Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 913 Big news

Regarding Zhang Xiaosi's accusation that he was the chief culprit of causing Xiahou's clan to fall into this state, Governor Feng naturally refused to admit it.

Xiahouyuan Xiahoudun Xiahoushang, in any case, is also the founding father who fought for the Cao family, and is also an in-law of the Cao family.

How long has it been since the Cao family established the country?

With just one defeat and a little rumor that I spread, can the Xiahou clan be reduced to such a situation?

Is it true that Feng Guiwang has curse skills?

Can a curse from a distance make the enemy unlucky?

To put it bluntly, in fact, Cao Rui's means and city government were not enough.

Cao Pi, Cao Rui, plus Sun Quan, one counts as one, apart from others, in terms of treating their subordinates alone, they are all inferior to Liu Bei and his son.

Cao Pi is notoriously narrow-minded.

Because Bao Xun offended Cao Pi, after Cao Pi became emperor, he deliberately found Xiaoguo and killed Bao Xun.

Cao Pi borrowed money from Cao Hong when he was young, but Cao Hong was unwilling to borrow money. Cao Pi later took Cao Hong's fault and put Cao Hong in prison and planned to execute him.

Not to mention forcing death to ban such things.

Cao Rui is better than his father.

But still biased.

In the battle of Shiting, without Cao Rui's acquiescence, would Cao Xiu dare to lead an army of 100,000 to advance in spite of the enemy?

Disregarding his past suspicions with Cao Xiu, Jia Kui tried his best to rescue Cao Xiu, but was humiliated by Cao Xiu.

Later, the two quarreled with Cao Rui. Cao Rui didn't count Cao Xiu's fault, nor Jia Kui's fault. On the surface, he said that both parties were right.

But later they sent someone to comfort Cao Xiu, which was like slapping Jia Kui in the face.

Who can bear it?

I don't know if it's nepotism, but if the reward and punishment are unknown, you can't escape.

Not to mention the war that Cao Zhen planned during the Battle of Anding, does Cao Rui dare to say that he didn't know about it?

In the end, it was still the same coquettish operation, not saying a word about Cao Zhen's mistakes, but instead shifting the responsibility to Xia Houba who was defeated and captured.

If Governor Feng really crossed over to Xia Houba and encountered such a thing, he might just make the fake come true, and directly rely on the big man to count the ball!

Not to mention Sun Quan, how many years have passed since Zhang Wen's case?

When Sun Shiwan asked Zhang Wen to go to Han, he said it so nicely that he almost called him little Wenwen.

Unexpectedly, not long after Zhang Wen returned from his outstanding mission, Sun Shiwan pointed at his nose and scolded him, "He's so ugly and hideous, and he only takes advantage of other people's intentions."

Under Zhang Wen's bewilderment, the Zhang family was almost sent to Jiaozhou to feed mosquitoes.

In contrast, Liu Bei and his son are much more benevolent.

When Meng Da rebelled, people from Shu said that all his family members who stayed in Shu were killed, but Meng Da didn't believe it at all, and later it was confirmed that his family was fine.

During the Battle of Yiling, Huang Quan led his army to seek refuge in the State of Wei. There was also news that his wife and children had been killed.

Cao Pi issued an edict to make Huang Quan mourn. Huang Quan said directly: "I believe with Liu and Ge Tui sincerely, and I understand my original intention. If you have any doubts, please ask later."

In fact, Liu Bei's attitude towards Huang Quan's vote for Wei is: "If you live up to Huang Quan, you will live up to your power."

Not to mention Ah Dou, he is a little mediocre, but he is indeed generous.

I don't know if the place is too evil, but just after talking about the Zhang family, Zhang Bai came to Governor Feng with Zhang Wen's letter.

"How could you persuade Lu Xun and Zhuge Jin to agree that you should not grow grain or sugar cane in Jingzhou?"

After reading Zhang Wen's letter, Feng Yong was very surprised.

The aristocratic families have no integrity, this is a fact that Feng Yong has known for a long time.

But to say that Lu Xun and Zhuge Jin, a loyal minister and filial son of Wu, would also betray the country, would be an insult to Governor Feng's IQ.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! This statement is wrong! When did Jingzhou say that they would not grow food?"

Zhang Bai quickly denied, "It's just that the food in Jingzhou is really insufficient, so I asked the general to come forward and find a way for everyone to buy some food from Shu."

Hearing Zhang Bai's words, Governor Feng fell into deep thought.

So, a female college student who doesn't study hard and goes to nightclubs to make money is degenerate; a nightclub girl squeezes out time to go to class during the day, is it progressive?

The same is to buy food.

One is that because of the shortage of food due to the variety of sugar cane, it is necessary to buy food from other countries.

One is to buy food from other countries because of the shortage of food. This is an act of utter loyalty, but an act of sharing the country's worries.

"Sugar cane, has it been planted now?"

Feng Yong pondered for a long time, and finally spoke again.

"Yes, this year's crops have already been planted. However, if you are interested in buying and selling grain, you should decide as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, after harvesting sugar cane in autumn, everyone doesn't know how many sugar cane seeds to save for next year."

Zhang Bai's eyes were shining with excitement, obviously he was very interested in Hanging Sun Quan.

But this can not blame him.

After all, Sun Shiwan first shouted at his elder brother Xiao Wenwen, and then suddenly turned his back on him after using him.

Then Zhang Bai himself was exiled to Jiaozhou. If he hadn't been taken care of by Jiaozhou scholars, he would definitely have died there.

Later, during the Lu Daiping Jiaozhou Rebellion, because Zhang Bai had friendship with the Shi family, he was asked to be the guarantor and went to talk about Jiang Shihui.

At the same time, he also promised to ensure the safety of everyone in the family.

