Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 915: Dunhuang

Secretary Zhang and Governor Feng briefly talked about the countermeasures, then patted their buttocks and continued to grab toys with Feng Shuangshuang.

Today is a holiday, no one can ask my mother to work overtime!

Even if Feng has no conscience!

Anyway, as one of the few wealthy wives of the big man, the young lady of the Zhang family also looked down on the little salary of the Governor's Mansion of Liangzhou.

Of course, there is a reason why Secretary Zhang is so negligent.

After all, not only Liangzhou, but even the big man has a bit of quiet time.

Governor Feng is in charge of Liangzhou, and the Secretariat has already formulated the general political direction for Liangzhou.

One is to use Liangzhou's unique geographical environment, coupled with the breeding technology accumulated over the years, to vigorously develop animal husbandry.

The second is to use Liangzhou's prolific cattle and horses, combined with eight ox plows and Quyuan plows, to vigorously develop farming, and strive to achieve food self-sufficiency in the third year of regaining Liangzhou, that is, next year.

If Sima Laogui wanted to achieve better results in Guanzhong and Liangzhou Longyou, it was a dream.

The third is to continue to vigorously promote the examination system.

This year is the second year for Liangzhou to implement the examination system.

Whether it is a scholar recommended by a rich family, or a student who came to take the exam spontaneously, in the past year, talents with certain abilities have been preliminarily screened out.

This group of scholars who participated in the examinations helped the latecomers to accumulate experience and improve the examination system.

Even the flower garlands, after the snow melted, set off to the south.

She planned to go to the south in person to get back more seeds that Governor Feng wanted.

Everything is going on by schedule.

Feng Shishi, who thought he could be stable for a year, did not expect that someone would break his fantasy soon.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Dunhuang urgent report!"

In the stillness of the night, the voice of the female guard outside the door was particularly loud.

Feng Cishi, who hugged his two concubines on the left and right, had just closed his eyes not long ago, and hadn't completely fallen asleep yet.

Hearing the voice outside in a daze, he opened his eyes tiredly.

The body that was about to go to sleep was suddenly awakened, which made Governor Feng feel a little uncomfortable like acupuncture.

"What's up?"

Feng Yong grunted.

"Mr., it is said that there is an urgent report."

Amei woke up the fastest, while putting on her clothes, she stayed on the bed and lit the lamp.

Li Mu obviously didn't have as good physical strength as Amei, she was still in a daze, not fully awake.

Under Ah Mei's repeated urging, Li Mu, who was stunned for a while, then put his hands together in a hurry to help Governor Feng put on his clothes.

"Sleep first, don't wait for me."

Governor Feng yawned before going out, and gave instructions to his two concubines.

After leaving the room and being blown by the night wind, Governor Feng finally fully woke up:

"What happened?"

"People from the Zhang family in Dunhuang came to say that they have something urgent to see the lord."

"The Zhang family?"

Feng Yong's eyes narrowed slightly:


Guided by the guards, Feng Yong came to the living room in the front yard, and the people from the Zhang family immediately saluted and said:

"I have seen the prince."

"Get up! Tell me, what happened?"

"Back to Junhou, the Patriarch is suddenly critically ill, so I sent a villain to report..."

"Mr. Zhang is critically ill?!"

Although he had already guessed in his heart, Feng Yong's expression changed when he heard this.

Dunhuang is the west gate of Liangzhou and the only gateway to the Western Regions.

The Zhang family is an important ally to help Feng Yong maintain the stability of Dunhuang.

More importantly, Zhang Gong was very prestigious in the Western Regions. Without Zhang Gong, no one knew what kind of impact it would have on Zhang who was on a mission to the Western Regions.

"General Zhang, have you been notified?"

The so-called General Zhang, that is, Zhang Gong's younger brother Zhang Hua, is currently serving in the cavalry army of Liangzhou Governor's Mansion.

"Return to the Lord, you have been notified."

The visitor said respectfully.

"That's good." Feng Yong nodded, "I'll leave for Dunhuang tomorrow."

Seeing the tired look on the other party's face, Feng Yong knew that he had come here day and night.

It is precisely because of this that it further shows that Zhang Gong's current physical condition is probably not very good.

Suddenly, it seems that sleep is impossible.

