Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 916 Farce

The eleventh year of Jianxing of the Han Dynasty was also the seventh year of Taihe of the Wei State.

Since becoming the throne, Cao Rui felt that he had never been in a good mood.

So he has always disliked the reign title "Taihe".

In the early spring of this year, someone in Mopo (later Jia County, Pingdingshan, Henan) saw a green dragon rushing out of the well and flying into the sky.

At the same time, the first thunder of spring came from the sky, and then rain fell on the land of Wei.

This matter spread uproar in the Central Plains, and was soon reported to the imperial court.

After reading it, Cao Rui asked, "What is the sign of this?"

The Taishi order came out and said:

"In ancient times, there was a well field. The so-called seeing a dragon in the well means 'seeing a dragon in the field'; a dragon flying in the sky can be called 'a flying dragon in the sky'."

"This is a sign that His Majesty has worked hard for several years since he took the throne, and will eventually achieve something."

When Cao Rui heard this, he felt sad instead of happy.

In the Great Wei Dynasty, there were Liaodong and Xianbei in the north, Shu bandits in the west, and Wu captives in the south. Even in the sea to the east, Wu people and Liao people often had boat exchanges.

It can be said that there are enemies on all sides.

In the first year of his accession to the throne, Wu Lu violated Jingzhou.

In the second year, the people of Shu committed crimes in Longyou.

Then Xianbei invaded Xinjiang, Liaodong secretly communicated with Wu Lu, and so on.

In order to appease the anger of the Hu people, Tian Yu had to be transferred away from Youzhou.

Then he had to pinch his nose again, admitting Gongsun Yuan's status in Liaodong, who had seized the uncle's position, and even had to give him an official promotion.

Then came the battle of Shiting, and the battle of Xiaoguan...

Great Wei Kong had the land of Kyushu, but was harassed by thieves from all directions.

Not to mention that even Liangzhou and other places have been taken away by the Shu bandits.

It's fine if there are strong bandits outside, but there are aristocratic families inside.

Thinking of these years, for the sake of the world, I have been struggling to my left and right, and I can't sleep without food.

The majestic Son of Heaven who sits in the middle of the world, fell into such a state, it is really sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who hear it.

I think so, but to say yes is to say good things.

But seeing Cao Rui's expression of surprise was just right: "What's the explanation?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the so-called 'seeing the dragon in the field' is the ninety-two lines of the Qian Gua, and it refers to your majesty's attainment of the position of Great Treasure."

"It's just that the well looks like an abyss, and it also means that a hidden dragon should not be used. It is a metaphor for your majesty to pay attention to governing the way after ascending to the great treasure, and not to move lightly on state affairs."

"Thus in the past few years, His Majesty's repeated use of swords and soldiers has caused the country's affairs to go wrong."

"Fortunately, Qianlong is now flying into the sky, which means that the troubles of Wei Dynasty have passed, and His Majesty can develop his ambition."

Taishi ordered some explanations, which made Cao Rui feel ashamed:

"So that's the case, today I know the mistakes of the past..."

Hearing the conversation between the monarch and his ministers, many ministers in the court looked sideways at Tai Shiling:

You can really talk!

Before the Battle of Shiting, how many generals were secret letters and strong admonitions, just trying to dissuade His Majesty and order Cao Xiu not to rush in rashly.

In the end, it was not persuaded.

Before the Battle of Longyou, several important ministers wrote letters and spoke bluntly, just wanting to persuade His Majesty to rest and recuperate, and not to start military affairs lightly.

In the end, His Majesty let Cao Zhen lead the army to conquer Shu.

After the two battles, the foundation accumulated by Emperor Wu and Emperor Wen was completely defeated.

You just stood up today and said that you should not use Qianlong at that time, and see the dragon in the field.

Now you can fly in the sky...

After the Shu bandits annexed Liangzhou, Da Sima went to Guanzhong to garrison himself, and it took less than two years for Da Wei to stabilize.

Now you are telling us to "flying dragons in the sky"?

Long your mother!

Why don't you go to heaven?

The important ministers looked at the conversation between Cao Rui and Tai Shiling with blank expressions.

