Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 914 Bureaucracy

Wei and Wu relied on the aristocratic family and took the aristocratic family as the foundation.

The big man broke through the shackles of the family.

Over the years, Governor Feng and the Prime Minister of the Great Han Dynasty would rather give up their monopoly position in profitable industries such as woolen materials and brown sugar, and guide the aristocratic families in Shu to join.

It is to break the situation where the aristocratic families control the country's food channels.

Why do you have to do food business?

Compared with buying and selling grain, isn't it delicious to buy and sell woolen brown sugar and honey wine for huge profits?

Grain trading is a business that is not easy to make money and easy to lose money. Even if it makes money, it makes little money. Everyone should not do it, and just let the state do it.

Governor Feng rejoiced while thinking, and after a while, he continued to speak:

"Let me go back and talk about this matter. Cough, think about it carefully. You stay at the mansion first, and I will discuss it with you in two days."

If you are undecided in military affairs, ask the big room, and if you are undecided in political affairs, ask the junior four.

Governor Feng ran back to the backyard in a hurry, and asked someone to go to the secretariat to call Xiaosi back.

In the end, the servant reminded that today is Xiumu, and Madam took everyone to the amusement park to bask in the sun.

Only then did Governor Feng come to his senses, and hurriedly walked to a yard specially opened for his daughter to play.

Before entering the yard, I heard Shuangshuang's characteristic screams.

Turning into the arched door, I saw Zhang Xingyi and Amei playing happily on the swing.

The swings they play are not the kind of swings that ordinary people play.

Instead, in the open area of ​​the yard, a five-foot-high hardwood was erected as the axis, and then a nearly three-foot-high wooden pole was cut with a round hole in the middle and placed horizontally on the axis wood.

Armrests and waist guards are specially added at both ends of the pole to prevent it from falling accidentally when playing.

But Zhang Xiaosi made an afterburner run at the head, then quickly crawled on the head of the pole, undulating with the rotation of the pole.

On the other side, Ah Mei, who was strapped to her back, kicked the ground hard again when her feet hit the ground, and the club head rotated high again and tilted up.

They both waved their chubby hands and screamed excitedly.

Seeing Zhang Xiaosi and Ah Mei jumping up into the air in turn, Governor Feng couldn't help feeling frightened.

When this thing was first made by Ah Mei, Feng Shishi originally wanted to dismantle it.

However, the main family of the Feng family likes to play this kind of excitement, and the daughter of the Feng family, who has the blood of General Guan, dares to play with this kind of swing at a young age.

She even enjoys it, and it is the second toy in her mind.

Ranked number one is the merry-go-round that is really pulled by Liangzhou ponies.

Inspector Feng couldn't twist his thighs with his arms, so he could only desperately cut off a third of the height of the axis wood.

Fortunately, there are no high-rise buildings in this era, and the land is sparsely populated, allowing Governor Feng to come up with such a simplified version of the amusement park.

Li Mu held Ah Shun in his arms, and stood far away, sometimes lowered his head to play with Ah Shun, and then looked up at the three of them having fun, with a smile on his face.

The aggressive atmosphere of a big man still exists in the world. Li Mu, who was born as a prostitute in a family, climbed up to have fun several times without outsiders.

The most bitter one is Ah Chong.

Because beside him, there was an grandmother holding a bamboo whip, who was supervising his striding steps with a straight face.

However, his sister's happy cheers pierced into his ears from time to time, making him feel like he was covered with bugs.

"Are you biased?"

Inspector Feng couldn't see Ah Chong being so uncomfortable, so he walked over and tried to persuade him, "Why don't you let one play and force the other to practice?"

"Can it be the same?" Guan Ji rolled her eyes at Feng Cishi, "Shuangshuang is a daughter, and Ah Chong is the eldest son of the family!"

"Besides, let the two of them practice martial arts this morning, and both of them have already practiced. Ah Chong can't even pose a few poses correctly, and he will be punished!"

Inspector Feng stopped talking.

Shuangshuang did inherit her mother's martial arts talent.