Feng Yong arranged for someone to rest, and then went to General Guan's office.

As soon as she entered the door, Guan Ji, who got the news, had already come out of the room in her clothes.

Then he went to the ear room next door with Feng Yong, and asked:

"Alang came over late at night, but what happened?"

"I'm going to Dunhuang tomorrow."

Feng Yong said the matter again.

If the Li family in Longxi is a typical example of Longyou supported by a big man, then the Zhang family in Dunhuang is a typical example of Liangzhou.

Let the aristocratic families, whether they are inside the Han Dynasty or outside the country, understand how they should go in the future to be considered qualified.

Whether it's the respect for Zhang Gong in private, or to show that he attaches great importance to the Zhang family, Feng Yong must go there as soon as possible.

Of course Guan Ji understood the importance of the Zhang family.

But regarding Feng Yong's decision, she asked with some hesitation:

"Do you want to talk to Uncle Liao and Si Niang tomorrow?"

"No need. Wuwei official road leads directly to Dunhuang, and it's also in Liangzhou, so we can contact you in time if you need anything."

"Then let Si Niang come over now."

Guan Ji said decisively.

Liao Hua is an elder, so it is not easy to disturb him at night, but now that everyone in the house is awake, there is no reason to let Zhang Xiaosi sleep soundly.

Zhang Xingyi was rushed over quickly, with disheveled hair, sleepy eyes, and even yawned when she sat down:

"Sister, it's so late, why did you ask me to come here?"

"What does it look like!" Seeing her appearance, Guan Ji scolded her first, "Isn't it a joke to be seen?"

"It's so late, and it's the inner courtyard again, who can see it?"

When he was woken up while he was soundly asleep, Zhang Xiaosi felt as if his bones had been pulled out.

"There is an emergency in Dunhuang, your brother-in-law will rush over there tomorrow."

"Dunhuang?" Zhang Xingyi finally raised his head, stunned for a moment, "The Zhang family? Is there any news from the Western Regions?"

"Why don't you say that you are thinking about living, it is indeed the Zhang family."

Guan Ji explained, "Zhang's family, Zhang Gong, is critically ill. Dunhuang sent people over overnight, and your brother-in-law decided to rush there tomorrow."

After Zhang Xingyi listened, she subconsciously put her finger in her mouth and gnawed it.

Guan Ji face to face, Feng Yong can't talk about her stinking problem.

He knocked on the table, "Just to let you know that I'm not at the house, it's still the same as before. Besides, Dunhuang is not far away..."

This is a bit of a shame.

Because from east to west, Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiuquan, and Dunhuang are a string of gourds.

Although it is convenient to travel, the distance between the two places is two thousand miles, which is not far away, so what is far away?

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingyi didn't respond to Governor Feng's nonsense, and suddenly offered an unexpected suggestion:

"Let Liu Hun lead Jingqi to accompany Ah... brother-in-law."

Feng Yong and Guan Ji looked at each other.

"Although this matter is urgent, it is urgent, but how can it be so serious? You still use Jingqi to accompany your brother-in-law?"

Zhang Xingyi nodded: "It's not serious, but it must be guarded against."

"What's the meaning?"

Feng Yong frowned.

"Zhang Gong's famous book Xizhou, many barbarians in Dunhuang listened to his orders. If something really happened to Zhang Gong, not to mention Dunhuang, even Liangzhou, I'm afraid there will be some shocks."

"My brother-in-law has been in charge of Liangzhou for a short time. Although Liangzhou seems to be stable now, who knows if there are any unruly people?"

"Let Liu Hun lead a fine cavalry to accompany him, one is to protect the safety of his brother-in-law, and more importantly, it is to deter all forces in Dunhuang and avoid turmoil."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xingyi glanced at Feng Yong, as if he was full of ideas.

Guan Ji noticed Zhang Xiaosi's small movements:

"If you have something to say, just make it clear, there are only three of us here, and there are no outsiders."

"I'm afraid my brother-in-law will be angry." Zhang Xingyi murmured, and then continued, "Zhang Gong's reputation in Dunhuang is too high, we rarely changed Dunhuang before."

"I mean just in case, in case, in case Zhang Gongzhen dies of illness, maybe we can just strengthen the control over Dunhuang."