Seeing this, Cao Rui couldn't hold back, forced a smile and said:

"What do you think about this?"

At this time, both Cao Xiu and Cao Zhen died, and only two of the four auxiliary ministers remained.

Sima Yi led the army outside, and Chen Qun, who stayed behind in Luoyang, became the head of the important ministers.

At this time, he will be the first to stand up, with a dead face:

"Your Majesty, the Qianlong was not used in the past few years, so everything was difficult in the Great Wei Dynasty. If the flying dragon descends in Tianxiangrui today, it is a sign from the heavens that His Majesty will work hard to rule."

"When a dragon flies in the sky, it flies clouds and spreads rain in all directions, just as your Majesty cultivates political principles and bestows grace on the people. A country should be based on the people, and the people should be based on food and clothing."

"If Your Majesty can make China free from hunger and cold, and the people have no desire to leave the superior, then the so-called knowing the time, you can sit back and wait for the thieves to provoke you when the time comes."

It doesn't matter how you brag about auspiciousness, but if you want money and food, then you definitely don't have it.

The Battle of Shiting and the Battle of Xiaoguan have caused the Central Plains to suffer from hunger and cold, and the people are suffering from renunciation.

If you act recklessly again, you're really going against the sky, so you'd better think about it carefully.

In the past few years since Cao Rui ascended the throne, he has repeatedly tried to establish his own authority, but all of them ended in failure.

Emperor Wei Ming of the original history could go his own way and turn a deaf ear to the suggestions made by his courtiers.

But now, he had to appear humble and teachable.

Otherwise, under the watchful eyes of powerful enemies, the king and ministers of the Great Wei could not concentrate on internal conflicts, lest thieves would take the opportunity to enter.

At that time, Cao's fear is that he will not be able to fall into the position of Duke Shanyang!

"The teachings of the company, I will remember it in my heart. But since the auspiciousness comes down from the sky, we must make some changes to adapt to the right time..."

As soon as Cao Rui said this, Shang Shuling Chen Jiao, Shaofu Yang Fu and others wanted to get up immediately.

"So I want to change the yuan, what do you love?"

Oh, it's Yuan, that's all right.

Several people sat back again.

After all, auspiciousness descended from the sky, so changing the Yuan is the right thing to do.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Mopo is not too far away from Luoyang, so Cao Rui decided to visit the well with the green dragon in person, and the most important thing was to pay homage to it.

Then in February it was announced that it would be officially changed to Qinglong, telling the world that there was a Qinglong in the Great Wei Dynasty.

In March, when the news reached the state of Wu, Sun Quan secretly ridiculed him.

It's natural to understand such things as heaven's auspiciousness.

There was a phoenix in Cangwu back then!

Before Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor, there were Huanglong and White Pheasant.

Before Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, Huanglong also appeared near Jincheng.

Who hasn't played this set yet?

So what Sun Quan laughed at was not Jiang Rui, but Cao Rui.

It is auspicious for mortals to see a new great treasure, or a country that is about to prosper.

Given the state of Wei's current state of losing land and suffering repeated defeats, they actually claimed to have a vision.

I don't know if someone is cursing Cao Rui's early death so that Wei Guo can be reestablished as a new leader, or do they think that Wei Guo's fortune is not long and they want to establish a new dynasty?

Now, in order to save the last bit of face, he actually did such a ridiculous thing. It seems that Cao Rui's life is really hard.

Sun Quan smiled secretly, and happily received the envoy from Liaodong.

Although the envoy sent to Liaodong last year was intercepted and killed by the Wei people on the way back, after all, they formally established contact with Liaodong.

No, as soon as the spring of this year began, Liaodong sent envoys to profess a minister to Wu.

Gongsun Yuan was originally appointed by Cao Rui as General Yang Lie and the prefect of Liaodong.

Reciting Wei to Wu now is enough to show that people's hearts are against each other.

More importantly, with Liaodong, Wu has a source of war horses.

Emperor Wu was happy, so he decided to make Gongsun Yuan the king of Yan and pardon the world.