Even if Ah Chong is unlucky today, anyway, in the knowledge test tomorrow morning, Ah Chong will definitely win a round.

Even though Shuangshuang is laughing happily now, she will probably cry tomorrow morning.

After giving his son a look of "Don't be afraid, my lord is here to save you", Governor Feng turned his head and shouted:

"Si Niang stop playing, come down quickly, there is something urgent!"

Zhang Xingyi, who was having fun, was called to stop, and came over with an unhappy face:

"You call me to death!"

"It's really something, it's still related to Jingzhou's major events."

Hearing this, even Guan Ji came over with concern.

This place of Jingzhou is a name she will never forget in her life.

Inspector Feng coughed and waved at Ah Chong:

"Go and play with your elder sister, my lord has something to say."

When Ah Chong heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and ran away quickly.

"What's the matter? You have to make a trip yourself?"

"Remember what I said about Jingzhou's food before?"

"Remember, but isn't this something that will be implemented in the next few years?"

Feng Yong sighed, "It's too late, the progress over there is too fast."

Then he said it all.

Guan Ji frowned when she heard this, and then subconsciously looked at Zhang Xingyi.

Zhang Xiaosi's current status is the number one think tank of the Governor's Mansion.

Zhang Xingyi blinked, "Is this Jingzhou family really so greedy?"

Look at it, I know, after all, the heart-to-heart connection between husband and wife is exactly the same as what I just said.

"Let's leave it alone if you are greedy or not, just talk about how to deal with it now, otherwise it will really take two or three years, and it is easy to change. If Wu Guo reacts, it will be troublesome."

Inspector Feng said with some distress.

"Is there anything difficult to deal with?" Zhang Xiaosi rolled his eyes, and immediately thought of a way to delay, "It is a big deal for the country of Wu to buy so much grain from the big man."

"Such a major event, you can't just do it right away? The court has to discuss how to buy, how much to buy, how to transport it out of Sichuan, and how to contact it. Don't you have to discuss it all!"

"Let them send people over, and we'll send people over there again, and talk slowly. It would be good if we can reach a result this year."


Zhang Zhuge, your method of delay is deeply rooted in the essence of bureaucracy!

Governor Feng even called him a great benevolent.

"After this year, the big man will be able to squeeze out some grain next year. Let's make a show first. After all, Jingzhou will buy grain every year, so we must be careful with the samples. Isn't it another year?"

"I'm afraid that it will take too long, and Wu Guoguo will be suspicious..."

"What do you suspect? It's not obvious that Jingzhou is short of food." Zhang Xiaosi said convincingly, "If it's really not possible, let the Jingzhou aristocratic family drive up the price of food."

"The price of food has gone up, doesn't it mean that the food shortage is getting worse!"

With food shortages, wouldn't it be more necessary to buy food from big men?

Guan Ji took a deep look at Zhang Xiaosi.

He suddenly asked: "Are they willing? They drive up the price of grain, and the grain sold to them by the big man will also increase the price!"

"What's there to worry about, wouldn't it be over if you set up a yin and yang price?"

Zhang Xiaosi said that he has been with a big profiteer for a long time, and he knows a little bit about buying and selling.

"At that time, we will pay one price on the surface, and secretly give another price to those cooperative families. Will they tell this matter for the sake of planting sugarcane?"

Governor Feng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly smiled strangely:

"I remember that after Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor, he has been making a lot of money, right?"

Because of frequent wars, Wei Guo was the first to abolish currency transactions, and it was not until Cao Rui took power that the five baht coin was restored.

And Liu Bei cast straight hundred coins, which circulated in parallel with five baht coins.

Later, Governor Feng used all kinds of notes issued by the Nanxiang Reserve Bureau to play a great role in stabilizing the Dahan economy.

It was not until the Nanzhong Copper Mine officially produced output that Dahan's economy officially returned to normal.

As for the state of Wu, it ran wildly on the path of inflation and never stopped.

Before Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor, he had cast "Daquan Fifty" in Wuchang.

Thinking of this, Governor Feng's smile became more and more warm.

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