The Great Han regained Liangzhou, and in Dunhuang, the Zhang family took the lead in rebelling against Wei and returning to Han.

In order to avoid criticism, it is said that it is to kill the donkey, and the Zhang family has always cooperated.

Therefore, Feng Yongyuan's plan is to follow the practice of the Shu region to transform the local forces in Dunhuang step by step.

With the Zhang family as the leader, it must not take too much effort.

Who knew that this happened now?

Zhang Xiaosi's current appearance is very in line with the performance of a qualified politician.

People are not dead yet, but they are already thinking about how to maximize their benefits after death.

Inspector Feng pondered for a while: "Then let Liu Liang follow along."

Liu Hanzi is very good at dealing with barbarians, or even good at it.

Especially in Dunhuang, before the big man pacified Liangzhou, he stayed for a long time.

At dawn on the second day, Zhang Hua was already waiting at the gate of the governor's mansion.

Feng Yong finished tidying up, went out, and said a few words of comfort.

Under the protection of their personal guards, several people got on their horses and headed out of the city.

The horseshoes knocked on the street, and the sound of trampling was especially crisp on the deserted street.

In the camp outside the city, under the leadership of Liu Hun, a thousand elite riders were ready to go overnight.

After receiving the military order to set off, they rushed out of the gate of the village like a red torrent, rumbling towards the west.

More than two years have passed since the Battle of Xiaoguan.

Although the Liangzhou Governor's Mansion could not compare with the elite soldiers and generals of the Huqiang School Wei's Mansion back then, there was still no way to mobilize elite troops on a large scale.

Especially for the Armored Cavalry, Zhao Guang is still scurrying around the world, collecting qualified war horses.

However, the Governor's Mansion seemed capable of dispatching a small-scale elite army at any time.

When marching in the territory, you don't have to worry about food and grass, and you don't have to worry about enemy attacks. This time, it's just a training session.

Although the speed is very fast, the journey from Wuwei to Dunhuang is really long enough. This journey is very hard without rest.

More than half a month later, Feng Yong and others entered Dunhuang City in a hurry and went straight to the gate of Zhang's residence. They were relieved to find that there was no white flag hanging up.

When the manager of the Zhang family got the news and hurried out, Feng Yong, accompanied by Zhang Hua, had already stepped through the gate and entered the vestibule.

"Don't be too polite, how is Captain Zhang doing now?"

Feng Yong waved his hand and asked the Zhang family who were about to salute.

"Back to Junhou, the Patriarch has been waiting for Junhou to come."

"lead the way!"


He didn't even have time to wipe off the dust on his body, so he rushed to see Zhang Gong.

When Feng Yong saw the skinny patient on the bed who was about to become a mummified corpse, he couldn't help blurting out:

"Why did Mr. Zhang do this?"

If it was changed to another place, I am afraid that Feng Yong will not recognize Zhang Gonglai.

Zhang Gong's chest was only slightly undulating, indicating that he still had a breath.

"Brother, brother!"

Seeing Brother Cong like this, Zhang Hua hurriedly stepped forward and cried out in mourning.

Zhang Gong's cloudy eyes sunken deep in their sockets rolled, and his dry lips moved.

"Brother, what did you say?"

Zhang Hua put his ear to Zhang Gong's mouth and listened.

"I said, get out, please come here!"

Zhang Gong's voice finally got louder, he scolded Zhang Hua so embarrassingly that he backed away:

"Your Majesty, brother has a request."

Feng Yong hurried over, bent down, and said softly:

"Mr. Zhang, I'm here."

Zhang Gong saw Feng Yong clearly, his eyes lit up, and his voice became louder:

"Your Majesty, you are finally here..."

"When I got the news from Mr. Zhang, I rushed all the way. Fortunately, I was not late."

Feng Yong sat on the side of the couch and held Zhang Gong's withered hand, "During winter, I asked about Mr. Zhang's condition."

"Knowing that Mr. Zhang survived the winter, I was very happy at first, but I didn't expect..."

Zhang Gong made a hoarse "hehe" sound from his throat:

"For the past few years, the old man has been lingering on the couch and dying, it seems that this time, he will finally be unable to survive!"