In March, Emperor Wu decided to send Taichang Zhang Mi, Jinwu Xu Yan, and General He Da to lead an army of 10,000 people, carrying gold and silver treasures, rare and exotic goods, and Jiuxi to Liaodong.

One is to show the grandness of the canonization ceremony, and the other is to bring back more horses.

The scale is large and the specifications are large.

Unexpectedly, this decision was opposed by all courtiers.

Prime Minister Gu Yong advised:

"Gongsun Yuan just sent envoys to pay tribute to the state of Wu. He has never made any contribution to the state of Wu. His majesty treats him so favorably. Is it too much favor?"

"Why don't you send soldiers to send the Liaodong envoys back first, and listen to them more to see what they think. In the future, when I, Great Wu, go north to attack the bandits, if Gongsun Yuan can really respond to the raising of troops, it won't be too late to confer titles."

Sun Quan was displeased:

"Gongsun Yuan traveled thousands of miles to send envoys to proclaim his vassalship to me. His sincerity can be clearly seen. Treating him favorably now is an act of buying a bone with a thousand dollars."

"If it's Bo Zhi, who is willing to submit to Wu in the future?"

Hearing Sun Quan's words, Zhang Zhao, the head of the group of ministers, all his hair and beards stretched out, suddenly stood up and came out, loudly saying:

"The land of Liaodong is only a county, and it is also bitterly cold. Gongsun Yuan pretends to be a minister on the surface, but actually controls the land. My country of Wu can't send officials to rule it, let alone collect taxes."

"Moreover, Gongsun Yuan was just afraid that the Wei State would crusade against Liaodong, so he had no choice but to send people to rescue him. It's probably not his original intention to become a minister."

"If Your Majesty wants to confer him a title like this, then in the future, someone will bring a county into our country of Wu and make meritorious deeds. How should His Majesty thank you?"

Although Zhang Zhao is old, he has a bad temper and a straight personality.

This remark was very blunt, which made Sun Quan a little annoyed:

"Liaodong has sent people over several times. Gongsun Yuan has already understood his intentions. How can he say that he didn't mean it? Doesn't Zhang Gong's behavior make the world laugh at Wu Guo's intolerant chest?"

Zhang Zhao sneered and said:

"Then I dare to ask Your Majesty, if Gongsun Yuan changes his mind and wants to make himself known to Wei, then I, the Great Wu Taichang, Zhi Jinwu, and the general will not be allowed to return. Wouldn't the people in the world laugh at me?"

That Gongsun Yuan is really only the prefect of a county, but he wants the state of Wu to send out Taichang, one of the nine ministers, and Zhi Jinwu, who is the same as the nine ministers, to perform the etiquette of canonizing him as a king.

This is enough for the world to laugh at.

Sun Quan became more and more angry, almost quarreling with Zhang Zhao in court.

Zhang Zhao, however, refused to give in at all.

One is a monarch in his fifties, and the other is a veteran in his seventies.

Both of them can be regarded as old people, but when they argued, they were like young and vigorous young men, their faces flushed.

The two sides were deadlocked.

In the end, Sun Quan stood up angrily, gritted his teeth and followed the way of the sword:

"Scholars of the Wu Kingdom worship me when they enter the palace, and worship the king when they leave the palace. My respect for Duke Zhang is also extremely high!"

"I have called myself Zhen for several years, but above the court and in front of hundreds of officials, I have been insulted and humiliated by you several times. Is it really going to test how long I can endure?"

As soon as these words came out, murderous intent arose.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhao was not afraid at all, and looked directly at Sun Quan:

"Although the old minister knows that His Majesty doesn't want to listen to the old minister's words, he still doesn't know what is good or bad to give advice every time. It is because the Empress Dowager called the old minister to her bedside before her death, and entrusted His Majesty to the old minister's ear."

In the end, I burst into tears.

Sun Quan almost vomited blood!

here we go again!

Above the court, in front of all the officials, talking about the Queen Mother's will, what else could Sun Quan do besides throwing his sword and weeping with Zhang Zhao?