Unexpectedly, after Shi Hui surrendered, Lu Dai, like Sun Quan, turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

Not only were the scholars who made the rebellion killed, but even those who were not involved in the rebellion, and even all the scholars who helped put down the rebellion were demoted to common people.

In a few years, they will use the pretext that the scholars who have become common people broke the law and wipe out everyone who came here.

Lu Dai killed someone, and earned the wealth accumulated by the scholar family for more than a hundred years.

Zhang Bai's reputation was ruined, and he didn't even get a hair, but in the end he took the blame for Lu Dai, at least part of the blame.

Although it is said that ruthless methods are qualified politicians, Lu Dai's actions have caused Zhang Bai's social death in Jiaozhou.

At the same time, it also caused great damage to the Zhang family's reputation.

In addition, when Sun Ce took over Jiangdong, he had the old hatred for the massacre of the Jiangdong family.

Zhang Bai is now hoping that Sun Quan's family will die, and then the big man will take the opportunity to take over Jiangdong, and it doesn't even matter if Wei goes south.

Anyway, he finally understood that Sun Quan, a monkey-bathed and aggressive man, treated the Zhang family as an outcast in order to balance the power of the government and the opposition.

Abandoned sons sound nicer, but they are called foot wipes when they are ugly, and they are the kind that are wiped and thrown away.

Governor Feng certainly didn't know Zhang Bai's thoughts on Sun Quan, but he knew that Zhang Bai's attitude towards him might be a bit wrong.

Because he saw a fanaticism in Zhang Bai's eyes, or worship?

Although he has been literary friends with Zhang Wen for so many years, this is the first time Feng Yong has met his younger brother.

So Feng Cishi really didn't understand why this Zhang Bai had such an expression.

Ghost King Feng seemed a little nervous, but at the same time forced himself to remain calm, shook his head, and said:

"I'm afraid we won't be able to squeeze out too much food this year."

After saying this, Feng Yong thought about it again, and felt that it was necessary to reveal something to Zhang Bai:

"The big man has been fighting against the Wei State for years, and there is really not much food left."

"More importantly, after the harvest of autumn grain this year, Liangzhou will have to use troops, so next year there won't be too much grain to sell to Jingzhou."

Still the same sentence, before the big man takes Guanzhong, there is no way there will be a surplus of food.

After all, apart from people, Liangzhou's livestock industry also needs a lot of grain and beans.

If it weren't for the changes in the productivity and economic structure of the Han Dynasty over the years, the traditional methods of Wei and Wu may not be able to support the Han Dynasty's continuous use of foreign troops.

Even if they can afford it, the big man's finances may not be able to spend enough money and food to quickly digest Liangzhou Longyou and other places like they are now.

Of course Zhang Bai didn't understand these things. He was a little disappointed when he heard Governor Feng's words, and asked subconsciously:

"Isn't Liangzhou already taken by the Marquis? Why do you need to use troops?"

After all, Liangzhou is separated from Guanzhong by a Longyou.

"It can only be said that most of them have been taken," Feng Yong explained. "There are still two gaps in the north. Only when they are blocked can they be said to be intact."


"Yes, Juyanze and Duyeze, the barbarians in the desert can follow the river directly into the hinterland of Liangzhou, so they must rebuild the fortress there, so that Liangzhou can be regarded as stable."

Feng Yong sighed:

"So, this year's grain is not expected to be sold to Jingzhou."

Although the use of troops against Juyanze and other places this year is only on a small scale, and with Feng Junhou's current military prestige, there is no need for him to personally deal with those barbarians.

But soldiers, the important affairs of the country must be observed, and it is never too much to be careful.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Bai recalled that those guys in Jingzhou were still waiting for news about him, so he couldn't help frowning and said:

"Your Majesty, what should we do? Such a big event, I'm afraid we can't delay it for long!"

Governor Feng was a little speechless.

You also know it's a big deal?

Such a big event, how the hell did you do it so smoothly?

Obviously the plan is not like this.

It stands to reason that this year should first increase the intensity of buying the Jingzhou comprador family, and then let them release public opinion to test the views of the upper echelons of Wu State on this matter.

If there is not much response, or even a promise, then the progress can be made faster.

If you are unwilling to agree, or if it is controlled by the Wu court, then the progress may be slower.

But no matter what, the big man can start to think of ways to erode Jingzhou's grain market bit by bit.

The difference is just whether it is coming explicitly or secretly.

The establishment of Yongan Yishi can just play a role.

After a few years like this, by the time Guanzhong is conquered, the channels have almost matured.

Can the big man conquer Guanzhong in a few years?

Governor Feng had no doubts about this.

The difference lies in how much the big man took Guanzhong in the end.

Waiting for the big man to sit in two kingdoms of abundance, he can attack when he advances, he can defend when he retreats, he has money, food, and horses.

Even if the grain of the entire Shu region was dumped, it would be inevitable.

But plans did not change quickly.

"You guys are making big news!"

Inspector Feng took a deep breath, as if he had a toothache.

"Big... what?"

Looking at Governor Feng's expression, Zhang Bai seemed a little unhappy.

All he knew was that things were messed up, and he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Feng Yong glanced at him and waved his hand:

"It's nothing, you guys did a good job, it's the big man's negligence, he didn't expect this situation."

Originally, this matter was intended to use the Zhang family's network in Wujun to plant a minefield in Wuguo.

Unexpectedly, Governor Feng still underestimated the greed of these aristocratic families.

Thinking of this, Governor Feng subconsciously glanced at Zhang Bai again.

At the same time, I secretly rejoiced in my heart.

Fortunately, from the very beginning of the founding of the country, the Great Han took a different path from Wei and Wu.

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