promoted by the Nanxiang Exchange and the standards for standard weapons promoted by the Han Army were created by Ah Mei and her students.

So this time the court's personnel transfer did not involve Yang Yi, so it was a matter of course.

"It turns out that Yang Yi and elder brother still have such a feud, no wonder I asked my younger brother to pay more attention to this person."

This time, Li Yi finally understood.

He said with a little worry, "It's just that no matter what, this person is the head of the prime minister's mansion, Shi, brother, you should be more careful."

"He won't be around for long." Feng Yong said calmly, "Wenxuan, you just need to pay more attention and don't let him have the opportunity to do evil."

With the current appearance of the Zhuge old demon, who knows how many years the body can last?

When the old demon Zhuge is around, he can suppress all demons and monsters.

When the old demon Zhuge is gone, the prime minister's mansion will naturally be gone. What else can a former chief minister of the prime minister's mansion do?

At that time, it would be nice to be able to get a part-time pension.

Li Yi nodded in response, and then suddenly said with some regret:

"It would be great if my brother could stay in Hanzhong often."

Feng Yong knew what he meant, shook his head and said with a smile:

"Forget it, the prime minister has already settled on Jiang Gongyan, and besides, I am still young and not enough to convince the public, so it is meaningless to say these things."

This time, the sudden personnel change in the imperial court has caused many people to recall it.

No matter how many invisible political games there are, it is intriguing that the prime minister's government transferred a small amount of power back to the Shangshutai, and some core members of the Han Dynasty entered the Shangshutai.

So many people have more ideas.

As one of the representatives of Xinghanhui, Li Yi certainly hoped that the head of Xinghanhui would occupy a more important position in the core of power.

Feng Yong obviously didn't want to get too entangled in this topic, so he changed the subject and said:

"It's almost February, and I have something I want Wenxuan to tell my brothers in the meeting."

"Brother, please tell me."

"Wenxuan still remembers the flower garland of Nanzhong Menghuo's daughter?"

"Of course my younger brother remembers."

As a child of the Li family in Nanzhong, how could Li Yi not know about Meng Huo's daughter?

"Last year, Hualan found some things for me in the south, and brought them to Liangzhou for me. Now she is still staying in Liangzhou and has not returned to Nanzhong."

"Nanzhong has her cavalry team, you ask the people over there to take care of it."

Speaking of this, Governor Feng saw Li Yi's strange expression, and quickly explained one more sentence:

"Her horse team has been helping me find things for the past few years, not just because of going to the south to do business..."

Li Yi coughed:

"Elder brother doesn't need to explain, younger brother doesn't have to. In fact, the brothers in Nanzhong have been taking care of them all these years."

"After all, the brothers in the club don't know that Hua Niangzi went to ask her elder brother to build a racecourse in Yuejuan..."

When everyone built a farm and made a lot of down jackets, they thought that there was only one big man.

Who knew that a more high-end goose feather down jacket would emerge from behind.

After a few years, everyone ran a ranch in Yuejuan, which I thought was exclusive.

Unexpectedly, another Hua's ranch popped up in the back, and it was the elder brother who personally tied the strings and pulled some aristocratic families to invest in money and food.

Miss Zhang, who makes goose down jackets, followed her brother to Longyou.

Miss Hua, who runs the Huajia Ranch, has now gone to Liangzhou.

In the eyes of the Xinghanhui brothers, this is a familiar routine...

The only thing that makes the brothers a little puzzled is that the tiger daughter of the Guan family is famous, how did the brother manage it?

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