Zhang Zhao originally thought that Sun Quan had changed his mind after crying with him in the court hall.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Sun Quan turned around and returned to the palace, he immediately issued an edict, and still sent Taichang Zhang Mi and Jinwu Xu Yan to Liaodong as originally planned.

When Zhang Zhao heard about this, he was furious and complained that Sun Quan did not listen to his words, so he said that he was ill and could not go to court.

When Sun Quan lost face, he also resented Zhang Zhao's behavior of disregarding the king's face, so he sent someone to seal the gate of Zhang's house with soil.

Zhang Zhao didn't give in at all, and also blocked the gate inside with soil.

The two people who are both monarchs and ministers, but also masters and apprentices, have created a farce.

There are farces in both Wei and Wu countries, and Liangzhou is not idle.

General Guan and Secretary Zhang who stayed in Wuwei sent an urgent letter to Inspector Feng in Dunhuang, requesting to send troops to Juyanze and Duyeze as soon as possible.

And the people who came to deliver the letter were beyond the expectations of Governor Feng.

One is Han Long, who has disappeared for a long time, and the other is Shi Bao, who has been wandering around with Zhao Guang, looking for a qualified horse from the barbarians in the northern desert.

"I have seen the prince."

"There is no need to be formal."

Governor Feng was very happy when a master came back to him.

Han Long was not in the mood to talk about the reunion with Governor Feng, but he said anxiously:

"Your Majesty, there may be changes in Bingzhou."

Feng Yong's expression froze:


Bingzhou is on the east side of Hetao.

If Guanzhong wants to be safe, it must be Hetao, and if it wants to settle Hetao, it cannot avoid Bingzhou.

"Don't panic, sit down first, have a sip of tea and talk slowly."

After coming to Dahan for so many years, fighting wits and bravery with ancient monsters, digging big holes for aristocratic families, fighting against famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, traveling all over the world, Feng Cishi is no longer the boy he was back then.

He screened all the servants away first, then poured a cup of tea for Han Long himself, and said calmly.

At the same time, he did not forget to signal Shi Bao to be free.

This is his temporary residence, in the yard next to the Dunhuang prefect's mansion, not far from the Zhang family, very convenient.

Shi Bao was overwhelmed by the flattery, and hurried forward, poured tea for Governor Feng first, and then sat down at the bottom.

"Didn't Mr. Han go to Youzhou?"

"Someone went back to Youzhou, stayed there for a year, and then went to Bingzhou."


"Ke Bineng!" Han Long may have been in a hurry, took a big sip of tea, and then continued, "A few years ago, the former guard Tian Yutian Guorang, the former guard of the Wuhuan school, suppressed and divided the Hu people."

"So Ke Bineng in the north of Youzhou could not unite the Hu people. Later, Tian Guorang was transferred from Youzhou, and the governor of Youzhou, Wang Xiong Wang Yuanbo, took measures to appease the Hu people."

"Kebi Neng took the opportunity to annex all the tribes, and his power greatly increased. Fortunately, Budugen of Bingzhou had a feud with Kebi Neng who killed his brother."

"Last year, Budugen lured Ke Bineng's subordinates to return to the mud, so that Ke Bineng failed to unify the barbarians in the north of Youzhou."

This happened last year, but Bingzhou is too far away from Liangzhou, let alone Youzhou.

And it was news from the barbarians in the grassland, so Feng Yong didn't know about it at all.

Ke Bineng always wants to reproduce the grand occasion of Xianbei in the Tanshihuai era, so he can be regarded as a relatively ambitious Xianbei adult.

"Kebi's failure to unify the Hu people's tribe, is it a good thing for the people of Youbing Erzhou?"

Regardless of the standpoint, if Kebi can really unify the grassland tribes, it will be the northern people who will suffer.

"It's indeed a good thing, but it's different now. This is the reason why a certain person came here to find the Lord."

Han Long couldn't help lowering his voice:

"Ke Bi Neng is definitely not an ordinary person. He didn't care about Bu Dugen's actions last year. He wanted to lure Bu Dugen to attach himself and cause chaos to merge the state..."

"Your Majesty, think about it, if Kebi can join forces with Budugen, then the Hu people are afraid that Tanshihuai will be in danger again!"

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