"However, in the last two years, I was able to see that Liangzhou was under the rule of the monarch, the people were stable, and the Hu people surrendered. It is also a blessing."

Hearing this, Feng Yong couldn't help but tighten Zhang Gong's hand slightly.

This is one of the important reasons why he values ​​the Zhang family.

Compared with other aristocratic families who have no limit, Zhang Gong is a big Hanist.

He worked hard to maintain the influence of the Han people in the Western Regions, and at the same time did his best to prevent the Hu people from causing harm and prevent the rebels from splitting Liangzhou.

"But I hope that Zhang Gong can see the peace of the people in the world, and the day when the big man regains his former power..."

"Jun Hou has a heart." Zhang Gong smiled, but his eyes were full of fascination, "If there is such a day, I only hope that Jun Hou can tell someone."


Hearing this, Zhang Gong smiled again, and took another deep breath, as if gathering strength:

"The old man knows that the emperor has the ambition to revive the Han Dynasty, and his vision will not be limited to Liangzhou, so the emperor's rule of Liangzhou is just a temporary plan."

"However, Liangzhou is a fertile land, rich in cattle and horses. If the big man gets it, the cavalry army will flourish. The Zhang family in Dunhuang is not well-known in Xizhou now."

"It is the wish of the Zhang family to be able to help the lord a little. Therefore, before the lord came, someone had sorted out the families and tribes that had contacts with the Zhang family."

"If it can play a little role in the Junhou's governance of Liangzhou, it will not be in vain for the old man to spend all his efforts."

Hearing this, Feng Yong couldn't help letting out a long breath when he thought of Zhang Xiaosi's plan again:

"Mr. Zhang's thoughts will always be in my heart."

One is a demon fox who has become a spirit, and the other is an old fox that has been seen for a long time. Neither of them has a fuel-efficient lamp.

Zhang Gong shook his head:

"My brother Hua, although he has a little courage, is just a reckless man; my son, although he is a little talented, but I only hope that he can keep the Zhang family undefeated!"

Feng Yong knew what he meant and agreed:

"If Mr. Zhang has meritorious service in his mission to the Western Regions, I would like to recommend him as the Chief History Officer of the Western Regions."

"As for General Zhang, he is now in the army, and there will always be a day of meritorious service in the future."

The Western Regions are too far away, and its situation is unknown. Although Zhang has been in the Western Regions for more than two years, he has not yet returned, and has been active in the countries of the Western Regions.

Not to mention that he can make all the countries in the Western Regions return to the big man again, as long as he can maintain the Silk Road and provide the big man with financial resources, it will be considered a meritorious service.

Last year, a small country in the Western Regions sent envoys over, presumably to inquire about the situation.

It seems that Zhang Jiu's activities are effective.

Because in the past, all the countries in the Western Regions directly sent envoys to Luoyang to pay tribute.

The Protectorate of the Western Regions does not know that it can only be reset in the year of the monkey, and what is expected to be seen at present is to set up a long history mansion of the Western Regions to maintain the name of the suzerain of the Han Dynasty.

After unification in the future, with this name, the big man has a reason to continue to operate the Western Regions.

After all, since ancient times.

Feng Yong's promise means that Zhang will be under his cover in the future.

Zhang Gong smiled gratifiedly: "This old man thanked you in advance."

After talking with Feng Yong, Zhang Gong looked at Zhang Hua who had been standing beside him.

Feng Yong was inconvenient to listen to the internal affairs of the Zhang family, so he made an excuse to go out.

In the room, Zhang Gong confessed to Zhang Hua what happened behind him:

"Feng Yong is a man who leads the army and governs the people. He has power and strategy, which is rare in the world. You and Dalang are far inferior."

"Our Zhang family can only be an ally with it, not an enemy with it, let alone learn from those aristocratic families, remember, remember!"

In May of the eleventh year of Jianxing, Zhang Gong died.

Feng Yong deliberately stayed in Dunhuang to mourn for Zhang Gong.

At this time, Wu Wei sent a letter.

The letter was sent by the governor's office, signed by Guan Ji and Zhang Xiaosi.

After Feng Yong looked at it, his eyes were awe-inspiring.

Because there is a suggestion above: Request to send troops to live in Yanze in advance to completely stabilize Liangzhou.

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